Monday, July 15, 2024

Death Battle Prediction: ManBot VS P'andor


Superpowers, often looked upon as a blessing from above, enabling those worthy few granted them the power to fight back against evil, but sometimes they are just as much a curse, trapping those same few in a cage of responsibility. It is often in that acceptance or denial of responsibility that the greatest heroes and villains are made. ManBot, the guilt-ridden hero of Freedom Force, and P’andor the desperate fugitive from Ben 10! In this well made energy clash of caged combatants, who will reign the Victor?



The Year was 1962, in Patriot City, when the wealthy and handsome bachelor, Ted Taylor was driving down the highway on yet another of his many dates that week, enjoying the carefree pleasures of, in his mind, the perfect life. 

But as he drove his expensive sports car without a care in the world, suddenly he was struck with what could only be described as a flash of purple lightning that caused him to lose control and crash his car into the nearby woods.

This was Energy X, a powerful form of Cosmic Radiation that has been being used by the Alien conquerors, The Domain, to subjugate all the planets of the known universe. 

In an attempt to prevent The Domain from taking over the Earth as well, the alien hero Mentor attempted to steal their Energy X and give its power to the best and brightest of the Human Race. 

However, as Mentor made his escape, The Domain shot his ship down, causing The Energy X to scatter and fall randomly onto the planet, resulting in many people like Ted being unexpectedly exposed.

And out of all the People to Be Exposed, Ted easily got the biggest dose of the stuff. His body absorbed So much Energy X that it couldn’t contain it all. Periodically, and without warning, massive amounts of it would build up and surge inside of him, resulting in powerful blasts that would destroy whatever was close by.

Not knowing what else to do, Ted went to see his genius younger brother Tom, who happened to be a Nobel Prize winning scientist, having dedicated himself to the betterment of mankind. After conducting several tests, Tom believed that it was possible to Cure Ted of this ailment, but developing a way to do so would likely take months or longer.

To keep Ted’s Radiation and Energy Leakage in check, Tom offered him a temporary solution, an Exosuit that he had been developing for some time in order to give crippled people back their mobility, which Tom believed had a dense enough molecular structure to contain Ted’s outbursts of volatile energy. Ted however wasn’t too keen on spending months of his life in some ugly, bulky Tincan of a suit.

But as Ted argued against this, suddenly a massive Energy spike built up inside of him, causing a huge explosion to erupt from his body right in the middle of the lab, Killing his poor brother instantly.

Standing over his fallen brother’s body, horrified with grief and guilt at what he had caused to happen through his own selfishness and vanity, the Man Ted once was died as well, and now stood only the heavy and humbled heart of a man stricken with Regret. Tom only wanted to help him, and now his blood would forever stain his hands.

Ted Taylor then put on the suit and swore an oath that until such a time he was cured of his power, that suit would remain on. And seeing himself as less than human for what he had done, Ted declared that until that day, the world would only know him as, “The ManBot.”

Desperate to find redemption to take some weight off his heavy heart, ManBot set out on patriot city where he happened upon a sect of Soviet Agents who had also been enhanced by Energy X. While he tried to stop them, he was no match for their forces by himself and was swiftly frozen by their Cryokinetic Leader, Nuclear Winter.

Thankfully, ManBot was found by a group of other enhanced do gooders like himself. The Strong and Patriotic Minuteman, the Suave Flame Hero, El Diablo, and the very Alien hero who stole the Energy X in the first place, Mentor.

Upon their meeting, the 4 of them teamed up and worked together to topple Nuclear Winter and prevent him from causing….Nuclear Winter, saving the day and sending Sukhov and his men to prison.

In the aftermath, the four of them decided they should join forces permanently, becoming the Founding members of the growing and iconic Superhero Organization, Freedom Force, dedicated to the protection of the innocent and betterment of our world and beyond!

ManBot worked diligently as a member of the team, helping put a stop to countless villains and disasters that might befall the good people of Patriot City, from gangsters, to clones to giant ants and even Minotars. But no matter how much good he did, ManBot never allowed himself to celebrate, still seeing himself as no less than a monster.

This inner pain he had made him particularly fascinating to the AlcheMiss, who took a romantic liking to him, but while his Past self would have jumped at the chance to date someone like her, ManBot denied her at every turn, both because he didn’t think he deserved happiness, but also because he was afraid he may one day hurt her as well.

This would all culminate when the Celestial Being Time Master sought to use ManBots incredible power to destroy the cosmic Celestial Clock and end Time Forever.

Despite Freedom Force managing to stop Time Master, someone needed to remain behind in the Celestial Clock to stabilize the time stream, leading to ManBot making the noble choice to sacrifice himself, remaining in the Clock all alone where he could never hurt anyone again.

That was the plan at least until AlcheMiss, after tapping too heavily into her own power, managed to free ManBot from the Celestial Clock forever so he's back now, hooray.

Although AlcheMiss ended up being corrupted into an unstoppable Chaos god called Entropy that they then had to stop as a consequence of that. And she sacrificed herself to prevent Entropy from destroying reality which was incredibly sad, but hey, we are trying to stick to ManBot here.

ManBot is an incredibly somber individual who often comes off as very deadpan, sarcastic and self deprecating. He has a deep inner sadness about him over what a fool he was in the past and what he allowed to happen to his brother through his negligence. But he’s also a very wise and compassionate hero who seeks to always do the right thing, even at great sacrifice to himself both physically or mentally. Ted has learned a great deal from his experiences helping others though many have told him that he has redeemed himself long ago, he will never be satisfied until he has given 100% all he can to the cause of helping people. Ted had once lived only for pleasure, but as his brother would put it his past self was ignorant to the greatest pleasure of all, the feeling in one's heart when they truly help others, the pleasure of Kindness.


In the distant Andromeda Galaxy, there exists an inhabited planet known as Prypiatos, home to the Alien Prypiatosian race. Centuries ago, this planet was considered the Jewel of the entire galaxy, filled with advanced technology, Megacities that filled out Entire Continents and buildings so tall they quite literally scraped the sky. It was one of the most beautiful places one could ever visit.

‘Was’, being the key word there. As the native Prypiatosian’s entered into a massive Atomic war, turning 100% of their planets surface into an Irradiated uninhabitable wasteland.

The majority of the Prypiatosian’s managed to escape this into underground chasms, overtime building them into impressive Subterranean cities, lined with Lead to protect themselves from the Radiation of the surface. These lucky individuals would come to be known as Prypiatosian-As, while the roughly 20% of their population who got left behind would end up Mutated by the Radiation into a highly radioactive Subspecies known as Prypiatosian-Bs.

Prypiatosian-Bs are intensely radioactive life forms that feed on Energy to survive. Their Bodies passively emit intense amounts of Radiation so, in order to protect themselves, the Prypiatosian-A civilization was forced to cut off contact with them, abandoning them to live on the surface in the wastelands of their former society. 

NRG Fanart

That is At least until P’andor showed up. As a member of the Prypiatosian-B race, P’andor led a series of small raids into the underground civilization of their Sister race to steal weapons, supplies and technology from them, irritating numerous Prypiatosian-A civilians to death in the process. 

Eventually, P’andor was arrested by the Prypiatosian-A who locked his ass in an Advanced Prypiatosian Containment Suit which would completely contain the radioactive energy his body emits while he faces trial for his crimes.

This would have been the end of P’andor’s story if not for the interference of the Megalomaniacal Osmosian supervillain, Aggregor. Aggregor planned to travel to The Forge of Creation in order to absorb the power of an Infant Celestialsapian, so he can turn himself into a cosmic god. 

But before he could do this, he needed to upgrade his own body by absorbing the powers and abilities of peak members of 5 different alien races, to enable himself to survive the journey. 

One of these races was the Prypiatosian-B and as P’andor was the strongest member he could find, he was his peak specimen of choice. Aggregor sprung P’andor from prison and held him captive aboard his ship. 

But before he could enact his plan, P’andor and the other four prisoners led a revolt against Aggregor, and managed to steal a ship and escape onto the nearby Planet Earth.

Deciding to split up, the 5 Aliens worked to find a way to escape the Earth before Aggregor managed to find them. That was the challenge most of them were presented with, but P’andor had his own problem. 

Prypiatosian-B need to feed on Energy to survive, and that Containment Suit he was trapped in allowed for Zero Energy Transference through it. If he didn’t find a way to get free from the suit, he couldn’t Eat and would eventually starve to death. But despite putting a massive bounty out for anyone who could break the suit open for him, the material proved far too tough for any earthly method of opening the thing.

The only one on Earth who could get P’andor outta his suit was one Kevin E. Levin, whose unique matter absorption powers were exactly what was needed to pull this off. But not wanting to just let out a highly radioactive entity out in the open, he refused.

So P’andor assembled a group of powerful criminal thugs to hunt Kevin down and force him to comply. After a lengthy battle and some careful maneuvering from P’andor, he managed to pull it off, tricking Kevin into slicing the suit wide open, P’andor was freed.

And that was a problem. P’andor like all Prypiatosian-B, is incredibly dangerous for any conventional lifeform to be around. The Radiation emanating from his form would eventually kill them and poison the land, water and environment.

P’andor escaped and immediately began draining energy from the surroundings to feed himself. When he was peacefully approached by the Plumbers and had this explained to him, before being offered to be given a ride safely back to his home planet, P’andor refused, liking the energy of this planet more, and not being too keen on going right back to jail. In regards to the safety of the human race, he didn’t care.

Thankfully, Ben 10 and his team Did care, and eventually managed to bring P’andor down once and for all by using Kevins powers against him. I guess it’s true what they say, Payback’s a B*tch. After all was said and done, P’andor was returned to his homeworld to once again try to atone for his crimes.

P’andor’s species was designed to pay symbolic homage to the Soviet Era Chernobyl disaster, and tying into that theme, he and his entire species naturally speak in thick Russian accents and mannerisms. P’andor has a rather cold and brash personality, always feeling as though he gets the short end of the stick, resulting in him becoming Power Hungry in more than just the literal sense. While P’andor is willing to work with and assist others at various points, even when it doesn’t aid him directly, he still puts himself and his own satisfaction above all other concerns, and would not be willing to do something detrimental to himself to aid others. A Rough Rebel with a Chip on his Shoulder, P’andor has spent his entire life trying to get his freedom from whatever prison he sees his circumstances as, and he's not going to be stopping any time soon.

Intellect & Skill:


ManBot regularly shows himself as having a very high degree of education, speaking with elevated language and bringing up philosophical or academic comparisons to his own situation. He is a very levelheaded and adaptable hero who is shown to be fast on the uptake in various combat situations, and can easily keep up with genius aliens or godly beings on a regular basis.

Ted has also shown to be an overall fantastic judge of character on multiple occasions, such as when he cleverly deciphered the secret identity and motivation of Mister Mechanical, or when he figured out that the mysterious villain, The Ant, was actually a hero who was being mind controlled, despite having almost no information to go on.

Also, as a career superhero, ManBot has been in quite a large number of scraps before against an even larger variety of foes. He has taken on everything from Dinosaurs to Giant Robots to the occasional Machine Gun Wielding, Nazi Cyborg Gorilla known as Killorilla’s, and still came out on top. Between the first and second game, Ted spent basically an entire year straight fighting off Chaos Wraiths in the Celestial Clock giving him a much higher amount of Combat experience than most Freedom Force members.


As an Alien, P’andor is accustomed to Technology up to Level 5 in Ben 10’s tech tier system, while even the most advanced technology we humans have is considered Level 2 under the same system, making him notably smarter than the general population of Earth. P’andor was smart enough to, upon landing on Earth, study and acquire knowledge of the various alien species of the Milky Way Galaxy in case he needed to defend himself, a testament to how he always likes to enter into combat prepared.

P’andor has shown numerous times to be quite wise and manipulative, not only easily assembling his own gang of henchmen with promises of money he didn’t have, but tricking Kevin into freeing him from his armor in the first place despite Kevin knowing full well what was inside.

In terms of actual fighting, P’andor has been in quite a fair number of fights in his villainous career, able to hold his ground against Kevin, Gwen, and a wide variety of Ben’s Aliens. Even Including Big Chill, who should have a big advantage on him due to being able to phase through his attacks, P’andor exploited his heroic need to save people by causing environmental destruction to distract Big Chill and keep him away. That Said, P’andor has also shown to get carried away and brash when fighting, which has led to him getting stomped by much more powerful characters like Aggregor.



ManBot is an Energy X Enhanced Human who wears a tough mechanical robot suit. His exposure to Energy X has granted him a variety of energy based superpowers that he uses to fight crime and cosmic threats from beyond.

  • Metal Exoskeleton:

ManBot wears a Metal Exoskeleton invented by his genius brother Tom, with the intention of giving crippled people back their mobility. Its bulky structure comes equipped with mechanical limbs that vastly boost Ted’s strength to superhuman levels. Its features include a respirator that filters air like a gas mask, and an incredibly dense Molecular structure designed to prevent anything from passing through. This was likely intended to stop pathogens for the aid of wearers in poor health, but it proved Useful as it manages to keep Ted’s otherwise uncontrollable bursts of Energy X in check. The Thick Metal Plates of the suit vastly increased Ted’s own durability to the point that he is one of the Tankiest members in the entire Freedom Force Organization, able to shrug off both Crushing and Piercing damage from stat relevant foes with total ease. In addition to that the suit makes him highly resistant to Radiation, Extreme Heat and Cold, and even weirder esoteric things like Magical and Psychic attacks somehow. Even numerous powerful Elemental, Radioactive or Energy based Superheroes and Villains have a very hard time dealing damage to ManBot. The Cost to this is this suit weighs a ton and thus seriously hampers ManBot’s mobility.

  • Flight:

At least it did until ManBot eventually learned how to Fly. By channeling his Energy out from his legplates, ManBot generates enough lift to fly, and is able to soar through the battlefield at speeds much more in line with his companions.

  • Energy Projection:

ManBot’s primary attack is to shoot powerful blasts of energy known as Focus Beams. These Blasts are able to destroy wide structures and damage characters on ManBot’s tier.

  • Energy Absorption:

ManBot is also able to absorb Energy in addition to launching it out. ManBot’s energy absorption allows him to passively instantly absorb any Energy attack he is hit with, be it a damaging energy attack from an enemy or even the occasional beneficial energy ability from an ally. With his ability, Energy Leech, ManBot can remotely drain energy out of foes to decrease their stamina, even at a distance of hundreds of meters.

  • Energy Distribution:

More advanced than this is ManBot’s overall control of the energy distribution of his surroundings. Not only can ManBot fire or take in large amounts of Energy, but he can also send it away wherever he wants.

ManBot can empower up to 4 or more of his own Allies at once, increasing their power and health by redistributing his own energy.

He also is able to use this ability to pump tons of energy into nearby objects causing them to literally Detonate into a large explosion.

  • Energy Well:

The Reason ManBot is able to do all of this is due to the massive Well of Energy X Inside of him. Ted got the highest dose of the stuff by a country mile, which was the reason Time Master, a Multiversal Cosmic Being, sought him out to destroy the Celestial Clock, something Time Master was not powerful enough to do alone.

Ted has a Literally Infinite amount of Energy X inside of him, giving him an effectively endless amount of Energy to use in battle without any risk of running dry. This puts ManBot’s potential above that of even the most cosmic beings in his series like Time Master and Entropy. According to Mentor “Entropy is capable of wielding unimaginable power, but even she has her limits. But there is one (ManBot) who is more powerful, one who has No Limits.”

And this was seen with Entropy as well, who despite being a Multiversal being herself who could even beat Time Master, could not prevent the Multiverse from fading away without the aid of Ted’s Energy Well.

  • Energy Surge:

This leads into ManBot’s final and most dangerous ability, The Energy Surge. By Releasing his restraints, ManBot releases his built up Energy’s true potential, creating a massive Explosion off his body that, while leaving himself relatively unharmed, wipes out everything near him, collateral damage be damned.

While the Surges Area of Effect is typically only a few city blocks in diameter, it hits with Literally Infinite Attack Potency, destroying anything around him.

The Surge proved this when it managed to bring down Entropy herself in only a single shot, weakening her to the point Alchemist was able to take back control.

This is the same Entropy whose power was great enough that her mere existence was erasing the Multiverse from Reality, Past, Present and Future.


Something important to note, during the events of the story, Ben’s watch scanned P’andor’s DNA and granted Ben access to a new alien form based on the Prypiatosian-B species, who Ben would dub NRG (Pronounced Energy). As NRG is the exact same species and has more appearances and showings than P’andor overall, I will be attributing any feats and abilities NRG showcases as something P’andor could also do. While it is true that the Omnitrix rendition of any species is stated to be a physical peak example of said species, equivalent to a human elite athlete for their kind, it should be noted P’andor is also a peak member of his own species, as this was the very reason Aggregor sought to kidnap him specifically rather than another Prypiatosian-B, despite P’andor being in prison and therefore more difficult to get. As such any differences in physicality between P’andor and NRG should be negligible.

  • Containment Suit:

The Prypiatosian-B Containment Suit is a piece of Level 3 technology designed to contain members of the Prypiatosian-B species, both for capturing and detaining them, or more commonly, for allowing them to interact with beings of other species without poisoning them. The suit has a standard issue Universal Translator device built into the center console allowing the wearer to communicate with someone of any race.

Whatever the material of these suits is, it allows for absolutely Zero Energy Transference through the material, completely containing any and all Radiation within the suit itself, and repelling any type of energy that tries to enter through. One Cannot Drain or Absorb Energy through the material either way, It resists all Magical effects to the point Gwen couldn’t even read there was a being inside of it, and even beings who are completely Intangible are not able to phase through this substance.

Which can also be a bit of a problem as this Alien Metal also happens to be easily one of the most Durable Substances in the entire Ben 10 franchise.

Seriously, It almost doesn’t matter what you try and strike this material with, It just shrugs it off without even the most microscopic scratch, dent or crack.

It is perfectly resistant to Extreme temperatures of Heat and Cold to the point even some of Ben’s most powerful Fire and Ice Aliens like Swampfire and Big Chill have no luck melting it or turning it brittle.

In Ben’s NRG Form, his Armor was durable enough to tank attempts to crush it from Ultimate Kevin 11.

In this state, Kevin was strong and durable enough to damage and endure the strongest attack from Ultimate Echo Echo.

This same attack earlier, was able to Contain an explosion that would have destroyed an entire Planet.

This isn’t even inconsistent, as another Prypiatosian-B named Agent Leander, reportedly survived an assault from Feral To'kustar’s in the Null Void. To’kustar are a race of incredibly powerful Space Giants created in Cosmic Storms.

Ben’s To'kustar, Way Big, was able to overpower and Destroy the Incursion Conquest Ray in a beam struggle. And The Conquest Ray Can and Has violently destroyed entire planets in one shot before.

Heck, Ultimate Way Big was tough enough to get into a prolonged pitched battle with the Extra Dimensional God Dagon, who could reality warp 2 different Universes simultaneously. 

Given that Ultimate Humungousaur was unable to beat an army of 100 base Humungousaur’s, one could reasonably come to the conclusion that Way Big Downscales to about 1/100th of Ultimate Way Big’s Power, and that still can’t overcome the durability of this armor.

The only thing that has ever been able to penetrate these suits is Taydenite, a rare Alien Crystal Material, and the hardest substance in the known Universe. All that said, despite the massive amount of Defense this suit provides, It is still designed as a containment suit to repress the powers of his species, and thus, wearing it comes at the cost of P’andor’s larger array of powers. That said there are still a handful of things he can do in this suit.

  • Extreme Heat Aura: 

P’andor is able to raise the temperature of any part of his armor to an absolutely insane degree, able to completely melt people into goop with a single touch. 

This attack can also damage characters like Bivalvan, whose Clamshell like hide can endure Nuclear Explosions.

  • Energy Beams:

He can also use a projectile attack, able to fire powerful radioactive energy beams from his face through those distinct eye holes in the suit.

These Beams carry the same destructive potency of P’andor himself and are hot enough to instantly melt Metal into Lava.

  • Eruption:

Speaking of Lava, P’andor can also channel heat underground and make lava erupt from the Earth around him.

He can use these for massive Lava flow attacks as well as remotely making the ground melt as an immobilizing trap. That said this is far from comparison to the True P’andor.

  • Natural Form:

In his natural form, P’andor is a true force of nature, a being of pure radioactive energy, able to morph and shift his form in pretty much any way he wishes.

He also passively gives off massive amounts of Radioactive energy from his body, enough to turn whole town’s Uninhabitable just by walking around. Radiation causes damage to organic being’s Tissue and DNA, preventing their existing cells from performing necessary bodily functions and new cells from even being formed properly at all, resulting in horrific deterioration and death.

  • Flight:

Without his heavy armor weighing him down, P’andor is capable of effortless levitation and  flight and gains a massive speed boost relative to his previous form.

  • Intangibility:

The greatest defense of the Prypiatosian-B race is their complete and total Intangibility, able to phase through walls and have physical attacks harmlessly pass through their body without doing any damage.

  • Energy Beams:

P’andor can also now fire his standard energy beams from any part of his body rather than just his face.

  • Energy Sensing:

His species also has the innate ability to sense nearby sources of Energy in order to quickly find a meal. The Stronger the reserve of Energy is, the more tasty they seem.

  • Energy Absorption:

This Leads into their last and most famous ability, the power to consume Energy. P’andor can absorb any type of energy into himself. Energy Blasts, Electricity, Radiation and even Mana, you name it, and use it to make himself stronger.

This Energy Absorption works at a rapid pace, once he got his hands on the Source, P’andor was able to completely drain a Nuclear Reactor of power in seconds. Ben later used his NRG form to Eat a Uranium Power Core the Kraaho were going to use to flood the Earth with Lava.




  • ManBot is very often portrayed as having impressive superhuman strength even among his fellow superhero peers. He’s shattered massive sections of underground caverns with just a punch, and states that his armor makes him one of the few Freedom Force members that could survive a resulting Cave-in.

  • He can rip Streetlights outta the ground to use as clubs, lift and throw large heavy objects like Cars or Boulders, Punch people clear across entire City Blocks, and destroy large buildings with his strikes.

  • But of course, the greatest way to assess how powerful ManBot is is through scaling him to the villains he has been able to best. ManBot is fully capable of battling any of the various powerful villains Freedom Force regularly fights, Including Nuclear Winter, who was able to create a large snowstorm over an entire Cuban village.

Or how about Red Sun, whose Flame Elementals are capable of burning down the entirety of Patriot City. Beyond that however would be the Greek God Pan, who was able to casually lift an entire island into the sky and float it over this same city as his base.

Based on the shot of the Island in the comics, and accounting for the fact it was shown to be floating above cloud level in game, this Island would have a diameter of 3.8 Miles and, assuming a composition of Basalt, a mass of 1,773,479,000,000,000 KG. Given Pan was able to move this at comparable velocity to the Freedom Flyer, he must passively be able to output roughly 13 Gigatons of TNT.

And any powerful Freedom Force Member is able to physically fight and endure hits from him, ManBot being one of the most physically powerful and tanky.


  • In terms of physical running speed, ManBot is one of the slowest characters in the game, having a canonical agility rating of Klutz, he is somewhat below the speed of an average human and tends to lag behind on missions with his teammates, however he does make up for this in certain aspects.

  • For Example, with his much faster Flight Speed, ManBot is able to keep pace with other flying heroes like El Diablo, who was able to keep up with 1960s jet aircrafts and shoot them down in a dogfight, giving him Subsonic Flight Speeds.

  • Secondly, in terms of Reactions, Man-Bot is able to block attacks from and score hits on other comparable heroes and villains, including Bullet, a Speedster hero who is stated to be able to “Run Faster Than Lightning.” 

As Man-Bot is fully capable of taking on and defeating evil duplicates of Bullet, as well as a bunch of villains who can score hits on the Real Bullet, he too should be able to react to the Massively Hypersonic Lightning speed.


  • Is a Founding Member of Freedom Force.

  • Defeated Nuclear Winter, Shadow, Mr. Mechanical, Time Master and Entropy.

  • Saved All of Reality from Certain Doom, Twice.

  • Became Sovereign over all of Time at one point.

  • At the End, I think he found Peace within himself.



  • Members of the Prypiatosian-B species are regularly portrayed having impressive super strength, able to stop large speeding vehicles with their bare hands overpower large squads of various alien species and cause large explosions with their attacks.

  • He has been able to match and overpower numerous powerful foes throughout the Ben 10 franchise, including Kevin, Gwen and multiple members of the same species of some of Ben’s physically Strongest aliens such as Swampfire, Humungousaur and Water Hazard.

  • Notably, as NRG, Ben was able to get into a battle with the infamous alien bounty hunter Sunder and damage him with his attacks.

Later that same episode, Sunder was able to get into an all out even Brawl with Ultimate Cannonbolt, which is crazy Impressive as just Baseform Cannonbolt was able to overcome the Durability of The Great One.

The Great one is a giant building-sized alien Tick that drinks in the nutrients of entire Planets until they literally explode.

Yes, this creature regularly tanks being on the surface of a violently exploding planet. The surface of the Earth has an area of 510.1 Trillion m², meanwhile, based on its size The Great One has a surface area of about 520 m², meaning it effectively survived 1/980,961,538,461st of this blast. Given it takes roughly 53 Zettatons of force to destroy The Earth, that means The Great One needed to endure a force of over 54 Gigatons of TNT.


  • Generally speaking, P’andor and other’s of his kind are rather slow and lumbering when trapped in their bulky containment suits, not even able to run as fast as human form Ben Tennyson. However he does have his moments.

  • In Short bursts, Members of this race have shown incredibly fast reactionary speed that allows them to move super fast. As NRG, Ben was able to intercept a Lightning Attack from Ultimate Kevin 11 in order to protect Alan.

In another instance, NRG was able to fight and score hits on 10 year old Ben Tennyson in his Heatblast form.

Even early into the original series, Heatblast was able to outpace the Megawatts, electrical aliens that travel as a mass of Lightning.

  • In his natural form, P’andor is much faster than his normal Movement speed, perfectly able to keep pace with rather fast aliens like Big Chill, who kept up with a vehicle traveling over 300 MPH and could easily dodge Missiles.



  • Is the most dangerous member of his own race.

  • Escaped from Aggregor on 2 different occasions.

  • Defeated Kevin Levin, Gwen Tennyson, Jetray, Water Hazard and The Incursions.

  • Became a Crimeboss. 

  • Is the sample alien for his own race in the Omnitrix.



ManBot’s armor makes him highly resistant to a lot of different attacks, but one thing it definitely cannot protect him from is Electricity. His Metal suit is basically just a giant conductor making any electric based attack ironically even More effective on him than if he wasn’t wearing it.

Ted’s other big weakness is his heroic self sacrificing nature. Ted for the most part hates himself, and is dedicated to doing the right thing above all else, which has led to him putting himself in catastrophic danger at the drop of a hat countless times.


P’andor’s species has two notable weaknesses, the first of which is extreme cold. Despite his armor normally protecting him from such a thing, direct exposure to cold causes the Heat based P’andor serious pain and makes using many of his abilities more difficult.

The more telling Weakness P’andor has is being drained of his Energy. When Kevin was able to take on the properties of Carbon Rods, he was able to drain off P’andor’s access Energy, weakening him until they could recapture him in his armor.


Narrator: The Sun shone brightly down on Patriot City on a relatively uneventful summer day. All was peaceful as ManBot, one of the great heroes of Freedom Force, walked ever vigilant on his daily patrol through the city. The concern of harming others ever present in his mind, ManBot opted to choose the relatively deserted industrial section on the outskirts of town for his patrol grounds, to minimize the potential damage in case something happened. But as the hero scanned for trouble, suddenly he heard a loud explosion ring out from about a block ahead of him.

ManBot started advancing fast, but cautiously, towards the sound as he activated the communication device in his ear.

“ManBot to Freedom Tower, There seems to have been a small explosion at one of the buildings near my position, I’m heading there now to investigate” He said over the intercom.

“Reading you loud and clear ManBot, it seems like there’s been a break in at Mr. Mechanical’s old secret hideout. Mechanical himself is still incarcerated, but still, do tread carefully.” He heard Minuteman respond from the monitor back at base.

“You don’t have to tell me twice” ManBot quickly responded as he reached Mechanical’s old lair, noticing a large hole blasted through the outside wall.

‘I know Mechanical is a rather Eccentric Architect, but somehow I feel that’s not supposed to be here’ ManBot thought as he cautiously walked through the hole into the building. The building was dark and silent, save for the sound of large metallic footsteps as ManBot made his way through the structure, until he found himself at the entrance to a big room labeled Armory, where a lot of noise was coming from.

ManBot Sighed, “Ofcourse”, he said as he was about to make his way in there to bust this scavenger when the split second before he was in front of the door a Gigantic laser beam blasted out from the room, causing ManBot to hit the deck to avoid it.

“No.” ManBot heard someone say as he glanced into the room. He saw what looked like a large man in a metal suit resembling a boiler, holding one of Mechanical’s experimental weapons. What interested him the most was smoke seemed to be coming off of his suit from the blast, as if this person had fired the weapon on himself.

P’andor grunted in frustration as he tossed away the 5th useless weapon he found before picking up another device resembling a pistol. He pointed it at his chest and it fired a volley of dozens of yellow energy blasts but each one deflected off him harmlessly. “No.” he said before tossing it aside as well.

“Stop right there, what exactly do you think you’re doing?” P’andor suddenly heard behind him as he turned to see what looked to be a large robot of some kind standing before him.

“And who are You supposed to be, Tinman?” P’andor asked in clear annoyance.

“I Could ask you the same thing.” ManBot shot back, noticing the thick Russian Accent this stranger spoke with.

“I am ManBot, a hero of the Freedom Force organization, this is a restricted area. What are you doing with these weapons? Are you another one of Sukhov’s lackeys?” ManBot accused firmly.

“I know not this Sukhov, now leave me be.” P’andor said, waving him off as he turned back to the weapons stock.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, these weapons are far too destructive to fall into the wrong hands. If what you say is true then come with me back to the Freedom Tower and we’ll help you however we can.” ManBot offered.

P’andor looked back at him only briefly before going back to what he was doing. “I’ve had more than enough ‘help’ from hero types like you. Now, I’m doing things My Way.” P’andor said as he pulled out a giant threatening drill device.

“Not Happening.” ManBot sternly stated, grabbing P’andor’s wrist. 

Outside the building, the sound of a large crash suddenly shot through the skies as ManBot’s body smashed a second hole through the exterior and crashed out into the street out front.

P’andor walked out from the building after him, “It’s not up to you, now I can do this without you, or Through you, what say you, Boy Scout?” he called out in spite.

ManBot stood back up, unharmed by the crash. “Boy Scout? Heh, that’s rich….”


“You asked for it Pal!” Manbot said as he charged up his energy and fired a focus beam right at his strange foe. P’andor swiftly raised his arms in front of him as the blast hit him head on, but he shrugged it off like nothing, walking through the smoke before blasting a burning red laser from his face right back at him.

ManBot quickly dodged to the side, and lifted off from the ground, flying through the air as he launched several more focus beams at P’andor’s position. The beams struck P’andor directly, but he didn’t even react as he returned fire with several beams of his own.

“Ha, is that the best you can do?” P’andor taunted as he drove ManBot behind cover with his volley of attacks. 

ManBot landed behind an empty dump truck, out of sight from his foe. “You really shouldn’t Push Me” he stated coldly as he reached his hand out and fired yet another beam, striking not P’andor directly, but the abandoned building he stood in front of. 

P’andor was suddenly taken by surprise as Mechanical’s Lab violently exploded right behind him, the force of the blast launched him off the ground and he went flying forward into the street. 

ManBot, in response, lifted the dump truck he was hiding behind over his head. “This outta cool you down” He said before throwing the truck which collided with P’andor midair with a loud crash, before slamming into the ground with the alien adversary pinned underneath.

ManBot slowly approached, “Are you in the mood to talk now?” he asked, offering him a chance to surrender when suddenly the truck started glowing bright red and began melting away into molten metal, revealing P’andor standing tall beneath, his hands glowing with heat.

“Not bad comrade, I almost felt that.” P’andor said before he ran up to ManBot and began swinging wildly at him with his heat-enhanced arms, the sheer temperature singeing the air itself as they moved through it.

Carefully, ManBot dodged and weaved around P’andor’s attempted punches and grabs, managing to duck under his swing and get behind him where he wrapped his arms around his chassis and pulled P’andor into a bear hug. ManBot lifted him into the air before tackling him to the ground, smashing his face into the pavement with a loud metallic clank.

P’andor did not take kindly to this, as he shot a face beam right into the Earth itself, the force launching both of them through the air dozens of meters until they slammed into the side of a warehouse, ManBot being smashed between the brick wall and P’andor’s armor.

“Arg” ManBot cried out on impact. P’andor on the other hand decided to capitalize on this, running forward several feet before turning around and firing another face beam at him at point blank.

ManBot’s eyes widened as he saw the Blast right before it hit his chest dead on. “Heh Heh Heh” P’andor chuckled as he continued to blast away, but as he looked on he noticed things weren’t going like he planned. ManBot glowed white as P’andor’s beam shrank and was being harmlessly absorbed into his body.

“I’m not playing around any more” ManBot retorted as he fired another focus beam out from his chest. ManBot and P’andor’s respective blasts collided in midair in an intense beam struggle, neither of them willing to give a single inch. As the energy built up, right at the epicenter of the collision a large pink ball of energy rapidly expanded out from the beams before exploding, sending ManBot through the wall he rested against, while launching P’andor into a fire hydrant behind him, knocking it out of the ground. A thick stream of water erupted from where the Hydrant once was, striking P’andor and instantly evaporating against the burning metal, obscuring his vision in steam.

P’andor got up and walked forward, waving his arms in an attempt to clear some of the steam and find his adversary. His vision cleared right in time to see ManBot standing before him holding an entire streetlight in his arms like a club.

“Take this!” ManBot said, bringing the streetlight down on him in a dangerous arc. P’andor however, managed to reach his hands up and catch the light before it hit. He shot another beam through his eye holes and instantly melted the light post, which fell to the ground as a puddle of molten steel, leaving ManBot disarmed. ManBot backed off from the fiery liquid he’d held just moments ago and looked back at P’andor who was emitting an intense aura of heat.

“You’re really getting on my last nerve!” The alien said while reaching out his arm causing a huge flow of Lava to suddenly erupt in front of him, flooding the area where ManBot was standing. The tar of the road caught on fire and the warehouse next to them started sinking as a big smoke cloud riddled with embers created a shadow over the lot.

“You’ll have to try harder than that!” P’andor heard and looked up to see ManBot hovering above his position, having used flight to avoid the attack. “Grr” P’andor growled in annoyance as ManBot suddenly dive bombed his position brandishing his fist.

“Power Time!” ManBot said as he delivered a full powered Wallop directly into P’andor’s face plate, a ringing sound of metal on metal similar to a large church bell echoed through the trees on impact. ManBot Winced as he suddenly felt an intense Pain shoot through his arm. “Arrrgh!” He cried out as he pulled his arm back and clenched his injured fist. ‘What on Earth is this guy Made Of?’ Echoed through his thoughts.

“Heh, Pathetic.” P’andor spouted as he grabbed ManBot’s face and superheated his arm to try and burn him in his grip. Smoke accompanied by a sharp sizzling sound emerged from P’andor’s hand, but ManBot responded quickly as he took off flying, dragging P’andor along with him. “Woah, woah, Waaiiit!” P’andor cried in surprise at being made airborne. ManBot flew hundreds of Meters up at high speed, and then turned around flying straight towards the ground and suddenly stopping just a few stories short of impact. P’andor however, wasn’t so lucky as the momentum forced him to lose his grip and he crashed into the parking lot with enough force to crater it. ManBot hovered in the air looking down at his foe, wondering how to approach this fight now when suddenly P’andor shot another beam hitting the top story of the parking garage they were beside, causing large chunks of debris to rain down on ManBot, crashing into him forcing him to fall back to Earth.

“You’re not getting away this time Flyboy” P’andor said, having gotten back up and using his powers to turn the ground Beneath ManBot to Lava right as he impacted it. ManBot tried to get up, but the Lava hardened fast, gluing him to the ground on one knee. Trying to pull himself out, ManBot looked up just in time to see P’andor run up to him and punch him in the face, before whaling on him again, and again while he was forced to just stand there and take it.

“What were you thinking standing in my way? Do you really expect me to take orders from a sad walking Garbage Can like you?” P’andor shouted while punching before bringing his hands together and slamming them down on ManBot’s form with a large metallic crash.

But as P’andor withdrew his arms ManBot suddenly reached out and grabbed one right as his own body started to glow brightly with an intense purple light. ManBot looked up at P’andor, his eyes glowing white and body flashing brightly as surrounding light rapidly sucked into him. He held his hand out in front of P’andor’s face. “Feel The Full Force of MANBOT!” He said as the Energy Surge overtook him.

“Oh, Chert Poberi…” P’andor mumbled as a gigantic blast of Purple energy engulfed the entire Industrial area they were fighting in with an Earth Shattering Kaboom!

As the smoke cleared ManBot stood back up, the Surge destroying the road that held him in place. He quickly looked over to his foe’s position and found that several feet in front of him he laid on the ground, his entire torso was shattered into small jagged pieces, leaving only parts of his limbs and his face plate still in tack.

ManBot sighed solemnly, “I Warned you not to push me, Now I’ve sullied my hands yet again.” he said lowering his head.

“...Oh why don’t you cheer up there ‘Hero’” ManBot suddenly heard as he looked up in shock to suddenly see this intensely bright, glowing red humanoid entity, phasing up from the ground.

“After All…You’ve certainly helped Me!” P’andor said with a hearty chuckle.

“Great Scott, what on Earth ARE You?!” ManBot said in surprise at this creature.

“Well that’s a stupid question. Isn’t it obvious? I….Am FREE!” P’andor screamed as he flew into the skies and bright orange light emanated from his body, illuminating the entire surroundings, right before clouds suddenly darkened in an eerie omen.

ManBot looked up in shock as sirens all over the city started blaring, he suddenly received a transmission from Minuteman.

“By Revere’s Name! ManBot, come in. What’s happening out there? The Geiger Counters at the Freedom Tower are going ballistic! We’ve put out an evac order for all of Patriot City. Fall back now, we need to send in Microwave, or The Ant to..”

“No.” ManBot responded firmly. “I’m sorry Frank, but It was I who opened this ‘Pandora’s Box’, so the burden of shutting it must fall in My Hands, my suit will protect me from the radiation” ManBot said as he began hovering off the ground.
Minuteman after a brief pause responded, “Ted, you mustn’t, the radiation levels are off the charts, it's too dangerous for anyone.”

“Not For Me.” ManBot shot back as he flew head first into the sky.

P’andor flew over to a nearby Telephone pole and swiftly phased his arms into the distribution transformer and began absorbing the electricity.
“Yes, that's more like it, I was Starving!” P’andor exclaimed in satisfaction.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to get that to go!” he heard in the distance as he looked up to see ManBot flying right for him as he tried to tackle him to the ground.

P’andor didn’t even attempt to dodge as ManBot suddenly passed harmlessly through him as if he wasn’t even there. The surprise of this caused ManBot to accidentally crash into a car below.

“Hehehe, I Commend your fortitude, but you don’t seriously still think you can Beat me, do you?”

P’andor said confidently, not even bothering to stop what he’s doing.

“Ugh,” ManBot said as he got back up. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you? Now we need you to get out of here, whatever you are, your form is incredibly dangerous to humans.”

“As if I care, Metal Man, This Planet is like an All you can Eat Buffet, and there is No way I am passing this up.” P’andor said with a dark smile.

ManBot clenched his fist in anger, before taking a deep breath and relaxing himself. “You know, I once knew a man who was very much like you…..I'm not a fan of Him Either!” ManBot stated as he fired a Focus beam directly into P’andor’s back.

P’andor absorbed the beam into his body passively, but suddenly paused, removing his arms from the pole and turning around. Once P’andor got a good look at ManBot he saw it, the most potent well of energy he had ever seen, right there in front of him, ripe for the taking.

“Y-your energy…..It’s…ENTICING!” P’andor yelled as he lunged his way towards ManBot like a fierce predator. ManBot boosted himself into the sky right before P’andor pounced on his position, P’andor growled as ManBot flew off, and quickly gave chase, hungry for his energy.

‘Alright, well I got him to chase me, now I just gotta figure out how to stop him’ ManBot thought as he turned himself towards a nearby railyard. 

P’andor was gaining on him, “You can’t escape from me for long! I’m faster than you!” 

‘He’s not wrong, I have to end this quickly’ ManBot thought as he flew underneath the loading dock on the rail line. When P’andor followed, ManBot swiftly shot at several cranes holding large shipping crates, causing them to fall on P’andor. But P’andor simply flew straight through all of them like some kind of ghost.

‘Damn, now I know how it feels to fight Tombstone. How am I supposed to bring him down if I can’t even touch him?’ ManBot thought, “Well, if there's one thing I’m good at, it’s Destruction.” P’andor began firing a series of energy blasts at ManBot, trying to shoot him down. ManBot took some evasive action, but every time P’andor managed to score a hit, ManBot just absorbed it, frustrating the creature even more.

Suddenly ManBot turned and flew back in the direction where this battle started. P’andor turned at a much shorter angle however, gaining significant ground, he was going to catch him imminently and ManBot knew it. 

Trying to buy some time, ManBot turned around and fired a full powered Focus Beam directly at P’andor’s face, but the Alien creature literally opened his mouth and began eating the beam as it was being fired, still approaching ManBot at the same speed.

P’andor’s fist became engulfed in energy as he delivered a powerful punch directly into ManBots Torso, which immediately shot ManBot downward at a shallow angle in a big electrical explosion. ManBot Crashed into the ground right where he had freed P’andor and collapsed in a heap.

P’andor landed on top of him before he knew what happened and began whaling on him with his long extendable fists, breaking small bits and pieces off ManBots suit with each strike.

“Hahaha, In some ways I owe you for Freeing me, so I Feel conflicted about this, but You’re energy is way too rich to pass up!” P’andor stated as he Phased his arms into ManBot and began sucking in Energy X from him.
“Aaarrrggghhh!” ManBot cried in Pain as his power was being siphoned from his body.

P’andor chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll do you a favor and end this quickly.”

ManBot looked up at him intensely, fighting through the pain, “ARh, It’s funny…There was a Time I'd have given anything to be rid of this power…” He said before his hand wrapped around a jagged piece of P’andor’s suit and suddenly Stabbed it into his shoulder.

“Ahehaaaaaa!” P’andor recoiled in Pain, jumping backwards off ManBot with an inhuman hiss, looking at the piece of metal jammed into him.

ManBot rose back to his feet. “If this stuff could hold you…” ManBot started as he took the intact hands from P’andor’s suit and placed them over his own like gauntlets. “I’m Betting it can Touch You!” He said as he suddenly delivered a full powered Wallop right into the Alien’s face, which Impacted Hard. ManBot didn’t let up, he punched him one after the other, again and again until this being who hardly even knew what force felt like was knocked into a daze on the ground.

ManBot didn’t waste any time as he climbed on top of the downed creature, and discarded his gauntlets.

“I’m sorry I have to do this.” He said as he plunged his hands into the Alien’s torso and began absorbing his energy into himself. P’andor began screaming in pain as he tried to fight him off, but found himself growing too weak to do so effectively at a rapid pace.

“Stop….you Can’t!” P’andor spat in defiance.

“I have to.” ManBot responded without emotion as the alien creature faded away until it disappeared entirely.

Only once he was sure it was now over, ManBot collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, his injuries catching up with him.

“ManBot to Freedom Tower, Crisis averted, For Freedom!” He said triumphantly over the intercom.

“Amazing Work ManBot! We’ll need to debrief you back at headquarters!” Minuteman responded in glee.
“About that, I think someone’s gonna have to come pick me up.”



Despite the massive amount of similarities and relatively small arsenals of abilities of our two combatants today, the matchup ended up being fairly complex with a great deal of factors to consider. To get the basics out of the way, ManBot and P’andor were Basically dead even in terms of physical strength and speed, both of them clearly scaling to low-mid Island level in raw power, and able to reach similarly Massively Hypersonic speeds in short bursts, while being much more slow and lumbering normally. True, P’andor’s scaling calculation did come out to be about 4 times more powerful than Teds, the fact that he downscales from it while Ted upscales from it by a possibly large amount, coupled with both their disproportionately high durability, make it a pretty negligible factor. They also have relatively even Secondary Stats, making this a fight much more reliant on their baser abilities and differences, with a specific focus on Defenses and what ways the other had around them.
There are two different versions of P’andor to consider for this fight, P’andor while he is wearing the containment suit, and the True P’andor, so we need to do a play by play comparison of both of them VS ManBot. 

Containment Suit P’andor had a much more limited arsenal of powers, trading that off for high defense in a similar manner to Baldur while afflicted with his curse compared to him while freed. P’andor in this state had 3 primary powers, however none of which would be effective to use on Ted. With Ted’s passive energy absorption trait, he’d easily be able to absorb any of the facebeams P’andor managed to hit him with. Similarly, P’andor’s superheated touch and Lava Eruption attacks were certainly hot, but ManBot’s general heat resistances have enabled him to shrug off potential attacks from similar powerful pyrokinetics like El Diablo and Red Sun in game, so they really wouldn’t do that much. This means Containment Suit P’andor would essentially just have to try and physically beat ManBot into submission, but that too would most likely fail, as not only is ManBot able to be a relative Tank in game to foes on P’andor’s strength tier, but since ManBot can fly and P’andor in this state can’t, Ted could easily just float outside of melee range to prevent him from doing this.

The main selling point P’andor had in this state is the protection the Containment Suit offered him which tbf is a Helluva Lot. With its ability to straight up tank at LEAST large planetary attacks, there was absolutely nothing base ManBot could throw at P’andor that would even scratch that suit. But ManBot did have his own massively disproportionately powerful ability to answer to that, The Energy Surge. With its ability to hit with Infinite Attack Potency and harm multiversal threats like Entropy and Time Master, there was simply no way the Containment Suit could stand up to it, even if scaled to Dagon and Ultimate Waybig.

But that brings us right into the next phase of this debate, ManBot VS the True P’andor. Due to the Intangible nature of P’andor’s true body, basically all of ManBots normal attack options such as the Focus Beam, Detonation Ability, any of his physical attacks and even the Energy Surge would all be useless here. ManBot has never displayed the ability to harm an actual intangible enemy himself, with even the Chaos Wraiths from the Celestial Clock not displaying that power solidly. Regardless of how powerful something like the Energy Surge was, it doesn’t mean anything if it is unable to interact with P’andor. Couple that with P’andor’s wide array of new abilities including being able to fly unrestricted at a much faster speed than Manbot and things weren’t looking that good for him. But surprisingly, ManBot did what he did best and rose to the occasion, still having a sizable amount of advantages over the True P’andor.

P’andor does have the ability to detect and absorb Energy in this state, and would look at ManBot as an all you can eat buffet to say the least. But because ManBot has a Literally infinite pool of Energy X to draw from for his abilities, there is simply no way for P’andor’s energy drain to ever be a remote threat to him as he’ll just never run out. P’andor is also highly radioactive in this state but similar to the Heat and Energy Resistances Ted has which would still prove useful here, he is also resistant to Radiation and has gone up against multiple dangerous radioactive characters before like the Domain Aliens or the Microwave Robots from the Future, allowing ManBot to persist against P’andor just as easily. And while ManBot is weak against Electricity, P’andor didn’t really have a means of capitalizing on that, as while he has shown to be perfectly capable of absorbing electrical power, he’s never manipulated electricity for attacks before.

Now Granted P’andor would be a lot faster and more equipped to physically Beat Ted into submission over time in this state, especially because Ted can no longer use his flight to avoid such a confrontation, with P’andor’s intangibility being able to protect from all Ted’s normal attacks, eventually he’d be able to wear him down and win. But there was one huge weakness P’andor did have in this state that ManBot could totally capitalize on, Draining his Energy. 

Now at first glance, one might look at that with some skepticism, Yes ManBot can drain large amounts of energy from his surroundings, but P’andor can drain an entire Nuclear Power Plant in seconds, and could always use Ted himself as a battery to prevent his own reserves from getting to low so what gives? Well essentially, context is everything. P’andor was always very good at quickly amassing lots of energy, but he was never very good at keeping or maintaining it when met with resistance. P’andor was initially defeated in the Ben 10 series after Kevin absorbed the material and properties of Carbon Rods. Carbon Rods are used in Nuclear Reactors to control the rate of the reactions taking place. They are able to do this because of their Magnetic properties drawing away and absorbing any excess neutrons in the material. Because of this Kevin was able to physically interact with P’andor due to contacting his energy directly, and drain him of all his excess power into a weakened state in seconds. So even if a character’s energy draining isn’t as potent as P’andor’s, as long as it is MORE Potent than that of normal Carbon Rods then they too would be able to replicate this or better. Someone like ManBot would thus be more than capable of draining P’andor of his energy, and we know that fully draining P’andor of energy will kill him. But surely with P’andor’s superior speed he could simply keep ManBot at range, feeding off his energy while he bombards him to stop this strategy right? Well actually, no he couldn’t as despite the difference in potency, ManBot’s energy manipulation has shown to be able to effect the energy levels of his enemies, allies and general surroundings even at a distance of hundreds of meters in game, while P’andor always needed to establish physical contact with something before he could leech energy from it. As long as ManBot is in his general vicinity, P’andor is in constant danger of this, while ManBot’s own defenses would more or less be sound. In this battle of barely contained powerhouses, ManBot was the Breakout star and Secured his Victory.

The winner is, THE MANBOT!


  1. Excellent Blog Thor! I enjoyed it the whole time!

    Freedom Force is one of my favorite series. For the longest time the Silver Age of Comics was my least favorite. The Comics Code rendered comics at the time what I thought of as frivolous and unable to carry real meaning. I also was moreso focused on DC and didn't like the character based melodrama common in most superhero series. Freedom Force was a series that helped change that perception of mine in a Silver Age style far closer to Marvel than DC filled with character-based drama that helped me how superheroes could be enjoyed in a different light and expanded my view on the genre. ManBot really encompassed that to me. FF doesn't have a canonical protagonist but the smart money on the protagonist are the two characters with character arcs extending over the two games, ManBot and Alchemiss. In a series that deliberately makes the characters caricatures as loving homage to the simpler characterization of the Silver Age, ManBot somehow is still a character that feels like he has more depth then most and a level of verisimilitude that makes his shlocky presentation grounded and gives it gravitas. And I think you captured that perfectly in your analysis of him! I loved your analysis on him. Even though he didn't have a lot of powers you expressed them well and with amazing detail, better then I think I would have, and you presented his story and his character with a beautiful mixture of visuals, text, and audio chosen well to capture the heart of his story. Your description of his personality showed me you really got the character and I was overjoyed to all the little Freedom Force references in the Fight Section. Your analysis of his feats was also top notch, even calcing the Pan Island Feat!

    I know much less about Ben 10, only having seen the original series. That said P'andor feels somehow like he fits in the same world as Freedom Force and yet also opposite it. The world is also a superhero world leaning heaving into the sci-fi with character based melodrama and tragic backstories. But where FF is all neat and elegant, Ben 10 is a world with a certain viscerality to it, and you can probably best tell that by their depictions of radiation :D P'andor's backstory calls to mind many famous sci-fi works like the Time Machine with the division of his race into the above ground and the below ground variants. His suit is also insanely durable and if he was fighting almost any character in the same range as him, neither he nor his opponent could break it! I thought it was really cool how the two had almost identical stats yet completely opposite personalities. It was also cool how despite the two have relatively small powersets, this was still a complex matchup while still be surprisingly even. There's something beautiful in its simplicity of matchups like this.

    1. The fight was perfect. The two tanks slammed into each other, and neither was willing to yield representing their stubborn persona. You could feel the sheer impact of the two, indestructible metahumans fighting in an all too destructible world. As I mentioned I loved all the references like to Sukhov and Tombstone, and I thought their dialogue felt very natural. I loved the clash of their personalities especially when Man-Bot flew up to meet P'andor, knowing he was the only with the radiation resistance to meet him. My favorite part though was the climax of the fight. I immediately got the symbolism underlying it. P'andor wants only to be free, to be unbound by any restraints. That's who Man-Bot WAS. But in the years of holding the weight of responsibility on his shoulders he found something greater, heroism. It was the weight of responsibility he bore that allowed him to crush P'andor under it and absorb him into Ted, a reflection of him taking the person he once was and making it into the person he is. That made total sense literally feat-wise and metaphorically. Absolutely brilliant, one of my favorite moments in your blogs!

      The results were also cool! Despite this being a fight between two characters with similar capabilities you really found the few differences that made up the gap, such as P'andor having real difficulty against energy-absorption and lower range. Man-Bot turned out to be even tankier then even I realized. With all P'andor's powers, I just sort of assumed he had something Man-Bot couldn't resist but yeah most of his powers were energy which Man-Bot outright absorbs and the rest are heat based which he can at least resist. P'andor couldn't use Man-Bot's weakness to electricity and Man-Bot couldn't use P'andor's weakness to cold, but Man-Bot's better energy absorption ended up winning him the fight! It was super cool seeing all the feats from the series come together like that.

      Thank you so much for the blog Thor. I absolutely adored it and am glad you enjoyed Freedom Force as much as you did, as a series that means a lot to me

  2. Fantastic blog Thor! This was such an interesting matchup and I think you really did justice to the entire concept of it. Like not only are the stats of the characters scarily similar, but thinking how they would interact in a fight both powerwise and personality wise, it just seems like they were made to fight each other.

    I haven’t yet experienced Freedom Force, but it definitely sounds like a really fun series even including stuff like dinosaurs, Greek mythology, or even the absurdity of Killorillas. I certainly enjoyed learning about ManBot’s backstory and character arc; the way he lost his brother is pretty sad and it makes a lot of sense why he became the person he is currently. So crazy that he just has this one attack that is infinite in power at his disposal with energy surge.

    P’andor was new to me for the most part as well. I am of course more familiar with Ben 10, though mainly the original series and some of Alien Force. As a fan of a certain nuclear energy focused series, I liked the Chernobyl homage in his species’ backstory . It is interesting just how much of a tank the armor makes him at the cost of some of his natural abilities, and how much it changes the matchup based on whether P’andor was free or not.

    The fight was extremely fun. I think the scenario made sense, their dialogue felt natural, and I think you did well in portraying the increased sense of urgency when P’andor is released from his suit. Normally, an attack as potent as ManBot’s energy surge would make for the perfect finisher, but in this case it only made things worse with P’andor’s intangibility. I did not expect to hear a cover of Utsuho’s theme, but that was a great choice and I was happy to see that game referenced. I really liked that line where Ted says “I'm not a fan of Him Either!” in regards to how P’andor reminded of his past self; it just perfectly drives home the personality conflict. The finisher might be my favorite part and it was such a cool scene seeing ManBot beat P’andor down with the remains of his prisoner suit transitioning into an energy drain finisher!

    I think you justified the results of the matchup pretty well. Using energy draining as the finishing move sounds reasonable especially with that range advantage. And I like your reference to the scene from Ben 10 where Kevin takes on the properties of a carbon rod to fight him which really drives home your point of how effective the energy drain would be. Meanwhile, ManBot’s own energy well makes a good case why P’andor’s energy drain would not work as well on the flipside. I think ManBot was my favorite of the two so I am glad he ended up winning.

    So overall, great job as usual and I look forward to more of your written fights in the future!
