Welp, said I was gonna do this and here it is, My tier list for all 38 members of Fairy Tail from the first series. Enjoy!
Asuka is a 6 year old girl who doesn't have any powers. The only reason she is really In the guild is because both her parents are and that she will likely try and become a wizard later. Pretty clearly the weakest.

Kinana was a girl who was cursed to become a snake and upon having said curse broken by Fairy Tail, joined it. She has since started practicing magic but we don't know what kind she learned, nor is she very experienced in general. But she does know some magic and is older than Asuka.

Warren's main ability is Telepathy, he works as sort of a network connecting the guilds thought, this isn't very combat effective. But he is a guy and certainly more experienced than Kinana.
Oh Nab, On paper he's not terrible, he can channel the spirits of animals to enhance his physical stats and is decent at hand to hand combat. That said, he almost never uses this or goes on jobs Period so his experience is terrible.

Vijeeter is also underutilized, but he Does go into combat regularly from what we know. His powers give him great acrobatic skill and the ability to increase his stats while decreasing his foes, which would almost Null Nab's magic. Sure this has a weakness of only working at a range of 10 meters, but since Nab has no long range attacks we know of it won't be a problem.

Happy is Natsu's Exceed, generally he has the ability to fly and travel at super speeds, he is also surprisingly super durable. Would likely blitz Vijeeter until he goes down.

Wakaba has the ability to manipulate smoke, and is quite versatile with it. This would provide him cover from Happy's vision and he could continuously punish him even in air.

The underwhelming 4th Master of Fairy Tail, Macao has the ability to make and manipulate constructs out of some sort of purple energy, he is shown to be somewhat on par with Wakaba, but has slightly better direct feats and more drive to win. His magic is easily just as versatile.

Reedus' magic is somewhat similar to Macao's but its versatility is far more extreme. His magic lets him summon all sorts of creatures, objects and attacks just by painting them, and could overwhelm Macao overtime.

Laki is more intelligent than Reedus at perception and combat based scenarios and her Wood Manipulation magic simply provides her more options in both Offense And Defense. She can use it to create weapons, bombs and large AOE attacks. But also create shields, barriers, and even merge her body into wood itself and traverse the area.

Romeo's magic is somewhat similar to his father but also wanted to take more after his idol Natsu. He has basically all Macao's abilities, but in addition to that has several different types of Fire attacks at his disposal which could devastate Laki's wood. He also is proficient in hand to hand combat.

Droy is a photokinetic, and a pretty powerful one at that, he is actually a fair bit tougher than many of the previous peeps as an experienced member of Team shadow Gear and would likely overpower Romeo.

Another member of Shadow Gear, Jet has superspeed, infact he is literally the fastest character in the general guild, and because of this would likely beat the crap outta Droy before he landed a hit. That said he can't do much else besides move fast.

Bisca is a sharp shooter/sniper with a large variety of Magic guns, she is completely renowned for how insanely fast her quick draw is and is even able to use slight of hand on Erza. She would absolutely be able to get some shots in on Jet

Husband to Bisca and father to Asuka, Alzack is like if you took everything good about Bisca and dialed it up for awesome combat gun fights. He often dual wields guns, and can use more esoteric gun magic such as creating bullet tornados and summoning flying guns for omnidirectional shots. He is also more experienced than her in general.

Carla is the Exceed of Wendy, while she doesn't look tough she actually is quite dangerous. She has the same flying abilities as Happy, but is also smarter and has somewhat of a precognition ability. But the most impressive thing is that she has learned takeover magic which allows her to take on a human form. In human form she is stronger, faster and has better hand to hand skill, it also increases her magic power and she retains all the abilities she had in cat form. She would likely get around Alzach's bullet arcs with careful strategy and maneuverability before taking him out.
Max's ability is to control sand and his skill with it has improved immensely to the point he could briefly hold Natsu back. He could easily take Carla down with an omnidirectional wave of Sand.

Levy is the leader of Team Shadow Gear and has literally the most versatile magic in the series, Solid Script, with this magic she can create practically anything by writing out the word. She can use this to alter the environment, create weapons, hinder her opponent, and cast literally any type of elemental attack. She is also one of the most levelheaded and raw intelligent members of the guild.

Lisanna is a user of Takeover Magic, her specific flavor of it is Animal Soul, she can transform parts of her or even her entire body into that of giant animals. Lisanna Generally goes for more cutesy types of animals like Birds, Cats and Bunnies, but they still have proved quite combat effective, she can traverse water, leap insane highs, fly and utilize claws, as well as change her stats. She's actually quite competent at aggressive hand to hand combat to the point it is very likely she would just overpower Levy.

Mest has a great deal of experience compared to most previous members and has two main powers, that being A) the power to teleport large distances, and B) the ability to completely rewrite someones memories. These two things coupled with his master hand to hand combat skills means he's likely more than above Lisanna's paygrade.

The First Member of the Thunder God Legion, Bickslow, Bickslow has the ability to control a collection of deadly flying attack objects, to take foes down at a distance and from multiple angles. More broken than that is his ability to take control of a persons soul after making eye contact with them. He's on a similar level to Mest physically but his more pursuing attack and broken hax power would likely take him out.
Elfman, the manliest guy in Fairy Tail, also uses Takeover magic, however his beard and butter is Beast Soul, Elfman's Beast forms can massively increase any of his stats to off the chart levels. He's already much stronger than Bickslow normally and is clever enough to not fall for his tricks.
Evergreen, 2nd member of Thunder God Legion has a more versatile array of abilities, she can fly, and fire a huge variety of different Projectiles that are simply more repressive than Bickslow's, and she also has a devastating hax, and that is her ability to turn those that gaze into her eyes to Stone. Evergreen has directly beaten Elfman.

Cana's card magic is a very versatile game, ranging from all sorts of powerful elemental attacks, to haxy bullshit like trapping foes inside of cards, inducing sleep, and altering ones size. She is extremely clever and has a tactical mind, very unlikely Evergreen would be able to spring one of her traps on her.
Lily is the Exceed of Gajeel, and long story short he can transform into a huge muscular panther form that wields a gigantic sword, and yes, he can still fly at Super speeds. In terms of raw power, Cana will just not be able to bring him down before he defeats her five times over. Lily is also military trained an a former general with Loads of experience.
13. Freed Justine:
The Leader of the Thunder God Legion, Freed is just in a whole different ballpark, this guy is an expert hand to hand and sword fighter who has a deadly magic called Dark Écriture. With this he can trap foes in inescapable traps that they can only exit if them meet whatever requirements he sets. He can use this magic to disable peoples magic, teleport, induce pain, fear, panic, death etc, and even turn himself into a powerful flying darkness monster.

Juvia is a former S-Class wizard and member of the element four. Her primary ability is Hydrokinesis, she can control water in a massive number of ways and even match city-busting water spirits like Aquarious with the upmost ease and create rainstorms SO CASUALLY that one started when she was born, and followed her nonstop for decades till she learned how to turn it off. Her most haxy ability is the fact that while she is using her magic, her entire physical body converts into a construct made of water, meaning any physical damage passes through her harmlessly. She'd overwhelm Freed.

Lucy has Really gotten some upgrades, now yes she can summon any from 10 celestial spirits which are pretty powerful and have abilities ranging from bodily control, geokinesis and power copying, but her most recent upgrade lets her take on the powers of her celestial spirits herself. Forms like Aquarius Lucy, Leo Lucy and Capricorn Lucy can easily take down demons even Natsu struggled with at the time, which could legit let her vaporize Juvia.

Wendy is a Sky Dragon Slayer, and has the ability to control Air as well as replenish her Magic power by consuming air around her. She knows several various spells such as healing and statboosts, but is also a hand to hand combat master who knows several air based physical attacks. When she gets serious she enters a superform known as Dragonforce, which boosts her stats So high that she can kill goddamn demons with relative ease. She can easily match Lucy's power, but will also completely outlast her in stamina.

Mirajane is an S-Class wizard known as the legendary Shedevil and for good reason, she too has Takeover Magic but Her specialty is Satan Soul, which lets her straight up turn into Demons. These creatures can fly, breath poison and are legit just MASSIVE physical threats. Her power and experience are just more dangerous than Wendy's

Gajeel is an Iron Dragon Slayer, he attacks using Iron and replenishes his magic by consuming it, he can massively boost his defense by coating his entire body in a durable iron shell, as well as shapeshift his body into powerful Iron weapon constructs. Later he also got the ability to use Shadow magic, which allows him to manipulate darkness as well as traverse the area as a shadow that cant be hit normally. Mira will have a hard time even hurting him before he brings her down.
Grey is an incredibly powerful wizard, specializing in Ice Maker Magic, which allows him to make limitless different kinds of precise Ice Constructs to accomplish his goals, this was later upgraded to use Ice Demon Slayer magic, Which uses Demon killing pink ice that is so durable it was able to casually freeze an entire city of giants including a fire the size of an entire mountain, and do so so throughly that no one could even scratch the stuff. Neither of Gajeel's elemental powers can defend against this.

Yup, MC didn't even make the top 5, Natsu is an incredibly powerful Fire Dragon Slayer, and as such can manipulate fire and consume it to restore magic, Natsu's fire attacks are often shown to be Insanely devastatingly overpowered, and he has beaten Grey more often than not with it. He also is a master hand to hand combatant and a clever thinker, in addition to the ability to manipulate Lightning.

Erza's an S-Class Wizard who is both shown and stated quite often to be superior to Natsu and the most powerful normal female wizard in the Guild, her Requip magic is Nutz in terms of versatility, allowing her powers like flight and elemental attacks, including ones that would absorb Natsu's attacks, and she is just insanely strong with far more tactical methodology. Natsu would be extremely hard to bring down, but her victory is more likely than not.

Laxus, the guy the Thunder God Legion Work for, is a Powerful S-Class Wizard, to the point he could more than likely defeat Erza with relative ease. This man has the ability to absorb and blast lightning, but more so that that is just insanely strong, he has defeated a 5 man team of foes as strong as top Fairy Tail members, including his own father, a Wizard Saint who early matched a guy above Erza, and fought off A Demon that soloed his team, while he was poisoned with stuff that was liquifying his lungs. Really he's got a lot of feats like this.

Gildarts's whole character is being overpowered, the city fairy tail is located literally modified itself JUST to not get destroyed when he arrives, he is easily the physically strongest and fastest character in the entire guild by a mile and could out fight a guy trained to take out 50 armed fighters at once while not using his magic. His primary magic btw, lets him spatially break apart anything he points to even at a distance including non-solid objects and even a black hole singularity.

The Current master of the Fairy Tail Guild, Makarov is just crazy powerful, like can turn into a giant the size of an island and solo a rival guild powerful, and yeah, crazy experienced to boot. While it is questionable if he indeed Would defeat Gildarts every time, he'd do so more often than not.

Mavis is Fairy Tails founder and is easily the best of the lot, she's immoral, intangible, over a century old, and has more haxy abilities than everyone on the list put together. She is a Super GENIUS in every regard, able to memorize thousands of books and tactically predict the actions of every individual of an entire small army after seeing them just briefly. She also invented Several of the most broken spells ever made that can each casually oneshot guilds. Even if all of Fairy Tail teamed up against her they'd still lose, she is the most powerful Light Wizard to ever live.