Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How The Compare: The Aliens (Cartoon Network: INVADED)


Happy October to all yall Ghosts and Ghouls, for this special day in this special month, I wanted to do something, well, Special! So today’s How They Compare is not covering villains from a specific verse I know, but from a crossover of several as we cover none other than The Aliens from Cartoon Network’s INVADED Event! Yes for those of you who don’t know, throughout the month of May in 2007, Cartoon Network effectively turned itself into Roswell, New Mexico, broadcasting bumpers about Aliens coming down and invading the network, resulting in these beings showing up in 5 of their most popular shows at the time. This in reality was a failed promotional campaign for Kraft, the largest cheese company in the United States, that the show creators did not enjoy being part of, but as a huge Cartoon Network fan and a kid, this was Cool Dammit! So today I am going to be going through The Now Obscure Event to determine just how powerful these extra sharp extraterrestrials really are!

The Aliens, who are never given a proper species name, originate from The Moon, being its native population that first emerged eons ago, as it is established that the Moon Cycle is in reality, the Alien’s using Robots to take the moon apart and put it back together again in a constant process, meaning that they have been doing this at least since the earliest days of man. The Aliens survive off of and Exclusively eat cheese, which the Moon’s entire core is made out of, but after Eons of stripmining the celestial body, they had run completely out of the substance. That is until a certain Trouble Making Blue Blob sent out a message to any Aliens stating that They have Cheese for them, and thus, their Invasion of the Earth was set in motion.

Getting into Stats is tricky, throughout the Invaded Event these Aliens travel to and interact with the casts of 5 different Cartoon Network Series. Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Ed, Edd n Eddy, My Gym Partner’s A Monkey, Camp Lazlo and The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. So unfortunately it looks like the only way to properly scale these Aliens is if you can find someone who happens to know the full scaling of all 5 series….. So anyway Let’s scale these Aliens! In the My Gym Partner’s a Monkey Episode “That Darn Platypus” The Alien playing Rick was able to physically overpower and damage Adam Lyon. Adam as well as the other My Gym Partner’s Cast have Numerous High end Kiloton level feats such as hitting characters so hard it displays actual live action footage of atomic bomb tests. The Strongest of these being a Megaton level feat performed by Adam himself by screaming at the top of his lungs. As Rick was able to overwhelm Adam it's certain he and the other Invader’s scale past this into the Megaton levels. Above this are the Billy & Mandy characters, whom even the civilians of, have high Gigaton level feats from the numerous times fodder soldiers have just tanked point blank explosions that annihilated Bunny Island. With that in mind, in the “Billy & Mandy Moon The Moon” Special, Billy, Mandy and the school Bully, Sperg, are all individually shown to be able to take on entire squads of these aliens all at once, able to actually Tear the Aliens apart with their normal physical strikes. The Billy and Mandy cast is obviously a lot more physically powerful than these Aliens and this is consistent with Nina Necklary, a far stronger character from the Camp Lazlo series, being easily able to restrain 3 Aliens in a hug in the episode “Cheese Orbs”. But we’re not done here as this Moon dwelling alien race are also Werewolves! Like…the entire species, all Werewolves. And when the Moon is full and they turn Into Werewolf form they become far stronger. Their King states they cannot be defeated in this form when talking to the Billy & Mandy Cast, and they proceeded to quite easily overpower Billy and cause massive injuries to him, meaning they clearly do scale past those Gigaton Levels in this state. However we can’t give them too much credit past this as Billy and Mandy were still able to defeat them after Grim turned them into their Planet level Superhero forms, and later the Aliens were defeated by a Bomb that was strong enough to blow up Sperg’s head but not the rest of his body. So the Werewolf States of these creatures would most likely max out in the very low Teratons.

In terms of Speed, as established earlier, the Alien playing Rick was able to speed scale to Adam Lyon, who even early into the My Gym Partner Series was fast enough to dodge, block, and move in tandem with literal beams of Light in he and Jake’s Shiny Duel. The Aliens being physically Lightspeed is actually pretty consistent as despite the gap in power, they were perfectly capable of keeping up with the Billy & Mandy characters speed wise, who have several Highly Relativistic speed feats including Billy dodging machine generated electricity at 1/3rd the speed of light. They were also multiple times able to flatly Blitz Camp Lazlo characters, first to Samson in “Strange Trout from Outer Space” and later Nina in “Cheese Orbs”, moving faster than they could perceive. Camp Lazlo characters are Only Massively Hypersonic by comparison via reacting to Meteorites. The Alien’s Werewolf forms don’t gain an obvious speed boost.

Going into Powers, The Aliens’ Bodies are powered exclusively by Cheese and do not require anything else to fuel themselves, able to survive underwater or in space indefinitely as shown in My Gym Partner, and not having any need for sleep as displayed in Camp Lazlo. The Alien’s most prominent ability is their advanced shapeshifting. With this power they can Morph their bodies and even containment suits into practically anything, disguising themselves as a Platypus student at Charles Darwin Middle School, a Fish, and even several Background characters in Camp Lazlo including impersonating their voices. In Billy & Mandy, the aliens used their Shapeshifting to turn themselves into several larger and more imposing monstrous forms, and even Regenerate themselves from massive injuries including Billy reducing them to Liquid with his beating. In both My Gym Partner and Camp Lazlo, the aliens multiple times display the ability to Teleport at will to nearby locations. In Billy & Mandy they are established to be able to spray artificial processed Cheese Spread from their armpits, which can immobilize characters as strong as Billy and Mandy similar to Spider-Man’s webbing, and No apparently they can’t just eat the cheese they produce. Also the aliens theoretically have Heat Vision, it's mentioned a couple times but never shown. In their previously mentioned Werewolf forms, they naturally have the ability to spread the Werewolf Curse with their Bites and Scratches, and this curse works extremely quickly as it was able to turn Billy into a Werewolf ally of theirs in minutes.

The Alien’s typically wear containment suits that enable them to still use all of their natural powers, but also granting several additional abilities via their technology. These suits give them the ability to Levitate in all appearances and in the Billy and Mandy Episode were shown to be able to produce a variety of weapons including large amounts of spinning cutting blades, and a Beam weapon that bypasses conventional durability to manipulate one's Matter, able to reshape one's body or even turn a character completely Inside Out in a single shot. The Alien’s are shown to carry two different types of infantry weapons, In Billy & Mandy they carry Blasters that launch globs of “Alien Death Goo” a highly acidic substance that can dissolve Metals, while in Camp Lazlo they carry Rayguns, which fire lasers the aliens claim multiple times would be able to completely Vaporize Nina. Nina is a Squirrel Scout and thus would scale above fodder Bean Scouts who were all able to tank the Epicenter of Clam’s Burp which was able to move the Moon outta the Earth’s orbit at highly Relativistic Speeds. If we assume the Alien’s claim is accurate, this Laser would be able to disintegrate something with Ninaton level durability. Yes, Nina is NINAton level.

The Aliens are also a massive space fairing force with hundreds of thousands of UFOs of varying sizes ranging from the size of a small vehicle in My Gym Partner, to larger than an entire city in Ed, Edd n Eddy. The Alien’s ships are capable of picking up even the most miniscule radio transmissions as shown in Fosters, come equipped with Tractor beams able to kidnap people and even steal entire City Blocks as shown in Ed Edd n Eddy, and are apparently capable of flying at speeds in excess of hundreds of Trillions of times Light given they stole the Cul-De-Sac before any of the EEnE characters noticed, the Eds blatantly scaling to the Powerpuff Girls insane Nanobot feat. The Spaceships also have restraints onboard powerful enough to restrain the Large Planet Level Camp Lazlo characters like Samson. The Technology onboard their Spaceships additionally allowed them to do things like disable All the technology on Earth including Cars in My Gym Partner, and in Billy & Mandy both Bring Inanimate Objects to Life and even Mind Control the entire population to bring them all the Earth’s Dairy Products…. Off Screen I might add.

Intelligence wise the Alien’s are….Interesting. Obviously the Aliens are quite superhumanly intelligent given the massive amount of advanced technology they invented that is far above our own. But on the flipside, while the Alien’s are not portrayed as being dumb, they also aren't shown to be above average intelligence when compared to the humans of these various shows. And they are constantly doing illogical things like letting characters escape their clutches, punishing people by snapping their elastic waistbands onto their skin, thinking it necessary to replace the humans with cardboard cutouts after you kill them all, and blowing their own covers with their strange behavior. Case in Point, when asked why they Unbuild and Rebuild the moon at all they simply respond it is in their Nature. The Aliens are fully capable of accelerating the Moon’s completion and Leaving it Full to permanently maintain their stronger Werewolf forms, but simply…don’t. Lastly, the Alien’s have a total weakness to Old Timey Fiddle Music and will enter into a trance where they dance around making rude noises and creepy gentures with various body parts as long as it’s actively playing.

Name: The Aliens.

Origin: Cartoon Network: INVADED!.

Classification: Aliens, Moon People.

Powers and Abilities: Vacuum Adaptation, Shapeshifting, Regeneration (Low-High), Logia, Teleportation, Immobilizing Cheese Spray, possibly Heat Vision?

With Gear, All Previous Abilities, Levitation, Blades, Lasers, Acid Projectiles, Matter Manipulation.

As Werewolves, All Previous Abilities, Stat Boolesterization, Can Turn People into Werewolves.

With Spacecrafts, Flight, Tractor Beams, EMP, Animacy Granting, Planet Wide Mind Control.

Weaknesses: Fiddle Music, General Ineptitude, Overconfidence.

Destructive Capacity: City Level; Island Level as Werewolves; Large Planet Level with Tech.

Range: Hundreds of Meters; Planetary with Certain Tech.

Speed: FTL; MFTL+ (Trillions) with Ships.

Durability: City Level; Island Level as Werewolves.

Stamina: Very High, do not require sleep.

Intelligence: Super Genius Tech Wise, Below Average Human Normally.

So how would these Invaders do if they tried their invasion elsewhere?

What would happen if The Aliens tried to invade Nickelodeon instead? Well like a lot of these it is going to depend on the specific verses they go after. A lot of the more relatively grounded Nick Series like Hey Arnold, The Loud House or the Avatar series, simply don’t stand a chance, the Aliens would simply stat stomp. But a lotta Nicks more wacky or action oriented series would have a pretty interesting spread. I’m going to be setting this during the Mid 2000s during the height of their power and the same time Cartoon Network INVADED occurred. 

Let's start with the most appropriate verse, what if they attempted to take on Invader ZIM? Zim and other relevant characters would directly be able to compete with the Aliens in physical stats, being able to endure over 500 Megaton level Lakes being thrown at them from Orbit, as well as scaling to GIR flying between planets at over 50 Times the speed of light. This means they would have a close but still fairly advantageous bout against the base form aliens physically, and would manage to hold out in an interesting Strength vs Speed fight against their Werewolf Forms. The Aliens are crafty and wouldn’t have too much trouble infiltrating the Zim world, but the actually notable characters like Zim and Dib would see right through this thanks to their paranoia of other Invaders. The Aliens could quickly disable a lot of their combat options real quick with their EMP technology wiping out Zim or Dib’s technology, but on the other side, there isn’t too much the Alien’s have in their own arsenal that would be effective on them, as the more notable Invader Zim cast can resist mind control, and shrug off horrific injuries from Acid and Matter Manipulation like it’s their second job. The Alien’s Rayguns would likely be able to oneshot them, BUT Zim and Dib’s ships and weapons are just as disproportionately destructive and as fast as the Alien’s UFO’s, and are resistant to EMP style attacks. Honestly this would be a very debatable scenario, depending somewhat on how seriously both sides take it, The Zim characters have a bit of an uphill battle due to the sheer numbers advantage the Aliens have, But I think given their track record for causing Mayhem against foes like this they’d pull it off more likely than not.

If they tried to take on Nick’s Various Superhero series like MLaaTR, Danny Phantom or El Tigre, they’d have a much more difficult time. The Danny Phantom Ghosts in particular would be an extreme challenge for the Aliens to deal with, as even Mid Tier Ghosts are clearly fast and strong enough to compete with even their Werewolf forms in a direct fight. With the Ghosts Low Godly Regeneration, and intangibility, the Aliens don’t really have any means of killing them, or interacting with them besides Mind Control which many Ghosts are able to resist. Coupled with haxy powers like Possession the Aliens have no resistance too and this would not go well. MLaaTR they do have more of a chance despite Jenny being far stronger, due to the Aliens notably faster ship capable of causing a planet wide EMP or Mind Control which in theory would take them down, but if they don’t do those things pretty much immediately Jenny or comparable characters could just wipe them out. El Tigre would be similar to MLaaTR but even worse as Manny himself can straight up resurrect himself from the dead and keep trying until he wins even if they did get lucky with one of their Raygun shots.

Jimmy Neutron is a verse accustomed to getting invaded by Aliens on the regular, and the species that try such as The Yokians or Grandma Taters are fairly effective at doing so. But they also are a lot more charismatic and manipulative than these Aliens are which gave them a distinct Edge. The Jimmy Neutron characters would be more than capable of defending themselves in physical fights from the Aliens, not only are they stronger than the Aliens due to scaling off Jimmy reversing a giant Tornado that extended into Space with his physical body, but with the cast having Reaction speed good enough to pilot ships Trillions of times the Speed of Light, and the shockingly Insane Skill Scaling in the series, the JN cast would be basically untouchable to any attack these aliens tried to hit them with, and most likely would beat the Sh*t out of them just like Billy did. The Alien’s main threat would be attempting to take over the planet from their ship via Mind Control, but given Jimmy’s own tech is comically more advanced, including having spaceships in the same speed tier and numerous weapons that could wipe out planets, NTM his track record against threats of this nature, I’m pretty certain he just stops them flatly.

Against the Spongebob verse, they would do interestingly, While the cast of Spongebob would clearly stat stomp the Aliens to the highest degree so far, the Aliens ships would actually be quite a bit faster than them as Spongebob Characters are ‘only’ Billions of times Light from flying out of a galaxy in seconds, and they have several potential means of attack including Planetary Mind Control that the Spongebob cast would be quite vulnerable too. They’d most likely defeat the aliens but It would probably require someone like The Flying Dutchmen, Sandy or Plankton to do it guaranteed. 

Fairly Oddparents is like that, but even more extreme, as any Fairy could simply Wish the Aliens Away and be done with it, let alone take them out in so many other ways if they get serious. Buuuut, Fairies are stupid and both they and the human populations of Earth have been overtaken by weaker and stupider organizations than these Aliens, who have a tendency to infiltrate the verse more subtly and take over with a more hax attack. And Lets not forget they were able to capture Grim at one point, who is Fairy Tier dangerous. This would be a dangerous verse but the Aliens could probably do this with their mind control and infiltration.

Overall, just like Cartoon Network the Aliens would be perfectly capable of causing problems in most verses they show up in, but their level of effectiveness ranges from taking over a verse to being completely wiped out depending on how their powers interact.

Well we might as well complete the trilogy and also look at how The Aliens would have done trying to invade Disney Channel! So just like Nick, the Aliens effectiveness would depend entirely on which verses in particular they decided to try and invade. 

A lot of Disney’s more grounded series including Recess, Hailey’s On It and even Kim Possible would be very swiftly taken over by these Aliens who are just a lot more powerful and advanced than the cast. Heck the FAR less advanced Aliens from KP were treated as endgame final boss villains that Almost won as it is.

Probably the most appropriate verse to try and compare them to is Lilo & Stitch, which is also an incredibly Alien Invader Centric Series. The Average Stitch Experiment would have an interesting Speed vs Strength battle against the Aliens, With Stitch Experiments being far stronger due to Multiple Feats of tanking Planetary Explosions, but Notably less fast only scaling to the Quad Mach Speeds. Normally I would say the Stitch Experiments would Win since despite their Speed the Aliens lack the ability to kill them but that isn’t true given their massively disproportionately powerful Rayguns and their Matter Manipulation. Couples with powers like Their Regeneration to potentially survive hits the Experiments do land and Teleportation and Flight to make them that much harder to pin down and it's clear these Aliens would be a serious threat. But hey, I wouldn’t count the Experiments out so fast as some of these little buggers would easily stop these Aliens with their broken specific powers, like Snafu who can stop any plan of attack the Aliens attempt to employee on Earth with his Passive Chaos Manipulation, Wishy-Washy who can warp actual reality, Holio who can generate Black Holes on them, and characters like Swirly or Checkers who can just Mind Control everyone around them. The Aliens would need to take special precautions to avoid these threats, but there isn’t much they can do with prep time as the Experiments Senses would let them see through any of their disguises, and they are all flatly immune to Mind Control from being able to resist the other Experiments Mental Control. Powerful characters like Stitch on the other hand would absolutely demolish any Aliens that tried to attack him with his ridiculously higher stats. Most Likely what happens is Stitch and other notable Experiments on Earth hold the Aliens off while Lilo leads a ragtag group of Infiltration Experiments like Bonnie, Clyde and Spooky into their Mother ship and destroy it from the inside.

Statwise, The series Closest to the Aliens would be more modern Disney shows like The Owl House and Amphibia, The Owl House characters would be weaker than the Aliens physically, their best feats being roughly 11 Megatons of TNT, but several hundred times faster thanks to at least downscaling from The Collector, a being who can fly between star systems, Meanwhile the Amphibia Cast would be the opposite scenario with their best speed feats being keeping up with Robots capable of flying to the Moon in seconds, roughly 62% the speed of light, but clearly stronger upscaling from the Infant Polly hitting a monster with an Electrical Explosion that dispersed all the surrounding Clouds in the Gigatons. If the Aliens attempted a ground invasion against either of these series, they’d probably lose. Their ability to disable technology wouldn’t work for….obvious reasons, and the Amphibian cast would be able to raw overpower them in combat much like Billy did, while the Owl House Witches would casually dodge their attacks and hax them with magical spells. Now obviously the Aliens could simply Mind Control their planet but with how often I bring that up for being so casual and overpowered, I feel we shouldn’t forget the Aliens just plain choose not to use this effectively even when ground invading the Billy & Mandy verse who had humans just as strong. And for the sake of argument, Sprig and Raine are both Fiddle Players and could therefore mind control any alien they come across into a dancing idiot.

While on the subject of Mystical series, In Star VS The Forces of Evil, the Aliens actually would have a pretty major speed advantage with the relevant characters never quite reaching beyond the quad digit Mach speeds. Star VS Characters aren't that crazy strong physically compared to the Aliens, it's likely most of them could get swiftly captured by the superior Alien Forces. But the main selling point of Star VS being just how insanely Potent the magic is, with Star herself knowing spells that can destroy entire planets, and numerous other hax abilities such as creating portals, or transmutating beings, except the Aliens are even more equipped for that with their Ninaton level Rayguns, Teleportation and Matter Manipulation, with the speed advantage making it likely they’d Win this direct fight. The Star Verse would ironically need to bust out something like Mina’s Knight Army to effectively fight the Aliens, and even then the aliens can still potentially defeat that with things like Mind Control or even possibly the EMPs. As weird as it sounds the Aliens would do better in Star VS than The Owl House.

A verse I thought would be interesting to talk about here would be The Ghost and Molly McGee. This verses’ characters are even less equipped to fight the aliens Stat wise than the Star VS characters, but the sheer number of Ghosts in the series would frankly be devastating for the Aliens to try to combat. The Ghosts in this series are in a sense, brokenly Hax. Not only are they traditionally Intangible, Invisible entities with Mind Control Resistance who the Aliens wouldn’t even be able to harm traditionally, But they have Possession, Energy Draining, Dimensional BFR’s, Duplication, Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, High End Regeneration, And Metafictional Reality Warping and Plot Manipulation…just to name a few things. The Aliens would take over the earth super fast but would lose really quickly after these undetectable cursed ghouls decide they don’t like that very much.

Against the Flagship Mickey Mouse series, the Aliens basically do not stand a chance, with Mickey himself being very comparable to Ed, Edd n Eddy characters in terms of raw power, hax and resistances, and the Ed, Edd n Eddy characters are beings the Aliens did not even Attempt to try and fight most likely for this reason. Mickey would casually solo any amount of the Aliens who tried to challenge him and can resist the Mind Control of their UFO and his friends would perform similarly. Also the Wander over Yonder Characters would Obliterate them, nuff said.

And there, some alternate universe scenarios for These aliens trying to invade other channels. Buuut it felt weird only doing two sections for this compare blog so I made just one more.

Cartoon Network has always been heavily associated with Anime with their Iconic Toonami block, so I thought, why not see what would happen if the Aliens invaded Toonami and tried to steal all the Cheese from the Holy Shonen Trinity!

Starting off with One Piece, these characters would probably be the most even fight these characters would have physically, with most of the main cast up until recently having Gigaton level Feats and being able to dodge light beams pretty consistently. As this is basically the exact Stats Billy had in Billy & Mandy, Its fairly obvious they’d be able to wreck squads of these aliens in a fight, and most likely still defeat their Werewolf Forms as they also have much higher Skill than Billy or these Aliens have ever shown. Some of the Aliens more esoteric Weapons would be able to kill the One Piece characters, especially their Rayguns or Matter Manip, BUT One Piece characters often have weird powers including Elasticity, Logia Intangibility and Illusions that would make these less likely to work or hit than they already were.

In Bleach the characters would fair interestingly, Most early Bleach characters in the Arrancar arc would not be able to physically compete with the Aliens, who would be just as strong but far to fast for them to go up against. Now the Shinigami and Hollows at this tier are completely invisible, which would prove troublesome for the Aliens to deal with as they don’t have a means of detecting them normally, but the Aliens own regeneration should enable them to survive whatever initial attacks the Shinigami lead with. With attacks that can flood the area like their Alien Death Goo, this would not be a favorable matchup for most of the Bleach characters. More powerful characters from later in the series such as the Shinigami Captains and Quincy’s would fair a lot better with their actually comparable speed and far higher power not to mention several dangerous Hax abilities, they would likely start to seriously drive off the Aliens at that point, especially with how much more professional they are as warriors, but they still aren’t completely out of danger from their various Hax and Rayguns.

Finally, let's talk Naruto. The Aliens are above the vast majority of the Ninja in this series and would rather easily beat characters like Jiraiya, Kakashi and Gaara, who wouldn’t have anything other than a handful of Hax Tricks to try and use on the far faster Aliens. But higher tier characters like Naruto, Sasuke, Madara, etc. would be a Nightmare for these guys to try to deal with, being just as fast as them and far stronger. The Aliens technically could still kill them in a fight with their Rayguns or Matter Manipulation beams. But Naruto Characters on this level have an absolutely insane arsenal of Hax abilities that let them do things like completely take over your mind and kill you with a look, or rip your soul out of your body or something which are much easier and work on entire groups at once. Meanwhile the Aliens Beam attacks would be fairly easily dodged by these much more skilled characters who could draw fire with Shadow Clones or something. Now If the aliens Played this smart with their spaceships they could still defeat these characters. I mean those spaceships are trillions of times faster than any Naruto character and can brainwash the whole planet, which is basically as strong as the Infinite Tsukuyomi Madara spent the entire series trying to do and effectively took over the world with.

And there you have it, I hope you enjoyed my fun look at these obscure but still pretty fun Crossover villains from Cartoon Network's History. I thought this would be a great blog to tie into the Halloween Season while also heavily utilizing my love of Cartoons. In any case, keep careful watch over your Cheese, and Happy Halloween!


  1. Happy Birthday Thor and what an excellent way to celebrate it and the month it's in which I know is your favorite month! I certainly think you did both of them justice with this blog. This blog was easily the most in-depth How they Compare I've seen and honestly one of the most interesting. I certainly would trust it to no one before you, the cartoon master!

    These Alien guys, for being basically a failed commercial, are bizarrely strong. The thing that most impressed was literal planetary mind hax that for some reason they had completely off screen. Beyond that their tech is ridiculously strong with planet level and trillions c feats. Even their ground forces have access to some ridiculous abilities like logia, high regen, matter manipulation, and of course my favorite ability teleportation. An alien invasion of them would be nightmarish if realistic. Granted it seems like they were mostly played for comedy and failed attempts at selling cheese. I kinda feel bad for their obsessiveness about the Moon though. The Moon People is a common archetype in stories I love due to all the cool symbolism of the Moon but this must be one of the saddest versions I've seen if you think about it, obsessively doing nothing but reassembling their home. Not to mention it turns them into werewolves, ALL of them for some reason, outside that.

    Even if the reason was suspect, it was certainly really cool to have even somewhat a crossover of numerous series like that, and I can easily see why it would have been so cool to you as a child :) Granted the sheer tonal differences and scope differences between the series they picked must have made it difficult to coordinate on anything.

    The verses you compared to them showed were really fun and I think showed one of the most fun aspects of scaling cartoons which is that often even massive stat gaps can be completely circumvented. Verses that were very near to them in stats could beat back the alien invasion just as easily or sometimes more so than verses that you'd think would stomp due to massively higher power level. I guess that's part of the cartoon gag of something seemingly much weaker beating something seemingly much stronger! But what really impressed me was your thoroughness here. Two different multiverses and part of a third if you consider Shonen Jump a multiverse! that I loved how you put each section in different colors, it was a really cool effect.

    When it came to the Nick Verses it made sense that a lot of them were just weirdly stated against them. Invader Zim was a really funny one with how they'd fit so clearly and easily into the verse and have a pretty normal episode dedicated to beating them with the Aliens powers being the kinds of things they have to regularly endure. This was also the case to a lesser extent in Jimmy Neutron. I thought it was how funny FOP was kind of like extreme Spongebob in this case with characters that "should" win easily, but have been beaten historically by far weaker forces, which is an example of the oddity of cartoon scaling before. The Superhero verses were cool to see, especially Danny Phantom which started the trend of these aliens having a problem with ghosts, which is interesting to me as CN characters often have no problem with ghosts

    1. The Disney verses were the problems I probably knew least about. I knew the Owl House obviously and that Amphibia was fairly relevant so seeing those two come up was fun, especially as they presented opposite sides to the fight against the Aliens. It was funny to see Sprig and Reine come up for such a specific interaction! Lilo and Stitch was another example of a verse where the stats being much higher at least in raw power didn't make as much a difference as you'd think (though I don't wanna imagine what the Wander verse would do to them. Even Planetary Mind Hax isn't special there D ) The Ghost And Molly McGee verse was insane to hear about. It continued the trend of them struggling with ghosts but I didn't blame them cause it seemed like EVERYONE would struggle with these ghosts they sound insane! Oh and the comparison between Mickey and the Eds who the Aliens didn't try and fight was a really cool comparison of similar stat/hax characters and how the characters being talked about would compare

      The HST was probably the biggest surprise here! Not your usual area of mastery and you didn't go as much into detail into them understandably but it was pretty cool! you'd think Bleach would be the strongest here because once again... ghost and they kinda seemed like they were though it wasn't clear. They'd fit pretty easily into One Piece statwise and to a lesser extent wise even if they're tech would be bizarre in OP. But Naruto was probably my favorite comparison of the HST if only cause I knew it best. It seems they'd be Jinchuurki Tier or around the Tier of Akatsuki Members who have to hunt down the Jinchuuriki. Their powers would be a mix of huge weaknesses unknown to the verse like comically low common sense intelligence and lack of skill vs some bizarrely high level techniques like the Infinite Tsukuyomi or the Flying Thunder God. It'd be like if you gave some of the best techniques in the series to some of the world's least intelligent people :D

      The blog was really impressive with how in-depth it was and I loved reading it! Happy Birthday and I hope you have a Fantastic October and Halloween

  2. Wow, I was not expecting you to cover these guys, but I definitely have to give props for creativity and obscurity. It was really cool to see how these guys crossed scaled to each franchise, like how they basically just ditched during Ed Edd n' Eddy instead of actually try to fight those guys, and while I would've expected you to cover how they'd fair in something like Marvel and DC, I love how you covered the other two networks and many of their verses instead.
    Of those one, Invader Zim was easily my favorite, considering how those aliens were actually pretty comparable to the main cast, and how Zim and Dib would easily spot them. I think that could be made into a cool episode where their usual stuff doesn't work, and they'd have to work together to take them down. Also surprised to see you cover the much more powerful Spongebob, and establish how OP TGAMM is. I kind of want to see a VS strategy guide against that verse now.

  3. This was a really cool idea for a HTC and it took me right down memory lane for that entire weird but fun promotional campaign. A cross series event like this was such a rare treat back in the day and I really liked the EEnE and Billy & Mandy episodes in particular. Not to mention this is a civilization HTC which added an interesting element to seeing how an outright alien invasion would go in these verses.

    Seeing you break down the various capabilities of the aliens in their various appearances in CN series was pretty nostalgic to me. It’s surprising how much sense the scaling makes with them being comparable to MGPaM characters normally, and needing their werewolf form to take on Billy & Mandy characters, and gives a good explanation why they didn’t appear in the Ed Edd n Eddy. They ended up having a fun powerset when taking all of their appearances together.

    It really felt fitting for you to do something relatively different with the comparisons this time by comparing them with all the different series on the rival networks (nice touch with the colored text as a side note). Seeing how these aliens would do in the Nickelodeon and Disney verses is a question I never knew I wanted answered, but you certainly delivered!

    As someone who has a familiarity with many Nicktoons, your analysis seemed about right for all of them, especially for Invader Zim and Jimmy Neutron. It was pretty funny seeing how they would likely still do decently against Nick’s more overpowered verses like SpongeBob and FOP.

    I haven’t watched Disney Channel nearly as much as Nick and CN so the verse comparisons were pretty new to me for the most part. It was interesting seeing how they’d do pretty decently in Star VS the Forces of Evil, as I wouldn’t really have expected that. Also, it’s pretty nuts seeing how OP Ghost & Molly McGee is. And though it's a stomp, I am glad to see Mickey Mouse included amongst the Disney series as well.

    The HST was a welcome comparison, especially since I was a fan of Toonami back in the day. They would be a really weird threat to imagine in Shonen verses, especially seeing how well they would do against a lot of the Bleach and Naruto characters. I think you analyzed them pretty well though, and I liked you pointing out that One Piece’s weird powers would help them get around their more powerful weaponry.

    I think my favorite comparisons were for the alien based verses in Nick and Disney. It’s crazy how well these guys would fit in Invader Zim, as cheese loving aliens that become werewolves and disassemble the moon legitimately sounds like a ridiculous species that would actually exist in that series and seeing Zim and Dib interact with them is pretty great to imagine. And the Experiments vs aliens generally sounds like a cool versus scenario with their differing stats and abilities.

    So overall, great blog Thor! And I hope you had a great birthday!
