Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Courage The Cowardly Dog VS Strategy Guide

Happy 2025 everyone, I realized something a while ago. I am someone who greatly loves both Horror and Cartoons, and one of the best examples of BOTH in my book is Courage the Cowardly Dog. Courage is in my top 3 favorite Cartoon series, up there with Ed, Edd n Eddy and Animaniacs, but somehow I have NEVER Done a Deep Dive into it for one of my blogs in the 10 years that I’ve been doing this, How did ACTUAL Death Battle Beat me to this Series? Well today I’m gonna super correct that as We analyze How to be OP in Courage The Cowardly Dog!

Stellar Tier:

The First and ONLY Tier in Courage the Cowardly Dog, which contains everyone from Courage himself to the most obscure of background characters. Which is kinda just one of those things that is bound to happen when your Main character is portrayed as being both a Low Tier AND a Top Tier from moment to moment in this show. He just scales to everyone and everyone scales to him. Characters in this tier are well into the Large Star level power rating thanks to Many, MANY Consistent feats such as Courage literally screaming loud enough to Shatter the Sun, The Shadow from episode 2 moving around a constellation and becoming the Shadow of a Star, The Racket Alien being able to hit the Earth hard enough to make it rotate around the sun 1000 times in seconds, The Star Makers and Whale literally making, moving and consuming stars like nothing, and the US Military having weapons including a Monster Ray that can travel to and destroy stars casually, and rocket fuel that Launched Eustace into space which exploded into a Constellation of stars, both of which characters have tanked. As Far as Speed is concerned, Courage has dodged lasers, Killed a robot who could travel ‘Many Lightyears’ in a short time and Took on an entire army of Tree Monsters, fast enough to physically traverse the universe according to them, and chopped them to pieces. He was able to keep up with The Shadow and The Living Comet, both of which can fly to different star systems in seconds with total ease, and he once Pedaled a Bike-powered ship into a different galaxy in a short time, requiring speeds Billions of times Faster than the Speed of Light. So Large Star Level, Billions C will be the range for counters here.

To Go over some common abilities of the verse, Basically every character can seemingly breathe both underwater and in outer space completely uninhibited. Characters in this verse all possess Elasticity to stretch their bodies around to crazy lengths. They can endure extreme temperatures, including Heat hot enough to rapidly melt wood and porcelain into liquid, and cold enough to freeze them solid in seconds. Plus they also have the strange ability to just spatially remove their own body parts with no damage, and autonomously control them and even plug them into other bodies. This enables all the characters to survive things like decapitation or being broken to pieces and reassemble themselves back to normal, and even possess other bodies by putting their head on it. But the most common trait shared by the characters is just how impossible it is to permanently kill these characters thanks to their Regeneration. Characters like Courage and Eustace have casually regenerated from being torn to shreds, reduced to skeletons, smelted into liquid, vaporized into ash or dust, and even, while digitized, being broken down into scattered pieces of Binary code. The greatest potential feat of Courage’s regeneration, as Death Battle Pointed out actually, was when Courage turned himself into an explosion which briefly dissipated into nothingness without even Ash remaining, which suggests a Low Godly Healing Factor. I Personally wasn’t sure about this feat since this is done through Courage’s own shapeshifting and not real Damage he endured and could just as easily be invisibility or something, BUT in that same episode Eustace actually Self Destructs and leaves nothing behind at all as well, which essentially proves it. Low Godly Healing Factors are the ability to regenerate back even if Every Aspect of your entire physical being is eradicated, often coming back from your disembodied soul or mind, meaning you would explicitly need a higher plane Hax to kill them. This is even consistent with how the Courage cast interacts with the most dangerous Physical Plane Hax, Transmutation. While Transmutation DOES work on them, the Courage cast has shown to eventually be able to turn themselves back to normal on their own, such as Courage coming back from being turned into a Helicopter, Muriel Coming back from being turned into a Washing Machine, some Random Boat Captain coming back from being turned into a Soda Machine, and Eustace coming back from being Turned to Stone, smelted into a Statue, and being transformed into a Slab, a Wrecking Ball, and an Alien Chicken Monster.

Courage The Cowardly Dog takes place in Nowhere Kansas, a mysterious desert that is a Hotspot for weirdness in a way that would make Gravity Falls Blush. Courage is a small pink beagle who, despite being terrified, battles against the horrors that be to protect his adoptive family Muriel and Eustace Bagge. Despite his cute and cuddly appearance, Courage is an absolutely badass, supergenius cartoon hero who has quite a wild arsenal of impressive abilities that allow him to battle back these monsters. Courage can shapeshift his body into basically anything he can imagine, allowing him to disguise himself, turn completely invisible, Shrink himself down to cellular sized and back, amplify his own stats by making himself buff, change his state of matter into liquid or gas to travel through obstacles and have attacks travel through him harmlessly, and at one point even duplicate himself into 3 Courages. Courage is also a genius who could teach himself to fly a plane mid flight, become a fully licensed therapist in minutes, reconfigure a TV into an ultra bright laser in seconds to fry up a turnip monster, and build a super advanced Vacuum out of plane and windmill parts, that was powerful enough to not only insta clean a building sized mess, but suck in the Statue of Liberty, all in minutes. Skillswise, Courage is an expert sword fighter and super accomplished acrobat with advanced dexterity. He’s also a master martial artist to such a high degree of proficiency he overcame the Evil Empress in Hand to Hand combat, and she is a 4000 year old master of all combat. Also he has cartoon Duping powers so extreme that at one point he Duped a literal inanimate cannon ball with a disguise so thoroughly it stopped in mid air and flew around him. Courage can Teleport, Tunnel through the ground at crazy impressive speeds, Track the scents of others literally across the entire planet, and has Anti-Logia powers that let him pick up and carry a giant supply of water to his well, somehow trip a Tornado, and physically sew up a hole in the Ozone layer. He can howl to summon an army of Stat comparable Dogs from the surrounding area to aid him, and seemingly summon Mr. Mouse to take care of a problem for him at any time. Courage is a master Hypnotist, he’s mind controlled Eustace to think he's a frog, and then later made Muriel and Eustace regress to past life versions of themselves. His Hypnosis is so extreme it can even transmute its victim into what he convinced them they were, like when he Hypnotised Eustace to be the best most athletic version of himself, and later hypnotised a Dolphin to think its a Fish and his Trainer to think he's a Lizard and they both actually turned into a Fish and Lizard. Courage’s imagination can even leak into the real world, such as when he imagined a Light Bulb, whose heat allowed him to melt out of a frozen state, or when he seemed to turn Eustace into The Whip from his dream. Another power he commonly showcases is Immersion, able to digitize himself into his computer, travel from the computer through the Phone lines to Eustace’s Phone to grab something in the real world, and then go back in, and later exit the computer himself, giving him Digitization resistance. He later immersed himself and Muriel back to the farm through a Painting of it in France, and he and his Villain Le Quack were both able to make attacks from movies on televisions, come out from TVs to hit each other. Plus there's also a plethora of Magical Spells Courage has picked up over the course of the series that he can now freely use. Courage can Exorcise Demons out of people, Astral Project himself into Dreams to fight Nightmare creatures while his Body was still in the waking world, Lay Eggs that cure supernatural diseases, and use all the powers of the demonic magician Mondo, including teleporting things around him, transmutating stuff and pulling Eustace OUT from being immersed into the TV. Courage, and numerous of his villains have access to the Hammerspace power, allowing him to pull random objects out of thin air to aid him. Courage can pull out tons of simple objects through this including Ol Timey Cartoon Bombs, Chainsaws, Dog Sized Cannons, Welding Torches, Volatile Chemicals, an Alien Laser Gun that can disintegrate people on his tier and Computer, a sentient Desktop which can tell him basically any information about any thing he needs to know. Two objects in particular Courage kept with him he could potentially pull out through this include The God Bone, a giant Bone so irresistible to Dogs they will be forced to lick it until they die, and more impressively, The Dark Matter Meteor. The Dark Matter Meteor is the Source of all the creepy stuff that happens in Nowhere, just by its existence, and has the general ability to Warp Reality. It can be used to control Minds, Transmute matter, alter Gravity, Change the Weather, Force people to dance against their will, manipulate size to turn Courage into a Kaiju, and even affect the very animation style. That last bit leads into Courage’s Fourth Wall Awareness which allows him to see and be hit by the camera, block and interact with the Iris-In and talk to the audience directly. Resistance wise, Courage has shrugged off multiple diseases including an Alien Plague that forces you to beat yourself to death, lycanthropy from the Weremole’s bite, and the mental effects of the Curtains of Cruelty and Kindness, the God Bone, and the Hypnosis of Le Quack and the King of Flan.

To Talk about some other characters for a spell, Muriel is very consistently shown to have minor Gravity Manipulation, that lets her walk on ceilings, as well as being able to resist the Personality and Emotional Manipulation of the Curtains of Cruelty and Kindness with no effect. Eustace was also able to resist the respective curtains as well as more impressively, Dr. Zalost’s depression cannon balls, with the Doctor just stating Eustace is immune to emotions. Eustace also was able to use immersion to enter into a record player and come back after being sealed in place of The Thinker in a statue. Psychopathic asshole Di Lung, is a genius and mystical inventor, whose inventions include a potion that creates armies of Monsterous Severed Arms that chase after and attack people, a Magic Mirror that can spy on people, a Formula that can transmutate people into random animals, a launcher that can launch people around the entire planet, and most impressively, Mecha Courage, a robot who can outperform courage in combat and has tons of crazy and violent gadgets inside. There's a few Other Evils Supergenius’ in this series like Katz, who has an Army of Giant Spiders, gear that can transmutate you into random machinery and Logia jelly monsters, or Le Quack, who has the ability to hypnotise people, and many useful abilities he shares with Courage such as Hammerspace, Regeneration, Immersion and Absolute Plane interaction. Doc Gerbil, the Incredibly Creepy mad scientist, can also transmutate matter in various unspeakable ways, including a Vacuum can shrink foes down to the size of mice. The Great Fusilli can transform people into Puppets, The King of Flan was able to mind control everyone in Nowhere at once and Dr. Zalost can fire cannon balls that intangibly phase into people and rob them of their happiness, giving crippling depression so bad they can’t move. But the most dangerous of these Genius type characters is Snowman, formerly the last of a race of Sentient Snowmen from the north pole. He is so smart he was able to extract anti-melting genes from people to cure himself from melting in high temperatures, and later invented his signature weapon, the Snowfinger, which boosted his already impressive Cryokinetic powers to the point he could turn all of the desert biome of Nowhere into his new West Pole, with temperatures so cold lifeforms would become frozen in place instantly. Also, as a Snowman, his logia body will automatically regenerate from literally Anything as long as it's cold enough, as shown the his friends returned from being melted centuries ago once the Ozone layer was fixed.

There is a wide variety of Alien species seen in this show, including Agent SP-5, who can shapeshift her body into any form and spit corrosive acid, The Brain Aliens who can isolate and remove personality traits from people including Kindness or Fear, and Courage’s oldest foe, Chicken from Outer Space. This Chicken can instantly regenerate lost limbs and was even able to shrug off being turned into a headless, fried chicken dinner. He wields Ray Guns that can disintegrate whole mountains and transmutate objects with their light speed beams, and lays Eggs that transmutate anyone who consumes them into an evil chicken monster. This series is also host to a lot of different Ghosts. Ghosts in this series have a variety of standard powers including invisibility, levitation, intangibility and telekinesis, but more powerful ghosts have additional abilities on top of this. The three most powerful Ghosts in the series include King Ramses, an ancient Mummy spirit whose powers include Clairvoyance, Teleportation, Immense Hydrokinesis that can summon floods from Midair, Summoning an Evil Record player that deals damage based on how bad the song is, Transmutating people into part of an ancient slab, and most terrifying, summoning a Scarab Beetle swarm that can eat things down to nothingness in seconds. The McPhearson Phantom can Conjure any object or living creature imaginable and insert them into any location, including supernatural creatures like Finger Eating Termites. She can also Possess people, make things Spontaneously Combust with her mind, Detect the emotions of others, control water and liquids, and use Immersion to enter into things like Ink blots. And lastly there is The Spirit of the Harvest Moon, a Haunting floating head who has many powers already stated, as well as the ability to transmutate matter such as turning water into sand, or raise the temperature so hot it can actually Melt people to liquid. There's a Couple Gods in this tier as well, like the Goose God, who has control over various elements like Ice, Lightning and Clouds, and can manipulate and fill things with Life energy or take it away, like when he created and then destroyed an endless field of flowers. There's also The Storm Goddess, who has Control over Rain, Wind, Lightning and Clouds.

Now let's get to discussing the various different Magic users in this series, including The Magic Tree of Nowhere, a talking Tree who can use precognition to see the Future, and can warp reality to create any object, project entire movies from his leaves, and even use biological manipulation to give others diseases, though he Does have a weakness of being immobile. The Evil Empress is a 4000 year old master of Chinese Martial Arts, which granted her various magical powers including Levitation, Laser Vision, Telekinesis, Shapeshifting and Teleportation of self and others. Big Bayou is a giant, Highly Venomous cajun snake, who Knows potent Black Magic, able to remotely give someone horrible diseases, and send messages through said diseases, magically bind people into slave like servitude to himself, and potentially create armies of voodoo snakes to serve him out of his own shed skin. There's also Mondo, a magical demon with super advanced Teleportation abilities, able to teleport himself, others, and objects in basically any way he wants, as well as use Transmutation to turn people into several kinds of animals, a head of Cabbage, or curse Muriel to turn into a demon like him. Mondo can also Breathe Fire, and use immersion to do things like just Put Eustace into a TV where he could interact with whatever was on their tv set at the time. But the most powerful Magic user in the series is none other than Shirley The Medium.

Shirley is a Gypsy Chihuahua who can directly contact the dead, and summon spirits to speak through her. She has clairvoyance that allows her to find lost items, spy on people across the entire world, and know how to stop any supernatural entity. Shirley’s greatest power is her ability to Curse people, warping reality to make them suffer as she sees fit. She can both curse someone or lift other curses off of them from any remote distance away, and these curses can have whatever features she wishes. Some of her curses include, making people become plagued by an ever present raincloud or illusions of monsters, sealing foes inside of Music like that of Vinyl Records or CDs, Transmutating people into food, Mind Manipulation people into stealing from each other forever, and even summoning unstoppable taylor made monsters that can only be defeated through specific weaknesses she programs in them.

There's a handful of Elementals to note, including The Shadow, sentient Darkness that can Shape its body however he wants, attack people by harming Their Shadows, dealing the same effect to their normal body as a result, and is has a fear aura so strong, he could scare Nonsentient things like Ice Cream into melting into a puddle. The Fog being is an entity made of Fog that can flood an entire area with its mass and use Spatial Manipulation to make things disappear in the fog and keep people separated in it forever. And most notably, The Black Puddle Queen is an amphibious Water creature that can manipulate water and storms in any conceivable way. She can make dimensional portals via water, cast illusions, hypnotise people, sense what's happening around any water source, and turn her body into water, steam or even light refractions.

There's a few more random monsters running around so let's just go through them rapid fire to finish up. We got digital entities like Computer and The Virus who can Digitize people into software, The Mattress Demon who possesses people and can vomit turrets of slime, Weremoles that have crazy burrowing powers and can turn others into Weremoles with their bite, and The Pied Piper who can control whole armies of rats, OR people with his flute music. There's a Monster in Eustace’s Brothers Money box that can Drag you into a dimension made of Money, with no where to spend it, Big Toe, a mobster fungus who possesses those infected with it, and is immortal so long as people keep getting the fungus infection, A Mummy who could ensnare people in mummy wrappings, and a Vampire Cat who can Drain life energy from people even at a distance, as well as Shapeshift and Hypnotise people with a glance. And for our final 3 creatures we have Death, a Grim Reaper figure who has Death Hax that can kill anything on touch and Decay manipulation that can turn food into ashes. The SandMan, a Dream lord who can fly, hear the sound of people sleeping across the planet and hone in on individuals and most notably can steal one's ability to sleep and imbue it to himself or others. And Lastly, Mr. Nightmare, a Freddy Kruegar parody character who exists on the Mental Plane, able to control dreams like a reality warper, attack with clawed hands and somehow see the physical plane too while this is going on.

So after all that, what would be some good strategies to use? Some common problems are the need to destroy the characters past what they can regenerate from, essentially meaning Higher plane hax are necessary, especially with all the incorporeal ghosts around. They also need to be able to hit at least up to the Mental Plane as characters like Mr. Nightmare are a thing to consider. With common powers in this verse including Transmutation and Disease Manipulation not actually having a physical body to affect yourself would be a great strategy to use against them. The Character also would need some strong mental defenses to deal with the various mind control and manipulation powers this verse can dish out. And they also need to have a wide variety of dimensional movement options given all the various ways there are to just seal you away, that takes me into my first counter.


Hecate, the Witch of The Moon from Saint Seiya would excel here. While not a super high tier character from her verse, Hecate has awoken her Seventh Sense, which others have used to destroy Stars with just one hit, putting her in the same raw power tier as the Courage cast. Speedwise, Hecate is over 105 Million times the speed of light from a direct feat of reforming her body in minutes after being reduced to Stardust spread over 1,000 Lightyears. While this is notably Slower than the Courage cast, as the very nature of that feat should imply, Hecate is REALLY Hard to kill, basically turning herself into the Sun Wukong of the series. Hecate has an Immortal Lifespan, is completely self sustaining, not requiring Food or Oxygen to live, and has insane regeneration, able to actively restore herself on the Atomic level using her cosmos, and even passively return from complete destruction so long as The Moon’s Light exists. While this isn’t quite as impressive as the unconditional Low Godly regen some of the Courage Cast sports, it's still good enough to mean basically no one in the entire series can kill her with raw force, as being a few times stronger than someone isn’t nearly enough to Atomize them, which requires closer to a Billions of times power difference. Hecate is extremely intelligent, being a millenia’s old trickster who has matched wits with the literal gods of Wisdom and Time, and Has been in multiple fights in the past as well and thus shouldn’t have much of a problem matching the impressive mental stats of the verse. She is proficient in the use of Cosmos, which essentially allows one the ability to Manipulate Atoms, giving her the ability to Atomize enemies and completely control the Atoms of her own body, the latter of which is extremely important as it essentially means the super common Transmutation ability this series loves to use has no chance of working on her as she can just prevent her atomic structure from being altered or restore it back to normal. Cosmos also allows the user to hit and interact with intangible entities up to and including the Conceptual Level, such as when the Saints battled the personification of Mankind's sins, so any of the Ghosts, Spirits, Logia monsters or Dream creatures are not going to be able to phase through her attacks. Hecate can Fly using her broom, Teleport herself, shapeshift into a Crow, Reflect attacks Back to sender which would be devastating against those that require them to use their powers like Dr. Zalost, Mondo, The Gods and possibly even Shirley depending if it works on curses, and she's even unlocked both the Sixth and Seventh Senses. The Sixth Sense grants her a suite of Psychic powers including Telekinesis that can be used to induce paralysis, which helps to cut down on their speed advantage, and the ability to sense incoming threats even from other dimensions. Unlocking this most likely means she has strong mental defenses as well which should be at least high enough to prevent any of the various mind control abilities that could be thrown at her. The Seventh Sense on the other hand, allows the user to resist Law Manipulation, preventing them from being warped along with the rest of reality, which would protect Hecate from being manipulated by Courage’s Dark Matter Meteor, arguably the series’ biggest threat. The Seventh Sense also compensates for any of the lower 6 senses the person may have lost, including their Mind as that is what the 6th sense is, so even If some of the Mind Manipulation abilities would affect Hecate, she does not actually need her mind to continue fighting. So Hecate can Survive their physical attacks, shrug off most of their direct hax like Transmutation, Death Hax and Mind Manipulation, and score hits on them via her Paralysis, Anti-Intangibility and Attack Reflection, but how could she actually kill them? Even atomic scale destruction doesn’t mean anything to a Low Godly Healing Factor, and even Conceptual Planar attacks might not be enough to work considering they are able to interact with Metafictional Stuff. But that's where we get Hecate’s best magical spell, the ability to create an illusion that traps people and causes them to walk in circles forever. This was able to work even on Shun, one of the legendary Saints of Athena, and a more impressive feat of mental manipulation than any Courage character has broken free from, which Should be able to trap them. That said Hecate isn’t completely invincible in this verse as the various Sealing Powers such as immersing her into Media are definitely not something she's ever had to defend against before. And while things like her Psychic Super Senses and potentially the power of Miracles could allow her to avoid being trapped in one, if someone lands this they win. For a safer option, 

Carrie Kruegar:

Carrie from The Amazing World of Gumball series. Carrie is physically relevant to Gumball, which isn’t that impressive for power with even his most generous feats ‘only’ being Planet level, but is great for speeds cause Gumball, Darwin and Sussy were able to jump into what appears to be the center of the Galaxy in about 5 seconds, which puts her right in the perfect speed range here at Billions of times lightspeed. Carrie is a Ghost and is naturally an intangible entity who is actually so intangible that even characters with metafictional interaction like Gumball and Darwin cannot touch her, meaning the only Courage characters that COULD harm her are other Ghosts. Carrie’s Body is not made of matter, in fact it is said to be made of nothing at all, unable to show up in mirrors or photographs, and thus will not be able to be transmutated, as even Gumball who has really high end matter manipulation powers cannot manipulate her body. Carrie is an incredibly wise spirit, being 327 years old, and able to recognize Curses on site and knows numerous Witchcraft spells to combat them, she is shockingly well prepared for this series. Like most Ghosts, Carrie can Levitate, turn herself invisible and use Possession, something that should be effective on most Courage characters as Ghosts in Gumball can even possess Other Ghosts. But Carrie has a little bit more advanced abilities than just that. She can Teleport herself and others, use Telekinesis for attacks and defense, and cast illusions to mess with the characters super senses, making her extremely hard to pin down. Ghosts in Gumball have the inherent ability to Immerse themselves into forms of Media like Film or Photos, and Carrie can freely create dimensional portals or even teleport to and from the Underworld at will, making her pretty much impossible to seal away and totally able to use this power against them. Carrie can also seal beings in Energy fields using circles of Pepper, and use various incantations to rip someone's spirit out or even remove aspects of someone's personality like Jealousy or Love, similar to The Brain Aliens, which would be potential oneshot hax against many of these characters. Additionally if given access to a Spellbook she could potentially pull out other powers including Time Travel, Matter Manipulation or Necromancy. That said, It is unknown how Carrie would react to multiple of the Hypnosis attacks in this verse and while stealth is her strong suit, if she gets blindsided by one of those its possible she could lose

The Darkness of Th’Gol:

Th’Gol from Invader Zim is a true cartoon terror who certainly fits the tone of this series. Originally the Darkness that encompassed All of existence before the Big Bang, Th’Gol was weakened by the universe's Light and sealed away on our very Moon. But even in this weakened State, Th’Gol is on par with Entities who can Kick the Earth into the freaking Sun in seconds and comparable in speed to Irken Tech that can fly to the other side of the universe in 6 months. This puts Th’Gol on the lower end of power, but still able to keep up with these characters. Th’Gol is darkness itself, and His body is completely impossible to physically harm or interact with, even GIR who is capable of grabbing everything from Dark Energy to Meta Dialogue Boxes, seemingly cannot touch him, so The Courage cast likely cannot as well. Th’Gol is unable to be Transmutated, due to lacking Matter of any kind, and cannot be Mind Manipulated, due also to not having a mind, Heck he cannot even be Death Haxed cause he is a deathless entity. Th’Gol is also known for his ability to Consume Souls, apparently being able to do so to the entire Earth all at once if given the chance, and Soul Hax surprisingly doesn’t come up as a thing Courage characters have or resisted, giving Th’Gol an easy way to potentially kill every character including the Ghosts, possibly all at once. Only a few beings such as various killer robots could survive this, and they certainly wouldn’t beat Th’Gol in a prolonged fight. Now Th’Gol does have a weakness, that being Very Bright light weakens and could even destroy him, But, the Courage series doesn’t have a super easy way to capitalize on that, Even the Star Makers stars are very small in terms of light generation. Now the one really Dangerous thing this verse has to use on Th’Gol is the same thing that could potentially stop Hecate, Sealing. We know Sealing would be pretty effective on this entity that was successfully sealed for 1000 years. But that gets into what I think might be his greatest asset here, stealth. As seen with the Shadow in ep 2, The Courage cast has a hard time detecting entities that are just Made of Darkness. If he goes to attack the Earth it's actually quite possible no one will notice until it's too late and he takes everyone's souls for a GG. That said, obviously the threat of being sealed somehow or someone making a powerful light device are ways he could be defeated. For someone more safe…


Yup, she's back after all this time! Holo-Jane from the OK KO Series is a Level 3 Hero and should scale to Rad casually making a Continent sized crack on Planet X just by shaking hands with his Grandpa, or how he can react to characters with speeds Billions of times the speed of light, like Cosma who can travel to a different Nebula instantly. This is considerably weaker than the Courage Cast, but still fast enough to react to their attacks. Holo-Jane is a sentient Hologram, which already means she would not be able to be Transmutated due to lacking any form of matter to harm, cannot be mentally manipulated due to not technically having a mind, and cannot be Death Haxed due to lacking actual lifeforce, but she takes her nature way further than that. Holo-Jane is an image made of light, floating in the gaps between reality. This enabled her to realize she is a fictional character in a cartoon world, and gave her the ability to float into and out of different layers of Realness at will. Holo-Jane can make herself a nonexistent fictional character within the context of her world, or make herself More Real than the world she currently inhabits, allowing her to take apart the series she's in on the Metafictional plane. Not only would this make any attempt at Sealing her by the Courage cast completely useless, allow her to score hits on any intangible entity, and BFR people into other dimensions they likely cannot return from, but it also lets her knock characters back into the storyboards of the cartoon and even destroy their outlines. The Various Low Godly Healing Factors The Courage Cast can sport are impressive, but Metafictional Existence Erasure is definitely a bit outside of its paygrade. Now with the Courage characters ability to see and interact with Meta stuff like the Iris in at the end of episodes, means it IS possible for them to see and grab her and potentially stop her that way. But Holo-Jane’s Meta Spatial Manipulation is significantly more advanced than their own, Allowing her to interact with you from other planes of existence, manipulate perspective so that her opponent can’t be physically close to her, or enter into the Background art that characters cannot move through. The Courage Casts Metafictional Manipulation is a LOT more Basic than Holo-Jane’s and we’ve never seen them do anything other than see and touch it, so they would not be able to replicate these things. So if Holo-Jane plays this with any caution, there's essentially no way the Courage Characters can even affect her and she’d eventually delete everybody. But of course, she IS Holo-Jane afterall, for someone who feels more fair, my ultimate counter is…

Mega Man (Star Force)

Okay lastly we have Geo Stelar, the Mega Man from the Star Force series. Geo was powerful enough to battle the villain Sirius, who was able to telekinetically move a Supermassive Black Hole across the galaxy. He was also fast enough to directly travel from Earth to Sagittarius A in the center of the Milky Way at Billions of times the speed of light, making him the first and only counter I found who can actually match the Courage Cast in a fist fight. As an FM-ian/Human Hybrid, Geo’s Body is made entirely of EM Radio Waves, making him a data being naturally invisible and intangible to any normal physical object. This means he would be impervious to the Transmutation powers naturally found in this tier as he literally isn’t made of matter to alter. He also has several high end feats resisting Mind Control, Possession and Death Manipulation making him really difficult to effect at all through many of the common hax that keep coming up. Geo is able to completely control and corrupt any form of technology and would have no trouble taking care of characters like the Alien Robots, Computer or the Virus. His ability to enter into technology and exit from it also means he most certainly won’t be able to be sealed away into media by Mondo or Shirley. Geo has three powers that would be especially helpful to use against these characters offensively, the first being his attack reflection with his Reflect Battle Card to send any dangerous projectiles back to sender, The ability to Stop Time on a Metafictional Level given how he was able to Freeze the Tutorial of the game as a joke on the player, and the ability to use cards like Mirror’s Edge and Darkness Hole to kill these characters past their ability to regenerate via Sealing their Souls or Erasing them from Existence respectively. Ultimately, This Mega Man has exactly the right gear to do the job.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Verse Challenge: The League of Villains VS The Negative 10 (Jimmy Neutron VS Ben 10)


Happy Holidays everybody! This is a very special time for me as if you didn't know, this year officially marks the 10 year anniversary of me making these fun little vs blogs, so I wanted to do something special to celebrate! So today's topic is something I have been putting off for a LONG Time, but considering the occasion, I couldn’t think of anything more perfect. In the mid 2000s, during the height of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon’s rivalry, they each had long running popular cartoons, steeped in Sci-Fi and Aliens, and wouldn’t you know it, they both ended in almost the exact same way!

June 18th 2005 Jimmy Neutron came out with a 2 part special titled The League of Villains, where 10 of Jimmy’s old Evil Nemeses joined forces with each other to take their revenge against him.

Then on March 9th of 2008, The Original Ben 10 series came out with a final 2 part special titled Ben 10 Vs. Negative 10, where 10 of Ben’s old Evil Nemeses joined forces with each other to take their revenge against him.

These scenarios are almost identical and presented an immense boss rush challenge to both series’ heroes, requiring them to pull out all their stops and bring back a lotta call back characters and abilities to prevail, fitting of any final challenge.

BUT, It also led me to a question, If The League of Villains from Jimmy Neutron, and the Negative 10 from Ben 10 got into an All Out War against each other, Which Rogues Gallery would Prevail? Well Strap in because in THIS Verse Challenge, We are going to finally be answering Exactly That!


-This Scenario will be a 10 on 10 fight, with all members being assumed to remain loyal to and not betray their side for the duration for any reason. Both sides DID run into this problem but they both required manipulation from heroic characters that another villain group likely could not replicate.

-For the Purposes of this Battle, all involved characters will be analyzed as they were AT THE TIME they were members of their organization. This Doesn’t change anything for the Jimmy Neutron Side, but the Ben 10 series has Multiple canonical sequel series to consider. These Sequel Series Will be taken into account to properly scale these characters, However any clear upgrades or new abilities they might have gained since Classic will not be considered. They get only what one could reasonably interpret they could do in the Negative 10 Special.

-Both sides are Assumed to view the other as standing in their way of taking over the Earth and thus will go all out to win.

Alright so with that settled it's time to start talking about these two groups. Because the scaling is WAY Easier, we're gonna start things off with the League of Villains and go into what these villains are capable of. And the first thing to cover is their Strength and Durability. Jimmy Neutron in the Season 2 Ep ‘Out, Darn Spotlight’ was able to use his own physical Body to overpower and reverse an enormous Tornado SO Large, it extended thousands of miles into outer space!

Based on the shot of the Tornado in space, we can calculate the cyclone to be 13,077,000 Meters high, this is over 8.7 Thousand times larger than the largest Tornadoes in real life. Comparing the amount of power the largest tornadoes in the real world had and accounting for the fact the Tornado’s winds were clearly moving at MHS Speeds here, Jimmy doing this would be both tanking and overpowering 30.9 Gigatons of Kinetic Energy. And Jimmy is NOT some kind of Superhuman in universe, he is a normal, somewhat wimpy 10 year old boy that has been beaten up by regular Bullies who clearly injured him far more than this, this is simply how strong Normal People are in universe. As for how the League of Villains Scale, Even Baby Eddie, who is the weakest of the group and clearly physically weaker than Jimmy, was able to grapple with him briefly physically and thus would still somewhat downscale from this to be at least High City Level. Other Somewhat frail Human characters like Eustace and Calamitous have been able to fight Jimmy much more evenly in direct fights before, and the various actually superhuman Alien characters and Adult Human Warriors like The Junkman, Beautiful Gorgeous and The Space Bandits are all clearly Far Stronger than Jimmy. 

Speedwise, in the canonical Attack off the Twonkies Videogame, Jimmy is portrayed as being able to outrun natural Lightning attacks summoned from a cloud by an Electric Twonkie boss. Jimmy is established to be a physical slowpoke in universe and all the various members of the League of Villains would at least be able to keep up with him and more often than not surpass him in speed. But another important thing to address here is Reaction Speed, Jimmy, as well as his entire class from School, all have shown being able to pilot spacecrafts as they were traveling outside the observable universe in less than a day, giving Jimmy Neutron characters, including the League of Villains, Highly Massively Faster than Light reactionary speed, allowing them to potentially dodge or block attacks far faster than they could run.

Some other important things to address about The Jimmy Neutron cast before going into specific characters is how high they rate in 2 secondary categories, Intelligence and Skill. I will go into more detail with this on a case by case basis but to give a general rundown, Intelligence can vary widely within the JN series, with plenty of characters being cartoonishly stupid, but when characters are Smart, they are REALLY Smart. Jimmy is an over the top sci-fi supergenius who has numerous feats that would put him as a Level 5 Intellect on the Kardashev Scale such as manipulating Infinite Space, and a bunch of other characters in the series have been able to match his level of intellect or otherwise compete with him in various ways. Secondly, Skill. Jimmy Neutron isn’t the MOST Skilled Verse I know, but I think it may be the most Underratedly Skilled Verse I know! Even characters who are portrayed in universe as being uncoordinated klutz’s like Hugh and Mr. Wheezer have superhuman skill feats like defeating Plant Monsters with broadly superior stats to them outta sheer skill. The Actual Skill top tiers of the verse like Cindy or Sheen can do legitimately Supernatural Abilities like blatantly Levitate and Fly without limitation sheerly due to how skilled they are. The Skill of the League of Villains ranges among its members just like intellect, but a big difference compared to intellect is while the Skill Ceiling is crazy high, the Skill Floor is ALSO pretty high and all of these characters skill level is at least superhuman by our standards.

Going into individual Members, we’ll start with the de facto Leader of the League, King Goobot the Fifth. King Goobot is a Yokian, a species of gelatinous aliens whose slime-like bodies resemble green egg yokes with snail-like Eyestocks. For Mobility, they wear Egg shaped Exosuits composed of durable metal and glass, which perfectly surround their bodies and provide them with arms, a mouth and the ability to hover freely through the air. Goobot attempted to kidnap all the Adults from Retroville and offer them as a sacrifice to their God, a giant Alien Chicken named Poltra, but Jimmy stopped this from happening, which was apparently so humiliating for the Yokians that Poltra left them, and Goobot has been trying to get revenge on Jimmy ever since. King Goobot is the leader of a highly advanced Alien civilization stated to be Millions of years ahead of humanity from a scientific perspective. Goobot himself has personally shown intelligence feats such as Hacking Jimmy’s lab to lock him out of using it for a time, and figuring out how to use Jimmy’s DNA Regenerator to make a Poltra Clone. He also has rather high charisma and manipulation, somehow stupidly turning the entire town of Retroville against Jimmy just by giving them presents. He hasn’t shown direct melee combat feats but again, the skill floor in JN is rather high to begin with, and he has shown some pretty high end survivability at that, enduring his entire ship exploding with him inside, being thrown into space without his suit on, and his body being cooked sunny side up. As a Yokian Goobot’s suit would possess the standard issue abilities of Telekinesis and Teleportation, allowing him to make objects appear out of thin air and to move them with his mind. He’d also have access to numerous of his species' technology, including Electric Lances that can shoot shocking projectiles, Mind Control Helmets for controlling captured targets, and large warships equipped with Laser weapons and Tractor Beams that seem to put targets into Stasis.

Next up we got Jimmy’s OTHER Arch Nemesis, the Evil Mad Scientist, Professor Finbarr Calamitous! Once a Brilliant Scientist, Calamitous was made a laughing stock due to his seeming mental blocks that prevented him from finishing anything he started, including not only his inventions but also things like meals or even sentences. Having since taken Self help Classes (and ElectroShock Therapy) to mostly overcome this issue, he now seeks to Destroy the World as we know it and rule over its remaining ashes out of spite for this mockery, as well as Kill Jimmy for foiling his attempts to do this. Professor Calamitous is easily one of the smartest characters in the Jimmy Neutron series, personally Inventing Time Travel to escape from the Cretaceous Period, without any modern supplies, and being established to be almost as smart as Jimmy himself. While he’s not that much of a combatant normally, he typically wears a super strong, nine foot tall robot suit called the CalamiBot, which comes equipped with jet powered flight, and numerous projectile attacks such as an electric projectile that could disable Jimmy’s Robowalker in one hit, an extremely powerful Flamethrower, and a sleeping spray that knocked out Hugh for 6 straight hours on contact. Calamitous has also invented numerous other devices he could potentially have access to, including Spaceships, various robot suits that perfectly disguise him as another person, and Mechanical minions like flying buzzsaw drones and a giant Robot Snake he can control. The Best weapons he could pull out include his Ultimate Disintegrator, a laser weapon capable of melting all the snow off mount everest and punching holes through walls Jimmy himself could not damage, a Force Field capable of trapping Jimmy Neutron characters and vaporizing on contact, and an Evil CD that plays music at a frequency that bodily controls people to dance against their will for as long as they can hear it.

Going to the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the Alluring Evil Spy, Beautiful Gorgeous. Beautiful Gorgeous is Professor Calamitous’ Daughter who he raised from a young age to be evil like him, giving up her dream of becoming…a Professional Aglet Maker, to instead assist her mad father in his evil goals, and getting revenge on those that have foiled his plans. Beautiful Gorgeous is not a super genius like the previous two characters, but she more than makes up for it with her overall competence as an operative and Physical superiority to most of the Jimmy Neutron cast. Gorgeous is an unbelievably Skilled character, in this world where even Klutz characters have superhuman skill feats, She is stated to have Mastered 112 Different Martial Arts, and then got into a Melee Fight with Jet Fusion, who ALSO Mastered 112 Martial Arts and totally kicked his butt. On top of her unmatched Skill, she is also possibly the physically strongest member of the league, as she was able to Carry a gigantic torture device the size of a bus up the side of Mount Everast like it wasn’t a big deal. Arsenal wise, Gorgeous is a lot more simple, typically carrying a Speargun, a Grappling Hook and secret miniature Laser devices she can use to escape jams or as an impromptu weapon. She also at one point uses Hypnotism devices disguised as Candy to mind control Jet, though she has never used them in combat and thus may be nonstandard.

Next up let's talk about the intergalactic scavenger of the star system known only as The Junkman! The Junkman is a large, smelly four armed Alien who attacks isolated settlements and spaceships he happens upon, steals and kidnaps whatever he can and sells it for scrap on the alien black market. He is a heartless beast consumed only by greed, even literally selling his own mother for less than half the price of a Lamp. He isn’t much of a genius but he is rather tricky and manipulative and can build a lot of things out of the scrap he procures. His build is large and imposing, clearly being one of the physically strongest members of this group, and if that wasn’t unsettling enough he also has an extra pair of eyes on the back of his head. He typically carries a Laser Pistol that creates a concussive blast wherever it hits, as well as an Additional blaster like weapon that traps people in force field like Containment Spheres, suspended in midair, these Spheres cannot be broken by the JN cast. The Junkman also pilots a Spaceship, equipped with a tractor beam, lots of laser restraints and cells as well as an escape pod.

Going back to the human characters for a spell, let's talk about Eustace Strych. Eustace is the richest and most spoiled brat kid in the entire town, and possibly the world considering, he has immense jealousy of Jimmy for how his inventions out perform his more expensive and sophisticated tech and make him more popular, and thus as dedicated huge amounts of his money and time to trying to take revenge on him for his transgressions like a butthurt loser. Eustace is also not a genius, his advanced tech coming from a team of scientists he hires to make things for him with his basically inexhaustible wealth, that said Eustace Is rather intelligent and manipulative, using his high class social charm and bribery to sway others to his side. Eustace typically uses a mecha known as the TripodShip, a large building sized, 3 legged robot that can produce mechanical tendrils to grab foes, and fire a variety of projectiles including Lasers, Missiles and Immobilizing Goop. The Tripod ship was later upgraded to also be able to fly even through Outer Space, and be able to disable nearby technology with an electrical discharge attack. Eustace also has a few other devices he carries on his person, including an actual Lightsaber for melee combat, and various hidden cameras and spy devices. Other technology that Eustace has purchased before include his Robot Adaptoid (A Robot that can Copy anything it sees a Robot do with 10 fold power) a Razor Kite, a Stat Boosting Power Glove, Shrinking devices, Mind Reading Devices, and even a freaking Time Machine. However Eustace has never used any of those more things in combat and thus they may be non standard.

The Last Human character in this group, Baby Eddie Neutron is Jimmy’s infant Cousin who, much like Jimmy, inherited the same Genes that granted Jimmy his super intelligent mind. As such, despite Eddie’s age he is an incredibly intelligent evil genius, already perfectly capable of walking and speaking, and claims to already be outright Smarter than Jimmy himself. Even if you don’t want to take Eddie’s word for it, Jimmy also states that based on the sophistication of his plan, Eddie is the most dangerous intellect he had ever faced at the time, which would at the very least mean he is the smartest character in this group. He planned to Kill his great aunt Amanda, and any other family members in her Will, and frame Jimmy for doing it by causing his technology to go haywire, so that he could inherit the family fortune, but was exposed by Jimmy and now seeks revenge. Baby Eddie commonly uses his Rattle which he specialized to feature a Taser strong enough to disable Goddard in one hit, and worse yet produce targeted turrets of Deltawaves. Deltawaves are a specific wave on the electromagnetic spectrum that overload the powersource of any technology they touch, causing them to detonate in a deadly explosion. In addition to that, Eddie also could pull out his Fun Rings, size changing ring restraints that expand to surround their target and shrink till they crush them, they are too durable for JN characters to break.

Next up we have probably the most disturbing Villain on this list, the infamous Grandma Taters. She may look like a sweet old lady, but in reality she is a member of a race of Black-Eyed planet enslaving Aliens that just happen to look like that. Upon Coming to Earth, Taters created her own Mr. Rogers style Television program, which would Mind Control anyone who watched it longer than 30 seconds, turning them into creepy, dead-eyed overly happy zombies that would do her bidding. She nearly took over the entire city until Jimmy and Cindy managed to track her down and take her off the air, her swearing revenge. The Mind Controlling Hypnosis she can broadcast is far from the only trick that Taters has going for her. Grandma Taters is a deadly Alien Warrior who apparently can and has just straight up Eaten People. She is incredibly skilled with Nunchucks, attempting to Melee fight Cindy (The Most Skilled Character in the entire series) after seeing her take out several of her zombie army like nothing, likely meaning she's the second most skilled fighter in this group, only surpassed by Beautiful Gorgeous. Taters can also shoot lasers out of her eyes which can score hits on Goddard and short out technology indefinitely.

Lastly we have the 3 member group collectively known as The Space Bandits, Zix, Travoltron, and Tee. These three are intergalactic crooks who travel around the solar system robbing Banks, causing mayhem and apparently attempting to take over Galaxies according to Zix, but we’ve never seen them actually try that on screen. The Three have tried to rob Jimmy and his friends and even attempted to sell the citizens of his town as Toys on the Space Black Market, but Jimmy was able to stop and humiliate them every time. The three of them are somewhat skilled in combat, and Zix himself is a fairly wise and scheming criminal, although Travoltron and Tee are both kinda dumb by comparison. As members of a Lizard-Like Alien species, the three of them are able to communicate with Reptiles and Dinosaurs and convince them to do their bidding for them. They were also somehow able to survive floating out in the Vacuum of Space for multiple Weeks with no food or water and seemed basically fine. They All can spray a slime like substance from their gloves that seems to harden in such a way Jimmy could not get through it to access his lab when they sealed it off, and additionally carry Disruper Blasters, laser weapons that can harm JN characters. Their Spaceship is a former McSpanky's fast food restaurant building, which Jimmy suped up to survive the sun’s heat, fly through space, and use weapons that can melt entire buildings in one shot.

In terms of weaknesses, the League of Villains are known for being rather comedic cartoon villains and as such have several personality weaknesses, including being easily distracted, manipulated or even turned against each other by a silver tongued enough opponent. They often Don’t utilize their arsenals to the most effective degree, and are often rather prideful, underestimating their foes until they manage to get the jump on them.

Now time we look at the opposition, the members of The Negative 10, specifically as they were at the time of their organization! Now due to the nature of Ben 10 as a series where Ben constantly changes into different alien heroes, who each have different scaling, unlike Jimmy Neutron where the villains are broadly fighting against the same heroes, the scaling for these guys gets a lot more complicated and the members vary in their stats notably more. For simplicity's Sake, I am going to reserve talking about who scales to what specifically in their own sections, But to give an overview of the potential things these characters can scale to We need to discuss how strong Ben’s aliens were at the time of the Classic Series.

In The Classic Episode “Big Tick” Ben’s Alien Cannonbolt was able to destroy a giant building sized Alien Tick who regularly tanks being on exploding Planets. I calculated the amount of Force this Tick must endure to do this to be 56 Gigatons of force in my last prediction blog. Cannonbolt must have overcome this to defeat The Great One, and multiple of Ben’s other aliens scale to this feat as well. Fourarms was also able to break through this tick’s hide with his physical strikes. Kevin as Diamondhead has been able to endure a full beatdown from Fourarms and Aliens Ben got in later series such as Rath and Humogasaur are similar in power to Fourarms as well. A lot of Ben’s aliens do NOT scale to this to be perfectly clear and you can check my Ben 10 Alien Tier List to get more specifics on that, But this is what is most relevant for this blog at hand.

Speed wise, numerous of the classic aliens have or scale to Massively Hypersonic Speeds, including Heatblast and Stinkfly who each independently have direct feats outpacing Lightning, as well as Ben’s speedster Alien of the time XLR8. A Later alien Ben got, Fasttrack, who is established to be slower than XLR8 was once able to run fast enough to move two people to a safe distance away from an exploding grenade that exploded in their hand, before it reached them, which requires speeds of Mach 7,379.

Other than this setup, there aren't really much commonplace abilities to go over for The Negative 10, so let's get into the breakdowns of the individual members. 

First up, let's talk about the Leader of the Negative 10, The Forever King. Sir Driscoll was once a Member of Secret Intergalactic Police Force known as The Plumbers, but after he was dishonorably discharged for stealing advanced Alien Tech, he joined the Forever Knights, a secret society of Alien Hating Zealots who use Alien Weapons to hunt extraterrestrials and overthrow Alien Sympathizing governments. With his knowledge of Alien kind and access to their advanced tech, Driscoll was able to work his way up through the organization until he became one of their leaders and swore to enact Vengeance on the Tennysons for all the trouble they caused them. While Driscoll is only a mere man, his armor is made with alien technology that vastly increases the physical abilities of the wearer. A weaker version of this armor he used in Ultimate Alien allowed him to physically fight Ben in his Ultimate Spidermonkey Form. Ultimate Spidermonkey, when used by Ben’s evil clone Albedo, was able to match Fourarms in a blow for blow fight, meaning Driscoll would scale to Classic Ben’s strongest aliens and reach at least MHS speeds. Heck IN the Classic series The Forever King endured a supercharged blast from Upchuck that wiped out Mount Rushmore as a side effect. The Forever King can also Teleport himself and objects, fire a wide variety of laser projectiles from his eyes and hands, and Summon weapons like a Kinetic Lance and a Laser Sword, both of which could do serious damage to Ultimate Spidermonkey. Driscoll is known for being a wise and intelligent criminal mastermind who can manipulate others, understand advanced tech and form potent strategies.

Following that act, we have The Red Knight, an extremely deadly assassination Robot designed and built by the Forever Knights using Alien tech to be an Enforcer/Bodyguard for whoever their current King is. The Red Knight doesn’t have much in the way of personality of Freewill, mostly just being an extremely loyal assistant to Driscoll who will take out anyone who stands in his way. The Red Knight is an incredibly skilled and maneuverable warrior who seems to be programmed with knowledge of several potent Earth Martial Arts, likely making him the most skilled warrior in the Negative 10. He was able to get into a direct fight with Fourarms in the actual Negative 10 special where he endured being tossed around like a ragdoll by him before getting right back up, and also heavily damaged him with one hit of his Energy Staff. He was also able to endure repeated hits from Upchuck before going down, suggesting The Red Knight should be on relative par with The Forever King in stats. The Red Knight can also regenerate from minor injuries and has several high tech enhanced Ninja Weapons including the aforementioned Energy Staff, a Retractable whip cord, Twin Swords, and a seemingly endless supply of Energy coated Shurikens.

Next up, let's address this team's criminal trio by going into The Circus Freaks! Thumbskull, Frightwig and Acid Breath are three greedy petty thieves who were all born with freakish physical abnormalities. For their talents they began working under Zombozo, an Energy Vampire who would allow him to rob people blind while he fed off their laughter. After Ben shut down their boss the three found themselves unable to make it as independent criminals and swore revenge. These three are standard Henchmen to Zombozo’s Supervillain boss, and went on to work under Zs’Skayr, then Driscoll then Zombozo again after their defeat. Ben generally fights them 3 on 1 and seems to pretty effortlessly Kick their asses regardless of what alien he uses, be it Wildmutt, Upgrade, Ghostfreak, Fourarms, and even Graymatter somehow. The Freaks were also once bested by Grandpa Max and Gwen without Ben even being there, and this was Max without any of his Plumber Tech, and Gwen Before she learned Magic just to clarify. So yeah effectively these three are Jobber Villains who don’t really scale to anything substantial. The Three of them were casually able to collapse a large Water Tower with their physical strikes, so we know they are at least somewhere in the building range. Later on in Ben 10 Omniverse, The Circus Freaks were actually able to give some trouble to some of Ben’s stronger aliens like Rath and Frankenstrike, but these did seem to be more comedic scenes where Ben was just having a really off day for some reason as this is very inconsistent with their classic appearance. Even if we do scale them, that would just mean they obviously got a lot stronger during the 6 year gap after the classic series, so we couldn’t count it for this. Going into their abilities, Thumbskull is a Strongman who is superhumanly strong in universe, but beyond that he doesn’t have any kind of special means of attacking. Frightwig has super strong, tentacle-like hair that she can move in any way she likes for attacks and restraints. And lastly, Acid Breath has the ability to breath highly corrosive acidic gas that can melt large steel structures into liquid on contact, and can even shoot a large spray of acid spit for similar effect. Intelligence wise, these three are not the brightest freaks in show, often needing a more intelligent Boss character leading them to come up with sophisticated plans and not just rely on brute force.

Now we get to talk about none other than the great, stupendous, the Amazing, Sublimino the Hypnotist! Sublimino is effectively the Mysterio to the overall group’s Sinister 6, easily being the weakest character here by a country mile, but attempting to make up for it in his overall utility. Sublimino is a short, weak little man, who is clearly far weaker than not only Ben’s aliens, but isn’t even much of a threat to Ben in his human form. He doesn’t scale to anyone realistically, and his best feat personally is shrugging off falling multiple stories, and even his speed feats being almost nonexistent. Sublimino possesses the ability to Hypnotise others using a special stopwatch he can activate. Upon activation, this stopwatch emits some kinda invisible golden hypnowave that will immediately mind control anyone it hits, even if they were not looking at it. Sublimino can Mind Control not only humans, but also Alien life and even sentient machinery like Upgrade, however it is completely ineffective on Plants. Upon being hypnotised, you basically become a puppet of Sublimino who does whatever he tells you, and seemingly Sublimo can use this to artificially increase the stats of his servants, as he was able to make two elderly civilians he controlled become expert martial artists who could hold their own against superhuman aliens like Wildmutt, just by telling them they are Ninja’s. With prep time, Sublimino was able to channel his watch through a giant clock to hypnotise an entire large building's worth of people all at once. That said, this wave was able to be briefly outrun by Ben and can be avoided by hiding behind objects, as a result most of Sublimino’s victims were ones he caught by surprise.

While we are already discussing the Supernatural, let’s delve into the Negative 10’s resident Sorceress, Charmcaster. I have covered Charmcaster in the past and if you have read that blog then it shouldn’t shock you to hear she is the primary reason I decided to restrict The Negative 10 to as they were at the time. End of Series Charmcaster is a whole different beast, who would single handedly Solo the League of Villains with little effort. But even restricted to her abilities she had in the OG series, I still consider Charmcaster to be one of The Negative 10’s 2 Aces. Charmcaster is a Witch who came to Earth as a young child as a refugee from the magical Dimension Ledgerdomain alongside her power hungry Uncle, Hex. While on Earth the two of them sought to harness the magical energies of Earth to increase their own power to the point they could return to their home and overthrow its tyrannical dictator Addwaitya. The main problem being they did this with no regard for human life, committing crimes and destruction left and right as they tried to power themselves up on an interdimensional war path. Charmcaster even in the classic series was able to compete with some of Ben’s Fastest and Strongest Aliens at the time, directly outpacing Stinkfly with her spells and Getting into a direct fight with Cannonbolt in the episode ‘Change of Face’. While her fight with Cannonbolt is a little Iffy with Cannonbolt, In the episode ‘Don’t Drink the Water’ her Uncle Hex was able to get into an All out Brawl with Cannonbolt, getting right back up after seriously heavy hits from him and knocking him around like nothing. Hex was established to be in an Extremely weakened state in this episode, and Charmcaster has knocked him out in one shot in previous eps where he was much stronger, meaning she was Clearly Island Level and MHS in the OG series. Charmcaster is a highly intelligent sorceress who has learned and mastered dozens of advanced spells and has a high skill in manipulation, multiple times easily fooling both her Uncle and The Heroes with her clever deceptions. She also is a surprisingly skilled hand to hand fighter, being able to get the drop on superhumanly skilled characters like Gwen and one hit KO her, while their bodies were swapped meaning Gwen was actually stronger at the time. But as a Witch, Magic is Charmcaster’s Bread and Butter. She wields a Wide Variety of different attacks, ranging from magical blasts and explosions, to summoning/controlling various elements including Fire, Water and Plant Life. Charmcaster can Levitate and Fly, Teleport herself and others, summon super durable force fields around herself, and use Telekinesis to fling objects with her mind. She also has some various Unique abilities including Technopathy that lets her take control over any surrounding technology she wants, as well as Animacy Granting allowing her to bring inanimate objects to life to serve her bidding. Charmcaster also has her Sentient Bag, which contains a pocket dimension she can pull a seemingly endless amount of magical tools from, including Magical Chains to bind her targets, rings that grow to gigantic size to crush people, and a variety of Stone Golem creatures ranging from Stone Bats, to Birds to Attack Dogs. She also has her Transference Spell that allows her to swap around people's minds, though this does require some notable prep time, similarly it is also possible she Ability Scales to Hex who can turn himself Intangible.

Next up we gotta talk about Clancy the Bug Guy. Clancy was once a deranged homeless guy who had the inherent ability to control Insects, Arachnids and other Creepy Crawlies with his mind and used these powers to lash out against the City that condemned the dilapidated infested apartment building he was squatting in, and later tried to destroy the entire city when it got destroyed anyway. But by the time of the Negative 10 group, Clancy had somehow evolved into some kind of 6 foot tall humanoid locust monster, without any given explanation, I kinda headcanon Doctor Animo did this to him or something, considering he never questions this throughout the special but I digress. Anyway, Clancy in his original Human State was not that physically impressive, getting one hit KO’d by Grandpa Max, but thankfully for him this Bug form seems to be considerably more Durable, taking a Punch from Fourarms without being instantly Knocked out, but that said he still is able to get physically grappled with by Max so he doesn’t seem to have gotten much physically stronger. Clancy’s new form also is able to Fly using natural wings, actually Breath Swarms of Insects from his mouth, and seems to be able to Teleport using bugs somehow. But his bread and butter is still his ability to Psychically Control Swarms of Bugs. He can summon and control large swarms of bees and wasps and use them to form constructs like platforms for him to fly on and trap and lift people skyward. He could generate Termites to destroy structures in an instant, Hornets to cause Immense Pain, and various extremely venomous creatures like Black Widow Spiders and Fire Ants to poison people. These Insects Swarms are far more powerful than they would be in real life, able to surround Clancy and allow him to take on City Level aliens like Heat Blast in a fist Fight, Shield Clancy from things like Collapsing Buildings and a point blank Nuclear Explosion, and even break through some of Diamondhead’s Crystal Barriers. On the Negative Side, Clancy seems to have taken a notable hit to his intellect in this state, losing his ability to speak and acting more like a particularly smart animal.

Joey was once the leader of an extremely Butch gang of biker chicks committing armed robberies, when in the midst of a three way battle between her gang, the Tennysons and Vilgax’s robot drones, she was forcibly merged with a Drone turning into a deadly Cyborg Warrior who she would dub Rojo, After going after Ben at the behest of Vilgax after he promised her more power, Ben was able to stop her and Reverse her cyberization, turning her back into a normal person. But, During the Events of The Negative 10, the Forever Knights broke her out of Prison and, using their own Alien Technology, provided her a new Cyber Battle Armor, equivalent to her old enhancements, which she would keep for the rest of the series. Rojo is an extremely skilled fighter, even in her complete human form getting the drop on some of Ben’s powerful aliens like Upgrade and Fourarms multiple times, and having a lot of experience as a criminal and Bounty Hunter. She is also fairly street smart and intelligent, not being a criminal mastermind, but rather no nonsense, tenacious and difficult to fool. With her same Robot Suit she was able to get into a fight with Princess Looma, the warrior leader of the Tetramand, the same species as Fourarms, and who personally gave Fourarms one of the toughest fights he's ever had in the entire franchise. She was also at an earlier point, able to get into an all out brawl with XLR8, enduring countless blows from him and scoring multiple hits on him herself, dazing him with her attacks. This suggests that Rojo is the fastest, and possibly strongest character on the Negative 10. Rojo’s arsenal beyond her stats is relatively simple, her body being equipped with razor sharp claws for slashing attacks, and a wide variety of Laser beam projectile attacks that she is definitely Not shy about using.

And Last, but Certainly not least, we have none other than Doctor Aloysius James Animo! Doctor Animo is the franchises longest standing villain within this group, with only Charmcaster able to give him a run for his money, and it shows as just like with Charmcaster, Animo is the Other character I would consider one of this team's Aces. Once upon a time, Aloysius was a genius researcher in the field of veterinary science, but was thrown out in disgrace after being caught doing all sorts of inhumane genetic experiments on animals. Animo swore revenge on the scientific community, which he would achieve by proving himself their mental superior through singlehandedly setting the Earth into a Glorious New Phase of Evolution! And of course, has had several run-ins with The Tennyson’s as they try to stop him from doing this. Physically speaking, Animo isn’t much to write home about, he has been overpowered by Grandpa Max before, and his greatest feat is being able to endure and get up from a full powered attack from Eye Guy, who once destroyed a large building sized amount of debris with a similar attack. But the Real Strength of Doctor Animo is his Mind! Animo is a total and complete Sci-Fi Supergenius, whose feats included being able to decode all the DNA of Ben’s aliens from the Omnitrix in less than an hour, comprehending the Level 20 Omnitrix technology enough to utilize in his weapons, and designing a drill that can spatially bore a hole from the Null Void dimension back to our own. If anyone stands a chance of competing with Calamitous and Baby Eddie mentally, it's him. Doctor Animo’s primary power is his ability to psychically control all forms of animal life, an ability he gave himself with an experiment that turned his skin green. This ability allows him to control anything that can be considered Animal Life, including Alien animals like the Null Guardians. Any Non-Sapient Fauna is his to command, and this control is so precise, he once escaped from prison by controlling a normal Seagull to go out and steal him all the super specific little tech components he needed to reassemble his Transmodulator from scratch. Speaking Of Which, Animo’s Transmodulator is a specialized helmet he designed that fires beams that can both mutate creatures they hit into gigantic monsterous beasts, and can regenerate dead organic tissue back into living creatures such as turning Fossils back into full on Zombie Dinosaurs. The Transmodulator’s Beams travel at Massively Hypersonic Speeds, being difficult for Stinkfly to dodge, and will instantaneously mutate any organic creature they hit, be them Animal, Human or Alien, into either a useless pile of flesh, or into a giant monster he controls at his behest. These Kaiju that Dr. Animo can create are extremely powerful, constantly being able to go up against Ben’s strongest aliens, including getting into fist fights with Fourarms, overwhelming Humungousaur, Shattering parts of Diamondhead and giving Cannonbolt a massive amount of trouble in a prolonged fight. The Animals can also feature abilities like flight, sonic roars, fire breath, tunneling powers and more. Animo himself also has other specialized tech up his sleeves including Laser shooting gauntlets, Mind Control Headbands, and Insect like robots he can control that will infiltrate and disable surrounding technology. With Prep Time Animo has also done crazy things like making tech that Harnesses the power of surrounding crystals to Amp his own body to be stronger than Ben’s aliens, but that isn’t something he’d be able to do mid fight.

In terms of weaknesses, the Negative 10 are not known for being a group that uses teamwork very well, they are a lot more serious on average than the League of Villains but ironically infighting happens among them far more often as they are all to some degree Prideful Powerhungry Maniacs. Some of the members are Hotheads that rush into things without a clear plan of action. Others are almost noncombatants that hang back and scheme from the shadows and this has led to rather disorganized plans of attack.

So how would an all out fight between The League of Villains and the Negative 10 Go exactly? Well a lot of Powers and Stats, Science, magic, Aliens and robots are being thrown around already, It's easy to make this a jumbled mess so I think it would be best to look at this at a Case By Case Basis to see what are the Overall Advantage and Shortcomings both sides have in comparison to the other. But a Predominant trend you will see here in terms of Advantages and Disadvantages. The League of Villains members have notably a lot higher Strength and Durability on Average, with only the Strongest members of The Negative 10 being able to simply compete with them. If this was purely a Fist Fight, it is unlikely the Negative 10 would be able to hold their own for very long, the League not only outnumbering the characters that can actually fight them, but outskilling them as well. On the opposite end of the spectrum, The Negative 10 are a lot more focused and serious villains and on average have a much larger and varied arsenal of abilities than the League, including some rather dangerous offensive hax and crowd control that they cannot afford to take lightly. Going into the individuals…

-Circus Freaks VS The League Members:

I said earlier that the Circus Freaks are basically Jobber Goons and this section will really show it. These Freaks woke up today and picked the Wrong Fight. Every single member of the League of Villains is orders of Magnitude physically stronger and tougher than them and could literally one shot them in a single hit, which they are pretty likely to land given the League Members are also faster, more skilled and predominantly smarter. And Since physical attacks are most of the Freaks’ arsenal they really are dead weight with nothing to offer the Negative 10 beyond a distraction. The only member of the Circus Freaks with Some kinda argument for relevance is Acid Breath as Acid corrodes away at the molecular structure of the target. But considering his Acid was endured by Thumbskull before and failed to ever do anything against Ben’s Aliens, I really cannot see that happening. The Circus Freaks are going to Die REAL Quick unless one of the other Negative 10 members does something to protect them.

-Sublimino VS The League Members:

Sublimino is an interesting factor to consider for this fight, Statwise, he's even worse than the Circus Freaks and could very easily get himself killed going against all these relative powerhouses. But Sublimino specializes in Hypnosis, and Hypnosis is famously VERY Effective On Jimmy Neutron Characters. Jimmy’s invention, The Hypno Wheel, has never failed even once to hypnotise someone when functioning properly. Grandma Taters was able to take over Retroville using Hypnosis, which not only shows how broken the ability can be, but also shows this is effective on Aliens as well. Multiple League members have been hypnotised before, with Jimmy even taking out two of them in the special itself using the mind effects of his love potion. Sublimino’s hypnosis is VERY Comparable to Jimmy’s Hypno Wheel in how it works and Far easier to pull off than Grandma Taters’ more limited version of this power. But the bigger drawback is that the Hypnotism Wave that Sublimino’s stopwatch creates isn’t nearly as Fast as the Hypno Wheels and thus could be reacted to or dodged if he tried it. If Sublimino stuck to his strategy of hanging back and hiding in the shadows, picking off stragglers while his teammates distracted the brunt of their forces, he could very well catch some League members off guard and make them turn on their teammates, which could compound and get out of hand fast for the League. But this is a High Risk/High Reward Strategy as if Sublimino is Caught by ANYONE on the League’s side they could squish his head.

-Clancy VS The League Members:

Clancy is interesting, He himself is not a physical threat to the League Members due to his much lower stats, but with his durable exoskeletons, he actually Could take some considerable punishment from League members and still survive, and his escape options including flight and teleportation would make him harder to pin down and squash. As such, Clancy can afford to be a lot more direct and involved than the previous members and that’s great for the Negative 10 as his Bugs are a real asset. Clancy can instantly summon Swarms of insects to sting, bite and otherwise attack anyone he likes, and these swarms have scaling that puts them in a Large City-Small Island Level Range. That might look worse than the power level of the League at first glance, but that actually WAY less than the difference in power between Normal Humans and Normal Bugs, and they can still sting Us. With this in mind, Clancy could unleash a massive swarm of insects to attack the League, their stings and bites should be able to damage them and would compound really quickly. Only characters who would naturally start the fight in Mecha Suits like Goobot, Calamitous and Eustace would be safe initially. This strategy works well Not just offensively, but ALSO Defensively for the Negative 10. Not only could this function as a permanent distraction for the League as a whole to potentially Buy time for some of the Negative 10’s more complex strategies, but since The Bugs are able to form shields and constructs around people and protect them from things as insane as a Point Blank Nuke, Clancy could also use this to protect the weaker members of his team from being taken out by the Leagues Physical Attacks if need be. Now to be fair this does require Clancy to be a lot more strategic than we have ever seen him be, but it definitely doesn’t seem like it's something he couldn’t think of.

-Forever King/Red Knight/Rojo VS The League Members:

I decided to cover these three together because the story is pretty similar with all three of them. These three are all very skilled warriors who DO have the stats necessary to Fight the League Members Directly. Their deadly weapons in both melee and distance combat would be perfectly effective means of attacking the League Members and overcoming their durability. Rojo in particular would be dangerous to fight up close and personal due to her being able to fight beings 35x faster than the Jimmy Neutron League Members. That being said, given the impressive reaction time the Jimmy Neutron characters have as a whole, they would still be able to see whatever any of them do coming and could well manage to score hits on them. The three of them are rather skilled fighters, and likely could Out Skill some of the more Unskilled Jimmy Neutron characters in a direct fight, but the highly skilled characters like Beautiful Gorgeous and Grandma Taters would be quite the challenge for them to take on to be sure. The Forever King would be the most tricky combatant to deal with here due to his teleportation powers and surprise weapons allowing him to get the drop on his opponents more easily, but it is clear none of these three would be Busted against the Jimmy Neutron Cast, each one able to have a more or less Even fight with one League Member at a time. It is definitely important to have these three in the fight to do a lot of the heavier combat at the start, but they are going to need some major support from their teammates as the fight progresses or they could get swarmed by the League’s superior numbers.

-Charmcaster VS The League Members:

Now we got to talk about the Team’s Two Aces! Charmcaster is going to excel here, having Power/Speed equivalent to the last three characters, meaning she's more than capable of fighting League members directly, but also having keepaway and swarming potential similar to Clancy on top of it. Charmcaster's Flight, Forcefields and Teleportation can allow her to easily escape from jams whenever she needs to, and since she can also teleport others and cast barriers elsewhere, she also has the utility to protect her allies whenever they get into trouble as well. Also, summoning a large slew of Golem creatures to attack the League would overall function as a good distraction, not as good as Clancy’s bugs due to them not being as powerful and easier to hit, but helpful all the same. But one of the most Broken things about Charmcaster is the sheer amount of support and counterplay she provides here. With her Technopathy and Animacy Granting, Charmcaster could immediately shut down any of the Technology the League of Villains tries to use and even actively turn it against them. This Most obviously would let her take control over the Robot Mecha Suits like Calamitous’ CalamiBot and Eustace’s Tripod Ship, which not only could take those two off the board by trapping them inside, but if she turns those things against the League, the other members would have a very hard time bringing those down as obviously in universe Mecha suits should be significantly stronger than the people that pilot them. But that's just the most obvious application of this strategy, Effectively any Weapon or Gadget one of the League Members has could easily end up being hacked, shut down, brought to life, or blatantly stolen via telekinesis, thanks to Charmcaster’s Magic, forcing characters to rely on their baser physical abilities. This would seriously hinder Calamitous, Eustace, Eddie, The Junkman and ESPECIALLY King Goobot, who Charmcaster can just flatly Puppeteer at any time due to his mechanical body. And the Beauty of this is there’s really nothing that the League of Villains can do to counter these strategies outside of taking Charmcaster out, due to absolutely none of them having Magic. Heck the only character in the League whose even Seen Magic before is Calamitous, and he was not able to compete with it. On top of everything Charmcaster's Telekinesis would allow her to deflect away the League’s projectile attacks and generally throw them around the entire fight to help keep them on the back foot. She is a total asset when it comes to hindering the opposing side.

-Doctor Animo VS The League Members:

Lastly let’s dive into the Negative 10’s OTHER Ace, Doctor Animo. So Doctor Animo doesn’t stand a chance against the League Members in a physical confrontation, but his Pets Very Much Do, and he potentially could bring a lot of them. Animo has a smart tendency to hang back and allow his kaiju mutant minions to do his fighting for him, often actually riding on the back of one to give him a constant bodyguard to prevent imposing foes from reaching him. Coupled with his Negative 10 Teammates providing distractions for him Animo could easily free himself up to employ a lot of dastardly tricks on the opposition, and boy does he have a lot to offer. First off, Animo’s Transmudulator is possibly the most dangerous weapon in the entire fight. The Massively Hypersonic beam it fires is more than capable of scoring hits on the League, and getting hit by this At All means you are either immediately being taken out of the fight by being turned into some grotesque sludge creature, or even worse, Mutated into a Kaiju that Animo can control and have attack your own allies. Since the Transmodulator Mutates DNA, the only Character in the League that could resist this would be King Goobot due to Actual body being totally surrounded by an inorganic containment suit. Even without considering that, The Transmodulator would be a massive asset to the Negative 10 as Animo could easily turn the surrounding Fauna into Mutant Monsters to continuously compound their forces with Beasts that are more than capable of fighting the league. And Animo could do this Way more quickly than you might think considering with his psychic animal control, he can actually just MAKE whatever animals are nearby come out to get mutated, meaning the League are going to have their hands full really quickly if they don’t do something fast. ALSO Thanks to the Transmodulator’s ability to regenerate beings from their dead tissue, Animo is the sole character here who can actually resurrect people who wind up getting killed, he even actually did this with Vilgax in the episode ‘Ben 10,000’. Animo still can’t CONTROL Sapient beings he resurrects, so he couldn’t control Zombie League members, but so long as Animo has the Transmodulator, he can keep his allies in the fight even if they die. Also, Animo has like an AMAZING Combo potential with Clancy that I don’t think could be understated. Not only would Animo be able to easily deploy his mechanical insects within the swarm to stealthily disable the Leagues tech, providing them an alternate method of doing this to Charmcaster, but also like…Bugs are Animals. Like Doctor Animo has turned Bugs into kaiju before. Clancy could easily summon a large swarm of bugs for Animo to turn into giant monsters and completely overrun the League. That would be an almost unwinnable scenario for the League of Villains, with their main recourse being to super focus on taking Animo out to make the monsters lose their coordination and go on a rampage.

So going over that Briefly, the League of Villains have to worry about, Physical Attacks and Blasts from 4 of the 10 Members, Being Mutated by the Transmodulator, Being Swarmed by Super Insects, Being Mind Controlled, Being Overrun by an Army of Mutant Animals, At least 4 Different Methods of Losing all their Tech/Weapons, Being Attacked by Mind Controlled and/or Mutated Allies, and Being Attacked by Their Own Hacked and/or Sentient Mecha. That's a rather intimidating list, so let’s go through and see how the League of Villains can respond to this. We have already talked a lot about the League’s stats and how they all are functionally Big intimidating Walls, so now we are going to be focusing on their individual powers and traits.

-The Space Bandits VS The Negative 10:

Zix, Travoltron, and Tee place rather interestingly here. Their weapons like the blasters are quite vulnerable to being disabled or stolen from them, but since it is actually built into their suits, their fast-hardening slime spray would remain on the table. Given this substance could Seal off Jimmy’s Lab, it would be difficult for even the strongest members of the Negative 10 to physically break out of this stuff, and could potentially tie up a lot of combatants at once. That said the Bandits have never actually tried to use this in combat and I think there's a reason for that. This stuff is not very fast relevant to the Jimmy Neutron characters, and thus would not be all that difficult to Dodge for most of the big deal Negative 10 Members. In addition to that, the spray could be blocked or countered using energy barriers or attacks from various foes, and Charmcaster specifically could stop the Spray midair with her Telekinesis, and throw it back AT them or at some of their allies. Even if they do land this attack, Multiple Members of the Negative 10 have Teleportation abilities that could allow them to immediately escape, Charmcaster in particular with her power to teleport Others, could also free any of her allies from this just as easily. The Space Bandits also have the ability to Communicate with Reptiles and Dinosaurs and convince them to their side, which could potentially allow them to converse with particular Kaiju monsters Animo may try to sick on them. But the Aliens specifically have the power to Communicate with those things, not Actually Control them like Animo does, so it’s unlikely they would be able to accomplish anything trying to make some of Animo’s Mutants turn on him. Beyond that, Travoltron and Tee in particular are kinda Idiots, with even Zix having a tendency to rush into things overconfidently. It's possible they will just try to rush in and manhandle the Negative 10 and could very well get into trouble doing so.

-The Junkman VS The Negative 10:

The Junkman is the largest and most physically imposing member of the League of Villains. In fact, given the four arms and four eyes and the various run ins they have had with the Tennysons, I think it's fairly likely The Negative Members would assume the Junkman is some kinda really ugly/mutant Tetramand like Ben’s alien Fourarms. That actually is a notable advantage for The Negative 10 since the threat level is bizarrely identical here and they won’t underestimate him. Beyond his normal Blaster everyone here has probably seen 1,000 times, The Junkman wields his special energy orb capture device that captures the target in an energy force field. I think this ability is overall about equally as effective as the Bandit’s hardening spray. This Is a lot faster and thus less easily dodged than the Bandits Spray, and it's also a lot less easy to counter once fired than the spray, as these energy fields likely cannot be stopped by Telekinesis or Force Fields due to their lack of Mass, and trait of just encompassing anything they hit. But unlike the Bandit’s Spray, this is not attached to his body, but a piece of technology he wields, and thus can easily be stolen or disabled through various means. It also does nothing to address the issue of Negative 10 members with Teleportation can just free themselves or others if it does land. 

-Calamitous/Eustice VS The Negative 10:

Because it's similar to talk about, let's cover all Evil Genius and Rich Boi’s in one, since their overall strategies are fairly similar. Calamitous, and also Eddie just to mention, are both far smarter than any members of The Negative 10, but are also somewhat bumbling and unlikely to be able to invent new things on the fly mid battle so they have to rely on the tech they have to start and whatever strategies they can think of. The CalamiBot and TripodShip are both intimidating Mechs that state wise should be above even the strongest members of The Negative 10 physically, and the Tripod ship is particularly dangerous here due to its EMP like attack that can disable nearby technology, which could really screw over a lot of the Negative 10 members that relay on such things. But with that said, both Mecha are at a high risk for being taken control over via Animo’s insect drones and Charmcaster's magic, potentially trapping the pilots. Even if Eustace managed to get off the EMP attack and disabled The Red Knight or Forever King and Rojo’s armor, Charmcaster could effectively use her Magic to take control of those things too and just Make them Work Anyway, effectively countering this. Also, Eustace never used this EMP attack while he had allies, and it's possible he could screw over people on his own side. Without their Mecha, Calamitous and Eustace are far more limited, Esutace does have his lightsaber but we’ve never seen him actually fight with it and I don’t imagine he is all that skilled with it based on what we can infer. Calamitous has a lot more going for him, but unfortunately most of that is fairly counterable. His Forcefield requires some setup ahead of time, and can be escaped from just as easily as the Junkman and Space Bandit’s containment methods, and the Various Robots and Machines he can pull out are just as vulnerable to being hacked in some way as his Mecha. Calamitous’ Bodily Controlling Music CD would be a great opener, but it would not hinder Charmcaster from being able to recite the spell to take it over as it doesn’t prevent the target from speaking, and we have seen that this music absolutely Will cause friendly fire if he doesn’t provide his team earplugs ahead of time.

-Baby Eddie VS The Negative 10:

So the really interesting thing to consider about the interactions with Baby Eddie, is if you picture The Negative 10 facing off against this rival villain group….I don’t think any of them are going to immediately go for the random Baby they got with them. Eddie is someone who would be very easily underestimated and be able to go somewhat under the radar in the chaos, which is a big problem for The Negative 10, not only for how intelligent he is, but also because his Rattle is probably the most dangerous weapon on the League’s side. With the Delta Waves Eddie can emit from that thing he could literally cause multiple of the strongest characters including The Red Knight, The Forever King and Rojo, to Literally Explode, and unlike Eustace’s EMP device, Charmcaster can’t just Undo this with her magic. Eddie’s Rattle could also allow him to oneshot The Calamibot and TripodShip if they are turned against them, and yes, he totally WOULD be willing to sacrifice their respective pilots if he needed. If left unchecked, Eddie could even use this to destroy Doctor Animo’s Transmodulator which would seriously hamper the Negative 10’s most viable strategies. As an Added Bonus, since the Delta Waves it fires are targeted, Eddie does not risk any friendly fire by doing this. Charmcaster could very well stop Eddie, disabling or stealing his Rattle at any point with her magic, but she and the other Negative 10 members are unlikely to realize that’s even something they have to watch out for until he's already done serious damage of some kind. If Eddie keeps to the shadows he could eventually take out most of the Negative 10 overtime. That said he has no wincons against someone like Charmcaster, and considering all the Super Insects, Golems and Mutant Animals that will be quickly swarming the battlefield attacking people indiscriminately, doing that would be a lot more difficult than it would for Sublimino on the other side for example.

-King Goobot VS The Negative 10:

Goobot is interesting to talk about. His Yokian Containment suit does provide him with some useful abilities such as using telekinesis and limited spatial manipulation allowing him to steal all sorts of items from his enemy potentially which is among the more broken abilities Charmcaster can do. And this could be especially good for this group as while The Negative 10 don’t relay on items near as much as the League of Villains, some of the most broken things they have still ARE Items, including Sublimino’s stopwatch, Charmcaster’s bag of Tricks, and most notably, Animo’s Transmodulator, all of which Goobot can just steal. Charmcaster’s bag would be kinda a bad call, as it is sentient and WILL Bite him in the face, not to mention it wouldn’t really hamper her abilities all that much. Sumlimino’s Stopwatch would be a fairly genius play as he can certainly use that to mind control a bunch of people…..but Goobot is an Alien and as far as I know would have no idea what Hypnosis is, at least not the traditional way that uses a watch. Lastly is The Transmodulator and regardless of what he does with it after, getting that thing outta Animo’s hands by any means would be Huge for the League, and in fact Goobot is probably the Best suited member of the League to go after Animo, giving his ability to fly and the fact he's the ONLY ONE who could Survive being Shot by the Transmodulator. In a more limited application of his powers, Goobot could use this TK ability to stop groups of Clancy’s insects from getting to him, or more likely some of his allies given his suit should protect him, though he most likely can’t just stop Clancy’s whole swarm with this as we’ve never seen this amount of range and power with it. But where Goobot falters, WOW does he get hard-countered by Charmcaster. Anything Goobot tries to steal, Charmcaster can just steal back, if Goobot Tries to fight her on this, Charmcaster can literally take control of his suit. And without a Suit, Goobot is not even in trouble, he's just straight up Out, his natural form is an immobile puddle of slime with Zero combat ability.

-Beautiful Gorgeous VS The Negative 10:

Beautiful Gorgeous is the most straightforward member of the League here, shes got no powers or gadgets or dirty tricks shes just here to kick people in their throats and take some names. Gorgeous doesn’t need a weapon, she is one, with her Unbelievably Amazing level of martial arts skill, it is likely that she could take on Rojo, The Red Knight and The Forever King at the same time and more than hold her own. This is of course quite bad for The Negative 10 as if a bunch of their members get tied up trying to deal with her, that leaves that many more League members free to act on whatever they might be planning without someone hindering them, a huge disadvantage in the grand scheme of things. Gorgeous also lacks a lot of dedicated counterplay to her, not really having any special defenses against the dangerous attacks here, but as a mere side effect of her skill, being uniformly the most difficult to land attacks on, just because she has the greatest dodging capacity. That being said between swarms of super Insects attacking her, various Area of Effect based attacks, and Charmcaster being able to just telekinetically levitate her in place to make her a sitting duck, her Skill is not going to be able to protect her indefinitely.

-Grandma Taters VS The Negative 10:

Lastly, let’s address the nightmare fuel in the room and dive into Grandma Taters. To address the Elephant in the room, no I unfortunately don’t think that Taters would be capable of using her Mass Hypnosis abilities in combat, that took quite a bit of prep time, is not something she even attempted in the League of Villains special, and honestly even is she could, it takes such a long time of exposure that I can’t see any of The Negative 10 actually getting Got by this. But even without that, Taters is a force to be reckoned with, having extremely high melee combat skill, second only to Gorgeous but packaged in yet another body that is unlikely to be taken seriously by the Negative 10, meaning she’s probably not going to be targeted by one of their main forces until she does something to prove how big a threat she is. Her Eye beams are a big deal, since they were able to disable Goddard in one shot. It could do serious damage to mechanical bearings like The Red Knight or Forever King if they let themselves be caught off guard by it. In general I think Grandma Taters would be about as difficult to deal with as Beautiful Gorgeous for the Negative 10 members.

With that now established, Next thing I am going to do is summarize the overall Weaknesses both groups have when compared to the other.

The League of Villains:

  • Vast Majority of their Abilities and Utility comes from Weapons or Tech that the Negative 10 have multiple easy ways of Nullifying.

  • Their Various Containment/Crowd Control Abilities will be Ineffective on the Multiple Teleporters in the group.

  • Can easily be Swarmed by multiple groups of powerful Summons, making all their jobs more Difficult.

  • Could have their own Mecha and Henchmen turned against them.

  • Members could be Oneshot by The Transmudulator or Sublimino’s Watch.

  • Members could be turned against Each Other through Mutation or Mind Control.

  • As Long as Animo Remains, it will be extremely hard to Perma-Kill any of the Opposition.

  • Have no direct Counterplay to Charmcaster’s Magic.

  • Are much more Bumbling on Average, likely won’t bust out their best stuff until they learn how serious this is.

  • Rather Ineffective Teamwork.

  • Overall have Far Less ability to Increase Pressure on their opponent.

To Go over that last part, I think that it's fair to say both villain teams will most likely not be going all out to start. The League of Villains are goofier cartoon bad guys and need to see how serious a situation this is before they can match the tone, meanwhile the Negative 10 are Darker and more overconfident supervillains who will Underestimate this other group until they prove how dangerous they are. But something that makes a big difference here is The League of Villains taking this super seriously equates to, “Let’s cut the monologues and rush in to beat them up as fast as possible” meanwhile the Negative 10 taking this super seriously equates to, “I Summon 100,000 Island-Smashing Mutant Bug Monsters to Tear them Limb from Limb.” The Negative 10 with their versatile powers clearly have much easier methods of ramping up the Chaos and it allows them to much more easily create a domino effect that can lead to their victory. The Negative 10 only has to worry about The League members themselves, while The League has to worry about the Negative 10, The Negative 10’s Array of Summons, Their own Robots, and Potentially Each Other, all because of the Negative 10’s powers.

The Negative 10:

  • Broadly Worse Stats and Secondary Stats, can’t afford a fair fight for long.

  • Most Likely will Initially Underestimate Multiple of the League Members.

  • Multiple Members are Extremely Vulnerable to Eddie’s Rattle.

  • Animo’s Transmudulator is sensitive to being Destroyed, Disabled, or Teleported.

  • Multiple Members have to use stealth and cover to use their best strategies.

  • Rather Ineffective Teamwork.

  • 3 out of 10 members are Completely Dead weight, not naming names.

  • 2 out of 10 Members are, let’s be honest, Completely Carrying the Team.

To Go into that Last Part, this team is being super held together by Charmcaster and Doctor Animo. To Illustrate that point, let me explain what I think would happen if the other 8 Negative 10 tried to fight the League without them, we’ll say the League only has 1 Space Bandit for fairness. The Negative 10 and League of Villains rush in and start fighting each other up close but then Eddie bombards them with Delta Waves and All the Negative 10 Members who could hold their own just fucking Blow Up. With Driscoll, Rojo and the Red Knight down, Beautiful Gorgeous backflips in and Breaks all the Circus Freaks’ Necks. Clancy flys up and gives them trouble with his Insect Swarms, until Calamitous flies straight through them in his Mechsuit, Punches Clancy in the Face and fuckin Burns him alive with a Flamethrower. And Grandma Taters probably Eats Sublimino or something. In Essence, this fight wouldn’t be close at all. Doctor Animo and Charmcaster are responsible for All the Negative 10’s methods of disabling the League’s Technology, a huge portion of their Crowd Control/Distraction capabilities, and the vast majority of their defenses and counters as well through Charmcaster's Magic and Animo’s resurrection. Charmcaster is the sole member of the 10 who can actually fight League Members without relying on Tech, and has versatility needed to disrupt literally the entire League’s gameplan. Meanwhile Animo is the only one with a reliable oneshot hax and helps keep a constant supply of threats coming the Leagues way to keep them on the back foot. If The Negative 10 were to somehow lose one of them, it would be a Huge hamper to their overall capabilities. If they lost Charmcaster AND Animo, depending on how many members of the League are still standing, they may well be Fucked. The Negative 10’s over-reliance on these two is almost comical, to the point it felt like every time the League had something that could be dangerous, The Negative 10’s response is, “Charmcaster will save us!” They need her to control the mechs, control Goobot’s suit, disable all their weapons down to and Especially a nondescript Baby Rattle, Teleport free any teammates who may end up trapped, and Potentially pin down Gorgeous and Reanimate her cybernetic allies if they get hacked, All while having to defend Herself the whole time. That’s Quite a lot to ask of the poor girl. The Most the majority of members do here is help provide Distractions through Driscoll, Rojo and Red Knight’s stats, The Circus Freaks drawing fire I guess? And Especially Clancy’s Insect Swarms which is easily the 3rd most helpful thing on their side. While these are helpful, especially at keeping pressure Off Charmcaster so she can work, they are ultimately distractions to buy time for their Win cons, and they will eventually lose if these Wincons don’t happen. Said Wincons would either be Charmcaster controlling their own mecha to smash them, Sublimino hypnotizing enough League Members to turn the tide, or by far the most likely, Doctor Animo making an Army of Monsters out of surrounding animals or even the league members themselves to overtake them. If the League were to target Animo with extreme prejudice out the gate and got him, The Negative 10's remaining win conditions are ridiculously less likely.

So how do we determine who would most likely win this war? Well if you flatly compare their Offenses and Defenses, you’ll find a pretty interesting comparison in that The League of Villains don’t really HAVE Defenses against the Negative 10, they just have a much higher Durability average and can Tank most of their stuff, with the Hax abilities the 10 brings able to work pretty much completely unhindered. Meanwhile the Negative 10 DO Have specialized counters and Defenses to protect themselves from the League’s stuff, but almost all of them come from just one person and if she's not on her A game some of them are going to slip through. It's easily possible for both groups to totally wash the other team in just a handful of moves if things go particularly well for them at the start, so I think it is important to consider what are the most likely things to occur. When the fight starts each group has 8 members who are direct combatants who will charge the frontlines immediately, but also 2 members who are far more likely to hang back to the sides and attempt to win through Indirect combat. On the Negative 10’s side that is Animo and Sublimino, who are both mostly noncombatants and use their abilities to make Others fight for them. This is great, this is optimally what both of them should do as it will allow Animo to supplement their forces with Monster Animals while Sublimino would try to catch League Members off guard with his Hypnosis to supplement their own forces with some of the enemy. From the League, Baby Eddie and King Goobot are the most likely to stay back. This is also Good for the League, as Eddie would be able to quickly analyze the enemy forces and realize he can take down the Cybernetic members, while Goobot has potentially good support with His Telekinesis and ability to take on Animo without risk. Of the stragglers, Animo, Goobot and Eddie would most likely remain focused on the big primary fight in the middle, while Sublimino would instead focus on the isolated Eddie and Goobot and attempt to stealth his way over and pick them off with his hypnosis, though whether or not he’d succeed is anyone's guess.

Looking over the actual Big Fight, I don’t think it's by any means a stretch to think Charmcaster would immediately use her Technopathy and or Animacy Granting to turn the CalamiBot and TripodShip on the league members. Those are two Giant and quite threatening looking robots that are by no means subtle so it would be a relative no brainer to try and make them fight your enemies rather than you. This is literally a strategy the Negative 10 have used before against the Security Drones Max made in the special itself. This would instantly turn what was an 8 on 8 fight into a 6 on 10 right off the bat and would likely take the League by surprise and put them at an initial disadvantage in the brawl as they get attacked from 2 different angles. 

To look at some Counterplay Opening Moves the League could have done here, Eustace could have used his EMP, but it wouldn't be immediately obvious a bunch of these people are robots/using tech to enhance themselves, and it would also screw over Calamitous via friendly fire. Even if he did do this, Charmcaster could reverse it at the same time she’d take control of the mecha. Alternatively, The Bandits and Junkman could start firing their weapons and containment devices at them, but drawing attention to those will likely make Charmcaster intervene and stop those with her Telekinesis, she can do both that and control the mecha in relatively quick succession. Especially when you consider Clancy who clearly will summon a horde of Bugs to attack the approaching enemies as his opening move, the most helpful thing he could be doing is also the most obvious attack you can do in his position. The swarm attack would injure and distract everyone on the opposing side going into the fight, including Goobot and Eddie who would find it more difficult to intervene and more likely they will get caught off guard by a sneaky hypnotist.

When the fight gets in close, I think the League of Villains with their larger stats and skill will start showing what they are really made of as they start taking control of the fight away from the Negative 10 after their stronger opening. I could easily see The Circus Freaks getting killed and several other Negative 10 members taking heavy blows, giving them the rundown that these guys are Not to be underestimated. Baby Eddie may now also start using his Delta Waves to try to blow up the Forever Knights or possibly even Eustace and Calamitous to cut the losses, But if he outs himself as a big threat like this, Charmcaster would most likely take him out with Telekinesis before he can do too much damage.

Things would overall be going poorly for the Negative 10, but they only needed to buy a little bit of time as Doctor Animo would by this point have mutated several surrounding creatures and come riding in to support his team with some kinda giant squirrel cavalry and bluejay airfleet, all while yelling gloriously about how much of a genius he is. Animo getting back into the fight could totally turn the tide yet again, the degree to which depends on how large a force he brought with him. From here Animo can support his surviving members in several ways including resurrecting some dead members, turning some of the League Members into mutants, or trying to mutate Clancy’s bugs. However ousting himself as too big a threat may make the remaining League Members target him instantly, especially Goobot who would now be more desperately trying to help and may attempt to steal the Transmodulator. But Charmcaster by this point would probably be significantly more free to protect Animo thanks to all the backup and that could easily lead to a game over for the League of Villains. Charmcaster's Magic is very versatile and she could simply just Decide to use Telekinesis to levitate all the villains in the air, since none of them can naturally fly this could effectively make them sitting ducks to get Mutated, Hypnotised or simply bombarded until they go down.

This scenario seems to imply that The Negative 10 would win, albeit after suffering some heavy casualties. But could it really go that way? As yet again so much of their WinCons rely on Charmcaster and Animo, meaning if something happens to them, this will go real south real quick. This is especially a big problem due to Doctor Animo, who could be killed by a single stray blow from ANYONE on the League’s side, and whose Transmodulator can potentially be stopped out the gate through either Eustace Disabling it, King Goobot Stealing it, or Baby Eddie blowing it up. But for various reasons, none of those seem all that likely to happen until it's too late. Animo is absolutely the type to run off and only join the fight once he is confident in the beastly forces he has managed to muster. There are many more obvious targets for the League Members to try and use those powers on first, such as the multiple intimidating Cybernetic Warriors and the League will almost certainly get distracted from him early on by a Swarm of superbugs and his various teammates. By the time Animo WOULD come in, he’d likely have enough Animals that even if they did damage the Transmodulator they’d still have quite a lot of monsters on their plate and it's questionable if they’d prevail.

But what if Animo doesn’t have enough time to work? How well the Negative 10 survives the initial brawl largely depends on how well Charmcaster can counter what the League tried to do, what if she did a bad job? Charmcaster could fail to stop the immobilizing projectiles before they get a bunch of her teammates, having to distract herself with freeing them, or she could even possibly get blindsided and knocked out by The Junkman’s blaster shot. I don’t think that's likely, Charmcaster is fairly confident and has good durability and mobility options, but this is a 10 on 10 war and millions of different things COULD happen, and The Negative 10 have more specific wincons that need at least some specific members to survive which makes their win statistically more risky. But in another way of looking at it, I think their WinCons actually are what break this wide open.

The Biggest advantage The League of Villains have here is that they can Physically Beat the other team to Death fairly easily, they are great one on one fighters, they have targeted attacks, better raw power and skill, and if the Jumped the Negative 10 and just started Clobbering them, they’d win pretty quickly and there's not too much they could do about it. But for 90% of the League, that isn’t their MO at all. The League are a bunch of maniacal villainous schemers who try to come up with evil and unfair plans where they take over as free from struggle as possible. They don’t tend to willingly enter fist fights, with most of them not even having Fight scenes to look at as that just doesn’t happen very often in Jimmy Neutron. They are gonna try to think of some clever plan or checkmate moment to use to defeat the villain group rather than just try to rush in and punch people as their first instinct.

The Negative 10’s greatest ability is their power to cause widespread Chaos. They can’t fight the League directly with much reliability but they CAN do a ton of stuff to keep them busy while they whittle away their numbers with the versatile broken things they can do. These guys do fight a lot more often than Jimmy Neutron villains, but something they have always been good at is causing Chaos in the Battlefield. Ben Tennyson is a very powerful hero, and if one of the Negative 10 members tried to fight him directly, they would lose, but they were able to get by because their powers are things like Summoning a Swarm of super insects, causing Natural Disasters, making a stampede of Mutant Kaiju or Mass Hypnotizing the populace. They caused Chaos in the battlefield and made Ben have to prioritize protecting civilians over going after them.

When the Negative 10 realize that The League is too strong to fight fairly, they will fallback on their old tricks, causing all sorts of general Mayhem to stop the League from focusing only on them. Turning their tech on them, bombarding them from afar with Bugs and flinging them around with TK, while the League would be scrambling to power through this and punch them.

The Difference being, Causing Mayhem is something the Negative 10 is always accustomed to and excels at, unlike the League charging in for Melee combat which they very rarely do. So while I think there are a Multitude of Scenarios where the League of Villains CAN Win, the Negative 10’s ability to excel in keeping powerhouses off of them and tricky strategies focused on Nullifying their foes powers while Bolstering their own Forces make this a battle within the Negative 10’s Court.