Thursday, February 13, 2020

Death Battle Analysis: Parasoul

Hello Everybody! It’s been awhile but I’m Finally back to blogging about my favorite series, Skullgirls! And what better pick for the occasion than the crowned Princess herself, Parasoul Renoir. She's definitely a fan favorite and a very interesting character too boot, and I hope to show exactly why in the blog that follows, so without further ado, Enjoy!

In the world of Skullgirls exists the mighty Country known as The Canopy Kingdom. The Canopy Kingdom is a large and prosperous land similar in style and tone to a 1940’s America. It is a technologically advanced, militarily strong, melting pot of various different species and cultures.
This nation was ruled by the Royal Renoir Family, King Franz and Queen Nancy, as well as their Daughter, Princess Parasoul. Parasoul, despite growing up in the Kingdoms Capitol, Canopolis, in the Royal palace, actually grew up putting great deals of effort into studying and training, knowing one day she would have to step up and replace her warrior king father as the monarch, a day that would come far sooner than expected.
King Franz you see thought that this Kingdom was so great that he should share his greatness, and by that I mean full out Imperialism as he declared war on the other superpowers of The Gigan Nation and Chess Kingdom in a decade long conflict known as the Grand War.
With the great toll of the War and no End in sight, Queen Nancy decided that there was only one thing to do, go to the Skull Heart and wish for the War to end. Afterall The Skull Heart, only makes Skullgirls from those who ask impure wishes, and surely there was nothing more pure than world peace. Nancy waited 7 long years but the war continued to persist seemingly without end, she Demanded an explanation.
That's the trap of the Skull Heart though, there is No Such Thing as a pure wish, as wishes are selfish by their very nature. Nancy’s wish was ultimately a result in her distrusting her husband and wanting to undo his mistakes and because of that she was destined to become a Skullgirl.
However Queen Nancy didn’t just become a Skullgirl, she became the most Powerful Skullgirls in History, so much so she Leveled numerous smaller countries leaving it nothing more than the desolate wasteland known as No Man's Land. Nancy sought to create the World Peace she wished for, by destroying all life on Earth. Ironically world peace was also a self fulfilling Prophecy, as the only way that Nancy could be stopped was by all the warring armies joining together against her.
In an act of redemption, Parasoul’s father was forced to sacrifice himself to save the world, Destroying his beloved wife driven into a demon through his own actions. Parasoul was 18, and watched it all go down.
Cut to 7 Years later and since that dreadful day there has been peace throughout the land, Parasoul has taken her place as the ruler of the kingdom and has dedicated herself to ensuring peaceful relations and keeping her people safe, promising to never let a tragedy of that magnitude happen again.
Parasoul created her own Elite Military unit dubbed The Black Egrets, with herself as their personal commander, defending citizens from all forms of threats, even that of a Skullgirl. It is also often questioned why The Black Egrets look like Nazi’s despite the fact they have the exact opposite Ideology and goals? It is actually a reference to how before WWII, the Swastika was actually a symbol of Peace before the Nazi party twisted it into an Evil symbol. This is symbolic to how Parasoul is trying to redeem the image of the Renoir family after her father's mistakes, it is also for this reason that she wears an Inverted Cross Necklace, which many people now think is a satanic image when in reality it is Literally the Symbol of Saint Peter.
Anyway Parasoul also became the legal guardian to her Spunky Little Sister, Umbrella, who she tries her best to support and be therefore even with her enormous amount of responsibilities. This was actually tested by the Arrival of a new Skullgirl. Remember how Queen Nancy carried the Skull Heart in her chest for 7 years before becoming the Skullgirl? Well if you know anything about Math you will learn that time included her pregnancy with Umbrella, meaning Skullgirl Blood flows through the Young Princesses veins. On the one hand this means Umbrella is very powerful for her age, but on the other hand it means if she ever gets close to a Skullgirl she will start to resonate with it, to the point she may lose her ability to survive without the Heart.
Parasoul essentially has to choose between keeping her sister safe and sending ASG agents after the Heart of Pursuing it herself. While in most cases this works out for both of them, I would like to quickly say what happens when Parasoul has to choose. Parasoul is so much of a badass she doesn’t Compromise on saving her people and her sister, and instead Wishes on the Heart herself for Her sister to NEVER become the Skullgirl, protecting her forever and giving her kingdom a Skullgirl Immune future leader, at the cost of dooming herself to become The Skullgirl in 7 years.
Which she also has a contingency for as she uses that 7 years to Train Umbrella to destroy her. Parasoul is a badass warrior Princess who gives everything for the good of not just her kingdom, but the world.
Parasoul is a very professional and wise leader who cares deeply for her kingdom and its people and always tries her hardest to do what is best for them. She is firm but fair, stands by her promises and is very diligent to achieve them. Parasoul has been trained to be a noble warrior since a young age, instilling a great sense of honor in her, and causing her to take almost everything very seriously. Her movements and decisions are very graceful and cunning, usually not letting emotion break her solemn demeanor. That’s not to say she’s emotionless either, as she has been shown giving great sympathy towards those suffering, and fury against those who would cause such things. 
Underneath all her professionalism however, Parasoul is actually a very sweet friendly and nurturing person, who adores her cute little sister and likes to secretly watch optimistic Magical Girl shows like Annie The Girl of The Stars. Her likes include Wine, Chess, Tennis, Philosophy and Diplomacy, what she doesn’t like includes Injustice, Irreverence, Havoc and having to rely on others.
Intellect & Skills:
Parasoul is an extremely intelligent and logical Ruler of her kingdom, having received the best schooling available and effectively running both the Country and Military since she was only 18. And judging by the pretty positive opinion both the media and general populace seem to have of her she’s doing a pretty dang good job.
Of course what is far more impressive than her technical knowledge is her absolutely insanely high skill level. Parasoul is easily one of the most skilled human beings that exists in the Skullgirls world. She is an expert marksman, champion level sword fighter and master of numerous different martial arts.
Parasoul excels in all 3 different ranges with her unique fighting style, able to instantly swap from long range shooting, to midrange sword and kick attacks, to right up close with her ‘KFC’ combos. She is so skilled in combat she not only founded her own super elite black ops soldier unit, but trains each member in combat, claiming herself ‘she has trained the best.’ 
Beyond even this, Parasoul was able to successfully subdue the Gigan Halfbreed terrorist Scythana. Scythana is half Gigan, a species of giant monsters that even Genius characters like Valentine note are physically impossible for a normal human to take down. Scythana should logically have a big stat edge over Parasoul because of this but Parasoul was able to bring her down through sheer skill.
Weapons & Equipment:
Unlike Most of the Skullgirls cast, Parasoul doesn’t actually have any superpowers, instead relying on her extreme martial arts skills, and of course her trusty powerful slew of weapons and equipment, her arsenal includes:
  • Krieg:
Krieg is Parasoul’s primary weapon, and I have to say, it’s an easy choice. Krieg is not a simple Umbrella but a sentient Living Weapon. Living Weapons are similar to Parasites in that they are beings forged from Theonite and grant incredible power to their user, although Living Weapons do not need to attach themselves to hosts. Living Weapons are rare, usually being passed down from user to user over the centuries. Krieg is one of 4 Living Umbrella Weapons the Royal Renoir Family has, each one based on one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and as any German speakers could probably guess, Krieg is the Horseman of War. True to his namesake, Krieg is the most versatile weapon of war ever devised, a shapeshifting multitool able to perfectly replicate dozens of weapons from the past, present and even future.
In Umbrella form Krieg can be thrust forward as a powerful lance stab, deflect enemy attacks like a nightstick, or open itself up to be used as a blast proof, fireproof and bulletproof shield.
Opening it up also has another nifty trick, allowing Parasoul to glide or fly across the stage like Marry Poppins (Y’all), but that being said an Umbrella is only Krieg’s base form.
Krieg is able to shapeshift his form into pretty much any type of melee weapon Parasoul may need, including flattening itself into a sharp sword, turning itself into a drill or even entangling foes like some kinda squid creature.
But the best part of Krieg is his literal Fire Power. Krieg has the ability to generate a Napalm-like substance that he can ignite into flame at will. This Napalm Fire can be used in an incredibly diverse amount of ways, able to shoot fire bullets like a machine gun, stick to targets like a plastic explosive, shoot exploding blasts like a grenade launcher,
launch out bursts of flames like a flame thrower, or just directly make massive fiery explosions around Parasoul as a defense and knockback.
Lastly, and the most unique ability of Krieg, is its ability to cry Napalm Tears. Krieg can create and maintain up to 4 of these tears at once, each of which is effectively a timed explosive capable of attaching to walls or floating in midair, and detonating whenever Parasoul sees fit.
  • Luger:
The Luger is a semiautomatic German made pistol which Parasoul keeps in a holster on her back, concealed under her sweater. Parasoul, obviously going into a fight as efficiently as she can, often dual wields this thing with Krieg in her other hand, and uses it for long AND close range combat by both shooting and Pistol Whipping her foes. 
Despite primarily using the Luger in her non dominant hand thanks to Krieg, Parasoul is extremely accurate with it, able to ricochet her bullets off walls and obstacles into her targets. And set off Krieg’s mines early by shooting them.
  • Radio:
Parasoul is in constant radio contact with her Egret military squadron, and uses this to create several coordinated assaults. 
She can summon Egrets to use their heavily armored bodies as human shields, motorcycle clad Egrets to grab her foe and drag them across the screen, or order targeted sniper strikes from afar on foes right in front of her.
With Egrets at her beck and call Parasoul can unleash some very heavy artillery attacks in addition to everything in her normal arsenal.
  • Motorcycle:
Like all the Black Egrets, Parasoul has her own Motorcycle which she uses not only to get around but can use in combat with running people over and boosting her strikes Kinetic Energy, it also has a holster for Umbrella’s. 
She can also call forth a brigade of Motorcycle riding Egrets to run down her foes.
  • Is strong enough to overpower and kill The Skullgirl, Marie, as well as beat up Valentine, who was canonically able to Damage Marie. Marie is so tough that she once lifted half of the Medici Tower (a skyscraper that extends beyond the clouds) and tossed it over the town of Little Innsmouth and into the bay at Hypersonic speeds. The Kinetic Energy of this is over 1.3 Megatons, many times more powerful than the Nuclear Warheads of WW2.
  • Defeated Cerebella, who can rip 10 ton boulders from the ground and crush them.
  • Defeated and Captured the Giant Half-Gigan criminal Scythana.
  • Was able to get right back up after a beating from Squigly.
  • Parasoul is fast enough to Battle and Defeat Valentine and Double at the same time. Valentine of which is fast enough to dodge point blank Machine Gun fire, and scales to Peacock’s feat of outrunning an explosive blast at Mach 10.
  • Can defeat whole squads of Skullgirl minions at once.
  • Has over a decade of experience in combat and leading an Army.
  • Is skilled enough to defeat foes who could take down whole Squads of Egrets at once.
  • According to Peacock, she looks like Jessica Rabbit.
  • Small City Level DC/Durability.
  • Hypersonic Speed.
  • Expert Martial Artist.
  • Expert Tactician.
  • Gliding.
  • Fire Manipulation.
  • Explosive Manipulation.
  • Wide Range of Weapon Attacks.
  • Doesn’t Have any Powers.
  • Puts the Needs of Others Far Before Herself.
  • Salty Cupcakes.
Recommended Opponent:
Xianghua from the Soulcalibur series would make for a great match. Being a ancestor of a acclaimed Ming general and a super skilled nobel warrior with the legendary living sword Soulcalibur she definitely has a lot of similarities towards Parasoul, alongside having similar stats and skill level. Xianghua also contrasts Parasoul a lot using mostly water attacks as opposed to Parasoul's largely fiery arsenal. Plus Xianghua comes off as a sweet caring person who is surprisingly also a noble warrior, while Parasoul comes off as a noble warrior who is surprisingly a sweet caring person.
Next Time:


  1. Great Thor Blog! Your passion for Skullgirls always shines through! Your visual formating is so distinctively engaging but you especially do well when working with Skullgirls.

    Parasoul seems like a very elegant girl, and I am known to like those types in fiction like Umi from MKR, Cure Moonlight from Pretty Cure, Mami from Madoka etc. Speaking of Madoka it's interesting to see how the two series parallel at times with the whole notions of wishes being inherently selfish.

    A lot of her story was very sad, which is relatively common with these types as you need to give them to something to elegantly and stoically brood and look off into the distance dramatically about. I am glad her relationship with her sister seems to be really cute and wholesome at least in most timelines.

    Characters without superpowers are always going to be a bit harder to make interesting to me for vs purposes which is why partially I don't get as interesting in comic book street tiers but I thought both the series from what you've said and how've you presented here have done a good job of making Parasoul interesting through her persona, her equipment and skill, as well as her personal history and goals.

    Unfortunately I know not much about the recommened opponent or the next matchup combatants. That said you laid a pretty good case for the recommened opponent especially with the fire vs water dynamic, and the interesting contrast of their similar history and the dichotomy of their personalities. As for the next time it should be interesting to learn about the new verses and see how you handle a matchup different from the ones you've done before.

    Overall I think you did a really good job making a blog even the ambitious princess would be proud off!

  2. Heck yeah, Skullgirls time! Really great track you included, it set the mood for the backstory perfectly. It was like the reading equivalent of watching the opening to a movie, if that makes sense. Felt like things could've zoomed in on that first image of the kingdom while that track played. I kept listening to it the whole blog through!

    Man, look how sidetracked I got on the music. That's how you know it made an impression. So, Parasoul! A gorgeous lady that can kick butt, what's not to love? Quite the backstory, feels like she's living through one of her kingdom's future legends. Really cool to see she's not just a pretty face with a rockin' bod, I really dig her noble personality. Might be my favorite SG character so far!

    Pretty unique in that she doesn't have any powers or body modifications. Her weapon reminds me of the other sentient weapons, but it's not a part of her. I'd love to see what the other three parasol horsemen are like sometime! And fire powers? You know I love fire stuff. Even if it's more like fire weaponry than fire superpowers, that's still just as good in my book. She comes across as very competent in a lot of things, another big plus. And I like how she fights like the best kind of commander, the one capable of actually engaging in combat on the frontlines. Marshal/commander type characters are a type I like to play in games too, so her ability to rally troops and carry out coordinated attacks with them is super cool! Yeah, she's a keeper.

    I don't have a clever segue for this, but that trailer for your next blog is awesome! Haven't seen those movies in forever, really takes me back. I love slashers and I'm looking forward to an interesting, creepy, and possibly funny battle from you. I really like gritty low powered fights between melee combatants so this is gonna be a blast! Despite having no superpowers, I think Parasoul is a bit too strong for these two guys :P Thanks for the blog man, I knew next to nothing about Parasoul going in and now she's one of my favorite SG characters!

    P.S. Umbrella is cute.

  3. I might have a new favorite Skullgirls character :). Excellent blog Thor. As always, your research, writing, and formatting make for an informative and entertaining read. Parasoul has a very interesting backstory from the tragic fate of her parents to her sacrificing herself to become a Skullgirl in place of her sister. I really like the touch the Nazi-esque uniforms and upside down cross represent in terms of her redeeming her family.

    Anyways, Parasoul may not have the craziest abilities of the Skullgirls cast but she definitely has a really fun arsenal with Krieg, the Egrets, and other equipment. I am sure Xianghua would make an interesting matchup despite me not knowing much about Soul Calibur.

    I think I am going to really like the next time. I don't think I've ever seen you do a horror matchup, but I am sure it will be really entertaining.

  4. Man I want Skullgirls to show up in Death Battle... Honestly, if Parasoul does appear, I think her most liksly opponent is Neo from RWBY. Do you think Skullgirls is likely to get used?

  5. So when exactly did Parasoul fight Cerebella?

    1. In the slullgirls mobile main story, several times actually
