Friends and VS Fabs alike, I’m ThorGundersen1058, and I am Imperator100. Thanks so much to Thor
for collabing with me again. Oh it’s necessary for a matchup as unbelievably
epic as the one we have today, Vilgax, The Conquer of Worlds and Ridley, the
Cunning God of Death. These two giant alien monsters have been terrorizing
their galaxies with their goals of conquest and ferocious tenacity, if not for
certain hero’s infused with alien DNA, a LOT of people would be dead right now.
of these two can claim immense feats of physical prowess, a super-advanced
technological army, and a cunning will that allows them to threaten the peace
of the galaxies. But who’s power shall prove greatest? Only One Way to find
years ago a Chimmeran was born known as Vilgax. Little did the Milky Way know
he would one day become one of it’s most dangerous entities. Vilgax was an
ambitious youth, seeking power, and so joined the military before coming into
conflict with an alien capable of changing form at will. Fascinated by this
power, Vilgax began a relentless quest that would span over 200 years trying to
gain the sole control over the Omnitrix eventually coming into conflict with
it’s new human user Ben Tennyson. This quest eventually made Vilgax stronger
with cybernetic enhancements, a large robot army and a fearsome warship.
Vilgax was repelled only briefly by Ben Tennyson in the long span of his
the span of 5 years he had returned to his home planet and had taken it over,
as well as massively increasing its power. Vilgax was single-minded in his
desire to protect his people, to the point of once even allying with and
protecting Ben.
He also exploited the rules of the Galactic Code of Conduct to
defeat the Champions of 10 other worlds, taking their powers for his own and
their planets for his people. Vilgax’s protection of the planet was so secure
that even the Highbreed, threat to all life, was stopped by him, and he was
made permanent leader and the planet was renamed Vilgaxia in his honor.
even after all this time, Vilgax still wants the Omnitrix, to be used in
combination with his droids to create an unstoppable army of shapeshifting
warriors. Vilgax was described by his creator as “Darth Vader without the
humor”. He is a proud military general who above all puts the good of his own
people above all else.
Year 2000. The Galactic Federation maintains relative peace in the galaxy,
bringing it into a relative age of prosperity. But where there is prosperity,
there are those willing to exploit it by immoral means. The Milky Way Galaxy
would soon tremble in fear at the space pirates led by their infamous leader,
is a common misconception that Ridley is part of a species named “Space
Dragon”. However that is actually non-canon. Ridley’s species name is entirely
unknown. Similarly unknown is most of Ridley’s past. What is known is that he
made his way through cunning and power into High Command, the leading body of
the Space Pirates and launched a fateful raid on the Earth colony K-2L.
the short term this raid was highly successful leading to the destruction of
the entire colony, however in the long term this was the fateful raid that gave
birth to Samus Aran, the Galactic Bounty Hunter and Ridley’s sworn nemesis. The
two would engage in battle many times over years, getting stronger to better
oppose each other.
would lead the space pirates to actual successes against the Federation, even
with the Super-Bounty Hunter Samus opposing them every step of the way.
is a total supergenius with technology, battle strategy, manipulation and
experience. He possesses vast knowledge of other cultures, combat tactics, and
the thousands of codes of the Omnitrix, the most advanced piece of machinery in
the 3-Dimensional universe. He’s been in combat for well over 250 years, is a
master of tons of different fighting styles and his senses are keen enough to
spot microscopic detail and hear quiet noises from miles away. With his
deceptive manipulation skills he has tricked the The Flame Keeper’s Circle into
serving him, the time traveling warmonger, Eon into helping him in a plan that
would result in his death, and the extra dimensional god Diagon into giving him
all his power.
arguably most impressive is the time he was able to make it past the planetary
defenses of Galvin Prime, the home planet of the easily most intelligent
species in the galaxy.
is a very skilled tactician, being the leader of the Space Pirates on numerous
planetary invasions, and tricking the Galactic Federation on several occasions.
He is experienced in tactics on every level from the personal to the galactic.
He also is quite smart technologically, as would be necessary for a general in
such an advanced technological society. He actually built a perfect robot
duplicate of himself, a highly advanced machine even for the time, to lead when
he is not around called the Ridley Robot.
than anything, Ridley is known for his cunning ability to avoid dying, leading
him to be given the title “Cunning God of Death”. Ridley has seemingly died
many many times over, and always figures out some way of escaping.
Powers and Skills
to get this out of the way, there are four main forms of Vilgax, not counting
temporary fusions with other beings such as Diagon and Malware. There is his
Original Base Form which is the state he had at the start of the series which
is all natural and normal for his species. There is his Enhanced Form when he
had to rebuild himself as a cyborg. His New Base Form after the enhancements
became obsolete and he absorbed the powers of 10 champions. And Lastly his True
Form, a giant kraken like creature he can transform himself into when in water.
Original Base:
first and weakest form isn't much in the way of powers, though he does have a
- Breathe Underwater:
species is naturally aquatic and can breathe underwater indefinitely.
- Healing factor:
is able to regenerate from injuries such as lost limbs, unfortunately this
process is much too slow to be usable in combat, we’re talking months.
enhanced form is a significant upgrade over the last one being a now towering
15 feet tall and enormously stronger and more durable, it retains both benefits
of the previous form as well as adding many of its own.
- Boost steroids:
in his arms which he can use to artificially increase his own muscle mass,
temporarily giving him a massive increase in lifting and striking strength.
- Can Breath in Outer Space:
can now survive without oxygen in a vacuum for an indefinite amount of time.
- Powerful claws:
fingers are now claws which are so sharp they as capable of causing physical
pain to high tier characters such as Way Big.
- Matter Manipulation Resistance:
this new body Vilgax is resilient enough to shrug off hits from a giant Plumber
Weapon specifically coded to destroy his personal DNA. While it proved
effective against his base form, it no longer was damning here. Furthermore he
has multiple times endured DNA waves from the omnitrix, these have a tendency
to mutate whatever they come in contact with, merging it with DNA of random
species from the watch, but it never affected Vilgax.
- Anti-Logia:
is able to affect touch and pumble beings even when made of non solid material
like the liquid blob Gluto.
New Base:
removing his Implants and stealing the powers of 10 heros, Vilgax’s new base
form is his most powerful yet in all stats and without any of the disadvantages
being a cyborg might bring. This form retains many of the previous abilities
such as slow regen, breathing in space, claws, and resisting logia and matter
manipulation, and it in addition adds a lot more.
- Optical beams:
can shoot lasers from his eyes which in a very similar manner to Darkseid’s
Omega Beams, change direction to pursue their target wherever they go, these
can casually cut down trees, blow up house sized boulders and even shatter
Gwen’s energy shields and are fast enough to catch up to Helen, a member of
XLR8’s species.
- Super Breath:
gust of wind which is enough to blow Alan, a member of Heatblast’s species, out
like a birthday candle and knock out Kevin Levin.
- Flight:
is able to fly through outer space at high speeds.
- Super Senses:
can recognize individual beings from orbit and hear sounds from miles away.
- Energy Blasts:
can fire beams of energy from his hands.
- Paradox Resistance:
unaffected by his own timeline being erased.
Natural form of his species, Vilgax can transform into this kraken like creature
willing from any of his previous forms when he come in contact with a lot of
water, this form will always be more powerful than whatever form he was
previously because it rises in strength with him and is merely him
- Elasticity:
Tentacles can stretch vast distances.
possess 5 conventional forms, though 1 of them is not really purely a form of
him, but instead him infected by the X-Parasite and and genetically altered. As
such Ridley-X is considered an outside help form and will not be
allowed. His original form, his Base Form is merely his Biological form.
After much of his organic body was destroyed he was reconstructed with
technology to become the much more dangerous Meta-Ridley. When
Meta-Ridley is fused with Phazon he becomes Omega Ridley. There is also Proteus
Ridley, the newest form created when the phazon regenerated much of his
original biological body. Meta-Ridley is his general peak form and also the one
most thematically suited to fight Vilgax.
Base Form:
biologically has access to a number of abilities.
might be told from his structure Ridley can fly, even through the void of
space. Ridley can survive in the vacuum or on all manner of Exoplanets.
has a much stronger muscular system then any real beast, giving him
supernatural levels of strength and durability, as well as speed and reflexes.
has a number of biological weapons, including his claws, his fangs, and his
sharp tail which he uses to impale people. Ridley’s tail can lengthen and
shorten at will and he can even use it for an infamous bouncing attack like a pogo stick.
course this is not even getting Ridley’s most famous weapon, his infamous flame
breath. Ridley can produce fire from his mouth in the form of bursts or as a
firespray. He can create up to 5 separate fire bursts from his mouth at one,
and fire them at seemingly any angle.
also has the uncanny ability to regenerate from eating the flesh of others beings. He can regenerate
massive body losses this way, though it is implied to take a while and is
generally impractical in combat.
upgrading to Meta-Ridley, Ridley gained some new tricks.
famous breath weapon was upgraded from fire to firing pure kinetic energy or
plasma at will.
his Proteus Ridley Form, which Meta-Ridley should possess the same abilities, Ridley demonstrated the ability to charge his claws with
same form also demonstrated a limited earth manipulation, able to plunge his
tail into the Earth to cause a string of
sharp rocks to emerge from the ground.
also likely has some level of resistance to corrosion, corruption, matter
manipulation, and mind manipulation given he was able to survive exposure to
Phazon unshielded to turn into Omega Ridley, and survived a long time in that
form before reverting to Proteus Ridley.
Omega Ridley:
Omega Ridley, Ridley can use the power of Phazon to boost his powers and
abilities. He can breath pures of phazon-fire/plasma beams from his mouth and
also fire phazon beams from his tail.
just as his weaker form could charge his claws with electricity, Omega Ridley
can charge his claws with Phazon.
Ridley can also create whole shockwaves of Electrical-Phazon Energy and even
form cages of the stuff.
Weapons and Equipment
- Ruby Ray of Ulo:
gemstone on his right glove that fires lasers powerful enough to instantly
vaporize anyone it hits, this beam has only been withstood by foes with Large
island level durability such as Ultimos.
- Shield of Ziegel:
Gantlet he wears on his right arm that can project both energy shields and all
encompassing force fields from the crystal on the forearm. These are both
durable enough to tank hits from large island busting characters, Jetray’s
lasers, Ghostfreak’s energy blasts and repeated fire from advanced alien
battleships. It is also able to coat Vilgax in an energy field that allows him
to produce powerful electric shocks on contact as well as making him able to
physically grab and hit foes even if they are Intangible!
- Sword of Vilgaxia:
bread and butter, a powerful, 8-foot long, double edged sword which is able to
adapt to what it is facing. It is able to shoot powerful lasers, ignite itself
in flame and even coat itself in diamond like crystals which deflect away
lasers and absorb and store energy. This sword is so powerful that it shattered
one of the most durable aliens Ben has, Chromastone, to bits in just a single
- Raygun:
single pistol Vilgax has hoolstered on his belt, it fires laser beams dangerous
to many of Ben's aliens, without any limit on ammo.
- Power Converter
large machine that Vilgax can hook up to a downed foe, it permanently adds the
foe's stats and abilities to Vilgax’s own and allows him to replicate all their
natural powers while said foe grows weak. This device can also absorb power
from a foe's attacks. With this thing not only was Vilgax able to take the
powers of the greatest heros of 10 worlds but it was powerful enough to absorb,
contain and repurpose the full power of Diagon, a universal deity.
- Neural inhibitors
that will paralyze the foe it is placed on from using their alien powers.
- Chronosapien Time Bomb
powerful weapon able to wipe an infinite number of timelines out of existence
upon detonation, though he used his only one in an attempt to win the Time War.
Yes there was a Time War.
does not wield conventional weapons most of the time, though as Meta-Ridley has
weapons built into his very body.
his Ultra-Thermal Flame Strike Projector, Meta-Ridley can a shockwave of
fire emerge from him
his Meson Bomb Launcher, Ridley can send launch bombs down from a
can also use the the Multi-Missile Seeker to fire a spray of missile
volley at his opponent
technology is capable of damaging even some of Samus’ most powerful Suits.
has commands a massive robot army, His drones actually have a psychic link with
Vilgax himself allowing him to command the entire force with his mere thoughts. Generally most of his drones are capble of traveling at Massively Hypersonic speeds, and fighting against town to island level foes.
- Basic Drones:
things are flying, laser shooting robots that can easily blast through walls
and trees. They have an advanced scanner and they can even possess and merge
with organic creatures, allowing Vilgax to control them with his hive mind,
with a host these drones grow to building busters.
- Gigantic Drones:
huge robots can casually destroy large buildings, it can fire lasers from its
hands, missiles from its chest and Basic Drones from its shoulders
- Insectoid Drones:
flying bug like drones these things have grenade launchers and shoot lasers
comparable to a nuclear bomb.
- Mecha Drones:
Most powerful Drones seen in the first series these things can tear apart tech
and use it to instantly upgrade itself at will it can rip through tank armor
like tissue, and can grow in size, fly, fire lasers and heat seeking missiles,
hack into advanced technology, and it’s AI is totally capable of analyzing its
foes actions and setting traps. This thing can endure some hits from Four Arms,
a Giant Multi-City Block laser cannon, and Xylene telekinesis. It is strong
enough to knock foes through several trees, and fast enough to fight many of
Ben’s aliens additionally it can rapidly repair itself as long as the torso
- Brunt Drones:
Durable Drones designed to Smash through enemy lines like battery Rams, and
fire powerful electrical blasts. Even powerful aliens like Diamondhead struggle
with these things
- Normal Drones:
humanoid robots that run his ship and operate his tech, they are quite
intelligent, can use laser rifles and are strong enough to resist being pulled
into space.
- Large Drones:
larger more armored version of the normal drone with a bigger gun.
- Flying Drones:
transformers that turn into planes, these things are capable of flight in
atmosphere and outer space. Their pincer limbs can cut through space pods and
they possess laser cannons for a long range weapon.
Squid Monsters
natural pet on Vilgaxia, these creatures can be stored in certain areas to
hibernate for up to a century before emerging hundreds-thousands at a time.
They are incredibly loyal to Vilgax and posses claws, teeth and powers such as
flight and elasticity and the ability to function for extremely long periods of
time without taking in food, water, air or rest, these things are capable of
fighting city level massively hypersonic characters like Snare-Oh.

main forces consist of a large number of the Space Pirate Native Species, a
Hive Mind species of myriad variations. They generally wield one
blaster/projectile weapon on one hand and one energy scythe weapon in the other
hand useful for tearing through futuristic armors. These come in many
variations. Even Low-Level Space Pirates can engage in a space dogfight
spanning planets suggesting ftl reflexes, and are often able to react to Samus’
movements at higher levels suggesting MFTL reflexes.
- Militia:
Pirate Slaves and Criminals, generally wear no armor at all and wield low level
weapons, occasionally have some level of shielding or armor
- Trooper:
Main Force of the Space Pirates, Troopers generally wield a Galvanic
Accelerator Cannon which fires a blast of red energy enough to do damage to
Zero Suit Samus who has a town level durability feat, suggesting they are at
least MCB Level. In addition their scythe and durability should be at least
building level from being able to survive on planets of intense gravity and
being immune to low level weapons.
- Trooper Variations:
are several variations of Troopers including Grenadiers, who exchange their GAC
for grenade-launchers, Beam Troopers, who use a reversed-engineered weapon
technology of Samus from the Zero Mission, and Cloaked Troopers who have no
beam weapon at all but can attain invisibility.
- Hussars:
to the Pirate Homeworld are the deadly Korakk Beasts, 4-legged Insectoid Monsters.
Pirate Hussars are Pirate Cavalry mounted on the Korakks. The Korakks are
fiercely loyal and if their Hussar is killed with attack relentlessly.
- Bruiser:
Pirates much stronger and more durable then Normal Space Pirates but have weak
points on the joints and back. Have an even stronger version called Elite
Bruisers. Considering that they should be much stronger then Zero Suit Samus,
this would make them at least Town Level.
- Aqua:
Pirates adapted for aquatic combat. They use an Aqua jet pack to propel them
through water seamlessly and will often kamikaze into enemies to do extra
damage them, able to hurt even a higher level of Samus, suggesting the
explosion is at least island level.
- Flying:
Pirates adapted for aerial combat. They use a Jet Pack to propel themselves
through air at speeds. They perform the same suicide attack as Aqua Space
Pirates. They have several ranks and armored versions, the strongest being the
Assault Flying Space Pirate. Stronger versions should be at least town level.
- Commandos:
Pirate Elites that guard the Homeworld, they wear armor of phazite, a material
of Phazon, and most of Samus non-phazon based weapons simply can’t penetrate
suggesting they have Island Level Defenses. They can also do at least a little
damage to Samus suggesting they are at least City Level in Offenses. They also
possess invisibility capacity. The elites of THEM are called Pirate Commanders,
who wear Red Phazite Armor and have personal teleportation devices. Commanders
are usually associated with 4 Commandos who they can teleport in to help them.
Space Pirates with their mad scientific experimentation have forced other
species under their control and created a number of monsters to fight for them.
While many of these monsters have been slain, there are some of these creatures
that exist in groups and so likely still exist in some number.
- Drones:
Space Pirates possess a number of mechanized forces, generally mobile turrets,
mines and drones. The strongest of these are Skiffs, powerful aerial tank like
drones that are likely at least city level scaling to ancient Chozo technology,
though the cannon part can according to logbooks be overloaded with heat
- Baja Clovers:
biological weapon of the Space Pirates, a living flower that is known for its
heavy poison and ability to make outside forces susceptible the Space Pirate
command, possibly by linking them to the Space Pirate Hive Mind.
- Keyhunters:
Insectoid species from another galactic species, The Keyhunters resembles
flying insects and attack by spitting acid or attack with their claws.
- Scritters:
extremely common vermin on the Pirate Homeworld, Scritters are mentioned as
being fed to the Militia. They are normally not very strong but most of them
contain a powerful toxin that they release through biting.
- Atomics/Bombu:
balls of explosive energy. The Atomics are notable for causing atomic
explosions, reaching into the town, possibly city range of power.
- Metroids:
most iconic creature in the series, Metroids are a species that consume energy.
They were originally created to end the threat of Parasite X, likely by
draining the ATP needed for the Parasite X to divide and multiply. The Space
Pirates weaponized the Metroids. While Metroids vary in power based on their
stage of development from the street level to country level in durability, what
they have in common is their quick speed, their ability to drain energy from
any person, technology, virus or anything they latch onto, and a weakness to
cold that the Chozo implanted in them as a security measure.
is Vilgax’s extremely loyal right hand man that serves him with his life.
Psyphon utilizes a lot of alien tech to make himself a powerful force to deal
with, his tech can boost his physical stats, at max he could easily oneshot
Spidermonkey and more than hold his own against the likes of Ultimate
Spidermonkey and Armodrillo. Additionally he can generate force fields, throw
multi-city block level grenades, fire lasers from his wrists and eyes, create
energy constructs, and levitate through the air. He also has his own flying
Drones called R.E.D.s (Robotic Extermination Devices) that fire powerful lasers
and can tank hits from Gwen’s mana beams. His two most broken weapons are his
Exciter Beam, which overloads the nervous system of any species it hits causing
involuntary spasms and loss of bodily control he also has a Gauntlet laser that
causes Simulation summoning and animacy granting.
exact nature of who is serving in Ridley’s forces can vary but according to
Super Metroid, there is 3 Metroid Generals who serve along Ridley.
General. Kraid is likely the most loyal person in Ridley’s entire army, the
brute having accompanied Ridley since the original Zero Mission. Kraid more
than anything is known for his impenetrable skin to the point that it’s comparable to a planet’s shield. While he’s slow and
lumbering he has fast enough reflexes to react to Samus and is strong enough to
hurt Zero Mission Samus suggesting he’s likely at least city level. That said
the inside of his mouth is weak so when he opens it to attack he is vulnerable.
Kraid can launch it’s claws from it’s stomach as a form of projectile and can
regenerate them easily and quickly.
General. Draygon in the water is likely as strong as Kraid, and has speed
comparable to Samus in water. She can also shoot an adhesive projectile that
sticks things from her mouth. She can also extend her tail to knock enemies
over. That said she has little capacity to move on land that is known and her
underbelly is soft and vulnerable.
General. Phantoon is the manifestation of Mother Brain’s evil. It’s capable of
easily flying between star systems and shooting plasma beams from it’s eye
capable of threatening Samus. It can turn intangible and invisible. It can
resurrect souls and turn them into monsters. It can also control monsters.
Besides this it can summon incorporeal hands, absorb electricity and open
inter-dimensional portals. That said physically it seems relatively weak and
it’s eye, which it needs to see, is tangible so long as it is open.
Chimerian Hammer is Vilgax’s personal warship, a massive mountain-sized and
very heavily armed monster of a vessel. This frigid can travel across the
galaxy and largely faster than light speeds, and comes equipped with hundreds
of lasers, missiles and remote fighter ships. With this ship Vilgax can fire
tow cables that can shatter stadium sized asteroids on impact, pull in other
ships with a powerful tractor being, and teleport to and from a planet's
surface Star Trek style. The ships two most dangerous weapons are the Front
Mounted Laser Cannon which produces a beam so powerful is can obliterate entire
planets, and its Giant Null Void Projector which can send entire planets to an
alternate prison dimension.
Metroid-Universe Ships are capable of relativistic to ftl speeds in real space,
able to fight at ftl speeds across several adjacent planets. For greater speed
they can travel via hyperspace to travel at effectively billions of times
faster than the speed of light.
- Flagship:
Primary Ship that the Space Pirates use as a mobile base, the Flagship is a
Planetoid Sized UFO. In combat the Flagship attacks by generating a black hole
capable of destroying a shielded planet in seconds.
- Mother Ship:
personal ship, of a similar power to the Flagship, The Mothership has scanners
capable of scanning the local star system and creating inter-stellar warps.
- Destroyers:
are main battle ships of the Space Pirate Fleep, containing 3 individual
turrets which together fire a powerful laser beam capable of one-shotting a
country level spaceship. They also likely have tactical missiles of a similar
power that are commonly used in Metroid space combat. Destroyers are also
implied to be able to jam transmissions and signals all the way down on a
planet’s surface from upper atmosphere.
- Fighters:
battleships meant for shooting down fleeing targets and to attack land targets,
this ship was able to shoot down Samus’ gunship which was wasn’t burned up in a
town level collision on Zebes.
- Other Spaceships:
Space Pirates also have non-combat based on spaceships, including transports
and boarding pods, but obviously these aren’t combat based and have limited
combat usage.
- ATC:
Armor of the Space Pirate army, ATC (Armored Tactical Carriers) are levitating
vehicles that house several Space Pirates in each manning energy turrets. These
ships are easily as powerful as Samus’ weaker armors with the exception of a
heat vent on the front of the carrier
- With his arms boosted to maximum he shattered the
Roosevelt head off Mt. Rushmore in a single punch.
- Scales past Four Arms by winning against Kevin 11, Four Arms punches
are strong enough to damaged The Great ones Hide, who has large island
level durability due to being a large building sized monster that
regularly tanks being on exploding planets.
- Easily defeated all 3 of the Galactic Enforcers (who
are comparable to Four Arms) in back to back one on one fights.
- Can Easily defeat Fourarms, Cannonbolt, XLR8 and more
powerhouses, at the same time.
- Created a crater the size of a city block with a single
- Defeated Humungousaur At His Full Size in a single hit.
- Oneshot Eatle who is powerful enough to slice a city
sized mountain in half with his blasts.
- Could casually keep up with Heatblast, who is faster
than Megawatts, beings of sentient electricity.
- Can keep pace with Stinkfly and overpowered him
casually with just his fingers, Stinkfly can dodge laser shots that can
reach space in under a second.
- Can react to and grab XLR8 at top speed, XLR8 is
superior to Fasttrack, who ran 12 feet grabbed two people and moved them
to a safe distance before an explosion expanded more than a centimeter, a
speed feat of over Mach 7,379.
- Caught up to Jetray and proceeded to totally kick his
Jetray can fly So Fast he can enter hyperspace and made it from earth to a
distant planet in mere minutes.
- Kept Pace with Jetray in flight.
- On two separate occasion, he physically flew from
Vilgaxia to Earth in a small amount of time, while Vilgaxia is still in
the Milky Way it is far beyond our solar system.
- Flew from Earth to Petropia in about an hour, Kevin
stated its halfway across the galaxy, which would makes Vilgax 400
million times the
speed of light.
- Flew through distant space physically and
blitzed a starship containing the Ectonurite criminal Zs’Skayr.
- Even in his weakest Base Form, Still tanked being
strapped to a nuclear missile and blasted into his own ship.
- He is completely immune to both fire and physical blows
from Heatblast, Heatblast, even in a weakened state, could generate the
heat of a supernova, and is physically town level from scaling to Dr.
- Was rammed by XLR8 at top speed and the only one hurt
was XLR8.
- Diamondhead, whos crystals can endure island level hits
from Four Arms, tried to stab Vilgax but his crystals shattered against
his hide.
- Endured a mountain busting explosion in outer space.
- Survived being thrown into outer space by Way Big.
- Can Tank hits from Cannonbolt who can handily bring
down The Great One and Kevin 11.
- Tanked a Planetoid sized Explosion. (The Larger Orange
- Endured a fusion drive explosion, stated to
be able to destroy a city and everything within a hundred miles of the
city, and judging from the visuals that was not an understatement.
- Managed to Escape the Null Void prison dimension.
- Survived weeks in space with no food or water.
- Destroyed the planet of Petropia.
- Conquered over a dozen planets single handedly.
- Is the leader of his home planet and his people love
him, considering him such a great hero they legit named the planet after
- Successfully took Ben’s Omnitrix.
- Stole the powers of an extra dimensional god granting
him enough power to rule 2 universes at once.
Strength/Destructive Capacity:
- His tail smash can shake the floor of a spaceship that
can tank atmospheric reentry without trouble
- Able to tear through lesser Chozo Power Armors
- Was able to Physically hurt Samus during her Zero
- A charge from Meta-Ridley tore through a Space Frigate
designed to fight in Metroid space warfare
- Can easily tank and fly rapidly on the surface of a
planet with gravity 960 times that of Earth.
- Firebreath destroyed a plateau on a planet with 960x
gravity which was calced as an island level feat in base
- Firebreath destroyed an entire mining colony in base
- Meta and Phazon Forms his Plasma and Phazon Breath
could hurt Country Level forms of Samus
- In Base Form can keep up with likely FTL Space Pirate
- Easily surpasses the speed of Samus’ relativistic ship
as Meta-Ridley
- Can match an MFTL version of Samus as Meta-Ridley
- Outpaced Samus’ ship scanners which seem to be used for
MFTL warps to other galaxies as Meta-Ridley
- Survives his own fire-breath which destroyed an entire
mining colony in Base Form
- Can survive multiple powerful attacks from Zero Mission
Samus in Base Form
- Survives the massive space explosion of his ship in
Base Form
- Meta-Ridley’s armor can tank the attacks of many of
Samus’ weaker weapons save for the armor on his wounded chest
- Meta Ridley easily survives a power beam to his mouth
and a fall of 16,700 meters.
- Phazon armoring as Omega Ridley can survive the power
of Samus’ Phazon Powers in Hyper Mode
- Has destroyed planetary civilizations
- Fought Samus to a standstill and has actually beaten
her on occasion
- Leads the Pirate Forces and was considered a
considerable force to Mother Brain herself
- Has outwitted the Galactic Federation
- Constantly miraculously avoids death to the point of
being given the title “The Cunning God of Death”
- The Phazon chose him to be one of it’s guardians due to
his power
- Vilgax can be arrogant
- Is prone to fits of rage
- He is very difficult to work with as he will betray at
a moments notice if it benefits him
- His True Form is not very effective on land
- If he sustains enough damage in his True form he will
be unable to revert back
- His healing cannot help him in a fight
- Suffered an injury to his chest which his Meta-Form
does not cover, the same area is not covered by Phazon in his Omega Form,
possibly because the injured area would not be able to sustain the phazon,
leaving his chest area only as durable as his base form
- Was initially arrogant, though this has toned down
somewhat with time
- His healing takes a long time and is impractical in
- Can be somewhat temperamental and easily angered
- More Durable and would be able to tank Ridley’s normal
- Notably More Intelligent
- Superior Arsenal of Weapons
- More Experience
- Psyphon is deadlier than any of Ridley’s generals on
their own
- Vilgax’s Army is more standardized and presses
advantages in the air and in Artillery
- Should Vilgax’s communications with his army be cut
off, they WILL continue fighting independently
- Squid Monsters are almost a perfect predator for
- Vilgax’s Counter hax and Defenses can potentially
counter any attack Ridley would use if he can play it right
- The Chimerian Hammer is the most versatile ship in the
- Most of Vilgax’s attacks would fail to harm Ridley
- Omega Ridley’s Phazon attacks are extremely dangerous
and could cause Vilgax’s entire being to break down
- Ridley’s power increases more drastically in different
- Far less orbital forces and could even have his
telepathic communication with his army cut off
- Vilgax’s forces are almost entirely robots, which
Metroids would devastate
- Has only one General
- His army is in general a lot less versatile
- Outside of his Weak point Ridley can easily take any of
Vilgax’s attack
- Omega Ridley’s Phazon can ignore physical durability
- Ridley’s attacks carry more energy in stronger forms
- Has less Weaknesses
- Far Larger amount of orbital forces and can
theoretically jam their electronic communication
- Space Pirates Have a biological hive mind to give them
an easy ability to coordinate
- Metroids would be massive problems for most of Vilgax’s
technological forces
- More Generals and Sub-Generals
- Artillery is more varied
- Armor tends to be more versatile
- Has Infiltration and Stealth Units
- Vilgax can tank any of Ridley’s non phazon attacks
- Vilgax is much older and Ridley has less intelligence
and experience consequently
- Ridley’s weapons are neither as potent or versatile as
- Kraid, Draygon and Phantoon are not as potent a general
as Psyphon individually
- Vilgax’s Army is more consistent
- Vilgax’s Aerial Forces and Artillery have firepower and
numbers above Ridley’s
- Ridley’s ships jamming communications would only have
limited effectiveness
- Metroids may be a great counter to any of Vilgax’s
technology forces but would have little ability to fight Vilgax’s
biological forces, namely the squids.
- Vilgax can counter much of Ridley’s offenses
- None of Ridley’s Orbital Forces are as versatile as The
Chimerian Hammer
from the Warp came myriad bug-shaped ships, their menacing forms imposing eerie
shadows against the small planetoids at the outskirts of the system. Inside
them were the scourges of the galaxy...space pirates.
Pirate Commander entered the bridge. To the left, the monstrous Kraid gnawed at
what was likely the remains of an enemy from the last battle. To the right,
Phantoon hovered in the air sinisterly murmuring to itself, speaking damnations
and wishing evil until the cosmos, the very air tinged with it’s malevolence.
But even more imposing directly in front of him…
Ridley…” the space pirate spoke with apprehension and excitement “we seem to
have evaded the Federation with that Hyperspace Jump, and with such luck! A
prosperous settled world for raiding is in this system.”
Ridley laughed, learning forward in delight “And what do our scanners say of
this world?”
intelligence about this world itself my lord, the atmosphere is too thick to
get a visual, however it doesn’t seem to be Federation protected...planet seems
to contain much liquid water, seems like it should be an easy raid.”
took to the air, waving his claws and tail around menacingly against the void
of space out the window. “Prepare the fleet for the raid, and send signal to
Draygon down in her aquatic chamber to ready the Navy.”
gave a hearty roar to signal his approval and excitement for the upcoming
mission. Phantoon felt a disturbance, knowing that on that planet there lived
at least one powerful enemy, but in spite and desire for destruction of the
organic entities it continued its mad mumbling. Down in her chamber Draygon
gurgled and bubbled her instructions and plans for naval invasion.
the Planet below, stood the capital city of Vilgaxia, fortress of the planets
mighty ruler Vilgax, the conquer of worlds feared throughout the galaxy. Vilgax
rose from his throne and strode out towards his command center. On the way he
was joined by his advisor Psyphon, “Lord Vilgax, the orbital scanner has picked
up several warships emerging out of hyperspace”, he said with slight concern.
am aware, I shall provide them the kindness of a warning message, evacuate the
population to the bunker system, and ready our forces, we will strike the
moment they refuse” Vilgax said coldly.
my lord” Psyphon answered loyally as he fell back to do as he commanded.
the outskirts of Vilgaxia’s orbit resided it’s singular blue moon around whom
flew a teeming of vehicles, their wingspan merging from a distance so that as a
whole the robot orbital swarm appeared as a great organism. Atop this hovered
the Chimerian Hammer, from who messages were relayed to the ship, directing
their attention to charging their laser fire for the warning message to the
Space Pirates.
this swarm came a fleet of Space Pirate Destroyers, each one having a dozen or
more tiny fighters circling them as if caught in orbit. The Space Pirate Flag
Ship loomed massively casting darkness over the whole affair, and blocking out
part of the sun’s light wherever it went, with Ridley’s Mothership close in
tow. The two hung back and Ridley commanded his fleet to arm their missiles to
strike down the defending fleet.
relayed messages from the Chimerian Hammer and upon seeing the massive swarm of
Space Pirate ships, readied himself mentally and tactically queing up orders.
As he saw their aggressive stance and the sheer number and technological
potency of the invading fleet he took the initiative.
he declared gravely.
Ridley hovered in the Mother Ship watching the defensive circles within circles
as the destroyers protectively guarded the personal ships of his three
generals, and his fighters circled that. As he saw the defenders of this
worlds’ ships come into view he prepared for one of his signature sudden and
decisive attacks.
he called excitedly.
Chimerian Hammer targeted a small cluster of enemy fighters and launched a
massive beam of energy, disintegrating them all.
the same time, Space Pirate Destroyers launched a volley of missiles that flew
through space at breakneck speed, creating a sudden burningly bright light
blinding the nearby area, bits of shrapnel and metal being flung through the
void at hypersonic speeds.
buzzed around them like particularly menacing bees, racing around and through
Vilgax’s orbital defenses, launching individual blasts at the hulls of the
flying drones. The Space Pirate swarm began to envelop Vilgax’s ships.
Chimerian Hammer fired blasts and missiles from seemingly every pore of its
enormous haul, destroying lesser ships by the dozens. The Flying Drones swarmed
tactically flanking around the Destroyers, engaging and managing to overpower
much of their Fighter escorts.
Ridley cawed, “rip off their cannon, tear them to shreds, let’s burn and
devour! HAHA!” The Destroyers began launching heavy fire on the Chimerian
Hammer’s front facing laser cannon, power serged as pieces of red metal
exploded violently off the haul, crippling the weapon.
took note of the Destroyers’ destructive capability, they needed to be taken
down as soon as possible. Vilgax beamed himself onboard the Hammer, and took
command of the frigate. “Prepare to Fire the Null Void weapon, target the
tri-booster class ships.” The Battle seemed to halt as everything became cast
in a massive eerie yellow glow from the midsection of the Hammer, Light seemed
to be dragged towards the ship as it launched out a massive beam between the
enemy Destroyers. It blew past all three of them before dissipating into
nothing, the crew breathed a premature sign of relief, when suddenly a massive
portal, larger than a planet came into existence, sucking the ships in with immense
power, they gazed into the portal to see monsters, as horrible as the worst of
any planet they plundered by the millions as their ships were consumed within
the space and it closed trapping them for all time.
Ridley grumbled angry “No No! Focus on ship, blast fire and plasma in their
face, burn them to cinders!” At Ridley’s command the space pirates, as one
giant unit moved into close range for orbital combat, their ships veering very
close to Vilgax’s such that he could make out individual units inside them, the
fighters circling the ship and blasting at it with their lasers creating a ring
like a gas giant’s.
saw the massive force opposing his own ship and pondered the best possible
course of action, one of his drones spoke. “Sir, we have finished the scan of
the larger enemy ships, the smaller commanding ship contains very impressive
warp technology for fast travel, while the larger one has the ability to
generate a singularity.” Vilgax stood up, “A singularity is only a threat if
they are willing to use it, these are pirates, and we cannot allow them to
escape us.” Vilgax activated the tractor beam, latching hold of Ridley’s
mothership. “WHAT?!” Ridley spat, as four giant cables smashed into the ship as
well and began pulling the two ships together with titanic force, smaller
fighters being flung away from the force. “Initiate self destruct launch
sequence” Vilgax stated as he exited the command center, “I will deal with the
rest Myself.” Vilgax then kicked a massive hole through the hull, and flew out
into the void of space. At blinding speeds shot down dozens of fighter ships as
a massive collision between the command vessels was imminent.
eagerly flew out. “Pitiful!” He thought to himself “the last dying struggles of
the prey planet being hunted...hahaha” the loss of of some of his destroyers
and to a lesser extent a number of fighters was unfortunate but this creature
here was clearly the source of all the headaches he had just accrued. Ridley
emerged from his ship flapping his wings out defiantly and let out a titanic
roar of challenge that seems to echo across the system, gliding in one large
fell swoop like a bird of prey towards Vilgax, spewing burning plasma the whole
way, melting a few of Vilgax’s few remaining orbital forces that tried to
engage him.
spotted the purple flying creature, his expression turned to a menacing glare,
what being in the galaxy would be bold enough to attack his planet. As the
ships crashed and detonated in a massive explosion, the Two warlords collided
in a thunderous shockwave. The collision of the two sent them careening off
course, sending them flying through the void, with a burning trail like a comet
from the energy and speed of their collison. Vilgax applied his titanic might
to Ridley’s draconic frame, but the metal of his body refused to budge. Ridley
bit and scratched and sliced with his tail like a rabid wild animal but
Vilgax’s body was left unscathed. The two landed on a small moon of the planet,
cratering the area for hundreds of meters and sending up such dust as to create
a small ring that hovered over the surface of this moon, the small planetoid
shaking from the force of their blows.
stood tall, “I presume you lead that band of cowards, surrender and Your Deaths
shall be Swift.”
to Shreds!” Ridley screeched almost incoherently “I’ll tear you to shreds and
then eat your charred corpse!”
the sky dozens of Fighters carrying untold legions of space pirates zipped to
the surface of Vilgaxia, avoiding aerial fire. The Space Pirates, well
experienced in raiding at this time, left the fighters, immediately feeling at
home in the marsh of the planet. Quickly assembling into divisions and
subdivisions, with subdivision leaders taking the front, the reconnected to
their hive mind, letting them “see” or perhaps more accurately “feel” the
scouting understanding of the land, with indicators by the leaders of their
battle strategy.
walked outside of his fortress, the planets population having been safely
evacuated underground. An enormous army of millions of various robot drones
began to emerge from posts all throughout the surface each armed with excessive
force and tactical programing. “Lord Vilgax will certainly be pleased with me,
if I end this skirmish before he returns” Psyphon said with zealot like joy.
lumbered out with a defiant roar, ready for battle and blood. Powerful ATCs and
Infantry circles around him joyously preparing to cut through the natives.
Draygon swam along in the marshes, annoyed at their murkiness with naval forces
in toe. Phantoon shimmered in and out of sight with stealth forces forming an
almost indecipherable pattern. The three, as one, gave a singular message
through the hive mind to the space pirates: “Kill, especially civilians.
Destroy their cities. Loot their riches. For Lord Ridley!”
Sun shone intensely on the surface of Vilgaxia, splintered by the splash of
water and the upheaval of dirt into the air. Explosions rocked the surface of
the planet, with great noise and pandemonium breaking an otherwise deathly air.
Large Robot Drone blasts burned through the air, setting it ablaze briefly and
incinerating small patches of water while in return, reverse engineered chozo
beams and lobbed manual grenades creating briefly deadly rainbow lights that
burned the eyes of those who looked at it from a distance, and burnt the flesh
off any fauna unfortunate enough to be near, the sound of the burning plasma
signaling the distant war.
forces from both sides began to close in on the enemy positions. Through the
air, flitted the flying Space Pirates, blasting down without regard at any
signs of movement. With perfect efficiency metallic levitating drones fired at
their position, sniping their heads off, before one of the flying pirates threw
itself into the robots and exploded vaporizing them instantly.
hills and brush became the battleground of the aerial infantry, a battle of
importance the defenders knew not. For the aerial scouting gave the hive mind a
great understanding of the layout.
water began to churn with blood and oil. The open areas, the great seas and
plains were deathzones for aerial strikes, as snagglers got sniped almost
immediately from aerial infantry, and so the majority of the ground forces,
forced their way via the densely covered river-lad rocky areas. Larger forces
became quickly impeded from the cover and debris and the mud. While they could,
and often did break through the stone and ground, such created massive noise drawing
enemy awareness of position.
the Space Pirate forces half ran, half swam through the murky marshes of the
planet, a great surge of water upwards briefly obscured their vision, militia
dying instantly from the immediate surprise assault, while the troopes
impulsively took cover and fired back. Aerial reconnaissance, allowed the
keyhunters, the long-time allies of the pirates to buzz behind some of the
smaller robots and infiltrate them, tearing them apart from the inside with
their acids.
large ominous ships emerged on Ridleys side, they crept forward hovering above
the ground like beetles. Normal and Large drones fired on them repeatedly to no
effect, as they opened revealing Pirates manning enormous turrets. The pirates
laughed maniacally as they blasted thousands and thousands of lasers decimating
the mechanical ground troops who were helpless to do anything to stop them
behind their energy shields. Ridley’s ground troops rallied behind these
unstoppable battle tanks.
Response, out of the ground launched dozens of durable, flying Brunt Drones and
began flanking these tanks. The blasts from the ground pirates did nothing to
slow these tanks advance as they opened fired their powerful Electrical blasts
at the enemy tanks. The massive surge of power traveled to every inch of the
ATC’s surface, overloading their heaters regardless of where it hit and causing
the vehicle to detonate. The ATC’s fired back in response the fire fight
between the armored battle tanks devastating the surrounding ground troops of
both sides.
Vilgaxia’s Moon, Ridley bulrushes Vilgax in a savage fury. “DIIIEEEEEEE” He
scratches. Vilgax quickly runs forward, grabs the back of his head and bulldogs
him, Ridley’s head slides across the ground from his own momentum with the
towering conquer on top of him. “Pitiful” Vilgax remarks when suddenly Ridley’s
massive tail coils around his whole body and whips the Squid Headed being into
the ground forging a new crater Ridley takes off into the sky dragging Vilgax
behind him with his tail.
Will Skin Your Species ALIVE” He Roars sadistically. Vilgax’s eyes squint
slightly in mild anger as he extends his right arm forward, the gem on his
glove glows a bright red and fires a massive laser, encompassing Ridley’s
entire being, it launches him through hundreds of miles of space before he
crashes into an asteroid, vaporizing half of it.
lands there immediately, “Impressive, not many beings can endure a hit from the
Ruby Ray of Ulo. Perhaps your remains could yield my troops a better armor.”
Ridley gets up in rage and lets loose an ear piercing Roar.
below in the clouds and atmosphere of Vilgaxia two air fleets scrambled and a
massive dogfight began. Flying Drones zipped through the sky, blasting out tiny
Flying Pirates, trying to get into optimal range to bombard Ridley’s infantry
Flying Space Pirate, like a fly managed to zip up to one of the Flying Drones
undetected before a giant explosion brightened the sky orange from the Flying
Drone’s destruction, sending burning bits of metal in every direction. The
Flying Drones learned quickly and began desperately blasting at any approaching
Space Pirate, often taking out clusters at a time. And such they needed too as
the sky soon became darkened with the little creatures. Smaller Basic Drones
acted as personal guards, blasting at the ones that get too close.
orbit, lasers came down suddenly and without warning, causing the drones to
split up and take evasive maneuvers to avoid being overwhelmed by the
biological swarm of insectoids. The drone’s robotic senses and perfect sense of
coordination kept them alive as they crack shot blasted each approaching alien
with an inhuman efficiency, taking potshots down below at Ridley’s infantry
when they could.
course to the infantry of both sides, it was less the aerial forces to worry
about but the giant lumbering forces. Kraid burst through the thicket, shaking
the ground as he stomped. A Brunt Drone blasted him in the chest, causing him
to roar with rage and send one of his spiked claws at the machine, tearing
through it’s head, though it continued to blast him until a pack of Brusers
descended upon it.
Hussars, riding their mighty Korakk Beast native to the Space Pirate Homeworld
burst through, scratching at the great mecha of the defenders. The Tearing of
the wild beast met it’s perfect match in the cold efficiency of the blades and
lasers of the robots. Smaller teams of assaults at distance tried to aid their
side, blasting at vulnerable eyes and legs as the titanic forces collided.
explosions from artillery ripped the marshy ground. Draygon was pleased at the
cover this provided her, though the evaporated water made it temporarily harder
to wade through. She burst from the water, webbing up some of the smaller
drones and eating them whole. Seeing Kraid over on the Western side flank, she
went quickly to aid him, tearing at the Brunts he had not finished tearing at
the legs of the robotic forces she encountered nearby, dragging them down into
the mud.
over at the Eastern Flank, a few of the Drones were backed into a seeming
corner by one of the Korakk beasts before suddenly the beast faltered in the
face of a forcefield. Psyphon knocked back the beast with one strike before his
personal R.E.D.s appeared from cover and blasted at the beast and assembled
space pirates, blowing them to ash. These invaders would pay for doing damage
to Lord Vilgax’s homeworld… Seeing one of the ATCs, he raised his gauntlet to
it and the machine suddenly came alive, crushing the pirates within in a
confused display of sudden sentience. The Drones rallied behind him and various
space pirates through the hive mind quickly came to target him as a major
artillery began firing a parameter around Psyphon’s position, decreasing its
size with every shot to envelope every being within the circle of unstoppable
blitzkrieg. Psyphon Quickly put forth a forcefield to block the unrelenting
think you can stop me….When I’m done with you, I’ll take such delight in eating
those people you are protecting SLOWLY” Ridley said putting emphasis on
“slowly” as the dragon darted about at lightspeed to tear his foe limb from
limb. Vilgax countered blowing forward a huge torrent of winds with his mighty
breath, slowing Ridley’s advance to a crawl. He slammed Ridleys head and he
landed hard on the ground. “Hardly” Vilgax remarked unimpressed. Ridley
suddenly impaled his tail into the ground, and a dozen stone spikes rocketed
from the ground launching Vilgax back.
stood up, laughing maniacally at his surprise attack, “I Will cook and EAT your
HEART” he said with fire leaking from his muzzle. This creatures idle threats
did nothing to scare Vilgax, but any being after his subjects must
be destroyed. Vilgax Stood tall “You’re welcome to try.”
Blasted forward a gigantic river of plasma fire taking up Vilgax’s entire
vision. Quickly Vilgax raised his left arm, the crystal on that glove glowed
yellow and produced a large energy shield, stopping the flames in their tracks.
Vilgax Flew forward using the all encompassing flames as cover as he plowed
through them and smashed Ridley shield first through the rest of the asteroid.
Ridley growled and tail whipped the monster off him. Ridley rushed forward
baring his claws, this time imbuing them with electricity and clawed at Vilgax
in a frenzy but neither the scratches or the shocks seemed to faze him.
Suddenly lasers shot from Vilgax’s eyes into Ridley’s blinding the creature
with it’s light for a second. Vilgax kept firing on him, He added his Ruby Ray
from his right hand, and pulled out his raygun with his left hand and
approached the dragon, pinning him down with three separate blasts.
hsssssss” Ridley shook in seeming pain, covering himself with his wings as if
defense as Vilgax closed in.
YOU IDIOT!” Ridley shouted, showing his bluff and pounded the ground activating
his Flame Strike Projector, causing a wave of golden flame to sweep through the
blackness blasting Vilgax away, the golden tint of the flame burning through
the darkness and cold of an asteroid belt.
on the planet surface, the news of heavy resistance in all areas was spreading
across the space pirate mind. Eager to get an advantage against the robotic
defenders, some of the militia fearfully unleashed from their containment cages
on the ship the most feared arsenal of the Space Pirate legions…
the single-minded energy predator floated or crawled or leapt around the
surface of Vilgaxia, depending it’s evolutionary state, they eagerly drained
the energy with ease of a natural ecosystem that had never developed to protect
against this, until with an almost ecstatic glee present in the simple
organisms they discovered the robots, huge sources of energy and eagerly
charged their position.
Drones were fearless and felt no hesitation in holding their ground against the
Metroid assault, even managing to destroy some of the larval state ones as they
floated towards dangerously but as the Metroids reached the line of small
drones protecting the larger drone centerpieces, it became a quick massacre of
the artificial protectors, as the robots were rapidly drained them of their
energy. With “thud”s the lifeless machines became truly without any animacy and
fell to the ground completely devoid of energy, leading the metroid swarm to
continue to surge forth in search of more of the tasty energy-rich treats.
the skies the space pirate fighters tactical communications jam of the robot’s
communications was a nigh impenetrable firewall and the air was kept at a
locked dead standstill due to the orbital forces bombarding the aerial forces
of the planet. Some of the Fighters flew up to aid Lord Ridley on a nearby
braced himself as Ridley tackled him from miles away in seeming moments, taking
him above the surface of the asteroid and planning to slam him up down on it.
Vilgax gazed into the eyes of his foe. “Worm, you will fall to my claws.”
Saying this Vilgax shot optical lasers into Ridley’s enhanced eyes a second
bellowed in pain and rage but before he could truly respond, Vilgax thrust a
punch into his torso, blasting him across part of the asteroid belt, shatting a
small asteroid. Arriving to help, the 4 pirate fighters that had come to aid
Ridley blasted their lasters in Vilgax’s direction. But he put up a forcefield
which easily deflected enemy orbital fire before leaping up and grabbing a hold
of the wing of one of the fighters, boomerang-ing it through the three other
fighters there, sending them all exploding outwards.
Vilgax felt himself thrust forward through the solid density of the space
debris orbiting Vilgaxia. Ridley had taken this opportunity to tackle the Chimeran
through the burning atmosphere. Ridley tried to release a powerful fire breath
with a resounding roar of conquest in Vilgax’s face but through the flame
Vilgax simply collided his head with Ridley’s, making Ridley shake his head
away in pain and annoyance.
pirates armored forces pushed forward with their best gear in an attempt to
break the Drones defensive lines, ATC’s escorted by Commandos and even Elite
Commanders pushed forward like an unstoppable battery ram of firepower
destroying drone forces left and right, even Brunt drones could not fight the
Commandos on equal terms. Suddenly a group of dozens of Mecha drones, the most
powerful type of drone, banded together to take on this mighty force. The house
sized metal creatures faces off against the skilled armored pirates and their
tanks launching lasers, missiles, fire and bombs left and right putting on a
light show that penetrated through the thick atmosphere and became visible from
space as both sides took heavy casualties, or so it seemed. To the Pirates
shock and horror, tendrils from thought to be downed Mecha Drones began
reaching all over the place, ripping metal, armor and weapons from drone and
pirate tech alike, rebuilding themselves bigger and deadlier than before in
seconds. The pirates began to fall back as they began to be locked down upon by
this seemingly immortal squad of death machines.
Space Pirate Troopers cowered back before they began to get a sadistic glee as
if they sensed something nearby. Firing their blasters so as to create an
energy surge called forth the hungry Metroids from nearby.
Mecha drones ripped apart the nearest metroids without much trouble but the
swarm showed no sign of fear or even hesitation as they clung to the Mecha. The
Mecha drones tore at the creatures, killing a few before they began to drop
from sheer energy drain, the Metroid surge tearing through some of the
strongest defenses the Machines had against the pirates. The Metroid swarm
hungrily turned and continued to tear at anything nearby that gave off energy.
was alerted the instant the first Mecha fell, and checked the feed from their eyes
to see what was occuring. “So it seems these filthy mongrels brought pets, I
doubt they’d fair well against ours” Psyphon released the planets many storage
tanks and horrible flying gelatinous Squid Monsters began to emerge from the
underground by the thousands into the air. The creatures cycled through their
code that had been implanted into their forms at birth, on it a short list of
things not to attack, everything else was a meal.
the murky wetness, two apex genetically programmed predators swiftly approached
each others’ positions, tearing down any enemy unfortunate to be in their path.
The surge of water stopped as the two came into contact. The Metroids gnashed
their teeth menacingly, looking at the veritable feast of energy that appeared
before their senses, surging forward at breakneck speed. The Squid Monsters
pounced on them like a deep sea fish on a smaller fish taking its brightly lit
bait. They eat the primitive genetic material of the metroid gnashing the first
wave of them to bits, the second ones ripped their teeth into the squid
monsters’ malleable skin quickly draining their energy. But surprisingly
instead of falling without energy, the Squid Monsters merely gave a pained
growl, their unnatural stamina prolonging them as they tore at the malleable
in the sky, the Fighters exploded, lighting up the sky with occasional lethal
fireworks as Vilgax and Ridley’s fight approached the surface ever closer. No
longer under such immediate threat from the orbital bombardment of Ridley’s
strategy, Vilgax’s aerial forces began rapid mass-bombing the area of the space
pirates, giving the defenders a surge of momentum.
creatures will all fall before the glory of Vilgaxia” Psyphon spouted gazing
upon the Squid Monsters overrun the Metroid forces when immediately to his left
he noticed some of the Squid Monsters were not making it out of the shoreline,
in fact some were being dragged down below the surface by an unknown assailant,
he couldn’t let this continue.
the water Draygon and her navel forces were able to hinder the advance of the
Squid Monsters, managing to trap their bodies in her adhesive gunk, any sign of
an enemy navy seemed to fall quiet as she enjoyed hanging back doing easy
fighting in the back lines. Suddenly dozens of grenades littered into the
water, surrounding her and her forces. With barely a second to think, Draygon
breached out of the water, leaving her slower company below as she narrowly
avoided the explosion before landing back in the water.
gazed upon the the giant alien creature as it briefly lunged out of the water
like a shark ambushing prey. “Fascinating specimen” Psyphon commented as he and
his R.E.D’s flew towards her position. Draygon popped her head out from the
water and began firing more adhesive gunk at her attackers, they had destroyed
her forces, this will make her look bad in front of Lord Ridley unless she can
take them down as well.
gunk took down R.E.D’s left and right, but couldn’t reach Psyphon past his
forcefield. In an attempt to bring him into her terrain, she extended an
adhesive down forward, Grabbing onto the sides of his force field and started
pulling him down into the abyss. “I’m afraid that was a bad call” Psyphon said,
dropping the force field and firing a single laser from his wrist at lower
section. At first it seemed as though nothing happened, when suddenly Draygon’s
entire body began fasciculating, she lost control over every muscle in her body
as her body began to jerk, tremble and contort randomly, a panic’d expression
took over her face. Glad his Exciter beam worked so flawlessly, Psyphon grabbed
the tentacle nearest to him, and violently flipped the creature onto the shore
with a sudden massive burst of strength. Draygon crashed into the sand making a
large crater only for Psyphon to blast a massive hole in her stomach, instantly
killing her. Surrounding naval pirates gazed on in shock, ranks broke as they
came to witness the terrifying sight, despite what had initially seen to be an easy
mission, this foe had slain even mighty Draygon! The Space Pirates backed up in
the face of such a dangerous opponent.
Space Pirates retreated to the fallback line in the face of aerial pressure,
the death of Draygon, and the Squid Monsters surge. Beam Troopers using
powerful blasters held them off to an extent but their advance was shielded
from the heavily aquatic terrain.
aerial forces bombed at the area opportunistically, taking some losses from
stray beamer blasts, but inflicting more casualties. The defensive wall of baja
clover did nothing to stop the machine assault, though many of the Squid
Monsters became poisoned and died, infecting the rivers and marshes with lethal
poisons. Despite this, the Space Pirates realized the raid was becoming
increasingly cost heavy and sent out atomics and bombus to explode the robots
with atomic force.
atomic forces rocked the planet. To protect their robotic allies Vilgax’s
aerial forces began bombing the atomics and bombus pre-emptively slowing the
assault progress on the space pirate defensive line, however in the carnage of
the mechanized forces were given a greater chance to assemble and exploit their
natural knowledge of the home world.
the peak of the of the Robotic Assault concentration, shimmering into being was
the malevolent Phantoon. Mumbling dark hatred for all life, it called astral
fire, so hot as to flash evaporate the water on the ground and melt the
machines nearby. Not being living entities Phantoon could not raise their souls
as minions, but this did not matter.
Phantoon’s reappearance, Ridley’s other stealth units, Commandos and Cloaked
Troopers appeared behind enemy lines and began rapidly blasting before the
enemy could respond. Immediate confusion and chaos wracked the battlefield. The
Defending Space Pirates rallied at the cloaked assault, and began to pincer the
machines between their chokepoints.
Resurrence was cut short as the supersonic roar of Flying Drones broke the
nearby air as they made a fly through in atmosphere, blasting at the lesser
protected cloaked units. Phantoon in hatred and sadistic malice shot a powerful
plasma beam from it’s eye, burning some of them from the sky.
of the Remaining Squid Monsters began breaking through the front, dragging the
surging Space Pirates underwater, and the Gigantic Drones, even without aerial
support began to blast back the Hussar and Beamer Charge. Kraid began to wallow
out into the middle of the battlefield with ATCs by his sides began tearing
through what he could see, while Psyphon, from near the Eastern Flank of the
battlefield, quickly have more directions to help accommodate the unexpected
stealth attack while attacking nearby bruisers at the same time.
Battle waged on when suddenly in a flash of light, everything momentarily
became silent, at speeds invisible to everyone present, Vilgax and Ridley broke
through the atmosphere and smashed into the surface with a tremendous bang,
instantly vaporizing miles of land and knocking nearly all the ground forces
off their feet as the impact caused an earthquake and generated light and heat.
raised himself from the ground with his massive wings and let out a thunderous
roar as his army rallied behind his battle cry. Vilgax too stood up, though he
would not admit it, this force was becoming a serious threat, one worthy of his
full onslot, reaching behind his back, he drew his massive Blade, the Sword of
Vilgaxia, and held it towards the sky as Psyphon, the drones and the Squid
monsters all formed into an attack formation.
two armies rushed forward in a cataclysmic clash began fighting with new found
vigor, pirates and drones tearing into each other like starving wolves battling
for scraps, Kraid stampeded through every obstacle that stood in his way,
Psyphon used his tech to tear down enemy ranks in his mental chess game with
the enemy. And in the middle of all of it was the titanic battle between the
devastating monsterous warlords.
slashed at Ridley with his newly drawn sword, but Ridley flew upwards and came
down tail first in his famous pogo-stick assault attempting to use all his
tremendous weight to impale his tail through. Vilgax deflected the tail with
his sword which ignited in flame in an attempt to burn the beast alive.
Nice KNIFE” Ridley taunted at the ineffectiveness of the flames and fired a
barrage of missiles at Vilgax at close range. Vilgax’s Optical Beams managed to
destroy all the missiles simultaneously and the resulting force pushed the two
titans away from one another.
Ridley Breathed another massive stream of Plasma, Vilgax fired a tremendous beam of energy from his sword, the blasts met in the middle, the energy radiating from the struggle turned all the surrounding Pirates and Drones within 30 meters to vapor. The two seemed completely unyielding, not a single blow was even scratching the others’ defenses.
Ridley Breathed another massive stream of Plasma, Vilgax fired a tremendous beam of energy from his sword, the blasts met in the middle, the energy radiating from the struggle turned all the surrounding Pirates and Drones within 30 meters to vapor. The two seemed completely unyielding, not a single blow was even scratching the others’ defenses.
the thick of the fight, Vilgax used his now-unjammed transmission system to
issue orders to his Gigantic Drones acting as artillery and his aerial forces
into bombarding not just the enemy in general but the frontline of the energy
just in front of them.
they did so, the ground was quickly thrown into the air obscuring the
battlefield. The Space Pirates Blasts quickly became erratic and chaotic from
the confusion and lack of visual while the heat-seeking robots had no such
defending army began gaining moment when suddenly Vilgax with his super-hearing
was alerted to a gentle disruption of air behind him drawing closer, He quickly
leaps into the air as a portal to an another dimension appeared in his place.
He had evaded just before it would have sent him away from his planet.
saw the wily enemy, the one it had sensed earlier cleverly avoid it’s attack.
Vilgax quickly lunged with the Sword of Vilgaxia at Phantoon only for Phantoon
to close it’s eye and have Vilgax plunge straight through to the other side of
where it was. Vilgax turned only to find Phantoon had reappeared.
a related species to the Ectonurites?” He thought to himself.
could tell this creature took life...but also protected it….weak life….It
hovered meaningless before shooting a plasma beam from it’s eye at Vilgax
however Vilgax simply deflected them with the sword of Vilgaxia.
me is a Grave Mistake...” Vilgax stated coldly to the peculiar menace who
disappeared into Invisibility. Listening closely to his surroundings, Vilgax
pressed on the Crystal for his Shield of Ziegel, a glowing yellow energy
quickly surrounded his body.
materialized behind Vilgax for another surprise volley, but Vilgax heard the
sound of its eye open and turned around at untold speeds. Reacting quickly,
Phantoon closed its eye again becoming intangible only to squeal in shocking
pain as it was somehow grabbed by this foes mighty claws. “It will be the last
mistake you ever make” Vilgax said in a reserved tone, as he cleaved the
creature in half with a single swing of his mighty blade.
the skies, a drone seemed to suddenly explode out of nowhere. A flying drone
turned in confusion before Ridley from above burned it to ash with his high
speed plasma bolts. Ridley’s roar ripped through the skies just as he ripped
through them, impaling the planet’s aerial defenses with ease and sadistic joy.
Draconic Ridley hunted the flying machines like a bird of prey does to a
smaller bird, raking them with his claws and fangs, burning the ones just close
enough with his breath. After launching a multi-missile volley to take care of
the annoying stragglers he saw Kraid’s giant form bruising through the battle
and gave a roar down to him. Kraid turned his head to the sky and gave an
appreciate roar back.
quickly landed near him. Time was short. There was one thing he knew could
destroy this annoying pest’s defenses. “Which way to the phazon?” Ridley
demanded shortly. Kraid indicated towards the small forward base the phazon
container they had captured was. Ridley’s monstrous smile turned into a
nightmarish grin and he flew off, to unleash the power that this alien could
not stop….the power of phazon.
advanced forward, endlessly massacuring every type of pirate that stood in his
way practically without resistance, his drones were in a state of ruin, but so
were these marauders, no loss was too much to protect his home. Psyphon
levitated down to his side “Lord Vilgax, reviews of the recent footage show the
two leading warriors have retreated towards that small base.”
Vilgax gazed out at the fortress, Vilgax’s eyes narrowed, the left one began to slightly twitch from inner anger. “We shall attack at once, this pathetic attempt to seige my world has gone far too long.”
Vilgax gazed out at the fortress, Vilgax’s eyes narrowed, the left one began to slightly twitch from inner anger. “We shall attack at once, this pathetic attempt to seige my world has gone far too long.”
and Psyphon rushed towards the structure but in their path stood a massive
scaly nightmare of a beast, the mighty general Kraid let out a torrential roar,
throwing down the remains of a half dozen destroyed gigantic drones.
was somewhat startled by the monster, but Vilgax had destroyed far bigger
enemies before. “I don’t have time to deal with another pet, not until I have
that dragons head” Vilgax dismissed.
Kraid snarled at the insult, before charging the two, full of unwavering confidence, ready to destroy these foes before lord Ridley even got back.
Kraid snarled at the insult, before charging the two, full of unwavering confidence, ready to destroy these foes before lord Ridley even got back.
cleaved at the creature with his mighty sword wanting to blow past it quickly,
only to be shocked as the blade glanced off the mighty scales and he was
slammed backwards. Psyphon flew up and began firing lasers, bombs and even the
exciter beam at this reptilian monstrosity but nothing had any effect, nothing
could get through. “It’s like his scales are made of pure Taydenite” Psyphon
grunted when suddenly Kraid ejected large spikes from his stomach, catching
Psyphon completely off guard. The Spikes scored a direct hit and knocked
Psyphon back dozens of feet.
turned to Vilgax who submerged himself in the murky waters of the bog. Kraid
grew excited, seeing his foe retreat in fear, when to his other shock a Massive
tentacle launched outward, ensaring his neck before he could even react. A
colossal squid like being emerged from the depths and through two more tendrils
around Kraid's arms and began reeling the beast towards it. Kraid
couldn’t resist the shear strength of the creature before him. “Struggle is
pointless, you now face the True Form of Vilgax!” the beast said ominously as a
tentacle rocketed down Kraids throat, before ripping out his entire digestive
system, causing him to die to massive internal injuries.
Ridley’s metallic body blackened and his mind became….more alien as the phazon
changed him….Omega Ridley emanated a phazon aura and a menacing presence. In a
dark blur of phazon enhanced speed Ridley flew back only to watch Kraid Die.
With an angry burst he shot a blast of pure phazon energy.
and Psyphon heard the sudden noise and turned just to see Ridley’s phazon
engulf Psyphon. “Lord...Vilgax!” he exclaimed in the one moment as half his
body corroded off him. And before Vilgax could even respond, Psyphon had been
reduced to a puddle of phazon-encrusted ash.
landed in front of Vilgax, his phazon breath quickly moving to the water Vilgax
was in. Vilgax returned to his more humanoid form rapidly as the phazon began
wiping out all nearby life on the planet.
of my world….” Vilgax began, an angry tint as cold as steel penetrating in
every word of his voice, “You shall regret this...for what little remains of
your wretched life!!!”
roared in anger and sadistic glee at Vilgax’s anger and the two charged each
other, taking to the sky with a force and impact that tore through the planet’s
surface deep into its tectonic plates. Ridley launched a massive burst of
phazon at Vilgax and the planet preparing to destroy all life on it. Vilgax
expertly blocked the phazon with his shield at close range before slashing at
Ridley’s exposed wing with the sword of Vilgaxia. However Vilgax felt the
phazon armor around Ridley resist and Ridley with a sudden slash of his claws
charged with phazon energy tore into the skin of Vilgax.
Ridley assumed that the phazon would corrupt Vilgax into a fellow phazon entity
but to his surprise the wound seemed to resist corruption and genetic
disruption and Vilgax, shield upraised charged into Ridley’s torso. To protect
his weak point Ridley curled his wings around him and pushed at the last second
against the charge, the power of their collision vaporizing all the clouds
within miles.
saw this creature desperately shield its torso, he thought back to their
previous fights, the coward had been hiding this weak point this whole time,
immediately his mind raced with ways to capitalize on this.
Ridley smelled faint desperation, he finally had a way to hurt this thorn in his side and he was more focused on containing his destruction, his care for those hiding weaklings will be his death.
Ridley smelled faint desperation, he finally had a way to hurt this thorn in his side and he was more focused on containing his destruction, his care for those hiding weaklings will be his death.
charged, Vilgax did as well, Ridley quickly spread out his limbs and wings and
blasted a river of Phazon hoping to catch Vilgax in the burning substance, but
Vilgax thought ahead casting an all encompassing energy shield around himself
knowing energy can’t be dissolved, and plowed right into the monsters chest
like a torpedo in an impact that sounded indistinguishable from thunder itself.
WON’T STOP ME!” Ridley yelled in anguish as he created a massive shockwave of
electrical phazon energy sending Vilgax thousands of miles away. Ridley was on
Vilgax in an instant and rolled into a massive tail whip that blew Vilgax back
he couldn’t slaw this foe from behind a forcefield, Vilgax reduced the energy
to a handheld shield and drew his sword once more, which now grew diamond like
crystals all across the blade. Ridley Screeched as he rushed forward for
another brutal onslaught, he saw Vilgax’s sword moving for a strike, he veered
to avoid it only to find Vilgax feigned the strike and instead bashed him
upwards against his energy shield, launching him into space.
flying, Ridley relayed a message to his Flagship, telling it to Create a black
hole, if he could not have this planet than neither could this weakling race.
Vilgax charged towards Ridley where Ridley blasted more Phazon at him, which
Vilgax blocked with his sword, the Phazon entering into the crystals of the
blade, changing them dark purple as they became absorbed, the crystals that
dissolve are replaced faster than they disappear.
roared again in anger, this being seemed to have more and more cheap tricks up
his sleeve. Vilgax rushed forward in a massive swing of his adapted blade,
using its length to keep distance between himself and the corrosive creature.
Ridley quickly forged a club like structure from the Phazon to combat the
threat and get into his range. Using his superior skills, Vilgax disarmed the
Dragon quickly and smashed his sword into the side of Ridleys snout leaving a
large scratch as a spark was created.
a Black Hole comes into existence from the flagship, its enormous and begins
drawing in everything towards its singularity, asteroids, distant ships, even
the moon began to move somewhat, the destruction would be absolute.
DIIIIIEEEE!” Ridley called with sadistic glee as he blasted Vilgax, Hitting his
shield with tremendous force, pushing him back towards the crushing
gravitational force of the vastly approaching void which even light itself
could not escape.
bubbles both from the devastated planet and from Ridley’s aura began being
sucked into the black hole, causing the singularity to burst and burn with dark
irradiating corrupting phazon energy, sending ionizing electromagnetic pulses
in all directions.
could see bits of Vilgaxia begin to fly within the Singularity and knew if he
didn’t stop this NOW, Vilgaxia would be destroyed. Ridley grappled him, moving
his claws in to try and penetrate his shield with one concentrated burst of
phazon. Vilgax in a fearsome rage knocked Ridley’s limbs asunder with a titanic
moved every single limb inwards to crush Vilgax. Vilgax gave a mighty breath
downways, knocking his legs away, using his blade to hold Ridley’s claws and
shot a burning combined energy blast of his free hand and his optical vision at
Ridley’s torso. Ridley shook and convulsed but Vilgax pulled down his shield
leaving him vulnerable to focus all of his concentration on this one energy.
Ridley’s flailing scratched him with phazon. There was a burning and an acidic
feel pulsing in his blood but it had done the job. Ridley went limp.
let the monstrous creature go, it floated into the black hole being vaporized
in the enormous gravitational output as Vilgax flew to the Flagship and stabbed
it with the Sword of Vilgaxia, ejecting all it’s stored Phazon energy into it,
and it rapidly began dissolving the ship, the black hole dissipated as he heard
the scream of the ships pirates, slayed by what was once their greatest weapon.
People of Vilgaxia emerged from their safe bunkers. Lord Vilgax had saved
everyone of them for a third time, as he landed he was met with praise and
celebration, though he knew there was much rebuilding to be done.
to the large amount of variables, this one required a very large amount of
discussion. Looking at their armies it seemed like cold efficiency vs wild
diversity with both having comparable stats and advantages at a similar number
of ranges and types. Ridley’s forces were a lot more diverse in their tactics
and applications. Vilgax however, when his communication was not jammed was
able to even that out via his higher level of tactical knowledge and
strictly at Ridley and Vilgax alone, They have very similar Strength and Speed,
but both of them were too durable for the most part for the other to do any
direct damage, with one exception each. Phazon provided an instantly deadly
threat towards Vilgax from any large exposure, though he could resist a little
bit of it due to his matter manipulation resistance as well as defend against
it with his energy shield and to a lesser extent his sword. Conversely Vilgax
hitting Ridley’s weak point would allow him to at least do some damage as the difference
between Ridley’s durability and Vilgax’s power is a lot closer than the other
way around. While Ridley’s phazon was a lot more an immediate threat, Vilgax’s
higher versatility allowed him to exploit Ridley’s weakness more then the
“inverse”. Also Vilgax is just far more likely than Ridley to take the fight
seriously from the start. While Ridley takes fights seriously in general, he
also tends to sadistically “play” with what he considers prey, while Vilgax
seeks to slay foes as efficiently as he can, he doesn’t give those that oppose
him more of his time than is needed.
all could have shifted the other way however if Ridley’s forces overcame
Vilgax’s forces fast enough, as some of them definitely had at least the
capacity to harm Vilgax and give Ridley the edge, but the most natural scenario
for them to be fighting in would be Ridley raiding Vilgaxia where not only do
they have a homefield advantage (albeit mitigated by the Space Pirate Hive
Mind) but their forces are less likely to be slowed or hampered by the aquatic
the end these two were very comparable, but it was ultimately Vilgax’s
experience, intelligence and overall preparedness that allowed him to claim
victory over Ridley. He had answers to every threat Ridley had at his disposal
and then some, and knew better how to use them to score a win. And this is even
if you don’t allow some of his more broken gear like the Power Converter which
would have let him steal the powers of Ridley and his generals, Neural Inhibitors
that shut down alien powers and ESPECIALLY that time bomb. It’s an amazingly
close battle, but in the end it's survival of the….Squidest (I regret nothing)
Winner is Vilgax.