Wednesday, December 22, 2021

My Life as a Teenage Robot VS Strategy Guide


Hey everybody! I know this isn’t Shirley VS Strike, I’m working really hard on it, but it's pretty busy with the holidays right now, so I couldn’t finish that massive blog and give it it’s due justice before the next year. SO I figured a good, fitting thing to tide people over would be a blog on a Nickelodeon show that so many people mistake for a Cartoon Network series! My Life as a Teenage Robot is an awesome and action packed superhero series set in a snazzy 50s Art Deco style world, and I’m gonna show you how to be OP in it!

Building Tier:

This is the verse’s lower tier, home to the civilian characters, low tier and joke villains, and some various alien species. Characters in this tier are building level in power from feats such as Tucker enduring numerous terminal velocity falls and being pulled into space, Sheldon tanking being tossed miles through the air by Jenny, and being smashed through a thick tree, and two bank robbers surviving an entire house being dropped on them Wicked Witch Style. That being said, characters in their tier also have very consistent Faster than Light feats, such as The Space Bikers being able to pilot their space cycles to other distant planets and dodge them when they aren't riding them, or Brad and Nora repeatedly being able to dodge and outpace laser fire from Jenny after it was shot. This already presents a unique challenge as this is a very unconventional stat combination that is hard to match, it almost guarantees that they will have a sizable speed edge over your counters.

My life as a Teenage Robot takes place in a futuristic Earth where science is much more advanced than our own, space travel and aliens are relatively normal, and evolution has gone mad. Most humans in the series are relatively normal, but some have occasionally displayed weird and wacky powers, like random civilians having Immersion that allows them to jump into signs, Jenny’s aunt Wisteria being able to control and manipulate plants, and the Mud Slinger being able to telekinetically create, control and attack with mud. There is even this old man who taught himself to control the weather, and is able to summon giant floods, storms, massive hails, lightning strikes and tornados. However most of the impressive stuff in their tier comes through the use of their advanced technology. There are several Genius characters in this tier as well as the advanced military force Skyway Patrol, which has access to teleportation technology, and freeze rays that can instantly turn a volcano of lava into ice. Some of the more advanced tech in the series can look into the future, reverse aging, animate inanimate objects, turn kinetic energy into electrical power, and even Drag the Sun out of its orbit at faster than light speeds. This is pretty consistent, as some of the metals in this show, like Lancer’s Shield and Killgore’s Body, have endured hits from large planet level attacks before without damage. The most dangerous human character is Nora Wakeman, who in addition to all the above tech, also invented some gloves and boots that let her fly and raised her stats to briefly fight the Kluster Queen Vexus head on, which could be a major threat. Beyond humans though, there's a fair deal of Alien Life to worry about. Such as Infrared Ivan, a large eyed tentacle monster who is completely invisible to everything but infrared vision, The space dust organisms which can infect people and completely rearrange their body and mind on a cellular level, and Worst of all, the Minutians, a tiny alien creature who can duplicate himself Exponentially, to the point he’d overtake the entire planet in less than an hour if he kept at it.

So what are some potential counters here? The powers here can seem like a rather random collection when laid out like this, and in a way that's because it is, but one power I think would be good universally in this tier would be having advanced Telekinesis of some kind. This would allow its user to disarm humans of their tech, and prevent all those with natural abilities from using them effectively. Another key strategy would be to disable technology to use to cripple these character’s arsenal. This can be achieved through Technopathy, but also through the use of certain elements like Water, Ice and Lightning, all of which tech in this world has shown some vulnerability too in the past. It would also be handy to have some form of Sealing or Bio Manipulation powers to deal with the alien threats.

With that said, My First Counter is…

Arthur Watts:

Arthur Watts from RWBY would do quite exceptional in this verse. Watts was able to match Huntsman General James Ironwood in a prolonged fight, meaning he would scale to numerous large building level and highly massively hypersonic feats from the verse. While not as fast, Watts is constantly defended by both Hard Light force fields, and his own Aura, a force field projected by one’s soul. The former of these are durable enough to tank repeated hits from characters of this tier without putting him at risk, making him impossible to blitz. Watts is a supergenius, one of the most intelligent characters in his entire verse, especially in the field of coding. While tech in MLaaTR is incredibly advanced, it is 50’s style advanced where it's basically all on gadgets, and powerful physical machines, and not on digital things like coding and networks, which don't seem much more advanced than our own. Watts on the other hand has hacking advanced enough to shut down entire cities that run on futuristic computer networks significantly more advanced than our own, like some kind of dark puppet master. Watts wears high tech rings on his fingers that let him remotely hack into and control any nearby technology by sending out advanced signals that override their commands. This allows him to scan his surroundings, learn vital information about targets, and cause massive havoc with any tech in his vicinity. He could take over robots and turn them against their masters, redirect spaceships away from their destinations, and deactivate any tech that someone tries to use against him. Watts would be able to completely take over the Skyway Patrols airfleet and force their ships to go around and destroy anyone in this tier he deems as a threat, much like he did to the Atlas Air Fleet in the fall of Beacon. He could also gain access to teleportation through this, making him far harder to locate and fight, and hold the earth hostage by threatening to pull the earth into the sun with their own tech. That being said, He could be defeated by foes if ganged up on, or if he fails to stop the Minutians from landing. While unlikely to get into that situation, another option…

Fuu Hououji:

Would be Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth! Fuu is the Magic Knight of Wind, and was able to tank the attacks of Lafarga and the castle bust of Princess Emurade, which would both be Large Building Level feats. In terms of speed, while the physical speeds of Magic Knights is only Hypersonic from scaling to Ascot, Magic Knights reaction speed is INSANE, enough to slash lightning back to sender, time and cut a monster made of Light, and pilot their faster than light Rune God Mechs, so she could easily keep up with and fight any characters in this tier despite their speed. Fuu is an incredibly skilled fighter with a great deal of experience fighting all kinds of wacky monsters, and has power over the wind itself. She can use the Wind to form force fields around herself which no one in her strength level can penetrate, fly through the air and bind foes in powerful wind restraints. She can use it to make super powerful wind attacks which can cover a large building sized area of effect, and are invisible to people's sight. This means she can essentially use a telekinesis-like ability to disarm people of their gadgets and attack them from angles they don’t expect. Fuu can also use the wind to Heal herself from fatal injuries, and due to her extreme willpower, is able to create dimensional portals which she can use as escapes that her foes would not be able to follow. Meaning even if she is caught in a jam, she could quickly escape and survive whatever damage she sustained. Her biggest threats would be the Minutians, and Nora radically boosting herself with tech. But when you think about how the Minutians were defeated, it was by being sucked with tremendous force into a pocket dimension, something Fuu could replicate by using wind to blow them into a portal that takes them to outer space in Cephiro, where they’d suffocate before they caused any problems there. And against Nora, she’s not the only one who can boost herself, Fuu is able to summon a Rune God Mech named Windom, which even without outside help from her friends was able to stand up to the planet busting power of The Pillar. It also has all of Fuu’s powers and because it’s technically a living organic entity, it cannot be hacked into, meaning it would certainly defeat Nora. But if you are on the fence on Fuu being able to summon that, my best option is..

Baron Mharti:

Baron Mharti, the main villain of Monster Lab! Baron Mharti should scale to the Player Scientist who can tank the Castle Busting Explosion resulting from failed experiments, and should also scale to hypersonic, making him slightly stronger though not nearly as fast, but don’t worry, he’s Not gonna need that. The Baron is a mad science Protege who is so skilled and intelligent the entire Mad Science Alliance could not stop him and were forced to train up a new protege from scratch specifically to stop him to win. To be a master mad scientist you need to be a genius level mechanical engineer, biologist, and alchemist, and Mharti is superior in all 3 of these fields than anyone else in the game. With his mechanical know how, Mharti can surround both himself and his castle with force fields that vaporize people on contact, which considering that would be Island Level, would be more than enough to kill the characters in this tier, and also create powerful island level missiles which can move fast enough to shoot down a MFTL alien spacecraft, allowing him to easily snipe any character despite their speed, and shoot down the Minutians ship before they land. He would know they are coming too as his magic allows him to see into the future, as well as see and interact with spirits, allowing him to find Ivan and open portals to the Astral Rift, allowing him to both teleport to escape danger, and seal foes away where they could never escape. If you are worried about the Minutians, Mharti is a master of Biological mad science and could create instantly deadly pathogens coded to their genome, since they are all perfect clones, this would instantly oneshot all of them at once no matter how many of them there are. The biggest worry one would think Mharti would face is foes teleporting directly to him to take him by surprise, and stat bolstered Nora smashing through his force field. Except neither of these are big threats. First of all, Mharti’s magic allowed him to create an Alchemical Maze surrounding him and his fortress, that spatially warps you through the astral plane, someone trying to teleport to him would become lost forever. On the even more terrifying side, he also has tech that allowed him to Drain the Energy out of all his foes and their technology across the entire country-sized Uncanny Valley. This is very similar to what a High tier enemy named Gigawatt did and Nora was powerless to stop him, and Mharti’s is much more deadly. And that’s not even taking into account he can make a bunch of really high-quality monsters, which can just stat stomp like everyone, Mharti really takes this tier back to Mad Science School.

Large Planet Tier:

Now here we have the big name powerhouses of the series, including Jenny Wakeman herself, the forces of the villainous Kluster, and various other top tier Superheroes and Villains that show up from time to time. Characters in this tier are Large Planet Level in the Ninatons, scaling off an early Jenny Feat of her violently fragmenting a massive Meteor that eclipsed the Earth in size. They would also be Billions of times the speed of light, thanks to Jenny’s feat of physically flying a villain into another Galaxy, and then flying back in a short time frame that couldn’t have exceeded an hour.

So let’s start off this tier with our Star, Jenny Wakeman. X-J9 was designed to be an ultimate fighting robot and protector of mankind against all threats, and has tons of crazy robot powers to show for it. She can fly, shoot lasers, and shape shift her body into…well pretty much anything actually. Her body somehow contains a near endless amount of items that couldn’t possibly fit, allowing her to transform, stretch incredible distances, consume an entire lake, and pull out over 1000 different weapons and gadgets. This includes Blades, Guns, Explosives, bludgeoning tools and lasers that can completely disintegrate things at the molecular level. Her body can produce powerful Electromagnetic fields, reflect laser fire, generate a damaging energy aura around herself, and stick to surfaces with suction adhesion. She can mimic numerous different elemental attacks, able to blast streams of fire, poison gas, electrical attacks, powerful gusts of wind, and ice attacks strong enough to instantly freeze an entire invasion force of alien fire elementals. Jenny also has incredible super senses, possessing omnidirectional detection of her surroundings, radar, a danger sense, a stupidity sense, and numerous types of enhanced sight such as X-Ray, Infrared, Ultraviolet, Digital and Microscopic vision. She also has hearing so great she could hear Tuck call her from the other side of the planet, and beat up an entire alien invasion force that mind control you on sight by shutting her eyes and hearing their location. Also she can mimic voices and speak every possible language if that’s helpful, but that’s enough about Jenny.

There is also the Kluster, an evil empire of Alien Insect Robots who enslave humans to serve their kind. Average Kluster fighters have standard robot powers including flight, lasers, missiles, self destruction, the ability to telekinetically reassemble themselves from being smashed to tiny pieces and the power to possess people and robots into their hive mind if they get close. Some of its other members include the bumbling inventor Krakus, who’s disassembler can instantly force any machine to disassemble itself, and scatters the pieces across the planet, and users of the power crystals, minerals that grant the user cosmic powers including Telekinesis, space manipulation, illusions, size changing, and locking things in stasis. That said, the strongest Kluster member is their Queen, Vexus. Vexus is an advanced shapeshifting robot who can physically rip holes in space, allowing her to create portals to other planets with ease, which she can use to instantly travel, redirect attacks, summon people to her from anywhere and even BFR foes. Her unique body Allows her to disguise herself as practically anything, create shields and weapons, and attack in unconventional ways, she is also smart enough to quickly read Jenny‘s entire schematics, and memorize all of her weaknesses to use against her in combat. She also can summon and control numerous deadly cluster parasites, which can do things like corrupt a machine from within and turn them into a Kluster drone, or instantly induce full body rust that completely paralyzes robots.

Some other assorted threats in this tier include Armagedroid, who has force fields that are practically impenetrable, and numerous elemental aliens, such as the Rock Aliens that can regenerate their bodies from being shattered, the fire elementals who are so beautiful they render those that see them unable to attack, and Gigawatt. Gigawatt being a cosmic energy vampire who can passively absorb energy out of everything that surrounds him on a nationwide scale, travel as a mass of electricity, create storms and manipulate electricity and Electromagnetism. There’s other superheroes in this tier too, though the only notable one is Misty, an alien ninja hero with such high skill, she can induce instant full body paralysis with just a single touch. Her primary ability is to turn into a form made of Mist that exists on the mental plane, granting her Logia AND Intangibility. She can also use this form for powers like teleportation, environmental manipulation, invisibility and Reading/Messing With people's minds.

So what are some strategies to use against this verse? There are a few good ones in mind! In general, characters in this verse are pretty well rounded with great stats and secondary stats across the board and decent power variety, however the series itself gives several weaknesses to the characters we can exploit. First off, basically all those elemental aliens I mentioned have a common weakness against water/ice. Even the mighty Gigawatt was completely powered down by being sprayed with water, and Misty and the fire and rock aliens alike can’t endure being frozen. Against the Robots, there’s basically 3 avenues, one of which is magnetism, which has defeated or given difficulty to Jenny numerous times in the past, even against low tier enemies. Another would be energy draining and or sleep manipulation. Jenny and other robots surprisingly need to sleep, and have a limited amount of energy in their bodies they can use before they need to recharge, or else They’ll run out. However, by far the Most effective thing to use on the characters of this tier is some form of Mind Manipulation or Technopathy to take control of them. Throughout this three season long series, Jenny has been directly taken over and made to attack humans no less than seven times, and would have been an additional five times had it not been for outside interference. The only time Jenny managed to avoid mind manipulation was when Misty tried to use it against her and she turned her brain off so she couldn’t, though obviously at the cost of all cognitive functions and intelligence, had Misty actually been trying to kill her, she would’ve been a sitting duck. Obviously nobody has any way to deal with these kinds of attacks, with that in mind, my first counter is…


The SA-X from Metroid would be an extremely dangerous entity to deal with. The SA-X is essentially the incredibly deadly Parasite-X, after infecting to bounty Hunter Samus Aran in one of her strongest power suits, and thus scales to her Country level MFTL feats, now thats not as strong....but this isn't about strength. As an X Parasite, it is capable of absorbing any living beings DNA, gaining their memories and abilities while replacing their entire biomass, and can even interface with and possess machinery such as the Barrier Core X. They also reproduce Asexually at a rapid rate and can quickly infest an entire planet and become all life invasion of the body snatchers style. This would essentially be like the Minutians invasion but WAY Deadlier, they could take over Misty, the Rock Aliens, and likely hack the Robots. And even if that last part doesn’t work, they CAN assimilate those that control them. The SA-X in particular would also be able to freeze any of these entities with its Ice Beam, resist elemental attacks and mind manipulation due to the copied Powersuits own resistances, and interact with h non physical entities like the flame aliens. Essentially making it so there are no threats it couldn’t potentially defeat and could quickly spread and infect the entire Galaxy. That said, the Parasites would have notable trouble with Gigawatt, as his massive energy draining is exactly what Metroids do to kill them. They could stop him with the ice beam, or by coordinated assault, but the risk is still there, I think a bet that covers more enemies would be…


Zoisite is one of the four Heavenly Kings from Sailor Moon, his stats are a little hard to find the upper limits of, but he is at least Large Country Level and Thousands of times the speed of Light from feats such as causing it to rain across all of Japan for Days, and reacting to the attacks from the early senshi. He’s not nearly as powerful and fast as the foes he’d have to face in this tier, but he does have a powerful energy field that was strong enough to block attacks from Tuxedo Mask and reflect attacks from Sailor Mars and Jupiter, who only a little bit later were able to tangle with Large Star level characters like Kunzite, so that should be able to protect him from attacks. Additionally Zoisite has interdimensional teleportation, and a crafty behind-the-scenes manipulator type personality which means he can quickly escape a direct fight, and would avoid getting into one with these powerful characters. Zoisite has advanced technopathy which he can use to both Brainwash, and Energy Drain anyone near a screen, with a range across the entirety of Japan. This essentially gives him a way to oneshot Jenny, any member of the Kluster, and even most of the organic aliens that would try to attack him, and across a massive Range at that. The only characters I could see giving Zoisite trouble would be the likes of Gigawatt and Misty, as Gigawatt would likely be unable to be mind controlled, and has much more powerful energy draining which would even allow him to get through his force field. That said, Zoisite could easily misdirect him using his illusion powers, and can make storms that spread over countries so could easily generate enough liquid to short him out. Misty would be harder since she could phase through his force field, while it’s questionable if her mind control would work on him, as hes controlled by Beryl who has much better mind control feats than Misty, she could still one-shot him normally in mist form, and wouldn’t be fooled by his illusions. However that all assumes that she knows about Zoisite and would be able to blitz and one shot him before he activates his mind control on her, and even if she did, there’s always teleportation to potentially save him.

That said, for a safer option…

Blue Diamond:

One could always use Blue Diamond from Steven Universe! Blue Diamond is one of the ruling members of the royal Diamond authority that controls the galaxy spanning Gem Empire, like the Kluster but for Rock Aliens instead of Robots. Blue Diamond would scale to the power of end of series Steven, who was able to overpower The Cluster (heh) which is able to shatter the Earth with its might, and also scales above Lapis, who was fast enough to physically fly from Earth to Homeworld, which is in the Andromeda Galaxy, in only days at most, putting her Billions of times the speed of light, and well into the power/speed range of this tier. Blue’s main power is a potent psychic Emotional wave that forces one to subconsciously succumb to the over 5,000 years of Grief she suffered. This area of effect move would be absolutely insanely broken in this verse as it has shown to be able to affect organic AND inorganic entities all at once, leaving them all completely unable to fight or resist her. Blue also has the mental abilities of Diamonds as a whole, she can resist advanced mind control attempts, and detect, attack and destroy mental plane entities, meaning Misty could not even Hope to manipulate her mind, or even get near her. Gigawatt would be a powerful foe with his energy draining potentially being able to disrupt and absorb her physical form made of hard light energy, except Blue Diamond was able to resist this exact kind of attack from the equally strong Yellow Diamond, who’s energy manipulation is even stronger than his. Furthermore, Blue has powerful hydrokinetic powers superior to that of Lapis, who could telekinetically lift all the water on Earth all at once, she could easily short out Gigawatt, and likely even control Misty’s body. Blue can also shoot powerful energy projectiles and create blinding lights that drive entire planets insane, which basically means this Gem Empire Queen could Solo the Kluster Empire, single handedly.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Verse Challenge: Who Would Actually Win the Peacock VS Black Dahlia Fight?


Skullgirls is my favorite game…. heck, series ever, and one of its main characters, Peacock, is my character in all of fiction. I love her personality, inspirations and her story. But said story, ended in a Cliffhanger, with her about to face off with the Medici mob's top enforcer, Black Dahlia, with the results of the fight left to the imagination. So today I wanted to take a look at all the information we have on Black Dahlia throughout her appearances in Skullgirls and information from Lore, and compare her to Peacock both from an out of universe And in universe perspective. Despite my great love for Peacock, I will be completely objective and determine to the best of my knowledge who should logically win this battle!

So in Peacock’s story mode, after Peacock defeats the Skullgirl, Marie Korbel, she vows to finish Marie’s original goal of destroying the Medici Mafia once and for all. After killing every single member of the organization in a one woman crusade over the course of one night, she finally makes it into the office of the head Crime Boss, Lorenzo Medici. 

Terrified, Lorenzo summons Dahlia to defend him, and both girls exchange dialogue that makes them both sound incredibly confident of victory. Dahlia basically saying Peacock is a pathetic unworthy child and she's going to kill her, and Peacock essentially blowing her off as a non threat, saying she's already beaten larger threats that night, and is more concerned about missing her shows and staying out too late.

Now I can say Peacock not being worried about having to fight Dahlia is not particularly notable to this discussion. Peacock as far as I can tell, wouldn’t/shouldn’t/doesn’t know who Dahlia is or what her capabilities are. The only way she could would be if someone at Lab 8 told her about her at some point, or if they’d met before, which we don’t have evidence to support. Other than that, Peacock is extremely confident and brash, and would literally never show fear, so even if she did consider Dahlia a massive threat, she still would have reacted with this same level of  bravado.

Dahlia not considering Peacock to be a big threat on the other hand is more noteworthy. While Dahlia is confident herself, she seems to be more cold, calculating and warrior-like in personality, meaning she likely would be more cautious than Peaks. Dahlia also is aware in this scene that Peacock single handedly killed all the other Medici forces, meaning that she had this in mind when making those confident claims, so evidently it didn't impress her.

That’s it for their actual interaction, so let's pull in some info from the rest of the series to get the greater context. Black Dahlia was once a woman who was critically injured in a Skullgirl attack several decades ago, who was put back together by an ASG Scientist named Geiger using mechanical parts, becoming the first ASG Agent, predating even Brain Drain and Big Band, and essentially being the Prototype for all those that came after her. While her time at ASG saved her life, it also drove her Mad, she became deranged and violent, and soon defected and joined up with the Medici Mob as an Assassin.

Despite her being very high ranking in the Mob, this is sheerly due to how powerful she is. Dahlia has no actual loyalty to the Medici’s, only sticking with them cause she gets to hurt people and be paid for it, as seen in Cerebella’s origin where she made no effort to protect Vitale from Beatrix’s stray attack.

So let’s go over her VS info from what we can gather. The earliest point in the Skullgirls Timeline that we see Dahlia is 14 years ago, when she and some of her goons, slaughtered the entire Contiello family, where she shot Sienna in the head, and gunned down her father, Roberto, who it is important to note had Levithan as a parasite at the time.

Afterward, Selene used The Skull Heart to wish her family back and turned into the Skullgirl. This used to be Dahlia’s most impressive feat, as we know that Selene was defeated, and the Medici made a big show of how they silenced the Contiellos, Heavily Implying that Dahlia fought Selene, a powerful Skullgirl, one on one and defeated her.

However it was later shown that Dahlia and her forces quickly fled once Selene turned Skullgirl. And that Selene was actually defeated by Squigly, with the help of Big Band, Annie, Panzerfaust and D. Violet. Additionally, While we don’t know the full fighting capabilities of Roberto with Leviathan, he was clearly much weaker than Squigly, due to him not being able to fight against Dahila’s forces very effectively, while Squigly defeated what they had run from, and even defeated Roberto after The Skull Heart gave him a power boost. Roberto also seemed to basically sacrifice himself for Squigly rather than die by the villain's hands anyway, so trying to scale Dahlia to Squigly from this is pretty sketchy.

With that, Dahlia’s actual best feat comes from the Skullgirls Mobile Main Story, where the newest Skullgirl, Marie, Storms into the Medici tower intent on killing Lorenzo, and Dahlia manages to drive Marie off by shooting her in her heart, injuring the Skullgirl. Marie is very powerful, but there are some important things to note, One being that Skullgirls rise in power the more they give themselves to the Heart, starting pretty strong, and eventually growing strong enough to threaten countries or more. And this event took place before the main Skullgirls game started, meaning Marie was weaker than she was in that game to an unknown degree.

Dahlia also trains all the female assassins who work for the Cirque des Cartes, teaching them many of her great assassin skills. When she was asked to judge the competition between Cerebella, Beatrix and Feng she was not particularly impressed with any of their power or skill, heavily suggesting that she is superior to all of them as a fighter. Cerebella is a powerful fighter, who has many times proven herself superior to Ms. Fortune, and this is pretty consistent for Dahlia, who is also likely responsible for killing Nadia and her entire Fishbone gang and dumping them in the ocean. This also means that she would scale above Nadia and Cerebella being able to defeat Valentine, who was able to deal significant damage to an early Marie.

However I should mention that a great deal of the feats attributed to Dahlia are based on statements she herself made. In Eliza’s story mode, Dahlia makes threats to Eliza’s life with the utmost confidence she can and would totally kill her in a fight. And the ending made it EXTREMELY Clear that Eliza is basically untouchable to the entire Mob and can wipe them out with barely more than a thought. While the Medici did not know the full extent of her power, they did know that she was extremely powerful to the point they hired her to single handedly take down a Skullgirl, something Dahlia is established to not be able to do in the past. Marie may not be as strong as Selene, but the Mob didn’t actually know that. So based on this, it's clear that likely from either her mental instability, or arrogance, that Dahlia has a tendency to overestimate her abilities. Meaning that statements like her being super confident she will kill Peacock in a fight, have to be taken with a grain of salt, as she said the same thing about goddamn Eliza!

So going into Peacock in terms of how relevant a threat she is. Peacock has an extremely good win/loss record throughout Skullgirls, and is described as being The Greatest Threat to Skullgirls in the World. This is stated throughout the game, multiple times, including by villains in other characters' story modes without her even being there. And this does line up, as Peacock is the only character in the game to kill Marie more than once, once single handedly in her own timeline, and another time where after losing to Marie, she still is fine enough to get up and help Big Band defeat her. She has directly defeated Double and Valentine at the same time, and in her own story mode, after she slaughtered the Entirety of the Medici Mob, we can actually see she is carrying a ripped piece of Cerebella's hat and Ottomon's severed head, meaning she also beat the entire Cirque Des Cartes band of assassin's all at once. Including Cerebella, and Ottomon in particular, Ottomon by the way once nearly killed both Filia and Samson in a single hit. This is Consistent as Peacock has actually only lost 2 fights against other Skullgirls characters throughout ALL the story modes, and even those barely count. 

The first of those losses was against Big Band, when they had a dispute over what to do after Lab 8 was attacked. Big Band wins the fight, BUT after the fight Peacock immediately gets up, Knocks Big Band OUT in one hit, and proceeds to do her plan anyway. Her second loss was against Annie, however that match was suppose to be more of a sparring session between star and fan, and Peacock still held her own despite Annie getting serious. 

Based on that, it's actually quite difficult to argue Peaks ISN’T one of the top tiers, and would be very difficult for most people in this game to defeat. But let's go into the actual Powers these characters possess.

Dahlia is the Prototype model of an ASG Agent essentially. I pointed out in my Big Band blog that he is an older ASG Model, and thus lacks access to the extremely potent Synthetic Parasites that newer Models have, and his abilities are lacking by comparison because of it. Well Dahlia is even older than him, and it shows in her story, she actually has a dude named Tom that works for the mob that maintains her Mechanics, and it's said that his engineering knowledge is vital to this because her parts are so dated. By Comparison, Peacock is the 2nd Newest ASG Agent, with only Painwheel being more recent, and has not one, but 2 Synthetic Parasites, she is very modern and state of the art, and this is reflected in their aresnels. While we don’t know the Full extent of Black Dahlia’s abilities, all we have ever seen her do, and all she is ever described to have is Grenades, Guns and Blades that come from various parts of her body, even her official Playstyle description only sites this, and the most complex thing it mentions is she can use her doilies to hide and conceal herself.

By comparison, Peacock has Omnidirectional Vision and hearing that lets her detect everything that goes on, from every angle, across the entirety of New Meridian, so it's not like that Dollie trick will be effective here. And in other powers, Peacock can fly, teleport, open portals to other dimensions, stop time, manipulate space, create matter and living beings from thought, hit on the metafictional plane, paint herself into and out of existence, shoot lasers, and has all the abilities we know Dahlia has, just to name a few.

SO...if you are paying attention it is VERY Clear Peacock should logically kick her ass if we do this purely from a VS Perspective. BUT that's partly the problem of looking at one of a series’ playable main characters, vs a minor npc villain you never fully see in action. For all We know, Dahlia could be monstrously more powerful and just hasn’t shown it in canon yet, but then you consider it from an in-universe perspective. Dahlia is essentially an older, failed experiment by the ASG labs, while Peacock is their proud, newest accomplishment, the magnum opus for her creator Dr. Avian. For Dahlia to BEAT Peacock, would essentially be saying that ASG have not made any significant improvement in their technology in literal decades, and that these advanced Synthetic Parasites they have made are basically worthless. Now you could argue that Dahlia was just SO skilled compared to Peacock that she could beat her in spite of Peacock logically having better stats, hax, and power variety….But that really opens up a lot of plot holes. If Dahlia was that godly skilled, why didn’t she just charge in and 1v1 Skullgirl Selene to Death? Selene wasn’t exactly a fighter, was literally an idol singer. Why in all the decades she's worked for the Medici has she not just gone and killed the Royal family to let the Mob take over the kingdom? If she's THAT skilled she certainly can do that, yet she hasn’t. And Peacock is extremely skilled in her own right. She was trained by Big Band for a year straight, and that guy was skilled enough to physically beat up an entire Mafia crime ring, while he was still a normal human police officer. And later, Peacock beat up Valentine while she had backup, and Val has superhuman skill feats as well. Really All the particularly skilled Skullgirls characters, have explanations for Being so skilled. Parasoul and Valentine have both trained almost since birth, Big Band was a Police Officer, Beowulf was a world champion wrestler, etc. As far as we can tell, Dahlia was only a normal, noncombatant person who worked for ASG before becoming a cyborg, making this argument unfounded.

So overall, I have to give this win to Peacock, I do hope you found these arguments logical and informative, and that any form of bias didn’t shine through. If you have any thoughts on the matter that differ from mine, please leave them below, I’ll be happy to read ‘em, cause I am ALWAYS happy to discuss Skullgirls...That’s all FORKS!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween Verse Challenge: Michael Myers Comparison


HAPPY HALLOWEEN BOYS AND GHOULS!!! It’s My fave Night of the Year, so Today I’m Gonna be doing this Special Blog on the Biggest Horror Franchise to Carry the Holiday’s Namesake, Halloween. The Films started as a simple, low budget slasher chiller by director John Carpenter, But has since grown into a crazy Choose Your Own Adventure story about a Spooky Psychopath Stabbing people on Halloween, containing numerous different timelines, universes and continuities. Which Begs the Question, Which of these Various Michael Myers’ is truly the Real Boogeyman. Let's Break it down.

Thorn Myers:

The First version of Myers’ spawned from the original Film, John Carpenter's Halloween from 1978, and continued on in the Sequels, Halloween II in 1981, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers in 1988, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers in 1989, and Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers in 1995, which actually had two different cuts that drastically changed the story, giving this version the most overall films, although not by much. In these Films, Michael Myers is a pure evil killing machine being affected by The Curse of Thorn, a Celtic Druid Curse that grants him supernatural powers and an uncontrollable drive to murder his entire bloodline and any who stand in his way to fulfill the ritual of Samhain, hence the title, Thorn Myers. Back when I made my Halloween VS Strategy Guide, I said that I thought Thorn Myers was the most powerful, but that was more of an assumption on my part, and I also wasn’t considering the Rob Zombie Reboot, and additional Halloween Material has come out since then, so let's see how that assumption pans out. Overall this Myers’ spread of films is really good, like Halloween II where at the end, Michael gets caught in the epicenter of a fiery gas explosion that obliterated the entire section of the Hospital he was in, which I calced to be Low Building level, and since Dr. Loomis also managed to survive this, and Michael can easily overpower him, his strength also scales. That said by far the Most valuable Film in this spread is Halloween 4. In that Movie Michael Myers manages to move fast enough to catch up to a pickup truck speeding down the highway, climb onto it while it's still moving, and Kill everyone in the bed before anyone inside realized. Michael would likely have had to have been moving over 100 Mph doing this, 4 times faster than the fastest speed any human has ever ran, and more than 1/8th the speed of sound. This film also Features the Best Feats of Michael’s Regeneration and Illusion abilities, allowing him to Regenerate from having dozens and dozens of massive shotgun blasts pumped through is body by a firing squad and still get back up, he's been run over by a car, been shot numerous times in the brain and heart, and stabbed a crazy amount of times. His Illusions can project images of himself to throw people off and misdirect them, or give them horrific nightmares. Myers’ also gets some decent feats in the rest of the films. In Halloween II he was able to storm the Haddonfield Police Station and kill every single officer inside so swiftly no one even called for help. He's also successfully escaped from Smiths Grove insane asylum twice, taught himself how to perfectly drive despite being in there since he was 6, and in Halloween 5, literally misdirected the entire police force away from his target via a phantom army strategy.

Strode Myers:

This brings us to our 2nd Myers, the Strode Myers, named due to the series’ close following of the original film’s main character, Laurie Strode. This Timeline keeps Both the original Halloween and Halloween II, but Nixes 4-6, instead building from 2 with the film Halloween H20: 20 Years Later in 1998, and then its sequel, Halloween: Resurrection in 2002. In these Films Myers is still a supernatural serial killer out to kill his sister, but all of the Cult of Thorn stuff is left out, leaving his powers completely unexplained and left to the imagination. This timeline grants Michael the least amount of total kills, despite having the 2nd most movies, and portrays Michael as being the most vulnerable, being fought evenly with and defeated first by Laurie Strode in H20, and then again in Resurrection by Freddie Harris, played by rapper Busta Rhymes, and the decision to drop Halloween 4 from the canon certainly won’t be helping, but let’s break down what this version does excel at. Firstly, Strode Myers is actually Stronger and more Durable than the Thorn one. This is because Halloween II is still canon, meaning Strode Myers, tanked the same gas explosion, but he also endured it much more casually. Thorn Myers was put into a coma by that blast, getting captured for 10 years before being revived by the power of Samhain, but in H20 Laurie states that in this timeline they never even found Myers’ body, and then he just shows up later in the movie with no dramatic resurrection stuff, meaning he was clearly fine enough after the blast to escape the area. And while Loomis DID die in the blast this time, this Michael still does get strength scaling to this due to having to fight characters that can harm him, like Laurie and Freddie. Speedwise, Michael still maintains the feat of being able to kill the entire Haddonfield police force at a rapid pace in Halloween II, which should be a low superhuman level speed feat. While he doesn’t have as impressive feats of regeneration as Halloween 4, he still manages to have fairly good ones, including being shot numerous times in his face and chest in the first two halloween’s, being repeatable stabbed with knives and hit with an Axe in H20, and being hung from a building, hit with a chainsaw and horribly electrocuted in Resurrection, and being fine. One thing this Myers is also Lacking in is his illusions, with his powers being much more limited and unexplored, and never once fooling someone. But by Far the best thing this Myers has going for him is sheer intelligence. Strode Myers is smart enough to track Laurie down despite her going into witness protection, actually frames other people for his murders to keep the police from knowing he's alive, and literally faked his own death by crushing a paramedics Larynx and swapping clothes with him so he could escape while Laurie chops the wrong guys head off.

Rob Zombie Myers:

Next, Musician and Grindhouse Horror Director, Rob Zombie, was tasked with Rebooting the Halloween Franchise, making it a darker, grittier, more ‘realistic’ and cynical, and exploring Myers backstory and psychology…...I’m not really a fan, but hey, I’m giving these an objective shake. Being a Reboot, this version doesn’t rely on any previous films, solely using Rob Zombie’s Halloween from 2007 and its sequel, Rob Zombie’s Halloween II in 2009 both of which have notably different Director’s cuts to consider. This Myers was an abused tormented child who lived in a broken redneck home with his stripper mom and her alcoholic abusive boyfriend, causing him to torture animals, become obsessed with masks and other psychopathic tendencies, until he snapped and murdered tons of people, including most of his family, then broke out of an insane asylum later and kept on killing people and trying to find his sister Laurie. Because it's a reboot, it isn’t relying on feats from any previous films, becoming wholly independent, and also due to Zombie’s desire for the films to be more realistic, his supernatural powers take a pretty drastic nerf, to the point he doesn’t even have Illusion powers. Some people may point to his Ghost mom and younger him from Part II as an example of his illusion powers, but no one ever sees these things except Michael and his sister who is also unhinged, heavily implying they are either a separate ghost entity, or merely just a shared delusion between them. Anyway Rob Zombie Myers is a towering 6’9 and constantly portrayed to be incredibly strong, able to bust through wooden doors with ease and break himself out of metal shackles. In Part II he literally flips a car over with his raw brute strength. He's also surprisingly speedy and skilled, being able to take out four policemen armed with shotguns at the same time, despite them having him surrounded and him not having a weapon, already killing 3 of them before someone got a shot off. And while his Regeneration also took a nerf for these movies, he was still able to survive being shot through the forehead by a revolver at the end of part 1, and that's in addition to being shot no less than 3 times by Loomis earlier. That said, This Myers is still relatively mortal, able to be killed by being stabbed or shot about a half dozen times in the upper chest, and that’s in addition to him being relatively unintelligent, mostly being a large child minded psycho who solves every problem with brute force, he’s the only iteration of Myers that cannot drive a car.

Modern Myers:

After the Reboot, they decided to take the franchise back to basics by going back to the original John Carpenter’s Halloween and making a 3rd Timeline from it. This new timeline, which I dub the modern timeline, uses only Halloween (1978) and ignores every single sequel, even including Halloween II, and has built from there with the movie Halloween in 2018, and most recently Halloween: Kills in 2021. Although hilariously, the masks from silver shamrock in Halloween III consistently show up in these movies. In this timeline, Michael is yet again a supernatural serial killer, but is left even more mysterious, as not only is there no explanation for his powers, but the removal of Halloween II also removes the plot point of Laurie being Michael’s sister. This makes it the only timeline where they are completely unrelated, and makes Myers out to have absolutely no motive, just committing random acts of violence. Anyway, without Halloween II, this Michael doesn’t scale to the gas explosion, which is important as the original Halloween doesn’t have nearly as impressive physical feats, like carrying a large tombstone several miles, falling off a 2nd story balcony and punching through a door. This means Modern Myers will fittingly rely on the modern movies pretty heavily. In Halloween 2018, Michael manages to endure being hit head on by a speeding cop car, although it does knock him out for a few minutes. He is also shown in that movie to be capable of crushing parts of the human body like grapes, and smash through hardwood pretty casually. He also gets the intelligence feats of somehow learning to drive a car, escaping from Smith’s Grove Sanitarium twice, and tracking down those documentary filmmakers who had his mask. However this Myers’ most important film is Halloween Kills. In this movie Myers is able to quickly regenerate from being shot and stabbed about a dozen times that night and beaten to a bloody pulp by a neighborhood lynch mob armed with Blades, Clubs and Firearms. He also shows a tremendous amount of fighting skill, being able to defeat the entire Haddonfield fire department, who were armed with Axes and Buzzsaws, in a 20 on 1 fight, and later dispatch that entire lynch mob at once after getting back up. Some say this version actually can Teleport, although that would make a giant plothole with the end of the first film, more likely this is just a speed feat of being able to run across a street into a home within the 3 seconds Lonnie turned away, which would be consistent with him murdering everyone in the gas station in Halloween 2018 in under one minute. This version of Myers also has illusions, though not nearly as impressive, being about as strong as the Strode Myers’. Although he does have one totally unique power, that being his ability to draw power from his victims, becoming stronger and more unstoppable with each person he slays.

So in Comparison, I Actually think that the Rob Zombie Myers VS The Modern Myers would be a pretty interesting fight. The two have similar speed and fighting skill levels, with RZ Myers being stronger and more physically powerful, but the Modern Myers covering it with better regeneration and the ability to become stronger by killing surrounding people. Would make for an interesting fight of who could wear the other down first, though I think I would side with the Modern Myers due to him displaying better intelligence and skill, and could well become stronger than him by dealing enough carnage. The Strode Myers is clearly beyond both these two, having pretty notably better Strength and Durability than either of them, better overall regeneration, and significantly better intelligence, while still being comparable in all other categories. With this in Mind, Strode Myers could create a more complex strategy to ensure he successfully attacks them while they fail to do the same, and his better ability to dish out, stop, and recover from damage, make that all the more easy to pull off. But then you have to compare the Thorn Myers, who would also be above these two most recent versions for similar reasons, while also having the clear cut fastest speed, better regeneration and illusions, and the best skill feat, as Killing an entire police force is more impressive than doing the same thing with a group of firemen and rioters who are mostly armed with melee weapons. Now yes Thorn and Strode Myers do not have access to that whole drawing power from his victims schtick that the Modern one does, this could potentially allow him to surpass them overtime like I argued he could with the RZ Myers (considering he'd only have to go from Wall Level/Low Superhuman to Small Building Level/Subsonic I think it's reasonable to assume he can get there without NLF), but consider than in Halloween Kills alone, the Modern Myers kills like 3 dozen people and still doesn’t get any higher end feats surpassing himself in Halloween 2018, very heavily implying that the boost he gains is rather small and he’d have to kill probably hundreds of people before he could compete which is just not happening during a fight. Now the Big question, Strode Myers VS Thorn Myers. So as stated previously, I think Strode Myers has the edge in actual strength and durability, due to him enduring the Explosion from Halloween II, better than the Thorn one did. But, as the Thorn one also did endure the Halloween II explosion as well, the gap here is pretty marginal so they could very well compete. Since the Thorn Timeline has Halloween 4, he also has Mid regeneration, which is superior to the Strode Myers having only Low-Mid, meaning that despite Strode Myers being slightly stronger, Thorn Myers can definitely endure his hits a lot better than Strode Myers can endure hits from him. We know that Strode Myers could die if decapitated, which is why he made an elaborate escape attempt to avoid it, yet as far as we know, The Thorn one may be able to survive that. Thorn Myers also has Bar none the best feats in Speed, Illusions and Skill, as yes while Strode Myers’ technically has that same cop massacring skill feat, he also has a lot more moments of vulnerability with being defeated in fights by Laurie and Freddie, which just doesn’t really happen in the Thorn Timeline. Yes the Strode Myers is smarter, but Thorn Myers is certainly no slouch either, and his ability to run relative circles around him, or throw him off with illusions, mean it's not that big of a hurdle to cross. I believe a fight between them would basically just be Thorn timeline Michael outmaneuvering him and stabbing him until he eventually wears Strode Myers down. Because of this it should be pretty clear that I was right in my assumption that Thorn Myers is the best, being the fastest, having the best supernatural properties and the best skill bar none, while also having a close second place in DC/Dura and Intelligence. This is largely due to the fact that most of Thorn timeline Myers’ movies were made in the 80’s where movies weren’t afraid to get wild and crazy and over the top with what's going on, and for this reason I feel pretty confident saying that not only could Thorn Myers defeat any of these other version, but he would almost certainly defeat all 3 versions at once, even if they were actively working together against him. Thus is the Curse of Thorn…...Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

How They Compare: Sagume Kishin (Touhou)

Hello Everybody! Today is a very special day for me, and to mark the occasion, I wanted to talk about a certain character whom I think is special, but also underappreciated. The Touhou antagonist who never got to be the main focus, the one who is shrouded in mystery, and even I feel as though I never mention, because honestly she's the character I feel is more like me than any other character in the series, and that makes me avoid the subject, but not today! So strap in as we look at none other than Sagume Kishin, The Goddess who Invites Unfortunate Slips of the Tongue. Let’s see how she stacks up?

When one looks up at the clear night sky, they see the pale celestial body known as the Moon, orbiting uninhabited around us, or so one would think. In reality, this sphere is home to the Lunar Kingdom, made up of a powerful race of Pure beings known as the Lunarians, and their legions of Moon Rabbits. This advanced alien race is one of the mightiest forces in all of Touhou, wielding advanced technology and reality warping powers, but it's their last and greatest line of defense we are discussing today. Sagume Kishin is a Lunarian Goddess, and leading member of the Lunar Capitol Counsel, who works directly under the Moon Gods, Lord Tsukuyomi and Chang’e. She is a Hybrid of a Heavenly and Native God, which resulted in her having one angel wing on her heavenly side, yet none on the other. This balanced state makes her great at considering situations from every angle, and making the most rational decisions to benefit her kingdom. She is a powerful and pragmatic crisis manager for the moon, who functions totally autonomously without needing permission, in order to assure the prosperity of her homeland.

Sagume is able to very casually fight the Touhou main characters, Reimu and Marisa. Despite letting them win against her, she’s one of the only characters in the entire series to not be shown taking battle damage from them. Just before their fight, these two were able to fly across Doremy’s dream plane in about 5 minutes. This dream she made, was an exact replica of the universe, which they physically entered from the edge and were able to reach the moon within that time frame, which would require speeds of nearly 5 quadrillion times the speed of light. They have also been able to defeat numerous characters that are easily able to wipe out the entire universe, one of which being Suika, who can casually destroy the Heavens, a celestial plane large enough to contain a god so enormous, he makes the entire universe look like a quantum string by comparison. Sagume’s true form is that of a Divine Spirit, in the Touhou world, these are primordial, nameless entities that existed before even concepts, once being part of Everything before becoming separate via choosing a physical being to latch onto. Because of this Sagume’s true self is Omnipresent, and exists on the Absolute Plane, making it unable to be hit or effected by anything short of metafictional manipulation, as it is simply more Real than what she is fighting. Because Sagume’s physical form is now inseparably tied to this, it has essentially become an avatar. This means that so long as her Primordial form remains, she can regenerate her physical form from total annihilation, and duplicate it as many times as she wants.

Sagume’s physical form is that of a Half Lunarian, Half Amanojaku which was likely just her heritage before ascending to her current nature. Because of this she has many powers associated with both species, which combine together in interesting ways. Lunarians are pure beings who exist in a state separated from Life and Death, they cannot age or catch diseases and no longer require needs like food, water or oxygen to survive. This is because the Lunar Kingdom is an Artificial Pure Land where Time doesn’t exist, there are no seasons, days or nights, and everything in there is eternal and doesn’t decay. This also gives them massive stamina more impressive than any other youkai, senses that can detect life and death in beings, and intelligence enough to build the most advanced tech in all of Touhou. Lunarians are resistant to Probability Manipulation, due to having so much fortune that it cannot be reduced, and possess the mental fortitude to shrug off the effects of the True Moon, which was able to drive everyone on Earth completely Insane and can be fatal out of sheer madness. Sagume in particular can even resist Conceptual Manipulation, as her true form is in total control of her original name. Like Most Touhou characters, Sagume can fire a wide variety of Danmaku energy projectiles, hit and physically interact with Intangible entities, and despite only having one wing, is perfectly capable of flight. She can also Teleport, create Force Fields, travel to Other Dimensions, Drain Energy from others, and was able to Temporarily Freeze the entire Lunar Kingdom in Stasis while she dealt with Junko’s assault. However none of these are her most dangerous power, that comes from her Amanojaku side.

Amanojaku are twisted spirits of contradiction and perversity, they think and act contrarily, liking and disliking the opposite of what any normal being with common sense would, and possessing the power to turn anything on its head. But because Sagume is a Pure Goddess, she doesn’t think or act like this at all, instead, this power manifests in causing the world itself to move in opposition to her based on her words. When Sagume speaks about a particular situation or event, that situation will eventually proceed to reverse itself, through whatever means possible. If she speaks about an attempt to achieve a goal, it will fail in some way. If she speaks about something bad occurring, it will be resolved in some way. Every single state of things she speaks about will cause reality itself to change or prevent it, crises will all resolve themselves, Plans will all fail, and outcomes will all skew, as her voice is host to a power known as Causality Manipulation. Sagume’s causality changing voice is potent enough to effect events across the entire Touhou multiverse, and was even once used at the request of Yukari Yakumo to stop an all out battle of the most powerful characters in the verse, showing that not even characters like them can resist it, and it is able to accomplish things Yukari cannot. She can even impart her power onto a location itself to manipulate reality based on what anyone says. This made Lies into Truths, and brought every single Urban Legend that was spoken of into reality, including Turbo Granny, The Loch Ness Monster, Spontaneous Combustion, Kunekune, The M.I.B., and The Girl from The Gap. People could also utilize these legends to do things like boost their stats, control the elements, drive others insane, summon alien minions, and manipulate space. This was all part of Sagume’s plan to ensure The Lunar Kingdom would survive the assault from Junko. Should the rumor that NASA hid what they actually found on the moon spread, it would have transported The Lunar Kingdom atop Gensokyo. Sagume didn’t actually want to go through with that plan however, only setting it up as a last resort. When confronted by the Main Characters, she told them all about this, as she knew that in doing so it wouldn’t come to fruition, and the simplest way for her power to ensure that would be to make the main characters defeat Junko, thus rendering all her contingencies unnecessary. This does lead into the greatest drawback of her power..

This ability is passive, Sagume is not able to turn it off, and everything she says has the potential danger of altering reality in unpredictable ways. Because of this, Sagume tends not to talk much, only when necessary or when spoken too, and when she does, she is always extremely careful about her wording so as not to accidentally trigger her power. Also, As a Lunarian she is unable to see beings who are more pure than she is, plus, any muting abilities will take away her greatest weapon. Some Lunarians are also weak to impurity, things with Life or Death, which has led to the hilarious trait of them being terrified of the vastly weaker Fairies, due to them being made from Life Energy of Nature. Sagume however never shows this same fear, in fact being perfectly polite and reasonable to all those she meets and has even paid friendly social visits to Gensokyo multiple times after the fact.

Name: Sagume Kishin

Origin: Touhou Project

Classification: Lunarian Goddess, Half-Amanojaku

Powers and Abilities: Flight, Danmaku, Causality Manipulation, Reality Warping, Mid-Godly Regeneration, Absolute True Form, Duplication, Immortality, Can Survive in a Vacuum, Extrasensory Perception, Anti Intangibility, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Spacetime Manipulation, Stasis, Forcefields, Energy Draining, Stat Boosts, Sanity Manipulation, Simulation Summoning, Elemental Control, Mind Manipulation Resistance, Probability Manipulation Resistance, Sanity Manipulation Resistance, Conceptual Manipulation Resistance.

Weaknesses: Cannot Turn off her power, Muting, Pure Characters.

Destructive Capacity: Universal+

Range: Universal+

Speed: MFTL+ (Quadrillions); Omnipresent in true form

Durability: Universal+

Stamina: Massive

Intelligence: Godly (Comparable to Eirin, who can make medicines that remove the concept of Death from people, likely also millions of years old)


So how would she do in other verses?

In DC Comics, Sagume would be an incredible threat, with power comparable to the strongest JLA members, and while lacking speed physically compared to them, her omnipresent true form would assist her in keeping up. Given her power sorta makes the opposite of what she says occur, it’s likely the mages would think she is using some offshoot of Backwards Magic like Zatanna. Which makes her vs the Justice League Dark an interesting discussion, with her having superior power, but then having an extremely diverse arsenal. It could be very interesting having Constantine try and manipulate her into saying things that benefit them in this bout, as Sagume wouldn’t try and kill him without reason, given how much weaker he is. Zatanna could also certainly disrupt her game plan with abilities like muting and sealing, it would be a dangerous fight, but she’s shown to be clever enough to survive The Great Evil Beast before, so certainly doable. In terms of actually stopping her for good though, you would need a 5th Dimensional Imp or better to be able to target her true form, or you could get lucky with Crazy Jane.

In Marvel, Sagume’s physical stats would rank her as a skyfather level entity, superior to all but the strongest heroes on marvel Earth, and due to her primordial form, would occupy a niche similar to Nightmare, the master of dreams. Because Marvel is much less reliant on magic than DC, it seems as though they would struggle so much more to figure out she was the source of the changes to the events of the world. With her ability to impart the power of her voice onto an area she could easily cause massive untraceable chaos. Take for example, her doing this to Marvel New York City, any of J. Jonah Jamerson’s famous anti-Spider-Man propaganda pieces would create Evil versions of Spider-Man loose on the city, and so would any other rumor or conspiracy someone brings up. In an all out fight, Sagume could only be ‘defeated’ by powerful magic characters like Ghost Rider, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange or Doctor Doom, but none of them would be able to put her done for good, as Absolute Plane attacks are basically unheard of in Marvel, only possessed by vastly weaker characters like Deadpool, or some of the top tiers of Marvel like the celestials.

In the Clamp Multiverse, Sagume would be one of the top tier characters for certain, but there's actually a fairly large group of characters up there with comparable power to her, and while her speed is much more impressive, The Clamp characters do have comparable reaction speeds and passive spacetime warping to protect them from being blitzed. Sagume would greatly excel in a multiverse where Magic is in the mundane due to the very fact her voice packs the majority of her power, and her ability imbue her power onto others to bring their urban legends to life, or to open rifts to other dimensions to fully explore the multiverse would be extremely helpful in causing mischief throughout the verse. Her Causality Manipulation would even be able to effect Yuuko despite her timeless state, where as Yuuko likely wouldn’t be able to do that much against her, a large part of which being because Yuuko doesn’t know Sagume’s true name, and won’t be able to get any information out of her without Heavy amounts of manipulation. Though Sagume would likely rather just have tea with her, If she did become too much trouble there are things that could pose a threat to her. Sakura for instance would be able to shrug off all of her attacks thanks to her Hope card protecting her from Causality magic, and as her Clow Cards are the life energy of nature, like fairies, they would have some power over her, particularly the Western Magic cards, which uses the magic of the Sun as opposed to the Moon. And that's not even mentioning The Silent, which forcibly mutes the target, taking Sagume’s greatest weapon away. That said, Sagume’s Absolute true form still proves enough protection to prevent her from being destroyed for good.

In the Saint Seiya Series, Sagume would still remain quite the imposing figure. She's far above the likes of Silver Saints and could well compete with several weaker Gold Saints, but numerous of the more powerful Gold Saint Tier Characters manage to massively eclipse her in stats. But even if they were to say, One-shot her, Sagume can just come back, and could even duplicate herself to make an army of her if she wanted, essentially being a more broken version of the 8th sense. Sagume has a lot of powers to throw at them sure, but as anyone who has experience with Saints knows, it's rather hard to affect them, already having resistances to powers like Dimensional BFR, Insanity and Reality Warping, and can additionally gain resistance to new abilities after it is used on them once. However, that power would not work on Causality Manipulation, as it doesn’t target a saint, it changes the universe around the saint to create natural results, meaning this is potentially fatal, However even this could potentially be countered by The Power of Miracles.

I mean, Come on, she's a literal one-winged angel, I had to. That said, Even with the recent upgrades they received, Sagume would totally one-shot Sephiroth, and solo VII. In some of the Other Final Fantasy games however, she’d be more balanced. Sagume would fit best into Final Fantasy XIII or XIV, having stats even higher than Lightning Farron, and being able to compete with boss villains like Bhunivelze or The Cloud of Darkness. The Cloud of Darkness is a conceptual being that uses advanced Void manipulation powers to erase entire universes from existence, but because Sagume’s Divine Spirit body exists beyond concepts, she could interact with its true form and attack and potentially kill this monster before it managed to lay waste to its world. Even her physical form would be pretty well suited to stopping it thanks to her Purity protecting her from its corruption, and having the general inability to be BFR’d, she couldn't rely on her most Dangerous weapon though, thanks to its use of the Silent Materia, so would have to make due with her other powers.

While we are talking about Angels on the Moon, in Sailor Moon, Sagume would be comparable in power to the top tiers of the Stars arc, with speeds relevant to the Dream arc. Sagume, as an ancient defender of the Moon against all threats, and as someone who has no problem with the earth on top of that, would almost certainly ally herself with Usagi and her Senshi to protect it from the various Chaos Stars. And against them, Sagume would be extremely hard to stop. Sagume being able to manipulate causality, means not only can she resist Nehelenia’s curse technique, but use an even more potent version against any of them. Sagume can resist the Mind Manipulation of The Evil Eye, and even if reduced to a Star Seed, would still be able to just regenerate back, unaffected by any changes even Galaxia would try to make to her concept. Because there’s very little Absolute plane abilities in Sailor Moon, Sagume would be functionally as hard to permanently defeat as Sailor Chaos itself. And while it’s questionable if she could kill Chaos, she COULD use her power to delay her return indefinitely.

In the Billy and Mandy verse, Sagume’s nature would put her in a similar place to the various Deities like Eris, with her initially having the stat advantage over everyone, but them having the potential to surpass her via stat bolstering themselves. Sagume’s Causality Manipulation would certainly be a threat to the verse, but not that uncommon a threat, as monsters and gods being able to subtly manipulate the universe with their casual actions is pretty commonplace here, as seen in the ep, Chaos Theory. Her powers like Dimensional Travel, simulation summoning and reality warping would all be extremely helpful here, but are also not unusual powers for the verse. Funnily enough the thing that makes the Gods in the verse so hard to stop is them being Platonic Concepts in their true form, which Sagume likely couldn’t stop. But Sagume still does them one better by being an Absolute entity in true form, and given The only meta-fictional powers Grim, or any of the guards have shown is simply awareness of the 4th wall, they couldn’t attack her. One character however, CAN affect her true form, and that is Mandy, who was once able to straight up walk out of their cartoon world through the 4th wall, meaning she Can hit Sagume’s true form. Now obviously Mandy is not equipped normally to take on someone like Sagume in a fight, even her very impressive planetary mind control would not work as Sagume happens to have mind manipulation resistance exactly as strong. But the future Empress Mandy, established to be invincible in verse, certainly could! Who would win in that scenario would be difficult to say, as they could resist all of the other’s powers, but Mandy would be smart enough to find her true form, and could potentially beat her in a slugfest should she have the stat bolstering of Grim’s scythe.

And while we are talking about Gods, Why not Bring up the furthest possible series from Touhou, God of War! So I think an immediate comparison to draw here would be to the Fates, ancient angel-like beings who control the destiny of every being in the verse with their threads. Their Fate Manipulation and Sagume’s Causality Manipulation would be naturally clashing if these two were to be in the same universe so a fight would likely be inevitable. The Fates in God of War have a Tremendous speed advantage over Sagume, being well into the septillions of times light speed, however are not quite as raw powerful or durable. Sagume actually should be able to naturally resist the fate manipulation of the Fates, thanks to her own Causality manipulation, Absolute plane true self, and most of all, her Probability manipulation resistance, a trait that allowed another Lunarian, Yorihime, to defeat the vampire, Remilia Scarlet, despite her Also having potent Fate Manipulation. This is certainly something that would surprise the Fates, and I believe Sagume would be able to defeat them using her Various other powers and hax.

In the Animaniacs verse, Sagume would be essentially unmatched in terms of raw stats, with even the Warner’s Reality Warping feats like capturing the entire universe in a jar being just overpowered by her raw strength and speed. That being said, The Warner’s and other various cartoon characters like Slappy, have a massive grab bag of hax and abilities that would allow them to compete, including a slew of dangerous metafictional hax that would allow them to attack and potentially destroy her true form. The Warner’s likely would be able to resist her Causality Hax due to their ability to manipulate Metafictional time, and also funny enough because Yakko is amazing at getting people to say whatever he wants them too. They can also MK arch several other powers she has including manipulating reality, putting things into stasis, and duplicating themselves. I think if the Animaniacs Verse teamed up against Sagume she’d have little chance. But she also has the potential to one-shot people with her stats if she is super tactical about it.

Lastly let's discuss my Favorite verse, Skullgirls. The only real comparison to make here is between Sagume and the Goddess Trinity. The Goddess Trinity in some ways are like the Billy and Mandy gods here, being Platonic Concepts, and having infinite stats with their full power. While Sagume certainly has a more powerful Avatar than they do, she couldn’t hope to match the power of their true forms, which stretch across the infinite multiverse. Sagume has some great powers to use in battling these gods, like her ability to freeze them in stasis which isn’t technically space time manipulation, and they wouldn’t have resistance too. She could also use her Causality Manipulation to simply stop Skullgirls from occurring ever again, just by talking about how they always come back. She can also reach them with her dimensional travel, and hit them with her attacks. That being said, despite being conceptual beings, Venus and Aeon are both clearly able to see and affect the Absolute Plane, meaning they could easily and permanently kill her by destroying her true form if she's not careful.