Oh Man this is going to be a FUN one today. OK K.O.! Let’s Be Hero’s is one of the most recent Cartoon Network series, and after bingeing the whole series for research, I’ve really come to like it for a large variety of reasons. Especially for all its inclusion of characters, references and troupes from across all of fiction and incorporating it into this crazy 70’s Retro superhero world. Also because of that, Damn does it have a wide variety of powers to deal with, so we better get started, Here’s how to be OP in OK KO.
City Tier:
So here we have the bottom tier for OK KO characters, in the OK KO universe every sentient being is analyzed and judged on Pow Cards and assigned a power level, the higher your number the more of a powerhouse/threat you are, people with a difference in level of 1 can somewhat compete, but a difference of 2 or greater is a stomp. This tier includes Level 1 and 2 Hero's and subsequently Level -1 and -2 Villains. These levels are mostly reserved for particularly powerful civilians, and general heroes in training. Characters in this tier are City Level and Massively Hypersonic, scaling off feats such as a Level 2 Rad casually busting an entire mountain in one shot, dodging lightning and generally keeping pace with Enid at the time.
Characters in OK KO are intentionally diverse as to represent collective fiction, and the abilities seen in the show are as well. We’ve got everything from dinosaurs, human sized flu viruses who can infect people with disease, and even a species of hive minded logia beings called Gloops who absorb matter to grow more powerful and have devastated whole civilizations through this.
There is also a large array of various monsters to deal with, such as the demon girl Nanini who is able to regenerate her body from her own ashes, Ghosts who can fly, turn intangible and possess people, and Vampire’s like Enid’s mom who can turn into a bat and suck people’s Souls out. This Tier includes some of Lord Boxman’s weaker Robots like Mr. Logic, who is a super intelligent robot who can tell how powerful a foe is by looking at them and can always figure the most logical course of action, and Jethro who are flying hive minded Robot attack drones. We also have a few spellcasters to deal with like Wally the White a Wizard who can levitate, summon storms, teleport, use telekinesis, and transmutate people to stone. As well as the Extra Dimensional Warlock who can banish people to alternate universes and open extra-dimensional portals.
But the most dangerous character in this tier is local news anchor, DYNAMITE WATKINS. Watkins is a 4th wall aware being with a lot of metafictional feats, her bread and butter being Metafictional Spatial Manipulation, able to Interact with the tv screen dividers to teleport herself and others around, and travel to a higher plane of reality. Her reporting powers allow her to warp reality, she can skew facts to whatever gets her the most ratings, force those she interviews to tell the truth, bring inanimate objects to life and interview them, and can change the environment the interview takes place in.
So what strategies would work here? Well the good thing about lower tier characters in Hero worlds is they normally have some official weakness to exploit. The Flu is weak to Hygiene, Gloops are weak to being frozen, and Dynamite Watkins gets her powers from the amount of people watching her, and is powerless if cut off from them, so having some from of Ice or Spatial Manipulation would be helpful, the latter especially as the Warlock could potentially BFR you if not. But this verse still has a lot more dangers, on paper you have hax like High Regeneration, Intangibility, and Soul Manipulation, so having some form of astral plane powers would be very useful here as a means to deal with those. There are still hax like Possession and Transmutation to deal with but that leads into another weakness seen in this tier in that most of the characters in it are idiots, and even the ones who aren’t like Nanini, Enid’s mom, Mr. Logic and Watkins have been shown to be susceptible to manipulation, so a strong manipulator would work quite well.
A character I think could do a really good job here...
Balor Demons from Dungeons and Dragons. The Balor are a powerful race of Demons who are superior to even Legendary Dragons who could make a large Blizzard over the city calculated in the megatons. They also are hypersonic with Massively hypersonic reactions due to multiple feats of dodging lightning, giving them slightly less, but still fairly comparable stats to the characters of this tier.
Balor are Abstract beings taking physical form, no matter what one does to their body, soul or mind, they will regenerate right back so long as their concept still exists, it's like Nanini’s regen, but broken further to the point this verse has barely any way to truly kill this thing. A Balor also has interdimensional Teleportation, preventing any form of BFR from the Extra Dimensional Warlock and allowing it to pop up right next to any threat it knows of in this tier to take them out. Add in the fact that they can fly and the mobility advantages is his for the taking. Balor also have Anti-Magic that should let it shrug off Wally the Whites attacks, fire and unholy magic to unleash upon the fighters in this tier, and powerful super senses. Balors have potent mind manipulation abilities that would allow them to immediately reduce Dynamite Watkins’ power via shutting down her viewers' minds and claim a victory.
This is a rough but not bad strategy, however the Balor can only mind control the ghosts rather than kill them, for a more complete job at taking down this tier...
Panty Anarchy:
Panty from the Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt series. Panty is equal in power to her sister Stocking, who is fast enough to run around the world and into space at Massively Hypersonic speeds and tough enough to tank being blasted into the moon in an impact worth many Megatons of TNT, meaning Panty is on par with this tier in stats.
Panty has a lot of really useful powers that would be great at taking this tier down, not only is she a great physical combatant, but she can fly, and shoot from massive distances away with incredible accuracy greatly reducing the chances of a foe even getting close enough to take her on. The Magical bullets Panty fires from Backlace are able to hit souls and would be easily capable of destroying ghosts and other monsters, as well as effecting everyone else in the verse like normal bullets as technically everyone in the OK K.O. verse is powered by a magical energy source called Glorbs. Panty herself would be pretty difficult to effect in turn, as an Angel, she is immune to all earthly diseases so The Flu is right out, she almost certainly could shrug off other astral plane ghostly attacks like possession as she kills ghosts like fodder all the time, she has passive Probability Manipulation so strong that any attack from idiots like Wally or ED Warlock are just plane doomed to fail, and she can interact with 4th wall stuff like Watkins, being able to grab speech bubbles and deflect bullets off the screen dividers. Panty’s effectiveness against Watkins in particular is heavily amplified as Panty has just a passive aura of ever glowing radiance, everywhere she goes she becomes the absolute center of everyone's attention. Meaning she would instantaneously upstage Watkins and make her lose all her powers simply by showing up with her supernatural beauty and larger than life personality, what a flex.
The only real difficulty I could see Panty having here is Nanini’s regen, don’t get me wrong Angel Weapons would be really effective on a demon and Panty would eventually win but it would certainly take a bit, for the fast win...
You could just go Nightmare from Soulcalibur. Nightmare’s power was great enough to create a hurricane the size of a large city and even make a violent earthquake just by awakening, easily giving him proper power to compete. He’s also fast enough to fight characters like Ivy Valentine who has a double digit mach feat of kicking a point blank bullet out of the air, while that's not as fast as the characters here, it's enough to suffice given his other powers.
Nightmare is an incredibly skilled warrior, having the knowledge and fighting styles of every single warrior who has wielded Soul Edge over the centuries, and is manipulative enough to rise through the French government as a Noble under the allies Graf Dumas as he manipulated the entire European continent into chaos. I could absolutely see Nightmare rising up and manipulating circles around even the most intelligent characters of this tier and playing them against each other and into their weaknesses, destroying them from the shadows without even getting involved. If he does get involved though, Nightmare is REALLY equipped to do so. Nightmare has an attack called Soul Wave, where he sends out a wave of energy from his sword, enough to cover an entire battlefield, and consumes the souls of literally everyone inside. Barring the robots who aren’t really a threat to him anyway, this one move could literally one shot everyone in this tier at once if he cast it in the right place. Past that, Nightmare has powerful spatial manipulation thanks to his access to the Astral Chaos, able to teleport, travel to other dimensions and cut dimensional portals into existence with his sword, which would flatly counter the Extradimensional Warlock, and also allow him to BFR characters into another dimension which will wither away their body and mind. Nightmare can make massive attacks of fire, darkness or lightning, has potent super senses, and corrupts any who come in contact with him, to the point in a weaker form he was able to turn an entire pirate crew into his zombified slaves after hitting each one only once. Nightmare also can steal the spotlight from Watkins via casting a powerful illusion, or simply driving everyone watching her to Madness or something. Defeating this tier would be little more than child's play for this Azure Knight.

Continent Tier:
This is the mid tier of OK K.O. characters, characters in this tier are from Level 3 to Level 4 and the negative equivalent. Your average professional heroes and villains will land here, and it’s how powerful Rad is, end of series. Characters in this tier are around Continent Level due to EOS Rad being strong enough to shake hands with his Grandpa with such force it created a shockwave that put a large continent sized Crack on Planet X. Characters in this Tier are also Relativistic due to Enid at level 3 being able to move so fast a giant city busting meteor appeared to move in slow motion, as well as having MFTL reactions from Rad at least being able to perceive his Parents spaceship flying to Planet X at millions of times the speed of light.
This Tier has a much larger and more diverse arsenal than the last. Rad has an advanced form of telekinesis which can be used to let him fly, destroy stuff, make force fields and move stuff with his mind, he’s also able to regenerate from nothing more than Dust. Fink on the other hand also has telekinesis and flight, with bonuses such as rodent-like super senses, a collapsible skeleton, energy projection, claws, laser weapons, and she can shoot bombs out of her gloves.
Past that you have the 3 main Boxmore bots, Darrel, Shannon and Raymond. All Boxmore bots are hiveminded A.I., if you destroy one of them then another one will simply be built in seconds with all the memories and personality of the one you destroyed, there can even be hundreds of them at once. All 3 Boxmore bots can fly, and shapeshift their bodies in crazy ways, forging all sorts of weapons like lasers and blades and even being able to turn into tornados and stuff. The Boxmore Bots A.I. nature was really shown off when Shannon uploaded herself as a straight up code entity, in this state she was intangible to all attacks but still able to hit back, and only vulnerable to code attacks. Also Raymond can shoot pins that mind control their target.
Of the Main characters in this tier however, the Most dangerous is none other than Dendy. Dendy is a Kappa Scientist warrior who can Breathe Underwater, leap high and kick super hard with her Electric Super Jump Move and has Insanely high intelligence. With her gear, like her trusty Hackpack, Dendy can hack into, control or disable any machinery, Generate holographic decoys and illusions, allow X-Ray Vision, make force fields, instantly scan all a foes capabilities and detailed information on the surroundings, project a hard light battle armor around herself which can copy the fighting style of any hero she's seen fight while protecting her from damage, and fly with a jet powered hardlight glider. Dendy’s pack has cables it can launch out like doctor octopus to bind foes or worse yet plug into them. Once Dendy’s plugs are In she can hack the very fabric of your being. Dendy’s hacking works on a Meta Level, she was able to stop The glitch virus, which was able to infect and glitch any person or thing through contact, metafictionally affecting them and making them clip through walls, and Dendy was able to stop it by metafictionally rebooting the ENTIRE verse on a fundamental level. Her hacking allows her to change a persons make up however she wants, be it altering their physical body, or straight up rearranging the code of a tree into an elephant.
Getting into more minor characters, you have The Ghoul School Girls, who add various powers like Invisibility, Possession, Intangibility and Mind Control back into this. Shy Ninja and Sparko can convert their whole body to Electricity, and Wavezilla a sentient Tidal Wave so you have to deal with logia. Twisty is an extremely clever and powerful genie who can reality warp with wish granting, manipulate and produce soda, fly, transmutate things and make force fields, oh and Captain Planet is canon to the series so that's a thing.
But there's one more character you have to deal with in this tier, and that’s none other than Holo-Jane…. FREAKING Holo-Jane. So Holo-Jane is quite literally the single most broken character at this tier I am aware of in all of fiction and is absolutely a VS Obstacle that will not be easy to overcome. Holo-Jane cannot be physically touched as she is a sentient hologram, Actually that doesn’t do what she is justice, Holo-Jane is “an image made of light floating in the gaps between reality.” This unique trait allowed her to discover that they exist in a cartoon world, she can tell what is and isn't real and as such she can see past the layers of the world and the spaces inbetween, she can see and attack characters outlines and move into background layers that she knows they cannot move through. Her very nature allows her to fly, hop into other dimensions, teleport herself, watch events transpire in other planes and even pop into higher planes of existence, transcending the canon of her own series. Holo-Jane can make herself real enough to physically interact with her opponents, or past that even real enough to attack things on the metafictional level like grabbing the title cards and manipulating perspective, all while being invisible and intangible via technically being in another dimension overlapping our own like a Bayonetta angel. She has a Ton of powerful metafictional abilities but her most broken one is to metafictionally knock someone back into the storyboard stage of animation functionally erasing them from existence....
Soooooooooo, now I have to counter this mess, let’s see what there is to exploit! Well one glaring thing I noticed in this tier is that every single character's offensive abilities seem to require them to get into close range of their target, this leads me to two good potential strategies to use here.
- Have superior mobility and range to your opponent so you can attack them while remaining safe.
- Have some potent passive abilities that will kill them if they get close.
Really if you can do that all you need is some means of getting around Holo-Jane and others defenses, as hard as that is, and you’d be all good. This has given me a few ideas, one of which is...
Sting Eucliffe:
Sting Eucliffe from Fairy Tail is a gamble of a pick, but I think he actually has all he needs to pull this off. Sting is the Guildmaster of the second best Guild in the series Sabertooth, and was able to defeat Larcade Dragneel, who was a match for end of series Natsu, hence Sting scales to being Large Country/Small Continent Level and Relativistic.
Sting is a White Dragon Slayer, who uses both Holy Magic and Light Magic, as such he is immune to both Holy and Light attacks and is able to consume anything composed of Holy or Light elements to replenish his stamina and supercharge his magic power. Holo-Jane, as broken as she is, is a being composed of light, and all of her Absolute Plane abilities come from this aspect, by Fairy Tail’s definitions this would make every single one of her powers light based and therefore would be something he can resist, just as he was able to resist the desire magics of Larcade. Furthermore since Holo-Jane technically needs to get close to Sting to affect him in the first place, Sting could literally just suck her in and consume her, likely becoming drastically more powerful and hax-y himself because of this. This would even work if Holo-Jane was in a higher plane as dragon slayer magic has shown to be capable of attacking things in other dimensional planes before.
But what does Sting have to counter the rest of the characters here? Well first off, Sting has massive super senses able to see, hear and smell foes from vast distances away, he’d be able to see all attacks coming and would be pretty impossible to sneak up on. Sting can manipulate light to make blinding flashes, enhance his attack and fire powerful laser beams that he can change the direction of so that they cannot be dodged, and with his holy magic, after striking a foe it places a magical rune on their chest called a Stigma that completely paralyzes the targets body, and since Holy magic can affect spirits this would be able to paralyze anyone in this tier.
Also after consuming some of Rogue’s shadow dragon slayer magic, Sting is able to enter into a state called White Shadow Dragon Mode. In this state he is able to attack with darkness, turn his body into a logia intangible shadow, and create shadow traps that BFR foes into an inescapable shadow dimension. With these powers Sting could defeat Rad whose TK cannot effect Shadows, and gives him a means to defeat him, phantasma, and the boxmore bots who cannot be destroyed through physical force alone.
But what about Dendy? Well Dendy’s cables are really broken; they are generally something she has to create an opportunity to use by using her other powers to delay or hold off her foe but…. Her holographic illusions are made of light, her force field is made of light, her glider is made of light, her battle aura is made of light, etc. Really Sting can casually absorb all of those in a second and she’d be a sitting duck.
That being said there's still quite a bit of danger here, Sting could end up getting haxed by mind control or something if Raymond or Sibella manages to get close to him, while his super senses make this unlikely, it's far from impossible given the number of foes here. For a safer strat.
Desiree the wishing ghost from Danny Phantom. Desiree is a powerful ghost in the ghost zone, significantly stronger than foes like Skulker who could generate an entire Island with his ghostly energy, and was even still able to use her powers when The Ghost Writer had them all trapped in his story. She also is able to keep up with the likes of Danny who in season 2 was fast enough to dodge relativistic lasers from Technus’ satellite. This would put her at least large Island level and relativistic.
Desiree is especially broken in this tier due to her general strategy of reeking mayhem upon being released. That is to sit invisible and intangible, undetected in the area around her and grant wishes she hears with her reality warping, although the wishes are twisted to an evil agenda. Through this Desiree would essentially be like Twisty but to a MUCH more effective degree as the characters would not be able to detect her or know the cause of this, especially because Desiree is able to read minds and grant wishes that the people in the town merely think of in passing thoughts.
For example, Holo-Jane hangs out in town a lot, and one of her greatest wishes is to be real, all it would take is for her to think about that once and boom, Desiree would make her human instead of a hologram and she'd lose all her powers tied to being a hologram and be doomed. We know Desiree can do this as she has made fictional characters become real before when she brought to life the Rule63 Predator, Terminator and Freddy Krueger.
Because of how hard she'd be to detect she could do this until everyone in the tier gets defeated, but she does also have some powers that would be pretty powerful in combat here on top of that. Desiree can fly, hit intangibles, resist possession, and like other ghosts, travel into computers and electrical currents to attack even the Boxmore Bots hiveminds. She can intangibly phase through most attacks that are thrown her way, regenerate from almost any non hax strike that could hit her, and has a lot of the more broken normal powers in this tier like telekinesis and energy projection.
That being said if someone like Holo-Jane, Dendy or Twisty knew of Desiree’s presence going in she could potentially be stopped by them just relentlessly going at her with a hax, while that may take a while for the best counter I could think of...
Libra the New God of Balance from DC Comics. One of Libra’s main powers is that his physical stats become the exact same as whoever he is fighting so as to have a balanced fight so it really doesn’t matter what his feats are, he's fair game for any tier (So you can really see how desperate I am to counter this for me to resort to spending him now).
Libra is technically considered both a Order and Chaos manipulator and has a great deal of powers to use to take this verse down. Libra has advanced cosmic awareness abilities that would allow him to see through Dendy’s holographic illusions, and detect every single character who is trying to do battle with him. He also can negate a character's regeneration such as when he killed Martian Manhunter to stop Rad, use technopathy to damage the Boxmore bots and Dendy’s technology, and use his matter manipulation and transmutation abilities to take down logia beings like Twisty.
Libra has a passive Luck Aura and probability manipulation powers that protect him from harm and hamper his opponents, and even if they make a solid enough plan of attack to get around that he can summon forth force fields and minions to hold them back further. He has a few more powers such as Teleportation, Size Manipulation and Laser projectiles, but probably his great equalizer is the fact that he can absorb and copy half the powers of any foe he fights. This is how he achieved most of his arsenal of powers in the first place and makes him an incredibly difficult foe to beat with hax. If Libra were to fight Dendy, he’d likely gain her super intelligence abilities to match her, if Phantasma were to fight him, he’d gain some of her ghost powers to effect her right back, and if Holo-Jane were to fight him, he’d gain some metafictional powers and be able to take her on head on.
Even if you assume Libra cannot copy Holo-Jane’s powers the fact is he would likely defeat her, as thanks to a big angry prick named Darkseid, Libra is the embodiment of The Anti-Life. Since Holo-Jane has to on some level get close to Libra to attack him, which he could detect with his awareness, he can just use The Anti-Life to turn her into a broken mind slave, or erase her entire being from existence, both of which on a level she could not resist. And if Holo-Jane did manage to hax him first, it's actually possible Libra could survive, as his connection to The Anti-Life once allowed him to survive his body and mind being fragmented across all of spacetime before coming back together. Libra really just has all he needs to balance this tier out.
Planet Tier:
Now here we have the serious High Tier powerhouses of the verse. This tier includes heroes and villains with pow card rating of Level 5 and up, with the most powerful person in the tier being the Artificial Hero, Chip Damage, at Level 15. Attaining a power ranking of this level is extremely rare, but those who do are among the most powerful heroes and villains on earth and tend to wind up being high ranking members of P.O.I.N.T. or The Villains Association respectively.
Characters in this tier are Large Planet Level and Billions if times the speed of light, scaling off the feats of Enid and Cosma of eating, moving and violently shattering moons and planets and tanking the event horizon of a small Black Hole, as well as traveling across deep space in seconds.
So to get into powers, everyone in this tier and above is immune to paradoxes and shifts in the timestream so you cannot go back in time to stop any of them. You have to deal with Enid, who is a highly skilled and intelligent magic ninja with powers like illusions, logia, teleportation, soul hax, umbrakinesis, energy projection and the OP ability to generate piles of dead leaves :P.
You also have K.O.’s Mom, Carol who is a hero with the power to copy anyone else’s fighting skills and power moves, Mr. Gar who can fly, teleport, regenerate from ashes, attack logia beings and shoot energy out of his elbows, and Enid’s girlfriend, Red Action, who can time travel, shoot lasers, make holographic images, launch missiles, fly and is Superbly skilled in combat.
This Tier includes the most powerful Boxmore Bot, Ernesto, who is a deadly rolling ball with universal animacy, able to control his severed body parts as well as the ability to put people into a trance outta sheer boredom, plus he's still a hiveminded AI.
All of the Main Villains go in this tier, such as Lord Boxman, a mechanical genius with portal tech, flight and elasticity, Professor Venomous, who can create Black Holes, Shrink things to Subatomic levels, permanently disable someone's powers, manipulate disease make deadly poison gases, make biological weapon arms and clone people out of goo, and of course, Cosma, who can fly, Teleport, manipulate space, use Telekinesis, Breathe Fire, Reflect Attacks, Manipulate her molecules to change size drastically, and can attack people through a computer screen somehow.
Lastly this tier has members of the superhero team P.O.I.N.T., including Elodie, who can fire energy arrow projectiles and grappling hooks, Foxtail who can fly and temporarily or permanently remove someone's powers, Professor Sunshine who can fly, control lightning, clouds, heat, cold and the weather in general, generate umbrellas and interact with the 4th wall, and Rippy Roo who has an endless dimension of reality in her pouch.
Oh and also Sonic and Tails are in this series.
So what strategies would be effective here? Well this tier is different from the last in that it’s characters have much more power variety, but the powers they do have are less potent. The best way to go about this would be to take a character with potent defense to deal with the attack variety, and a range of offensive and mobility powers to cover one's bases. One such example of this,
Kan-Ra from the Killer Instinct series would be a pretty solid choice! Kan-Ra is equal in power to his rival Aganos, who was able to score hits on and hold his ground against Gargos. As such this means Kan-Ra scales to Gargos’ feats of flying down to the planet's surface at sub relativistic speeds, and being able to destroy the planet. While these stats aren’t that great for this tier, it matters not because of Kan-Ra’s powerful immortality curse.
Kan-Ra is an ancient Babylonian Mummy with the ability to regenerate from any injury including ones as grievous as being burned into ashes, as well as being able to resist aging, poison and having his soul sucked out by Gargos which should stop Enid if she tries to do the same thing.
Kan-Ra is also a super manipulative genius who was immediately able to understand and hack into both futuristic human, and alien technology, and should be more than capable of messing with Lord Boxman’s robots and technology. Furthermore, Kan-Ra has powerful mind control abilities which let him take over an entire ancient civilization’s city, which is a power that could one shot anyone in this tier Besides those robots.
Kan-Ra also has dimensional portals to prevent Rippy from BFRing him, or BFR people himself, Kinetic Energy stealing to slow down his foes enough to clear a speed gap, and vast super senses to detect anything trying to attack him even from another dimension. He also has powerful binding sand manipulation which he can use to teleport, block attacks and set traps in the surrounding area.
Kan-Ra would be an extremely dangerous foe to be sure, but not invincible, if characters in this tier play their cards right they could defeat him by trapping him in a black hole or going back in time and preventing him from getting powers. For an even more well rounded counter.
Iron Tager:
You could go with Tager from Blazblue. Iron Tager is more powerful than the likes of Makoto Nanaya, who was able to violently shatter the moon to pieces with the mere shockwave of her uppercut. Tager can also compete with characters like Ragna who can travel at speeds hundreds of times faster than light. This means Tager should have comparable strength to this tier but a bit of a speed disadvantage.
That being said Tager is Very equipped for this tank role, as one would expect from a Blazblue character at this point, Tager is immune to every hax the K.O. characters have in this tier. Tager is acasual, can't be poisoned or have his powers stolen due to his cybernetic nature, and can shrug off both soul hax and dimensional sealing, which rather forces the characters to get in a direct fight with the guy.
Tager, for as much of a gentleman as he is, is super good at fighting and totally able to compete with the fighters here. Tager can scan his foes allowing him to know all their powers ahead of time and prepare the most logical course of attack at hyper speeds due to his extremely high intellect. He also has a really good variety of powers to fight with, being able to fly, teleport, control electricity and manipulate photons to counter Enid’s shadow. Tager can negate regeneration to stop Mr. Gar from healing, use magnetic manipulation to stop Ernesto and Boxman, reflect projectiles back to sender, induce paralysis on nearby foes, attack souls, and BFR people to a plane of reality that will wither them down to nothing.
Through all this he more than has the means to take out anyone in this tier, while all they can really do to fight him is to just try and overpower him, but his haxy abilities make that a dangerous task to be sure. However, if Red Action were to escape to another time, even though she couldn’t do anything to him from there, he still couldn’t chase her, unlike my last counter...
You can use Dexter from the Dexter’s Laboratory series! Dexter is powerful enough to fight DeeDee who casually tanked the impact of being between two asteroids the size of the Earth violently slamming into each other at relativistic speeds. As well as being fast enough to dodge FTL lasers and pilot Mecha capable of moving hundreds of billions of times the speed of light. So Dexter should be as good if not notably better than the characters in this tier in raw stats.
Dexter is a total and complete super genius, one who we literally know is smarter than anybody in this verse due to being The Smartest being in Cartoon Network. He’s also so ridiculously skilled in combat that he once on skill alone, single handedly took out the Entire Navy without killing a single man. It would be pretty difficult for even the skilled characters in this tier to take him in a head to head fight without using their powers.
Speaking of powers, Dexter has a Lot of those! Dexter has Teleportation remotes that let him teleport any of his tech directly to him, as well as a Teletonic Manifestation Device attached to his brain that lets him instantly create any technology he knows how to make just by thinking of it and as such has an enormous array of powers to pull from.
Dexter’s glasses give him super senses, his telepathy lets him predict his opponents moves, and he can shrug off attacks thanks to being surrounded by an invisible force field. Thanks to his tech, Dexter is immune to matter manipulation and digitization and can use it against his foes allowing him to defeat the likes of Cosma and Ernesto. He also has advanced Hacking and Biological manipulation so Boxman and Venomous wouldn’t have much luck either. Red Action cannot escape through the Timestream because Dex can actually follow her with his own time travel, as well as mess with the characters with more advanced time manipulation abilities such as time reversal and slowing, making the speed gap even crazier. Dexter’s ghost capture unit should prevent Enid from taking his soul, and that's if he doesn’t get around it by simply making hundreds of clones of himself exactly as powerful as he is to take her down.
Dexter can also fly, teleport, turn invisible, and one shot pretty much anyone in this tier with his hax like transmutation, mind manipulation, or simply summoning a mecha suit which would be just plain above anyone here in stats. Dexter is also able to plug up Black Holes, manipulate his size so as not to be shrunken, and because all of his actual superpowers are a result of Technology, he cannot have his powers stolen.
Star Tier:
And now we get to the Top Tier ceiling, the maximum potential of any normal character in this verse, Level 100. This ranking has been nearly achieved a few times by characters like Gargarion, but there’s really only one character to achieve this and be relevant, and that’s End of Series K.O. After fully merging with and absorbing the power of his evil dark side T.K.O., K.O. Became the most powerful hero on earth. T.K.O. Was strong enough to Punch an entire group of characters into the sun with such force it violently shattered the entire star in two, he’s also fast enough to super casually fight multiple characters from the previous tier at once stating he is a hundred times faster than them, which would be trillions of times the speed of light.
K.O. has powerful Energy manipulation, able to use it for Power Fists and Power Kicks, where he shoots energy projectiles out of his arms and legs, Lightning Attacks, Flight, Teleportation, Making Clones Illusions of people, Attack Reflection, and deadliest of all The Energy Draining Field. By Slamming his fists down K.O. is able to create a purple aura that drains all the energy from all inside of it and gives it to him, in only a few moments he was able to expand this aura to encompass the entire planet and drain everyone on it into literal dust.
K.O. has various other cartoony Powers like intricate Elasticity and Shapeshifting, as well as an ability to quickly learn additional powers from those he befriends. From his mom he learned numerous different high level martial arts moves, from Sonic the Hedgehog he learned how to do the famous Spindash attack, and from Holo-Jane…...oh motherf*cker……., he learned a slew of metafictional plane stuff. Now K.O. can warp perspective itself, and use this to make a bottomless supply of anything, grab the screen borders, interact through mere photos and images of himself and enter into the absolute plane of reality at will.
One of his most handy metafictional powers however is his ability to grab action effects, the little flashes of light when a character strikes another, which makes it so K.O. cannot be physically attacked whatsoever as the impact of any blow just doesn’t occur. Also K.O. is pretty hard to effect in general, he's immune to paradoxes, resisted Soul Hax by Enid, and has complete control over his mind and consciousness to the point he can see other peoples flashbacks, mentally project himself and resist all manner of mental attacks.
So how does one conquer the main character of OK K.O.? Well let's look at what K.O.’s weaknesses are. K.O. is youthful and sweet, while he's not dumb by any means he is naive and has proven rather easy to manipulate by friend and foe alike. K.O. is also sensitive to emotional and memory manipulation, as his state of emotion can greatly influence his control over himself and his powers. Past that I would recommend really trying to find someone who can deal with K.O.'s broken energy draining and metafictional powers, one character I thought of for this job...
Gwen Tennyson:
Would be Gwen Tennyson from the Ben 10 franchise. Gwen Tennyson in her Anodite Lucky Girl form she achieved in Omniverse is an incredibly powerful alien sorceress who states she can obliterate the entirety of the Hybreed War Fleet of hundreds of ships, each one of whom can violently destroy planets with low stellar energy and tank the blast. She's also fast enough to keep up with speedy aliens like Chromastone and Jetray who can fly across the galaxy in an hour for hundreds of billions of times the speed of light. While these stats aren’t AS good as K.O.’s the difference in power is only that of a 1 to 2 digit multiplier, and Gwen being an actual genius and far more skilled martial artist than K.O. should allow her to compete.
As Lucky Girl, and after recreating the keystone of bezel, Gwen has potent and passive Probability Manipulation which protects her from danger and hinders her opponent. She also has powers like dowsing, clairvoyance, illusions and force fields, so K.O. scoring hits on her with his normal or projectile attacks is going to be next to impossible, and would force him to rely on his energy draining or absolute plane manipulation.
Energy Draining in particular is not going to be very effective on Gwen, after achieving her Anodite form, Gwen has tremendous resistance to Energy Draining powers due to being connected to the Mana dimension of Ledgerdomain. Gwen can make all sorts of magical energy projectiles and constructs, and is able to battle Charmcaster who has energy manipulation and draining FAR more advanced than K.O.’s. Gwen can also open a dimensional portal and move the fight to Ledgerdomain itself or Seal K.O. in another dimension.
Gwen also can astral project her soul and fight K.O. remotely using a power he cannot counter, Memory Manipulation, you see all of K.O. 4th wall powers are accessible to him via his training with Holo-Jane, if Gwen were to simply make him forget this then he’d lose all those powers.
Gwen also has a lot of the same abilities K.O. does such as flight, teleportation and Electrokinesis, plus several more broken abilities like time travel, telekinesis and numerous other kinds of elemental manipulation and even can induce sleep upon K.O. going in which essentially hands her the victory.
All this said, Gwen is only broken so long as K.O. doesn’t immediately go ham with his Metafictional Plane powers, if he does that she’d have a pretty difficult time, for a safer option.
Mickey Mouse:
One could pick none other than Mickey Mouse! Mickey is tough enough to physically pull the sun right out of the sky, as well as compete with several characters with similar feats such as Zeus, Hercules and Goofy. He also scales Past Stitch’s spaceship traveling billions of times the speed of light. This makes Mickey on par with K.O. in strength, and while he's not as fast Mickey makes up for it by means of having powerful time manipulation abilities.
Mickey could freeze K.O. in time and so long as K.O. isn’t using his metafictional powers, this would give Mickey a free shot to take K.O. down with a transmutation attack.
Even if K.O. were to go into the Absolute plane, Mickey can do that too, being able to travel to the same realm as K.O. and manipulate the aspects of cartoons even better than he can.
Mickey is very intelligent and skilled and can be very manipulative when he wants to be. He has numerous powers that K.O. is packing like teleportation, elasticity, flight and shapeshifting, as well as a bunch of powers K.O. doesn’t like super senses, Low High Regeneration, force fields and astral projection. Not To Mention Mickey can make hundreds of clones of himself just to absolutely unload attacks on K.O. and further counter the speed disparity.
I could only see K.O. having one win condition in this fight, that being his Energy Draining Field growing large enough to encompass the entire battle field. While I see that as being extremely unlikely to happen given just how quickly Mickey can end this, I still have one more counter that I think would be perfect.
This of course being Eddy from the Ed, Edd n Eddy series! Eddy is strong enough to pluck the Sun right out of the sky and Eat it, as well as being fast enough to outpace Dynamo, the Powerpuff Girls mecha that scales to their feats of hundreds of trillions of times the speed of light, outright giving Eddy a decent edge in physical stats over K.O.
Eddy first and foremost is an Incredibly Manipulative character, famously so in fact, to the point he was once able to manipulate the entire neighborhood into believing it was a different Season. Couple this with Eddy’s ability to read people's minds, or project himself into others' heads and Eddy could just completely manipulate circles around K.O. bringing up specific past memories and causing him to lose control of his powers.
If the fight did come to blows however, Eddy is more than able to hold his own against K.O. Eddy fights quite a lot in the series and has a lotta combat experience and took massive amounts of punishment competing against Rolf in the Urban Rangers without going down. Like most Ed, Edd n Eddy characters, Eddy gets stronger and faster the more angry he gets, being able to take on characters who would normally kick his butt like Sarah, Marie and the mysterious hero Captain Melonhead, and remember he did his sun lifting feat while completely calm so this should allow him to just outclass K.O. hand to hand. Eddy also has equivalents for most of K.O.’s powers, Eddy can manipulate electricity, gravity and shadows, stretch his body and shapeshift, teleport himself via scene transitions, fly with his helicopter hair and perform energy attacks with his famous, Ray of Riches. In addition to that Eddy has a High Regeneration Factor that lets him come back from being reduced to a puddle or pile of ash, which would make it basically impossible for K.O. to defeat him with raw force alone anyway.
Eddy can also get around K.O.’s metafictional force negation power, as like the rest of the Eds, Eddy can create invisible mental plane weapons, traps and even allies that are intangible to all but his foes to attack with. These imaginary attacks are invisible and do not produce any action effects and would just be wrecking K.O. from all sides.
K.O.’s Energy Draining aura is something Eddy would casually be able to get around as well, Eddy could easily dodge it with his ability to phase out of reality into the backgrounds, or simple negate it entirely with his Metafictional Spacetime manipulation, tossing away the purple aura effect, reducing the space it occupies down to nothing, immersing K.O. into a picture or television or even rewinding the reel of the animation.
Eddy can enter into the absolute plane just like K.O. can and has vastly more control and abilities with it, able to take practically his entire cartoon world apart. Some of Eddy’s most OP Techniques against K.O. would be to generate and place speed lines On K.O. or his attacks to force them into or alter their motion in however manor he wants, Or instantly oneshot him by grabbing and tearing off his outline and reducing him to nothing more than liquid color, which he could have done the entire time.
Universe Tier:
Finally we get to the last Tier of the verse, a tier only attained by those who transcend Levels themselves, a God Tier if you will. Only one character is in this tier and that is The President of The Universe, who is basically the absolute God of the OK KO series. The President is the one who created the universe and everything in and around it as well as multiple other universes on the side and can traverse anywhere in it in seconds so would have Universal+ up to Multiverse level Power and Quadrillions of Times Light Speed.
The President of The Universe is an all knowing being who can perceive, and constantly watches over, the Entire Universe at once, he also exists in the higher absolute plane similar to Holo-Jane. One of the most impressive aspects of The President is that he was the one who created Glorbs and flooded the universe with them to make the universe more fun. Glorbs are a cosmic cartoony energy source, responsible for literally every single power and superhuman trait or aspect found in this series. Meaning absolutely every single ability in the series I’ve mentioned so far is something he can do, as he’s explicitly the one who created those abilities in the first place.
Going into what powers he’s shown directly, The President can fly, teleport himself and others and open portals to other dimensions. He can create matter at will, restore beings to life on a planetary scale, move himself with elasticity and give people complex visions. Also any image of The President, be it physical, digital or even memories, becomes a sentient extension of him with all his powers that can act on his behalf.
As far as weaknesses go, there’s not much, the only sort of weakness he has in the show is that he cannot meddle in Earthly Affaires, but even that seems to be more a personality thing than anything else. Not gonna sugarcoat it, if you want to beat the President of the Universe, you really need a character who can affect the absolute plane. Once that requirement is fulfilled there are a few angles you can take this, for starters, like the rest of the series Time Hax beyond simple travel is surely lacking, a potent time manipulator could be a good idea. The President also is a good natured fellow who likely has never had to do battle with an equal so someone with a lotta fighting experience would be pretty tough here, hence my first idea.
Axe Cop:
Axe Cop, the titular character from the Axe Cop series. Axe Cop is strong and fast enough to battle the robots Tu and Bu, who were each able to obliterate an entire alternate Universe, which was explicitly stated to have billions of galaxies, in a single attack, as well as traverse through it in an instant, making Axe Cop more than a match for the President stat wise.
Axe Cop is a powerful badass warrior who fights tons upon tons of badguys and powerful foes constantly, and has been doing so for well over a million years. Axe Cop while not all knowing is Ridonulously intelligent to the point he can instantly know the impossibly specific manner in which to beat a new enemy immediately upon meeting them out of sheer smartness.
Axe Cop like The President, is a higher plane being who can literally sit down and meet with his creator and ask for new powers and as such would totally be able to affect The President.
Axe Cop has super senses, specifically the ability to sense danger which would alert him to every single attack The President would throw his way, giving him the best chance to defend himself. Axey is immune to reality warping, transmutation and magic, which takes away a lot of The President’s powers already, he has his laser portal gun that stops him from being BFR’d, his blood prevents him from being mind controlled, his Soul is a powerful ghost entity that can fight by itself and travel back into his body, and he has 5000 extra lives, making it so The President would have to successfully defeat him 5001 times to actually win. Axe Cop’s signature weapon can also negate regeneration, and turn into the dreaded Blue Diamond Sword which is a sword with a billion blades and the most powerful weapon ever, which more than proved it by overpowering the power of an entire Planet full of Unicorn Horns, each one being powerful enough to reality warp the entire universe, which should more than let him overpower The President’s abilities.
All that said, The President does have a few powers that could be troublesome to Axey, like Possession and Existence Erasure, while these are really unlikely to score him the win alone, one could try.
Aeon of the Divine Trinity from Skullgirls. Aeon is an all powerful goddess and manifestation of time who exists on a higher plane in the skullgirls multiverse. Along with her sister and mother she created the multiverse Skullgirls takes place in and literally is all of time within it. She should easily be able to match The President's power, and speed itself is irrelevant to her.
As the goddess of time, Aeon knows everything that ever was or will be, and can use this to predict every action that The President will take before he even knows he’s going to do it.
Aeon is able to stop time, rewind time or even freeze an individual in time, something The President cannot counter and would essentially allow her to do whatever she wants to him in that time being. Most damningly Aeon can generate an evil alt timeline clone of whoever she's fighting by pulling out their reflection from her Hourglass, which would essentially allow her to simply freeze The President of The Universe, and allow some Dictator of The Universe entity to take care of her dirty work for her.
Also Aeon herself is pretty hard to effect, essentially having the same defense as a DC New God with her true form existing in her home outside of reality while her Avatars are fighting. That being said it's possible for The President to win if he decides to go after her first and takes her by surprise, so for my absolute best counter.
Junko from the Touhou Project series would be pretty hilariously OP against The President. Junko too is a being who exists beyond even concepts themselves and would be totally able to affect The President. Junko is a Univeral+, Trillions of times the speed of light entity who has numerous powers like flight, danmaku, immortality and soul attacks, which would be helpful. But she has one Big power I picked her for and that is her Broken power to Purify Anything.
This power allows Junko to completely destroy anything to the point even their abstract concept ceases to be, erasing them from existence on an absolute level. Junko can use this power passively, and it is so potent that she can even erase other absolute plane beings with it as shown when Reimu, who can use her Fantasy Nature Spell to become an absolute entity, needed to drink a Lunarian drug to specifically resist this power before fighting her or she would have been instantly oneshot before the fight even began.
From There Junko can even recreate whoever she destroyed with this power but altered in whatever way she sees fit, like when she made her weak little fairy servant, Clownpiece, powerful enough to fight the main characters. Yes Junko has the power to Retcon people.
With these powers she would essentially be able to oneshot The President upon his arrival, and her own resistance to this power, as well as mind and soul hax, basically takes away any chance he has of beating her in turn. She really just had the right stuff to bring him down.