pants heavily
Sorry, but this ones got me excited, That's right I'm for the first time blogging about a videogame character, something I'm sure has never been done before by anyone. But it isn't just any old videogame character, it happens to be one so awesome it combines everything I love about cartoons and fighting games into one entity, she is my favorite character in my favorite game, and what I use for my thumbnail. And of course I mean Peacock! Now let's jump right into this shall we, the anticipation is killing me.
Patricia Watson was born in the city of Rommelgrad, the Capital of one of the many small countries that divide their worlds 3 major superpowers from each other. A kind yet tomboyish girl, Patricia spent the majority of her childhood obsessively watching every cartoon known to man and hanging with her best friend, Marie Korbel.
Though this was overshadowed by the state of the rest of the world. When Patricia was only a one year old, King Franz Renoir of the Canopy Kingdom began his ruthless war campaigns and started launching attacks on the other superpowers of the Gigan Nation and the Chess Kingdom, plunging the world into a long destructive conflict known as, The Grand War. Within 6 years The Grand War had caused massive damage, even hitting the smaller countries caught in the middle of it. Distraught by the war, Franz’s wife, Queen Nancy, wished on the Skull Heart for world peace. The Skull Heart then granted her wish by transforming her into the immensely powerful being of destruction, the Skullgirl.
Nancy Slaughtered millions of people, completely destroying of Rommelgrad, along with all the other small countries dividing the 3 Kingdoms, leaving nothing more than a desolate, bone-covered, Mad-Max like wasteland, which would come to be known as No Man’s Land.
Nancy's power was so unstoppable, the three warring Kingdoms were forced to ally themselves together to take her down. After Nancy’s defeat, her wish came true, the Grand War was declared over and a period of uneasy peace came to be, though unfortunately the damage to Patricia’s situation had already been done. Orphaned by the War, now 11 year old Patricia and Marie stayed in a makeshift orphanage at a former Nobleman's house and had to dress as maids since they were the only available cloths it had to offer.
Things soon grew even worse as in the war torn No Man’s Land, bands of bandits were easily able to obtain military hardware and atrocities such as human trafficking became common. So it wasn’t long before that orphanage was taken over by a savage band of Slavers. When Patricia, who was too defiant to be a slave, or told what to do in general, stuck up for Marie, the Slavers decided to make an example out of her. In a heartbreaking scene Marie ran to save herself, abandoning Patricia as she was savagely beaten too the point of having all her teeth kicked out and both her arms amputated from her body!
And if that wasn’t enough, the Slavers leader then finished the job by popping and gouging her eyes out with his bare hands!
After Patricia's horrifying mutilation, she along with the other refugees were liberated from captivity by the ASG Labs forces, unfortunately not even the nurses of Last Hope thought she had a chance at survival, they were shocked she was even still alive, let alone able to walk and hold a conversation.
Thankfully, the heroic ASG Agent, Big Band, refused to give up on her. He took Patricia back to Lab 8 to meet a certain kind Elf named Dr. Avian.
Dr. Avian is Anti-Skullgirl Lab 8's director, this Lab specializes in Synthetic Parasites. Parasites in the Skullgirls universe are Sentient beings made of Theonite that permanently bond with their host, forming an ironically symbiotic relationship where they feed on some of the host's Nutrients in exchange for providing them super powered fighting abilities. Synthetic Parasites are artificially created robot parasites powered by Theonite. Unlike their natural counterparts, Synthetic's tend not to have sentience, do not require nutrients, and are able to be detached and reattached from their hosts harmlessly.
Patricia was brought to New Meridien, a large city in the Canopy Kingdom, where she received intensive medical treatment that saved her life, once there however she became extremely adamant about becoming an ASG Agent herself.

She was surprisingly motivated rather than discouraged by her trauma and opted to help make the world better by becoming the very thing that saved her and living with them at the Lab. Not one to turn away volunteers, Avian started work on making her not just an agent, but his best one yet, the perfect Skullgirl destroyer.
Avian through his Genius made Patricia the first person to have 2 Synthetic Parasites. Turning her into the Wacky, Powerful, Skullgirl exterminating Cyber-Toon know as Project: Peacock.
After a year of training with her new abilities, Peacock exceeded all expectations, mastering her abilities near instantly and using her immense creativity to do things which even Dr. Avian himself never imagined possible.
Despite her tendencies to cause a ruckus, Avian was impressed with Peacock's capabilities, and sent her out on a mission to find and eliminate the new Skullgirl. But while Peacock was gone, tragedy struck again as through an act of betrayal, Lab 8 was attacked by the Skullgirl, and Peacock arrived to find Dr. Avian mortally wounded by the powerful ninja nurse, Valentine.
Taking his injuries and inevitable death well, Dr. Avian told Peacock that she was the best chance at defeating this Skullgirl before passing away. Outraged by Avian’s murder, Peacock set out to find and kill those responsible.
The major issue is that the Skullgirl happened to be the only person closer to her than Avian, Marie Korbel, now commonly called, Bloody Marie.
Marie had wished to exact vengeance on those who ruined their lives, slaughtering the Slavers who tormented them and moving on to the famed Medici Mafia who funded them. She tried to convince Peacock that what she was doing was right, going as far as to show her the corpse of the man that mutilated her. But the big difference with Marie and Peacock is while Marie is grew deep into despair, Peacock is unwaveringly hopeful, she's not one to dwell on the past, only looking to the future with a grin.
Realizing Marie would soon be unable to control the Skull Heart, and become even worse than those she was trying to stop, Peacock followed her orders and defeated Marie, destroying The Skull Heart. But afterward Peacock made peace with Marie, she never held any ill feelings toward Marie for running and will always be her best friend. Marie past with a smile, Peacock was always someone that could make her do so, and she then honored her best friends wish by taking it upon herself to end what remained of the Medici Mafia, Personally.
Nancy Slaughtered millions of people, completely destroying of Rommelgrad, along with all the other small countries dividing the 3 Kingdoms, leaving nothing more than a desolate, bone-covered, Mad-Max like wasteland, which would come to be known as No Man’s Land.
Nancy's power was so unstoppable, the three warring Kingdoms were forced to ally themselves together to take her down. After Nancy’s defeat, her wish came true, the Grand War was declared over and a period of uneasy peace came to be, though unfortunately the damage to Patricia’s situation had already been done. Orphaned by the War, now 11 year old Patricia and Marie stayed in a makeshift orphanage at a former Nobleman's house and had to dress as maids since they were the only available cloths it had to offer.
Nancy's power was so unstoppable, the three warring Kingdoms were forced to ally themselves together to take her down. After Nancy’s defeat, her wish came true, the Grand War was declared over and a period of uneasy peace came to be, though unfortunately the damage to Patricia’s situation had already been done. Orphaned by the War, now 11 year old Patricia and Marie stayed in a makeshift orphanage at a former Nobleman's house and had to dress as maids since they were the only available cloths it had to offer.
Despite her tendencies to cause a ruckus, Avian was impressed with Peacock's capabilities, and sent her out on a mission to find and eliminate the new Skullgirl. But while Peacock was gone, tragedy struck again as through an act of betrayal, Lab 8 was attacked by the Skullgirl, and Peacock arrived to find Dr. Avian mortally wounded by the powerful ninja nurse, Valentine.
Peacock is a sassy, confident, fun loving goofball rebel who likes adventuring, good times and doing things her way. Her favorite things to do for fun include watching cartoons and blasting any baddy she sees to smithereens. After her insanely traumatic childhood that would certainly leave anyone scarred for life, she not only wasn't bothered by it but became a superhero that only brings more fun and silliness to the world around her. Peacock is the most infamous and outspoken ASG Lab Agent, as well as the most prominent, impatient, combative, and brash. However, despite this, Peacock is actually very optimistic and light-hearted, considering horrible situations more an invitation to cut loose and brawl, which she will always do in a fun, jokey manner. Her likes include Movies, Violence, Junk food, Fast Cars, Explosives, Cigars, and Being in charge, and hates Weaklings, Bureaucracy, Authority figures, Nerds, Salad, and Chopsticks (when your teeth are a bear trap I can see why the last one is a problem).
Even though she is sometimes rude and impersonal, Peacock is still a very nice and heroic person once you get to know her. Despite the ASG Lab agents being government created superhero's, they are very much a family unit with each other and Peacock is older than all the little kids, but the youngest teen giving her the role of the one that thinks she's way more mature than she actually is. But she also is very loved and supported by her new family and will protect them with her life.
Despite being taken out of schooling in 2nd grade, Peacock is at least as intelligent as any other girl her age, likely due to being taught by the doctors of Lab 8 in addition to her immense street smarts. Though her Real knowledge lies in cartoons, Peacock has watched and memorized every episode of every cartoon ever made, especially her favorites, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Animaniacs, Annie: The Girl of the Stars, and Glorious Annie: Symphony of Star Stuff. She even managed to memorize and perform the legendary Country song from Animaniacs.
Which is made even more ridiculous by the fact that the Skullgirls Universe CLEARLY has different countries than us. Anyway because of this, Peacock literally knows every trick in the books of cartoon physics and warfare, and heavily uses this in combat. Though in addition to these street smarts and great memory, Peacock is also somewhat insane.
Her relationship with reality is a complex one, often choosing to ignore it in favor of having fun, she can hold a conversation no problem but her manner of thinking is notably very wacky, though contrary to popular belief, this is not a weakness, but a strength. Turns out all that zaniness is absolutely perfect for any Toonforce based fighting style, as an added bonus this zaniness also grants her complete unpredictability, 4th-wall awareness, and immunity from becoming the Skullgirl.
That's right, Peaks' wishes are confirmed to be so Bat-shit f#cking crazy, that the Skull Heart literally refuses to grant them out of sheer concern for its own safety, such as wishing that literally all the Oxygen on Earth would be replaced with Chocolate. The Skull Heart later went on to say Peacock was the most infuriating person it ever met.
Dr. Avian used a combination of magic and science to increase the power of Peacock's physical body and grant her tons of reality warping toonforce powers, including:
- Protection Spells:
This handy feature increases Peacock's physical body’s durability to superhuman levels, allowing her to even use the top of her head to funnel out redhot buckshot from a shotgun, without showing even the slightest discomfort. She can tank hits from other members of the Skullgirl's cast and even the full force of a Lonesome Lenny Bomb.
- Weight Manipulation:
Peacock can change her weight to whatever she wants.
- Matter Creation:
She can create practically anything she wants using just her imagination including cars and food.
- Creating Life:
Peacock has the ability to create sentient beings using only her imagination like Foster's home for imaginary friends, This will be talked about in the Peacock’s Gang section.
- Portal Creation:
Peacock can create portals and use them to escape from jams in one of the least predictable teleports in all of fighting games, appearing at at least 3 different distances on both sides of the opponent, even sometimes popping up in the same place she was to really throw her opponent off. But wait we are not done yet Peacock can also form portals under her opponents feet to uppercut them with a giant boxing glove or explosives.

She can also form a mini portal in her hat to bite an opponent's ankles, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase Ankle-biter.
- Violence Ball Creation:
A TRUE force to be reckoned with, this ability unleashes a torrent of violence so horrible it simply cannot be shown to anyone, forcing the universe itself to provide a censor.
- Elasticity
Peacock can stretch and manipulate her entire body like a rubber hose cartoon to absorb hits to a small degree and dodge attacks in creative manners.
- Existence Manipulation
Peacock can also manipulate existence, and does this by phasing herself into and out of it at will, while inexistent she is practically impossible to harm until she reappears in the space she desires, Peacock can also use this to create new matter from thought and other such things.
- Various other Toonforce abilities:

Argus System
The Argus System is one of Peacock’s two Synthetic Parasites, it's name comes from Argus Panoptes, a powerful giant in Greek Mythology with enough eyes to have Omnidirectional vision.
According to legend, after Argus was defeated his Eyes rained down to earth and became the feathers on the backs of all Peacocks…. Hence her name. The Argus System is a pair of arms for Peacock’s use, each one is nearly four feet long and has four fingers per hand with 3 eyes on each arm, one on upper-arm, one on forearm, and one on the elbow.
It is made of a very durable yet extremely flexible metal which moves in a manner similar to a rubber-hose cartoon.
Like all ASG Tech, It is powered by Theonite, a Skullgirl related material with magical properties which is researched and supplied by ASG Lab 6, and stored in a hole in Peacock’s spine, connecting her arms directly to her brain allowing her to control them like normal limbs.
The eyes on Peacock’s arms also allow her to see, she additionally has thousands of other eyes like them surrounding her at all times, and throughout the entire city she's in, giving her Omnidirectional Vision of a city wide area.
And yes she is able to process and use all this information to her advantage.
If that wasn't useful enough they apparently pick up sound too so she can spy on a city totally unrestricted

Each eye is a devastating weapon, able to be used in all sorts of ways such as being popped out as blunt objects, to transforming into daggers.
However the eyes’ trademark weapon is the powerful Z-Rays they fire from their pupils, the rays are incredibly devastating and are set to the precise wavelength to disrupt a Skullgirl’s essence. She can call all her eyes to form a tail feather turret of lasers on her back. But none of that compares to her ultimate weapon, the super powerful destructive force known as the Theonite Cannon.
This Baby is a powerful laser cannon that emerges from Peacock's Hat which concentrates all the theonite energy into a giant focused beam that is any Skullgirl's nightmare.
Like all ASG Tech, It is powered by Theonite, a Skullgirl related material with magical properties which is researched and supplied by ASG Lab 6, and stored in a hole in Peacock’s spine, connecting her arms directly to her brain allowing her to control them like normal limbs.
Each eye is a devastating weapon, able to be used in all sorts of ways such as being popped out as blunt objects, to transforming into daggers.
However the eyes’ trademark weapon is the powerful Z-Rays they fire from their pupils, the rays are incredibly devastating and are set to the precise wavelength to disrupt a Skullgirl’s essence. She can call all her eyes to form a tail feather turret of lasers on her back. But none of that compares to her ultimate weapon, the super powerful destructive force known as the Theonite Cannon.
This Baby is a powerful laser cannon that emerges from Peacock's Hat which concentrates all the theonite energy into a giant focused beam that is any Skullgirl's nightmare.
Peacock’s dress and hat combo, double as a special Egret grade, bulletproof body armor.
Peacock also has a pair of stylish Rocket Boots that enable her to fly.
Though Peacocks greatest defence is the Tetris Shield, which will regrow bricks at the same speed they are broken and will even hit her opponent back.
Finally the fun part… The Murder-Go Round is a vast arsenal of specialized weaponry developed by ASG Lab 5 specifically for Peacock, which she has trained with for over a year, it includes:
- Cigars:
Peacock is a chain-smoker for cigars though her lab 5 brand is not detrimental to her health, Peacock can use these to burn foes and light fuses.
- Mallet:
Peacock’s trusty Mallet is always a good time, Assuming it’s head is made of solid steel, the full hammer would weigh over 500 pounds!
- Cream Pies:
Ya just can’t beat the Classics ;D
- Bite:
If you haven’t noticed by now, Peacock’s new teeth are actually a 5 inch long Beartrap! A beartrap of that size averagely closes with a force of 250 psi, nearly triple the force needed to shatter the human skull! Peacock can also launch this out of her mouth on a cable to bite foe’s from mid range.
- Screwball Cannon:
A miniature Cannon that Peacock uses to blast her foes to Davy Jones’ Locker (Fires single cannonball per use)
- Shotgun:
A double barrel shotgun with one hell of a kickback, it can be used it two ways, Firing point blank, or firing down to rain read hot lead on her foes.
- Baseball Bat:
A giant bat with even bigger Spikes that will launch her foe off screen with a single hit.
- ChainSaw:
A 3.5 foot long Chainsaw.
- Springboard:
A sentient nail that Peacock can stomp on the ground to make it uppercut her opponent sky-high.
- Charlie Brown Kick:
Peacock kicks at a football that gets taken away at the last second, and ends up punting her foot into her foes lower jaw with enough force to launch them several feet.
- Banjo Slide:
Peacock slides into her foe playing a wicked banjo solo so awful it breaks her foes ears.
- Spring Kick:
Peacock's boots have springs in them that will launch her shoes off her feet in order to send longer ranged and more powerful kicks, can also be used to jump higher.
- Burlap Sack:
A sack that Peacock can swiftly trap foes in, then will proceed to repeatedly stomp on until they explode out of the bag.
- PattyWagon:
A giant car she made that she likes to ram into her foes at high speeds with her entries comedically heavy gang in tow.
- Whistle:
One of the most Deceptively devastating weapons in the whole Murder-Go-Round, Peacock’s Whistle can randomly summon any one from a plethora of extremely heavy objects to drop on her opponent. These objects will fall from a ridiculous height leaving a slowly growing shadow under her opponents feet, which will follow them wherever they go. all these object are quite painful...
however the best one happens to be a 12 ton Steamroller which will then pause time and get repeatably pounded into the ground until exploding… where have I seen that before?
- Model 29, .44 Magnum Revolver:
Taking after Dirty Harry, Peacock’s weapon of choice, The .44 Magnum, a Highly specialized sidearm that fires extremely high caliber bullets in single to 3 round bursts.
It also has a setting to fire a fakeout flag, which will temporarily stun her foe.
Lastly it has a third setting which will launch out a large bayonet, while typically it is displayed as the sword above it can also be the Buster Sword, Fireseal and many other reference weapons.
Avery is Peacock’s second Synthetic Parasite, pet bird, and partner in crime. Unlike many other Synthetic Parasites, the Avery Unit has artificial intelligence. Avery lives inside of Peacock’s hat, the two are able to communicate in combat making them a very effective team. Avery serves as a direct connection between Peacock and the Murder-Go-Round, sort of like a magic satchel, allowing her any of her weapons at any time. Additionally Avery is willing to fight himself, from operating the Theonite Cannon,
to jumping out and slashing with his weapons of choice, two razor sharp knives that can penetrate steel.
Peacock’s Gang
Peacock's Gang is a small squad of goons Peacock created using her imagination. They assist Peacock in combat and refer to her as "Boss".
Andy Anvil
Andy is a sentient Anvil Kick-boxer hybrid, he is a big fan of Boxing and Pro-Wrestling (especially Beowulf) and is extremely loyal and protective of Peacock, to the point of beating down anyone who even speaks ill of her.
Tommy Ten-Tons
Tommy is the 20,000 pound muscle of the group and will attack right on Peacock's command, he once even KO'd Big Band in a single punch. And Big Band is a 7'08, 5000 pound solid brass cyborg!
George the Bomb
George is one of the most useful things Peacock has, this cute little bomb is really one of the most mischievous little fuckers I've ever seen. He ranges from being thrown and wandering into you, to hit-and-running you with a mini car, and even using an aerial attack where he Kamikaze's into you with a mini plane. All of which result in him detonating in an Anti-personnel explosion.

Lonesome Lenny
Lenny is Peacock's secret weapon, a giant bomb more than 100 times
larger than George. Lenny is quite dimwitted, normally not knowing what's going
on. However when he goes boom, he goes BOOM! Lenny's explosion is enough to
send Tommy Ten-Tons airborne, as well as generate a mushroom cloud!
The bare minimum amount of force needed for an explosion to
generate this is 15 Kilotons, enough to Level an entire town, makes sense as
Lenny is often called 'Fat Man'. The best part of it is Lenny's blast despite
being incredibly powerful, only effects an area of a few meters, meaning she
can set him off without much concern for civilians.
Additionally Peacock can call her gang fourth to pull off one
sevens rating super move known as Goodfellas…
Lenny is Peacock's secret weapon, a giant bomb more than 100 times
larger than George. Lenny is quite dimwitted, normally not knowing what's going
on. However when he goes boom, he goes BOOM! Lenny's explosion is enough to
send Tommy Ten-Tons airborne, as well as generate a mushroom cloud!
At 13 years old,
Standing 4'06"
and Weighting 94 pounds,
Peacock is simultaneously the smallest lightest and youngest character in the current Skullgirls roster. But that in no way inhibits her from being easily one of the most deadly. Peacock was effectively trained by the cartoons she watches, her greatest instructors were Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry, Slappy Squirrel, and Annie, who is one of the highest tiers in Skullgirls. Peacock is for all intents and purposes a zoning character, and in fact is considered to be one of the best zoning characters in all of fighting games. Matching or defeating her from a distance is just pretty much not going to happen.
Peacock is capable of throwing around the 5000 lbs Big Band
Like all SG Characters can create earthquakes that shake whole neighborhoods with the shockwave of her hits
- Peacock is capable of throwing around the 5000 lbs Big Band
- Like all SG Characters can create earthquakes that shake whole neighborhoods with the shockwave of her hits
Can Perform Moves with the 20,000 lbs Tommy Ten-Tons
Can Casually Bust through Solid Stone
Defeated Marie who can lift and throw whole skyscrapers across a city at hypersonic speeds, such a feat would require over 1.3 Megatons of TNT.
- Can Perform Moves with the 20,000 lbs Tommy Ten-Tons
- Can Casually Bust through Solid Stone
- Defeated Marie who can lift and throw whole skyscrapers across a city at hypersonic speeds, such a feat would require over 1.3 Megatons of TNT.
Defeated Valentine who dodged point blank machine gun fire so casually she mocked the gunman for even using a firearm.
- Defeated Valentine who dodged point blank machine gun fire so casually she mocked the gunman for even using a firearm.
Can out race explosion, Mach 10 minimum
- Can out race explosion, Mach 10 minimum
Endured mutilation
Endured soul fuckery
Is bulletproof
Her Bombs unleash Town-Busting explosion and she can take blows from Marie.
- Endured mutilation
- Endured soul fuckery
- Is bulletproof
- Her Bombs unleash Town-Busting explosion and she can take blows from Marie.
Survived a Horrible Mutilation
Defeated Double as an Anti-Peacock
Defeated Valentine and Double at once
Twice defeated Marie Korbel (once by herself)
Escaped the Final Atrium
Is the Top Tier Lab 8 Agent
Destroyed the Skull Heart
Murdered all of Black Dahlia's forces
Tracked down and Killed all the remaining members of the Medici Mafia down to Lorenzo and Dahlia in less than a day
- Survived a Horrible Mutilation
- Defeated Double as an Anti-Peacock
- Defeated Valentine and Double at once
- Twice defeated Marie Korbel (once by herself)
- Escaped the Final Atrium
- Is the Top Tier Lab 8 Agent
- Destroyed the Skull Heart
- Murdered all of Black Dahlia's forces
- Tracked down and Killed all the remaining members of the Medici Mafia down to Lorenzo and Dahlia in less than a day
Slaughtered the entire Cortez Circus band of Hitmen (including Cerebella who can lift 9 tons) by herself
Created her own fighting style
Soul endured being bonded to two Synthetic Parasites
Mastered her abilities in record time
Watched every cartoon ever
The Best zoning character in the game
- Slaughtered the entire Cortez Circus band of Hitmen (including Cerebella who can lift 9 tons) by herself
- Created her own fighting style
- Soul endured being bonded to two Synthetic Parasites
- Mastered her abilities in record time
- Watched every cartoon ever
- The Best zoning character in the game
Omnidirectional Vision
Small City Level DC and Durability
Existence Manipulation
Helpful Assists
Can Create Matter and Life
Citywide Hearing
Great Memory and Unpredictability
Knowledge of all cartoons
Fourth wall awareness
Has a more deadly and versatile arsenal than Boomsticks Grandma on Cocaine
An effective gang of brutes
Omnidirectional Vision
Small City Level DC and Durability
Existence Manipulation
Helpful Assists
Can Create Matter and Life
Citywide Hearing
Great Memory and Unpredictability
Knowledge of all cartoons
Fourth wall awareness
Has a more deadly and versatile arsenal than Boomsticks Grandma on Cocaine
An effective gang of brutes
Lacks much experience
Lost to Double and Tied with Big Band
Sometimes irrational
Makes rash decisions without thinking things through
Lacks much experience
Lost to Double and Tied with Big Band
Sometimes irrational
Makes rash decisions without thinking things through