Friday, July 15, 2022

Death Battle Prediction: Sadako VS Ai Enma


WARNING The Blog You Are About to Read is CURSED by the presence of Onryō, Turn Back Now or May God Have Mercy on Your Soul, You Have Been Warned…

Welcome everybody. Today we have a very special blog tackling two of the modern world's most dangerous Onryõ. Some were too terrified to explore this, but when one is a horror specialist, fear is the furthest thing from a deterrent! Sadako Yamamura, the All Powerful Living Onryõ from Ring, and Ai Enma, the dreadful Hell Correspondent from Hell Girl! These two persecuted girls with piercing gazes have been punishing the people of Japan, unchallenged for decades, but today that all changes, as they turn their tools of terror on each other!



Sadako Yamamura was born the daughter of a powerful Ocean Onryō and the psychic Seer woman, Shizuko Yamamura. This unique parentage granted young Sadako incredible natural psychic and Onryō powers from birth that were unheard of in the modern age. Shortly after her birth, Sadako’s mother Shizuko was discovered by a man named Dr. Ikuma, who sought to prove the existence of Psychic abilities with her aid.

The two gained notoriety when she managed to correctly predict the eruption of Mt. Minara Volcano, and eventually lead to them becoming romantically involved, and Ikuma becoming Sadako’s father. Before long Dr. Ikuma had organized a whole public display of Shizuko’s psychic abilities to members of the press. They would each draw symbols in sealed envelopes, and she would draw the exact same symbol live on stage only for it to be correct each time.

However, one of the press members accused her of being a fake, using cheap tricks to give the illusion she had powers. This caused the rest of the crowd to rally behind him making a massive scene while Sadako watched from behind the curtain.

Overwhelmed with frustration and distress, Sadako accidentally unlocked her own psychic abilities, accidentally causing the accuser to suffer a fatal heart attack on the spot.

Naturally the press release was a disaster, tabloids speculated Shizuko was the cause of this, calling her an evil witch, eventually driving her to throw herself into the very volcano she predicted would erupt. Afterward, Sadako and Dr. Ikuma moved to a secluded area outside of Izu. Devastated by the death of her mother she felt she had caused, Sadako used a great deal of her psychic power to separate herself from the vast majority of her power.

This created 2 Sadako’s, The Light Side, or Sadako’s human half, which contained all her memories, reason and personality, and The Dark Side, or her Onryō half, which contained all her raw power, instinct and aggression. Due to being Extremely Dangerous, Dr. Ikuma locked the dark side away, drugging it to inhibit its own power, while the light side of Sadako was allowed to go to school and have a normal life.

In school Sadako was a quiet and kind girl, who wanted to make friends and take part in the arts, joining her school's Drama Club, and trying out for their next play. Unfortunately unbeknownst to her, Sadako’s Dark Side had an innate desire to protect the Light one, and without a moral compass, would occasionally escape and remove anyone who was an obstacle to Sadako getting the starring role.

Eventually, the deaths caused pandemonium and led to Sadako being blamed. In a frenzy, Sadako ended up being attacked and beaten to death by an angry mob while wearing her dress for the play. After this, the mob also learned of Sadako’s Dark Side and Drove to Dr. Ikuma’s house intending to destroy it as well.

However, they made the crucial mistake of bringing the good Sadako’s body with them. Sadako’s dark half resurrected the light half and forcibly merged back together with her becoming whole again, mixing the minds of the tortured vengeful dark side and the innocent victomized light side.

With her repressed power now unrestricted, Sadako went on a rampage and quickly slew the entire attacking mob in self defense before breaking down in tears at the horror.

Unable to bear the destruction and death his daughter caused, Dr. Ikuma poisoned and attacked Sadako with a knife, throwing her body down the well in their backyard before sealing it shut, deeming her a tragic sacrifice so that no one else had to die. There was one giant problem with the plan however…

Sadako wasn’t dead. It was here Sadako remained for decades, kept alive by her own Onryō powers, she tried to climb out of the well hundreds of thousands of times, breaking off every one of her fingernails in her futile attempts of escape. She wanted desperately for someone, anyone, somewhere to come and save her, but no one ever did.

Betrayed, forgotten, and left with no other option, Sadako gave into her Onryō side and separated her soul from her dying body, sealing it in an alternate dimension. This made Sadako into a full Onryō but different from conventional ones. Sadako’s soul is still living and exists in her own dimension, rather than being a dead spirit residing and drawing power from the Demonic Abyss. This essentially made Sadako a Living Onryō, who had a very unique powerset to other Onryō of her series.

As a Living Onryō, Sadako is a much more malevolent force wanting to take vengeance on the world and make it accept the horrors that it causes. One day when a boy left a VHS tape recording on a station playing only static, Sadako sent visuals into the tape, creating her infamous Cursed Video.

This videotape's contents are a series of cryptic images that tell Sadako’s tragic life story in an artistic and disturbing manner. Upon watching this video, its viewer becomes marked by Sadako curse, and exactly 7 days later...

They would Die. The only way to avoid Death after watching the video would be to assist Sadako by showing the video to more people, who then in turn would have to do the same thing, and it would continue in a never ending….Ring.

Over the years, Sadako has grown much, Much more powerful to the point that now in her world Onryō’s are now both a common knowledge fact and scientific study that is taught in school. Humans have developed Anti-Onryō weaponry and even tried using other Onryō’s to fight her, but Sadako always emerged victorious in the end.

One time she chased characters into the Demonic Abyss thanks to our main characters using technology to get there, where Sadako was sealed there by the Bunshinsaba. This however turned out to be a very stupid plan as she ended up absorbing the essence of the Demonic Abyss and gaining access to base Onryō powers she didn't previously possess.

But even that pales in comparison to the time she defeated Bunshin’s Yokai form by absorbing the soul of a previous Emperor to become part Demon. Sadako is a very interesting horror villain, but when one comes to understand what she truly is, you see just how terrifying she can be.

Sadako was once a gentle, compassionate and intelligent girl who enjoyed swimming, spirituality, and numerous artistic pursuits, especially acting. She was often very shy or scared around people, given how her equal but opposite other half had all the abrasiveness. But she was quick to trust and form attachments with anyone when they did approach her. But after being persecuted, betrayed by her father and trapped down a well for decades, leaving her forgotten, she became much more angry and cynical at the world's cruelty. Sadako made her cursed tape partly to take vengeance on the world that forgot her, but that actually isn’t her main goal. Sadako simply wants her story to be known, for the world to recognize what it did to her, to never to be forgotten again. This is why the only way to avoid death after seeing her story is to help her show it to More people, and also why she will often assist those marked in solving that riddle. She has a strict code that everyone has a choice to spread her story or die, with death only serving as a negative reinforcement to obey her will and given she is the most famous villain in Japanese Horror, she must be doing something right. Sadako does not tolerate those that mess with her artistic messaging she has Killed those that try to use her tape as a murder weapon against others, and refuses to let those who did not spread her story escape. People who have tried to avoid Sadako killing them through Suicide or selling their soul to other Onryō, as being killed by an Onryō like Sadako dooms the soul to go to Hell. But these efforts only succeeded in Making Sadako instantly show up and kill them and anyone who gets in her way.

Ai Enma:

Over 400 years ago, in a small mountain village during Japan’s Azuchi-Momoyama Period lived a young girl named Ai Shibata. Ai was a good natured but often mysterious and soft spoken girl, and that mysterious nature led the other members of the village to be distrustful and hateful towards Ai, believing her to be some sort of evil witch girl and making up rumors about her using evil spells.

Ai’s only friends were her parents and her young cousin Sentarou Shibata. Sentarou would always stand up for Ai against the constant bullying and persecution even at the cost of being physically abused by these same people who superstitiously believed Ai’s very existence was bad for the village.

This village practiced a dark custom called the Seven Sending, an Ancient Japanese Harvest Ritual that takes place every 7 years. This involved a human sacrifice of a 7 year old girl to be a bride of the local Mountain Kami, in order to bring prosperity for their village.

And naturally, the village collectively chose Ai to be this sacrifice, as they said, for the good of the village, but it was clearly because every single one of them hated her and were quick to take the excuse to get rid of her.

That Night, Ai was dressed up and matched before the cold unsympathetic village in accordance with the ritual. She would be locked inside the mountain shrine building, never to emerge again, where she would eventually die of thirst or starvation alone.

However, those that actually cared about Ai, her parents and Sentarou, had a different plan, one to save their beloved Ai from this cruelty, every night Sentarou would make the long trek up the mountain and bring Ai supplies that she needed to survive.

This went on for several years, Sentarou spending all his nights at the temple with Ai keeping her company, singing and talking. Sentarou was Ai’s only human contact and source of companionship as she went through puberty and became a young woman.

Unfortunately, around the same time, the village was coincidentally going through a drought which devastated much of their crops, leading the residents there to wonder and grow suspicious as to why their sacrifice did not work.

One night, members of the village secretly followed Sentarou up the mountain and discovered them. Despite their efforts, the villagers brutally captured the both of them for their treachery and sacrilege. 

For the suffering the villagers felt they brought them, Ai and her parents were set to be sacrificed in a last attempt to appease the mountain kami and bring their crops back.

Sentarou watched as his family members were beaten, and tossed bound and still breathing into a mass grave unable to stand what happened. But the worst part for him is the villagers asked that he help them bury the traitors to appease his own sins in the Mountain Kami’s eyes.

After grueling breaking down of his emotions and threats, Sentarou weakly gave in and cast the first shovel full of dirt as Ai watched. Ai could live with being outcasted, persecuted, killed by her own village, but it was this, seeing the person she loved and trusted more than anyone in this world, the last thing she had, betray her, was what drove her over the edge.

As Ai was buried alive by the village, the hard dirt carelessly cast over her body while Sentarou ran in terror abandoning her to her fate, she cursed the village, cursed the world with her everlasting vengeance.

That night, under the dark moonlight, the spirit of Ai Shibata returned from the grave as a powerful Onryō, a dark spirit of intense rage and vengeance, intent on fully fulfilling her promise.

Using her dark powers, Ai burned down the entire village as she happily danced and sang the village’s sacrificial song in spiteful Irony, the painful screams of every single man woman and child in the hateful place filling the night sky as not a single human other than Sentarou managed to escape Ai’s massacre.

This massacre was so intense that it gained the attention of Hell itself. After her night of salting the Earth with her tormentors blood, Ai was pulled into the underworld where she met a terrifying Spider entity known as The Master of Hell, who as punishment for her actions avenging her Grudge damned her to be a spirit wandering the Earth, who will one day fall into the depths of Hell.

However, the Master of Hell also offered Ai a deal, and offered Ai a position in his court, helping mortals carry out their grudges in a more controlled manner known as Hell Correspondence. In exchange for Ai’s help in this task, he would Spare her Parents’ souls from Hell and send them to Heaven, something which Ai agreed to.

With that, Ai took the new name, Ai Enma, Enma meaning judge of the dead, and was granted the use of Powers from The Master of Hell. Thus Ai Enma became the first of a new Grudge fulfilling servant known as the Jigoku Shoujo, more commonly called The Hell Girl. 

As the Hell Girl, Ai has sealed away most of her own emotions and serves as essentially an assassin for Hire through the Hell Correspondence system. Over the years, Hell Correspondence has taken the forms of letters, newspaper columns and most recently a website, but it always works the same. If you are a person with vengeance in your heart, at exactly midnight you can access Hell Correspondence and type in the name of someone you want to send to Hell. 

Once done, Ai Enma will appear and give you a straw doll with a scarlet thread on its neck, if you pull the scarlet threat, Ai will instantly kill that person and send them straight to hell, however, pulling the string also marks ones soul, meaning the user of Hell Correspondence will also go to Hell when they eventually die themself.

However that hasn’t stopped literally hundreds of people from using it in the past, Ai Enma is the ultimate anti-villain of the world, essentially being a weapon anyone can use to damn someone to Hell without pity or remorse. Ai breaking character and showing emotion or refusing to take someone she's assigned to Hell will result in The Master of Hell taking her power away and pulling her to hell in their place. While the majority of those sent to Hell through Hell Correspondence are monsters who deserved it, many more have been innocent people victimized by the wicked, it has even caused whole towns to banish people left and right in mass hysteria once they understood the power of Ai Enma.

Ai Enma was always a rather strange and mysterious girl, who often bottles up her own emotions to not let people see the real her, even her servants often don’t know how she's really feeling or what some of her actions mean. The Betrayal that she was dealt at the hands of Sentarou has left her closed off to the world, unwilling to let others into her heart so as not to allow anyone else to inflict the same pain on her. Because of that Ai tends to come off as cold and emotionless, taking up the role of a dark figure that reaps vengeance without mercy as a mask to guise her pain, but it isn’t the true her. Deep down Ai is suffering and hates seeing others suffer the way she does, this makes it easier for her to carry out vengeance on the wicked, yes, but every innocent person she has sent to hell has weighed heavily on her as she hopelessly tries to redeem herself. However Ai’s emotions have bleed to the surface a few times, such as how she went crazy with revenge upon meeting Sentarou’s servants, or the time she spared a boy from the wrath of Hell because she felt his story reflected her own. These both resulted in her being stripped of her position by The Master of Hell, but Ai didn’t care, as she clearly does not fear him and refuses to let people tell her what to do at any cost. And Hey, she always seems to get her position back anyway, because No Onryō in the world could compare to Ai Enma.

Intellect & Skills:


Sadako is an extremely talented and skilled Nensha user who is highly adaptable and quick to learn new abilities. When faced with numerous new problems like entering into the Demonic Abyss or encountering Anti-Onryō weaponry, they generally only worked against her a single time as she’ll always have figured out a way to combat come next time. While Sadako likes to perform artistic forms of Death on people, when up against someone on equal footing to her she puts that aside and goes all out, attacking seemingly like an animal, but actually being rather strategic. She hits from numerous unexpected angles and takes great advantage of her esoteric abilities. Yet despite that, Sadako does not unnecessarily risk herself, fighting her opponents completely remotely unless she is sure they don’t pose a threat. Outside of Tactics such as those, Sadako is raw-intelligent enough to be able to completely rewrite both technological and even genetic code, and outwit even the smartest telepaths of the series. She could easily keep up with the Bunshinsaba in a literal supernatural arms race, and was immediately able to gain a mastery of the various Demonic Powers she acquired.

Ai Enma:

Ai has been a spirit for over 4 centuries and has racked up a lot of experience and wisdom over that time. Ai is especially skilled at reading someone and gaining a full understanding of their character, instantly figuring out their secrets and what makes them tick. In Two Mirrors she was able to correctly tell that a man was about to go out and try and kill someone, based solely on his facial expression. She also can be rather manipulative, and was nearly able to convince Tsugumi into damning both her loving father and herself to hell in less than an hour. Ai also seems to have some degree of clairvoyant knowledge on many people she interacts with through the use of her powers. Ai Enma has a lot of experience interacting with other ghosts and spirits and swaying them into her way of thinking, taking several of them on as her servants over the centuries.



Sadako draws the vast majority of her powers from a natural Psychic Energy called Nensha. Nensha is the power of the mind, an energy fueled by emotion and mental refinement which Sadako inherited from her parentage, and it allows her to do all sorts of mind-bending things with merely a thought. After being trapped in the well, Nensha also allowed Sadako to separate her soul from her dying body to become a Living Onryō, and while this denied her access to a lot of normal Onryō powers, after spending time in the Demonic Abyss she eventually gained access to several spiritual and demonic powers as well. Sadako’s current powers include:

  • Image Burning:

Her most famous power is her ability to mentally burn images into people’s minds. Sadako used this to create all the images on her cursed videotape. It can also be used to make people experience illusions, hallucinations and even let Sadako enter into their very dreams. She can use this to create mental projections of herself or those they know and trust, or even trap someone's mind in visions of their past.

  • Mental-Plane Attacks: 

Sadako can Directly attack people's mental bodies in visions and flashbacks. Attacking someone's Mental body does damage to their physical body, disregarding their own durability. Touching Sadako on the mental plain leaves burn marks on their actual person.

  • Imprintment:

Sadako can Imprint small samples of her power on to the living when it suits her. She used this to make it so people cause her cursed tape to play on any Televisions they are near. However those she imprints upon are often not able to control it.

  • Dimensional Creation:

When Sadako’s physical body Died, she actually created her own Dimension for her Disembodied, yet still living, Soul to reside in. This Dimension houses a warped and abandoned copy of Izu Oshima, an entire Japanese Island off the coast of Honshu. Sadako can pull people into this dimension which houses her true self, or remotely effect the world from it with her abilities.

  • True Self:

Sadako’s true self is a disembodied soul residing here and the master of this dimension. As a soul, this True Sadako is intangible and cannot be normally interacted with, yet must remain in this dimension to continue living as technically she isn't a ghost. Despite hiding away here most of the time, Sadako’s True Self is far more powerful than any of her avatars. 

She was able to effortlessly overpower Akane Ayukawa, a psychic who was powerful enough to straight up disintegrate her normal Avatars with her mind.

  • Immortality:

As a disembodied soul living in another dimension, Sadako has transcendental immortality. She can not die naturally and would need specific hax in order to be slain. Sadako, even from this alternate dimension, can still affect the physical world with her powers, the most famous way being to create physical avatars of herself to directly send there. These Avatars are full extensions of Sadako, and thus possess all of her abilities, and share a connection to Sadako. Should an Avatar absorb more power from a foe, Sadako’s actual power will rise in tandem through this, however should an Avatar be destroyed, Sadako’s true self will Not be affected. Sadako’s Avatars have been impaled, beaten into a pulp and even shattered to pieces, yet not only does it not affect her True Self, but they will just keep on coming.

  • Dimensional Portals:

Sadako is able to create massive portals to her own dimension through screens, water, mirrors, glass, paintings, photos and more. Essentially any reflective surface is something Sadako can treat as a doorway to travel through. She Can send Physical Avatars of herself out of these portals to attack her foes, and while these physical avatars can appear much larger than herself when going through a large screen, she's also shown the ability to send full sized Avatars out of screens as small as cell phones.

  • Duplication:

Speaking of the Avatar’s again, Sadako isn’t limited to creating only one at a time. She is able to create entire armies of these things simultaneously and even send them into multiple different places at once.

This means Sadako effectively has some ridiculous self duplication powers which have essentially made her Omnipresent around reflective surfaces.

  • Technopathy:

Another thing that Sadako is famous for is her ability to control technology. This is partially how she was able to create her cursed tape, by sending images through Television Static. This Videotape can call to people, tempting them to watch it, and can be remotely controlled to rewind, play and inject itself on its own. But Sadako’s technological powers go far beyond that, as she is now able to make her video pop up on any screen in order to target those she is after.

Sadako can control and manipulate video, radio, phones, electricity, machinery and even photographs with mere thoughts. She can cause these things to explode or electrocute people, placing them in constant danger and even hack into a person's computer and upload herself right to them.

  • Heart Attack Inducement:

Sadako can remotely kill people with her curse by making them suffer massive Heart Attacks even when they are not around technology.

  • Death Hax:

Sadako is also able to inflict a horrific instant death to her victims by simply staring into their eyes, causing their face to contort in horrifying agony as their soul is forced out. However, this ability does not work on other undead.

  • Self Sustenance:

Sadako is able to use Nensha alone to sustain her body for long periods of time, this gives her insane stamina able to stay awake unmoving for days on end and even allowed her to keep herself alive at the bottom of a well for 30 years with no food.

  • Hydrokinesis:

Sadako can control water with her mind, she's able to turn it into portals for use as an access point, move it around telekinetically, or absorb/inject energy to make it freeze or boil. Through this she can burn people with intense steam or freeze them in place.

  • Weather Manipulation:

Sadako can quickly create and control weather, ranging from manipulating gusts of wind to creating A Massive Typhoon. Sadako’s weather manipulation was powerful enough to create a hurricane that covered the entire 35 square mile island of Oshima for over a day, canceling all boat and air traffic in the area.

  • Entomopathy:

Sadako can also control massive amounts of insects including moths, cicadas, and locusts and use them to create insect constructs and even portals.

  • Clairvoyance:

Sadako inherited all of her mother's same psychic abilities for herself. This Gives Sadako numerous extra sensory abilities including Total Awareness of the Environment. Sadako can sense the presence of other spirits and yokai, Telepathically communicate with others, Read People's Minds and even See into the Past & Future giving her Precognition. In short, it is basically impossible to take her by surprise.

  • Insanity Inducement:

The Very Sight of one of Sadako’s Avatars warps normal people's perception. With its mere presence, Sadako can drive those that witness her to complete Madness and Delusion, even if they are not her intended target.

  • Mind Control:

Sadako has powerful Mind Control abilities which she can use remotely to take over peoples minds even from her alternate dimension and force them to kill themselves and others with inhuman strength. Her mental control can even affect high level psychics and multiple people at once.

  • Possession:

Sadako can also take over the bodies of people, temporarily transforming them into an extension of her.

  • Telekinesis:

Sadako has powerful telekinesis that allows her to manipulate objects and people with her mind. This was strong enough to reflect back attacks from The Bunshinsaba, a yokai that matched her in strength multiple times. She can throw things massive distances, lift heavy objects, make things explode with thought and even straight up Force-Choke people.

  • Virus Manipulation:

Sadako was able to create multiple types of Viruses collectively known as The Ring Virus. These Viruses base themselves off diseases like smallpox and tuberculosis and are extremely fatal. The Ring Virus could initially infect anyone who viewed Sadako’s tape, but later mutated itself to do things like infect people who merely read or know about her. It could also infect people through physical contact, or even infect animals.

  • DNA Manipulation:

Her Biological power isn’t just limited to viruses though. She can also do all sorts of things to mess with someone's DNA and genetic code. Mutating someone's body, imprinting her own genetic code into her videos and even causing people to become pregnant.

This also gives Sadako somewhat of a reincarnation ability as so long as she has access to someone's DNA, she can recreate them from the dead complete with all their memories and personality, herself included.


  • Flight:

Sadako’s Avatar is able to levitate and fly around at incredibly high velocities and silently through the air like a gust of wind.

  • Teleportation:

Sadako and her avatars can also Teleport around wide distances, Other Onryō were capable of teleporting to the other side of the planet, like Kayako, who once was able to teleport from Japan to the United States instantly to kill someone that Called the Grudge House. Logically, as the most powerful Onryō, Sadako should have a similar range with her powers.

  • Invisibility:

Sadako can also be completely invisible, only able to be detected when viewed through a lense of some kind like a screen of glass object.

  • Size Manipulation:

Sadako can increase her size to giant proportions, easily reaching the height of buildings and vastly increasing her strength. It also allows her to unleash numerous smaller avatars of herself from her body as a projectile attack.

  • Hair manipulation:

When Sadako needs to get physical, her hair is her primary weapon. She is able to grow and extend her hair in a large variety of attacks as if they were tentacles. Her hair can manifest itself around her victims, pull things into her television dimension, physically grab intangible ghosts, and even drain things of their energy.

  • Soul Manipulation:

Sadako has the ability to grab, destroy or even absorb souls. Absorbing Souls makes Sadako even stronger, how much so depends on the age and authority of the person it was from. When Sadako absorbed the soul of a long dead Emperor, she gained a massive boost in power and became part Demon.

  • Higher Planear Absorption/Exuding:

Souls are not the only thing Sadako can mess around with, she can also interact with, absorb and exude things on more abstract plains as well. She was able to interact with the Spiritual plain, absorbing the power of fellow Onryō, Kayako and the Yokai, Bunshin, as well as absorbing the energy of the spiritual Demonic Abyss Dimension. Sadako can also absorb functions of Consciousness such as emotion or experiences. She was able to copy the subconscious of numerous people, and lower level psychics have feats like taking in all of someone's fear. The Ring series establishes that having a higher level of psychic power allows one to replicate or resist the techniques of those below you.

  • Energy Manipulation:

On top of that, Sadako has some really potent feats of Energy manipulation. In the above picture Sadako gets shot by a gun designed to separate her from her demonic abyss energy and weaken her, this worked earlier in the movie but after she learned to immediately pull it back in. Sadako has been Sealed and trapped in a machine that drains away a spirit's energy until it ceases to be, yet she was able to overload and burn through it to escape. Sadako later even combated with an energy draining Melee weapon and immediately broke it with a simple snap.

  • Necromorphs:

Sadako can summon Necromorphs to fight on her behalf, Necromorphs are the bodies of previous victims, mutated into inhuman undead monsters. These creatures have Keen senses, superhuman athleticism and can turn into swarms of insects.

  • Demonic Abyss:

The Demonic Abyss is an evil dimension where vengeful spirits go to after death and draw power from. While Sadako initially didn’t have access to it due to never technically dying, after spending time in the Demonic Abyss, Sadako gained the ability to use it to trap her foes forever in the terrifying limbo world from which they will never escape.

Ai Enma: 

As the Hell Girl, Ai Enma was gifted a large slew of dark magical powers by the Master of Hell to use to torture damned souls and ferry them off to the underworld. Ai’s power is drawn directly from this being and uses Hell Energy to perform her spells. So long as she has the Master of Hell’s favor she can basically do whatever she wants with them. Ai’s arsenal of tricks includes:

  • Spatial Manipulation:

Ai has repeatedly shown off incredible spatial manipulation abilities that allow her to warp herself and others to different locations at will. She is able to create large portals that can be passed through or used to redirect attacks, or cut through anything via manipulating the space holding someone together.

Ai is capable of teleporting herself or her allies in an instant, and fading into and out of existence. Her position as Hell Girl allows her to be instantly summoned anywhere in Japan giving her at least country level range with her teleportation.

Her spatial powers have even allowed her to perform some pretty messed up techniques such as force reversal, where she can spatially swap the positions of two foes to cause the attacker to receive the force of their own attack. One time she even used her spatial powers to turn a man's face into an empty void.

  • Dimensional Travel/Manipulation:

Ai can take her powers to an even further degree with her Dimensional Manipulation. Ai Enma lives inside of her own mysterious spatial dimension known as The Realm of Eternal Twilight, which exists at the halfway point between Hell and Earth. Ai can dimensionally travel from here, to Earth, or to Hell and back in any conceivable way, and also bring others along with her. Ai has been able to both create portals to these dimensions, as well as literally warp the dimension around someone, allowing her a variety of options to BFR people. One time she even send a girl into “The Inner Hell inside of oneself” meaning she was able to place her into a mental plane dimension, with just a point of her finger.

  • Illusions:

One of Ai’s most commonly used abilities are her Illusions, which she tends to bust out every time she sends someone to Hell. She is able to show victims terrifying nightmare scenarios, those they knew in life or even realistic glimpses into the deaths of Hell that cannot be distinguished from reality even by other psychics.

Victims who are trapped in her illusions remain locked in a catatonic trance as they suffer an out of body experience that is totally separate from what is occurring to them physically, leaving them a helpless sitting duck.

Ai’s illusions are able to affect all 5 of her victims senses, not just able to create sights and sounds but also force her victim to experience real pain and make them truly believe they are being set on fire or drowning or something despite their body being unscaved.

  • Banishment:

Obviously, The Hell Girls most iconic ability is to Banish foes to Hell. When banishing someone, Ai produces dozens of Flower Projectiles from her kimono which quickly surround her doomed foe. Once done induce death upon her target and instantly reduce their physical body to nothingness. Ai’s flowers can cover a whole Waterfall clearing and hit multiple beings at once.

Once this is done, it also hits their Soul and forcibly spirits it away to Hell into Ai’s awaiting Ferry, killing the living body and sealing their astral form forever. It is an advanced form of soul manipulation that no being in the verse has been able to resist, including the Psychic Hell Boy who had escaped Hell once when killed normally.

  • Invisibility:

Like a true Ghost, Ai is able to make herself completely invisible and can be rather selective with how said invisibility works. She can make it so she can only be seen by certain individuals but invisible to everyone else, and cannot be picked up by cameras or mirrors. The only beings that could detect Ai without her approval were other Psychic entities.

  • Intangibility:

Despite being tangible as a default, Ai has also displayed the ability to turn completely intangible at a moments notice to allow her to travel through solid objects and phase through attacks.

  • Flight:

And naturally to complete the Danny Phantom trifecta of base ghost powers, Ai can also levitate and fly through any environment without restriction.

  • Image Burning:

As a classic Onryō, Ai is able to burn images into peoples minds and use it to give someone visions, dreams and messages. She does this consistently with Tsugumi in the first season.

  • Psychic Perception:

Ai very clearly has some kind of high level clairvoyant senses to flawlessly keep track of all the people she's working with at all times. This once allowed her to both see and project the exact circumstances of a woman’s death, in order to find out who murdered her and where her body was. Similarly Ai gained knowledge of the full backstory of another Onryō named Nina upon meeting her for the first time. 

She was able to see and hear everything Tsugumi was doing for an entire night while spying on her from another dimension, and her own physical senses were good enough to tell that a boy in his room was still awake and singing to himself, while she was standing on a roof across the street where no sound could be heard by anyone else. Ai also has Precognition that allowed her to glimpse the future of one of her former clients to see that soon he too would be banished to hell and the exact circumstances of how.

That said her awareness is not perfect and Ai has been tricked or deceived by humans in the past, particularly by those she did not have dealings of some kind with. But she could easily mitigate that with the slightest preptime.

  • Mental Manipulation:

But Mental Awareness isn’t the only mind power Ai is packing. Ai also has abilities such as Telepathy and Mind Reading Seems. She was able to read the true feelings of a manipulative sociopath and cause her illusions to throw them back in her face, and can communicate directly with people's minds.

Beyond this is Ai’s Mind Control, which she once used to simply utter the word Pi to a teacher and forced him to recite Pi…..All of It…Forever. Her mind control can also be used to change people's memories. Ai often has her 3 servants go undercover to gain knowledge about those involved in Hell Correspondence. She gives people false memories so that when her servants take on disguised roles, people they talk to seem to know them and remember them being there previously. Similarly when her assistant’s jobs are done, said people immediately completely forget their existence.

  • Telekinesis:

Another common mental power that she has access to is telekinesis, the ability to psychically move objects with her mind. AI’s is precise enough to control numerous wires and objects around herself and use them as projectiles and binding tools, and powerful enough to smash apart an enormous metal machine that was designed to counter her powers.

  • Technopathy:

Ai can manipulate and control technology, and was casually able to cause an entire hospital to lose power, take over a live television broadcast, and delete all the photos of her companions a girl took of them on her phone with merely a thought. She has multiple times taken over devices and has made it so her website is only accessible at midnight.

  • Possession:

Ai once Possessed a girl’s body and functioned as The Hell Girl for half of a season from inside of her. An important note is that the girl she possessed later turned out to also be a Ghost, so technically Possession works on Physical AND Astral entities.

  • Perception Manipulation:

Ai was able to show Yuzuki the entire future of a man all the way up to his death weeks later all at once. Weeks went by by Yuzuki’s perception but in reality barely any time had passed at all.

  • Stasis:

Ai can also casually induce full body paralysis on someone, freezing them in place before her. She kept Yuzuki like this for the length of an entire episode and Yuzuki was helpless to do anything the entire time.

  • Dark Energy Manipulation:

As the Hell Girl, Ai can generate and control Hell Energy at her whim. These Dark Energy attacks can be fired as projectiles and used in sweeping, whip-like melee attacks. They are powerful enough to knock back other ghost entities and can kill people in only a single shot. Ai can manipulate this in any conceivable way.

  • Fire Manipulation:

Before she gained access to the Hell Girl Position however, Ai’s main form of attack was Pyrokinesis and oh boy did she maintain it. She can summon Fire at will to set literally anything including entire buildings a blaze with a glance, and also forge it into fireball projectiles that explode on contact like a true badass.

  • Water Manipulation:

But speaking of elemental powers, Ai’s Hydrokinesis is surprisingly OP in its own right. Ai was able to create a large amount of Geysers of boiling water which was so hot they not only could boil people to death but it actually burned away a woman's entire outfit simply by being near it. She has flooded an entire Spa with her boiling water, and once even filled a man's soul with Astral Plain water until it Exploded.

  • Plant Manipulation:

Ai is able to create and control plant life and use it for devastating attacks and defenses. She has shown to be able to spawn giant plant creatures to consume people alive, or manipulate the surrounding terrain. She was once able to curse a woman by magically spawning poisonous spider lilies inside of her body to destroy her insides like this is Yu Yu Hakusho or something.

  • Time Manipulation:

Ai is able to see into and travel through time. She has taken herself and others to past events to find out what happened in certain situations to attain a target for one's vengeance. Ai has projected the past, present, and future to learn about, spy on, and anticipate her opponents respectively.

  • Immersion:

All that said, my personal favorite power of Ai’s is her immersion. Ai’s immersion abilities are incredible as it allows her to enter into, or exit out from media forms. She has appeared in Mirrors, Puddles, Windows, Picture frames, and even a magazine cover with her entire crew of servants, and is still able to move through each of these mediums.

Ai is able to pull people into these strange dimensions to trap or attack them there, and can even take control of any existing images of herself, such as when she forced a painting of herself an artist made to cry.

Ai can Digitize people into technology such as computers or televisions with little more than a glance. In Three Vessels she even turned everything into a live action paper puppet show to attack a Mangaka using art supplies to change around his body.

  • Transmutation:

One of the most underrated Hax that Ai has in her toolkit is Transmutation, or the ability to transform things into other things. Ai has shown to be able to transmutate people into animals, dolls and even petrify them into stone with merely a thought. However the real reason this power is so broken is it doesn’t just work physically, but Astrally, as showcased by her ability to permanently do this to someone’s soul.

  • Summons:

Ai can summon an incredibly diverse number of beings to her side in order to fight or further torture her foe, this even includes phantoms of the past victims that her target tormented in their life, as well as demonic arms that hold people down an objects like swords that stab through them from every direction.

Ai has summoned armies of skeleton warriors that wield swords and shoot fire, the literal demon dog Cerberus, and even an enormous amount of caterpillars WITHIN a woman's body to tear her apart from the inside.

  • Resurrection:

Ai Enma has shown some ability to resurrect the dead, in the end of Two Mirrors she was able to return the boy Takuma from Hell, and similarly can make victims of her target come back and kill them for her. In Three Vessels she was able to restore her own existence as well after being resurrected and killed.

  • Sealing Resistance:

Attempts have been made to seal Ai Enma in Hell multiple times throughout the series by not only normal human Psychic’s but at the end of the first season even the literal Master of Hell Himself tried it, and Ai was always able to resist it and leave Hell with her own power. 

  • Size Manipulation:

Ai can increase her own size to literal Kaiju proportions and take down entire Skyscrapers herself. Similarly she was also able to shrink a man down to the size of an insect, meaning she can fully manipulate the size of herself and others.

  • Biological Manipulation:

A lesser used, but honestly incredibly sick power is Ai’s Biological manipulation. She Made a dude get pregnant with an alien baby that burst through his chest, and later was able to torture and kill a person by literally psychically Deleteing their organs from their body one by one.

  • Spiritual Manipulation:

Lastly, Ai has spiritual manipulation, or the ability to interact with and manipulate things on the spiritual plane. She communicated with the spirit of a specific samurai sword that had been used to commit acts of terror in the past, and turned it into a humanoid form on the spiritual level. The Spiritual plane is the source of one's life energy, impact on the world and spirit of what they stand for.




  • In her own world, where all Onryō legends are real, Sadako was considered the most powerful Onryō of all, even before gaining base Onryō powers.

  • Ms. Hoyru, a powerful medium, described Sadako as an absolute darkness that continues forever and the most powerful and terrifying spirit she had ever encountered.

  • Is strong enough to physically tear people apart, flatten skulls and break necks in horrendous ways.

  • Ripped Kayako appart, an Onryō who can shake entire apartments with her power.

  • Tanked attacks from Kayako.

  • Can endure Bunshin’s powerful telekinetic attacks.

  • Has been Blasted through walls.

  • Had hundreds of tons of rubble fall on top of her without slowing down.

  • Can lift full grown men into the air with one arm.

  • Can shake entire buildings with her strikes.

  • Impaled a girl through a chandelier on the ceiling.


  • Ran a good 10 feet faster than the eye could track.

  • Kept Pace with Kayako, who is superhumanly quick.

  • Her and other Onryō are fast enough to fight without humans being able to see them.

  • When she pulled Bunshin into a painting, the two were depicted quickly fighting across an entire mountain range, which would require largely hypersonic speeds.

  • Was fast enough to disappear from Bunshin’s sight, who could also fly at hypersonic speeds.


  • Escaped being sealed and trapped in a device that would drain off her spiritual energy until she died.

  • Is Easily the most Powerful Onryō in her entire series.

  • Quickly Slew an entire squad of people armed with guns while she was still alive.

  • Slayed an Absorbed Kayako, the main villain of The Grudge.

  • Has routinely bested the best spiritual psychics in the world.

Ai Enma: 


  • Violently Blasted a massive hole through a Temple making a large building sized explosion with one of her Fire Blasts.

  • Casually sank an entire mansion into the Earth.

  • Scales past her own servants who can stop a speeding truck with their bare hands.

  • Is superior to Nina, whose own Onryō powers were enough to generate a thick layer of fog one couldn't drive through over a whole forest, and project an illusion of an entire abandoned sanitarium to seem like it was still functioning.

  • She was able to blast away a Large carriage cart with one shot.

  • Another Hell Girl, Michiru, completely destroyed an entire town at once with just one fire attack.

  • Tanked a Lightning Strike.

  • Could no-sell her own boiling water which was so hot it incinerated a woman's entire outfit just by being near it.

  • Flat out tanked the psychic power of a kid, who was far superior to her own servants, telekinetically slamming her into everything across the room repeatedly.


  • Rapidly flew to the other side of a mountain while dragging all 3 of her servants.

  • Can repeatedly outpace speeding cars and trucks.

  • She was once able to say her whole long ass finishing line and send someone to Hell while they were both falling roughly 20 meters, ending it before they hit the ground.

  • Another Hell Girl named Michiru completely destroyed an entire town rapidly in a fire attack and flew across it in seconds.


  • She apparently CAN get exhausted yet still killed and ferried nearly the entire population of a town when they went into mass hysteria and started banishing people left and right for over a week.

  • Defeated another Hell Girl after relinquishing her own Hell Girl Position.

  • Has avoided death at the hands of The Master of Hell on 3 separate occasions.



Weaknesses are something Sadako has tried to eliminate from herself for a long time, but ultimately no one is totally devoid of them if one looks hard enough. Sadako has shown weakness against a few things, including Sealing, a tool that has allowed weaker entities like the Bunshinsaba to score wins against her in the past. Sadako can only travel through dimensions she was able to get a toehold into through some methods, such as when she was only able to get into The Demonic Abyss when her targets went there through technology, and couldn’t get there previously. Sadako is vulnerable to having her Nensha energy disrupted by use of Anti-Onryō weaponry, and is not formally trained in combat, tending to wildly strike like a savage animal if drawn into a scrap. Also, while Sadako’s extra-dimensional defense is extremely broken, It can be nullified if Sadako is simply resurrected back to life.

Ai Enma:

Despite being an undead ghostly entity Ai has shown on more than one occasion being susceptible to Exhaustion, and while she has good feats of overall stamina the fact is if a fight goes on for too long a period of time the fatigue will catch up to her. Despite her massive length of time being the Hell Girl, Ai does not actually have that huge an amount of combat experience fighting other supernatural entities, and has been successfully decieved before by clever foes including humans. Her abilities to see the future and detect her surroundings clearly have limits that allow things like that to happen. Also, Ai loses the majority of her powers if resurrected from the dead, to the point that near the end of Two Mirrors she was able to be beaten to death by a group of normal humans, and took more than half a season to come back from it.




  • Has Multiple Potential Oneshot Hax.

  • Significantly Greater Defense.

  • Duplication Options.

  • Higher Sensory Abilities.

  • Superior Energy Abilities.

  • Extremely Adaptable.

  • Doesn’t Rely on Power from an Outside source.


  • Could Be Killed by a Hax if not careful.

  • Could Get Resurrected or attacked through Time.

  • Would Have Trouble Keeping up in Dimension Hopping.

Ai Enma:


  • Physically Stronger.

  • Has Higher Speed.

  • Has Numerous Potential Oneshot Hax.

  • Has Been Hell Girl for 400 Years.

  • Sealing Abilities.

  • Can Move Through Time.

  • Better Means of Spatial Manipulation.


  • Could Be Killed by a Hax if not careful.

  • Needs to get through Sadako’s defenses somehow.

  • Has a more limited pool of energy from The Lord of Hell.


The Moon shone Brightly on a dark silent evening. Alone in a room lit only by the faint glow of a computer screen, a young Japanese woman typed frantically on its keyboard. As the time changed from 11:59 to Midnight, the screen suddenly went black before a graphic of igniting fire led her to a new webpage. The Layout of the page was very simple, saying Hell Correspondence in bright red letters at the top, and having a bar to type in names. The Girl thought back to that strange tape her friends dared her to watch, the many twisted and disturbing images, the voice that called her right after, and told her she only has 7 days left to live. It was midnight now….today was the Seventh. Quickly the girl typed one name into the bar, Yamamura, Sadako, and with a click of the mouse hit Send.

“you summoned me. my name is Ai.” The Girl heard behind her and instantly jumped out of her seat in shock as she found a short young school girl with long black hair, piercing red eyes and a dark sailor uniform standing behind her. 

“You are..Hell Girl?” she asked meekly as she rose to her knees. Ai didn’t respond and instead held a black straw doll with a red string tied around its neck out to the girl. “this is for you, if you truly seek revenge, pull the scarlet thread from its neck. in doing so you will enter into a covenant with me, I will ferry your tormentor straight into the depths of Hell.” Ai said as the girl took hold of the doll from her hand. “however, when the time comes you must pay the price. all curses come home to roost, if you pull the thread, when you die your soul will go to hell as well. you will never know the joys of Heaven. you will be thrown screaming onto unimaginable pain and suffering which has no end. but that's only after you die of course.” Ai recited her well practiced sales pitch coldly without any emotion whatsoever, the entire time watching the girl for her reactions.

The woman stared at the doll gripped tightly in her hands with intention. “There isn’t much of a choice to make, if I don’t pull it, today that demon is going to kill me, and all those who are killed by an Onryō go to Hell anyway right? The way I see it, I’m screwed either way, but at least this way I can still live a good 60 or so years before I go there.” She said, her mind firmly made up.

Suddenly the computer she was working at abruptly turned to static, causing her to turn around in fear to stare at the screen. Without warning a large eruption of hair shot out from the screen and violently collided with the Hell Girl, launching her across the room until she smashed through a bookcase at the wall. The threads of hair then shot back and wrapped around the woman's neck, choking her as she began being lifted off the ground by the strong follicles. To her horror she watched as a pale hand shot out from the computer screen and gripped the desk it sat on, the illumination of the static showing it had no fingernails, and instead blistering scars in their place. Tears flowed from her eyes as the lack of oxygen was beginning to make her dizzy, she saw a second arm, and then the head of a terrifying girl coming out from the computer, the very sight of it was enough to make her start cackling in sheer Madness as she flailed in a panic. She looked over to Ai, who didn’t seem to actually be hurt, but simply hadn’t bothered to get up from where she laid, indifferent to what was happening. Then she remembered the doll! With barely the strength left to hold it, she reached over and in one fluid motion, pulled the thread from the doll's neck as she began to black out. The doll suddenly flew from her hand and vanished into thin air, the last thing the woman heard before her neck was crushed, “Your Grievance, Shall Be Avenged.”

Sadako loosened her hair from the girl's neck as her corpse fell unceremoniously to the floor. The Moment she landed however, a powerful shockwave was generated to her right, causing Sadako to turn and see Ai Enma, the Hell Girl on her feet. She now wore a sapphire blue kimono covered in flowers, and generated an immense dark Aura as she stared at Sadako with piercing, glowing red eyes. Sadako’s own Aura was immense as well as she stood tall, defiant at this entity that dared to challenge her pain. An Eerie silence seemed to fall upon the entire world as these two slowly walked the perimeter of the room in a circle, eyes locked, sizing each other up not just physically, but by their levels of energy.


In an instant, Sadako’s hair shot outwards and enveloped the younger girl in a large black cocoon before Sadako pulled her in close. However, when the hair unwove Sadako found herself not looking into the face of the girl from before, but instead the solemn face of her father, Heihachiro Ikuma. Ikuma looked into Sadako’s misshapen eyes, “My child, look what you’ve become, they were all right about you” he said in cold, broken apathy. 

Sadako hissed and tossed the apparition aside, it seemed to disappear into the wall before impacting as suddenly dozens of people, those Sadako had punished into the past, started piling into the room. “Witch…Demon…Freak…Monster..” they chanted as Sadako looked around in all directions, underneath her curtain of dark hair, her gaze narrowed in rage.

With a burst of Nensha energy from her body, streams of cracks filled the room and every being inside of it as the illusion shattered to pieces around Sadako. In Reality, Ai became stunned when the still spirit suddenly blasted her away with a shockwave, and then turned to face her direction yet again, this was not going to be so easy.

In an instant Sadako faded into invisibility as Ai stood back up. Cautiously, Ai stepped around the dark apartment, calling on her senses to track down her query, but she could detect no sound or energy from Sadako’s soul. As Ai stepped over her former client's corpse to her desk, suddenly two cold nailless hands shot out from the computer monitor and grabbed onto the Hell Girl’s ankle, violently dragging her inside the device.

Sadako slammed Ai’s form onto the Start Menu and pounced on top of her, she began slamming her arms down on Ai clawing at her like a rabid tiger as she roared and snarled. Ai quickly blasted the onryō off herself with a powerful wave of dark energy and with a wave of her hand pulled all the Desktop Icons down towards Sadako as projectiles. Thinking quickly, Sadako used her own telekinesis to pull the Trash Bin into her hands and caught all the programs inside. With a quick teleport, Sadako appeared in front of Ai and slammed the metal can over her head, and with a blast of her Nensha, launched Ai through the side of the monitor and into a nearby wall painting, with Sadako following in hot pursuit. The two spirits jumped from painting to painting around the room, each one displaying a different portrait of their battle as they viciously attacked each other before finally ending on Ai blasting Sadako with an enormous amount of Dark Energy into the television in the room’s center. Abruptly the TV turned on displaying Sadako standing in front of a large crowd of people, her feet sinking into some kind of mat. “And welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Sumo Grand Tournment’s Final Match” she heard the announcer say as suddenly an incredibly large man hit her like a train and launched her tiny body off screen. The TV suddenly went to static before returning showing Ai Enma standing in the middle of a wooden bridge, on both sides stood an army of Samurai warriors. “BONSAI” The forces screamed as they charged over the bridge at high speeds reaching Ai in no time swinging their Wakizashi at her. Right before they hit, the TV went to static yet again and came back displaying Sadako standing in the middle of a street as sirens blared and people ran all around her in panic. As Sadako glanced around she heard one of them yell, “RUN, IT’S GOJIRA!!” Sadako followed his pointing arm to see an enormous creature towering over the buildings. It roared and emitted an enormous stream of blue energy right at Sadako. Sadako teleported out of the TV back into the room at the last second, and stared at Ai’s face in front of a background of TV Static on the screen in front of her. With nothing but a look, Sadako caused the TV to violently explode, as the last light source was destroyed and the room fell into total darkness. Sadako stood there in the silence, trying to sense the location of her foe in the room around her.

“Kagome, kagome~ ……….” Sadako heard echo from across the apartment.

“Who is Standing Behind You Now?” Ai sang as she materialized behind the specter. At speeds the human eye could not perceive, Sadako turned around and launched her hair out at Ai, but right before it grabbed her, Sadako’s entire body, hair and all, suddenly froze in place.

Ai looked curiously at the frozen ghost before her, before reaching out and laying her hands upon her outstretched hair. “you demon, I will see burn in Hell” Suddenly Sadako’s hair ignited in a fierce blaze of flame, burning the ghost to a crisp. Ai’s fire shot outward blasting a massive hole through the side of the entire apartment building and erupting out into the city blocks below as all the buildings and vehicles turned into a fiery inferno. Geysers of boiling liquid erupted from the roads until the city began to resemble Hades itself, with Ai flying above it searching for where her target lay.

Thunder cracked loudly, breaking the silence of the night before a bolt of lightning shot straight from the sky and struck the Hell girl, throwing her off balance. Ai looked up to the sky to see clouds rapidly forming into a massive typhoon over the city. Before long, water spewed out from the storm soaking everything with turrets of cold liquid, extinguishing the fires and leaving all for miles a ruined ash covered wasteland. Ai glanced around, trying to pinpoint where this insane energy was originating but was having trouble finding anything in the storm. As she glanced she noticed something peculiar about the raindrops, they seemed to each display an image of a Well inside.

Suddenly, strands of jet black hair shot out from dozens of raindrops surrounding Ai’s form and wrapped tightly around her limbs and torso. Ai struggled against the bindings as fully sized specters of the being she was fighting began horrifically pulling themselves out of the tiny orbs of water and climbed onto her, pulling her down. Another bolt of lightning struck Ai in the chest, causing her to plummet to the ground and land on the soaked pavement, while the various Sadako’s dogpiled on top of the spirit. Ai looked up to see more and more Sadako’s emerging all around her, from puddles of water across the blocks, the sight was uncanny, unsettling and terrifying to the very core. Ai’s thoughts started to fill with visions of her foes' past, she saw a young girl in white being beaten to death by an angry mob of people.

“enough.” Ai proclaimed in a burst of power that launched the clones off of her. With a cold stare from Ai’s deep red eyes every Sadako in the area suddenly became petrified to stone, and shattered away into the rubble on the ground.

Ai wandered forward into a large puddle before her as the thunderous rain poured around her. “what kind of creature are you?” she asked in what seemed like curiosity. In response the water from the puddle shot up around Ai, combining with rain water from overtop which quickly froze and encased the Hell Spirit in a large sheet of ice. Sadako emerged out through the ice before turning around to meet the cold expressionless gaze of her captured foe. From inside the ice, Ai’s brow dipped downward into an angered expression as the ice containing her cracked away. Ai’s arm shot out and grabbed Sadako by the neck, lifting her off the ground with one hand. 

“there is no use struggling, your fate is already sealed.” Ai stated as Sadako suddenly began shrinking down in size until she was only the size of a straw doll. Ai crushed the creature in her hand without hesitation, and used her power to turn all of the water around her into steam. Suddenly, Ai gripped her head in another vision, this time of that same girl being hit over the head by her beloved father and thrown down into a well. 

Ai awoke from the vision like one does when falling in a dream, only to gaze upon an even more terrifying site, as on the glass making up the entire side of a skyscraper, an enormous Sadako stepped out onto the city. Her large bare foot left a crater the size of a dumptruck as she let out a thunderous roar.

In irritation, Ai too grew to kaiju like proportions, meeting the height of her adversary, the two wicked Onyrō towering over the land they haunted. Sadako grabbed the roof of the building she emerged from and tossed it at Ai like a disk. Ai promptly phased through it as it crashed into the streets below. Ai tried blasting the giant with Dark Energy, but it simply was deflected away by a telekinetic barrier. The enormous Sadako hovered towards Ai at impressive speeds, opening its dress and unleashing dozens of regular sized Sadako avatars flying out towards Ai as well. With a step forward Ai created a whole forest of man sized venus fly traps which shot forward and began eating the various Sadako Avatars as the two titanic Onryō clashed. The two’s hands collided in strikes that shattered the glass of every building around them, forming a Yin-Yang as the green ghost in white and the red ghost in black pushed against each other with all their might.

Growing tired of this game, Ai spawned Hawthorn plants inside Sadako’s giant body, causing thorned spikes to pierce out from every part of her being. Suddenly all the black hair draped over her foes face fell away, and Ai watched as the figure brought its head up to look at her with an all too familiar face.

“S-Sentarou?” Ai said seeing the face of her long dead cousin gazing deep into her eyes in disappointment. He glanced around at the ruined city, before looking her in the face again.

“You know Ai, I’m beginning to think our village was right about you after all” 

……seconds felt like an eternity, as the calm expression of Ai melted into one of rage as she became surrounded in a sharp dark purple Aura that burned away the giant Sadako’s arms, pushing her away. From all around them, Sadako’s necromorphs surrounded the area ready to die to defend their master, when suddenly Ai raised her hand to the sky. With her magic the environment around them began to fade away and be replaced by that of the River Sanzu at the gates of Hell. Skeletal Arms shot up from the waters below grabbing the Necromorphs and the Giant Sadako and pulling them down into the waters while they were unable to resist.

“This is Vengeance, I consign this grievance to Hell” Ai said as she vanished from this realm.


Ai reappeared in The Realm of Eternal Twilight, the scarlet sky casting long shadows over the grassy fields and her home. She had sent her foe to Hell as she was told to but for some reason she could feel as though her job was not yet complete.

“Are you feeling alright, Ai?” called an old woman from behind the wall in her main room. Ai looked solemnly, “I’m not sure Grandma.” Ai suddenly glanced to the side as her computer turned on by itself and displayed television static. Suddenly a ghostly arm shot through and gripped the floor mat below the ground. Thinking quickly, Ai used her telekinesis to launch the computer from her home and into the pond outside, causing it to violently short circuit. 

“stay here Grandma” Ai said as she levitated outside. The Pond Ai used to cleanse herself glowed brightly and took on the image of the cold misshapen eye of her foe, and many more Sadako’s started popping out from beneath the water, approaching Ai’s home. In a cold fury, Ai waved her hand and caused water to swell up inside of the Sadako’s and they began popping like water balloons, bursting into the pond before fading away into dust. Suddenly Ai’s vision became lost and she found herself back at her old village, her memory of the night she burned everyone to the ground. Around the burning homes stood Sadako, she approached from every home around her. At blinding speeds, one of the Sadako’s ran up and smacked Ai across the face, causing Ai to cry out as a black hand shaped burn mark sat on her face where the blow struck. In retaliation Ai set the Sadako on fire, and soon looked around and did the same to the Sadako’s around her but it had no effect as they dogpiled on top of her clawing and grabbing, leaving more burns with every touch.

In desperation, Ai reached out and grabbed the lead Sadako before slipping into the personal Hell inside of her to escape the mental illusion. Ai entered into the realm known as the Demonic Abyss, a dark, evil dimension of hatred and unresolved grievances, in other words….Hell Energy. The flow of it around Ai’s body caused her burning mental scars to shrink as she looked into the blackness of Sadako’s soul. Here Ai could feel the pain dealt to all Sadako’s victims over the decades, how she attacked, and where she was hiding…

Back in Ai’s home dimensions, the Sadako’s from the pond had captured Ai’s body while her mind was trapped when suddenly it shot back to life with an enormous burst of energy that knocked the Avatar’s backwards as Ai took to the air yet again. The Sadako’s shot their hair out at Ai like a sea of tendrils but before they reached her, they suddenly stopped, and retracted. Time itself began rapidly flowing backwards as Ai Enma searched for her opening.

I’m screwed either way, but at least this way I can still live a good 60 or so years before I go there.” She said, her mind firmly made up. Suddenly the computer she was working at abruptly turned to static, causing her to turn around in fear to stare at the screen. Without warning a large eruption of hair shot out from the screen and violently collided with the Hell Girl, launching her across the room until she smashed through a bookcase at the wall. The threads of hair then shot back and wrapped around the woman's neck, choking her as she began being lifted off the ground. 

Suddenly a second Ai burst onto the scene from the future and, with a surge of Hell Energy, vaporized the Sadako from the screen as her client fell to the ground catching her breath. Ai reached her hand out sending a wave of Telekinesis into the Well like world displayed on the monitor it had come from and in seconds another Sadako was ripped out from there by the force. This Sadako was different from the rest, she wore green slippers, her dress wasn't in tatters and her face was unhidden by her hair, a normal looking girl by all means. In confusion, Sadako raised her head to look at Ai, before suddenly being grabbed by numerous ghostly arms from the floor, holding her down as Ai floated above.

“oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness, …..bringing torment and pain to others, …..oh damned soul wallowing in your sin…..”

Sadako’s eyes widened as she met Ai’s intense gaze.

“Perhaps, it is time to Die.”

With a wave of Ai’s hand flowers flew towards Sadako’s true self and they were both taken to Hell.


On the River Sadako was held down to a boat by numerous monstrous arms as Ai steered it into the fog-covered Gate of Hell. Sadako raised her head to look at Ai’s eyes inquisitively as Ai gazed back at hers, curious as to what her foe had to say for herself.

‘....You Are Lost..’ she said calmly.

Ai was momentarily puzzled by the statement, but that quickly gave way into shock when before her eyes the borders of a dimension began spawning out from Sadako’s soul and expanding over the area at a rapid pace. The River, the arms, the boat and the Gates of Hell all disappeared as Sadako’s dimension was generated around the two. Ai prepared to retaliate but suddenly gripped her head as she was overwhelmed with feeling. She saw that girl who fell in the well, the one she now recognized as Sadako, she screamed and cried for help down there, yet no one ever came. Sadako levitated back to her feet as she calmly approached the Hell Spirit.

“ and I are the same…but your scope is limited.”

Ai saw Sadako try to climb the walls of the well and fail countless times, and an unimaginable amount of times, decades of trying and failing to reach a careless world experienced in only seconds cause tears to flow down Ai’s cheeks.

‘Vengeance is pointless, one of the most basic feelings, and solves nothing’

Sadako said as she kneeled down in front of Ai who met her gaze, only to see her eyes turn red.

“I…am this World's Recompense.”

And with that, Sadako grabbed Ai with her hair and began draining her away at a spiritual level, into Sadako’s body. Ai let out a banshee like wail as everything that composed her became one with Sadako until her form whittled away down to nothing but a smolder in the grass. From the Eerie Silence of her realm, Sadako again rose to her feet. “This world must become better, not worse, and we will see that it understands that.”



Well I Hope you’re satisfied with the Nightmare Fuel I provided.

This Battle had a LOT of things to consider in a lot of interesting ways. Natural for two absolute Hax Goddesses for their tiers, they had insane amounts of versatility and plenty of tools that could have allowed either one of them to oneshot the other, but in the end Sadako was just better at covering her bases and that was enough to secure her victory. So let's start with the tale of the take. Sadako’s avatars are capable of shaking buildings and temples with their physical strikes, and flying rapidly across a mountain range, while on the other side Ai was powerful enough to Blast apart or Sink large buildings into the ground, and rapidly fly over mountains while carrying her 3 servants. While this is close enough that the two should be able to compete with each other, it's clear that Ai does slightly edge the Avatars out in stats. The True Sadako was a different story however. While Ai’s Hell energy has proven superior to Onryō such as Nina and Michiru who could coat entire forests in fog or level whole towns with Pyrokinesis, Sadako’s Nensha has shown capable of creating massive Hurricanes and dimensions the size of Islands, which would be over 1 Million times more powerful. Similarly, in terms of Secondary stats, Sadako rather dominated. Ai Enma has shown the capacity to become exhausted simply by sending too many people to Hell in a short time period, while Sadako’s Nensha allowed her to persist without food for 3 decades before she even became an Onryō. Ai may be able to instantly travel anywhere in Japan to attack but Sadako can do so from anywhere on Earth. While Ai is centuries older than her, Sadako was a lot more Clever going by feats, and has had to think her way out of much more damning situations and actually had experience fighting against Foes that posed legitimate danger to her before. And while both of them had equivalent stealth based abilities, Sadako has super senses that would easily let her see through Ai’s attempts at hiding, while Ai’s own perception powers just would not have been good enough to do the same, as shown by how far less powerful psychic humans have taken her by surprise before.

These are things that matter as a deciding factor when comparing a close matchup for sure, but to get into the real meat and potatoes of this discussion, let's talk powers. So obviously, one of the first things to look at is Sadako’s DC Comics God levels of Defense, she's an intangible soul, sealed inside of an alternate dimension, interacting with the world through Avatars. Could Ai manage to get around this? Let me tell you the answer is…..Possibly. After pouring over Ai’s entire power list, I found 4 potential methods that Ai could get around this defense, however every single one of them does entail giving Ai generous benefit of the doubt. 

So First we have the Direct Approach, Ai senses Sadako’s true soul in an alternate dimension, goes there and destroys it. Now the last part of that plan is perfectly doable, Ai can hit intangibles and has several Hax that can affect them like Transmutation, but the first two are more dicey. Ai’s dimensional travel has only allowed her free travel between Earth, Hell and The Realm of Eternal Twilight, all 3 of which she is specifically connected to through her job. She has never shown the ability to travel to a dimension besides these three, despite other ones like Heaven existing, so assuming she can just travel to ANY Dimension is more up in the air. Additionally, Ai has enhanced perception but she's far from all knowing, she was able to spy on Tsugumi from another dimension and glimpse into the future but she has still been taken by surprise before, and has never used her perception to gain knowledge on someone she's never interacted with, making it a stretch she could sense Sadako’s souls location.

The Second Plan would be to use Time Travel to go back to before Sadako left her body and had these defenses in place, and then kill her. The main problem with this plan is of all the times Ai has used time manipulation, neither she nor any of her passengers have been able to alter or effect things there. The Timeline in the Hell Girl series seems to be set in stone and unable to be changed by Ai’s actions, and technically it’s entirely possible she's merely projecting an illusion of the past rather than time traveling, which therefore makes this option unhelpful. Not to mention, even if Ai did this, she likely wouldn’t be able to surprise Sadako, who has precognition strong enough to see an attack from the future coming.

The Third Plan would be for Ai to use her resurrection abilities to restore Sadako to life, thus bringing her back to Earth, and then Killing her. This is an interesting one, Ai has resurrected people besides herself from the Dead before, such as Takuma at the end of Two Mirrors. However every single time she did this was by using a Soul that she had access to at the time and she has not shown capable of just pulling anyone from beyond the grave to her location, something she probably could have done with her parents if she did.

The Final Plan is the most desperate but likely has the highest chance of working. Sadako sends her Avatars to attack people through Doorways from her dimension that she opens through reflective surfaces. Since Ai has advanced Immersion abilities, it is entirely possible that she could just rush into one of these doorways while an Avatar is coming through it and force her way into Sadako’s dimension. This one doesn’t require us to give Ai the benefit of the doubt on her abilities, Ai definitely could do this if given the opportunity, but Sadako has fought other characters like The Bunshinsaba who have similar Immersion powers, the two of them even getting into a flat out Immersion fight, but she was not able to enter Sadako’s Dimension, meaning it's quite possible Sadako can Stop Entities from Doing This.

But hey, I’m a fair man so let's assume one or even all of these plans would totally work, and Ai could either enter Sadako’s dimension to fight her soul, or bring the Living Sadako, who still has all of her Onryō powers by the way, before her, Who actually would Win the fight? 

So a great deal of the powers these two characters have would instantly be rendered ineffective due to the simple fact that they are fighting another Undead. Sadako couldn’t simply Death Hax Ai or induce a Heart Attack to win, nor could Ai screw with her Biology or Drain her life energy, and neither could rely on Intangibility for defense. Similarly both Ai and Sadako had one shot abilities that should allow them to destroy the other. That being said, more often then not Sadako countered basically anything Ai could throw her way while Ai struggled to keep up. For example, The Ring series established that powerful Nensha users can outright resist the abilities of those with less Nensha. This means that all the abilities Sadako has are also things she has a similar amount of Resistance too, which in tandem means that a great deal of Ai’s powers including Possession, Mind Manipulation, Soul/Spiritual Manipulation, Illusions and Paralysis, were all things that She could more or less shrug off. On the flip side, there's no evidence to suggest any of these things wouldn’t work on Ai, who hasn’t shown resistance to any hax’s other than sealing before. But Ai does have powers such as her Astral Transmutation ability which would be more than capable of simply turning Sadako’s soul to stone and being done with it, it doesn’t technically matter if one character has more win conditions than the other so long as both have a win condition of similar ease right? Well yes sometimes that is the case, but if you have a large arsenal of weapons, where only a couple would work but you have no idea which ones going in, while the other person has a similar arsenal where Most of them would work, statistically they are going to win the quickdraw far more times. And Sadako too had some absolutely devastating abilities like how her Hair can absorb ghostly entities on the spiritual level, something that would Completely Destroy Ai and prevent her from regenerating, and would be a far more obvious power to bust out.

But what about Ai’s main ability, Banishing a soul to Hell, Sadako is weak to sealing abilities right? This is true but Sadako has only been demonically sealed using the powerful Charmed Ofuda by the equally powerful Yokai the Bunshinsaba, and still was able to break out of her sealments eventually. Comparatively Hell is NOT nearly as potent a sealing as that, with Ai herself and other characters having escaped it before. Sadako could escape Hell by doing something like making a portal in the Sanzu river's water, or even generating a new dimension around herself and going back to earth through that. Not to mention that Sadako could possibly absorb the energy of Hell to gain some of Ai’s exclusive abilities like resurrection to completely De-Power Ai.

So Now I want to take a moment to address some other potential arguments I have anticipated.

-Couldn’t Ai say ‘two can play at this game’ and Fight Sadako remotely from her dimension, The Realm of Eternal Twilight? Sadako does have limited dimensional travel, and was only able to get a Toe-Hold into the Demonic Abyss after humans used Technology to interact with it. This means it’s unlikely that Sadako can enter this dimension unless Ai were using technology to interact with Earth

…..Oh Right. Yeah with Sadako’s superior Senses and a clear access point prominent in Ai’s home like that she could definitely get into the RoET.

-But Ai can summon entire armies of demonic minions? Sadako can similarly summon an army of Necromorphs, which should be more than capable of keeping pace with those.

-Since Ai can time travel and Sadako can’t, couldn’t she just hide in the past and have it end in a stalemate? Considering the only real way these two would fight is if Sadako was her target in Hell Correspondence, Ai doesn’t have that option, she MUST deliver Sadako to Hell or she’d die anyway.

-The Ring series establishes that being an Older spirit makes you even stronger than younger ones, so shouldn’t the 400 year old Ai be far superior to Sadako who was born in the 1960s by the Verses logic? That isn’t how verse equalization works, BUT even going with that logic, Sadako has always been treated as a standout exception to that rule due to her strong heritage, and additionally, artificially increased her own age in her war against the Bunshinsaba by absorbing the soul of a Emperor from over 1000 years ago.

Beyond ALL of that stuff however is a big difference between these two, and that was their personalities. Ai may try to act emotionless most of the time, but it’s clear the circumstances of her horrific death still haunt her to this day. Ai has tried to kill those not even remotely responsible for her death, and refused to send someone who was persecuted and betrayed like she was to Hell despite the fact that both scenarios meant going to Hell herself. Against Sadako, who was ALSO persecuted and betrayed, the chances are Ai may just relinquish her attack and be taken down by The Master of Hell. On the other hand, Sadako has never shown the same kind of Hesitation, even against Bunshin who, like Ai, was sacrificed and buried alive as part of an ancient Japanese ritual. And again this is all ignoring that most of the time, Ai is going to be fighting Avatar’s of Sadako, tiring herself out while not making any real progress at beating her, or Sadako could make an entire army of Avatar’s at once and……yeah Ai is NOT beating that. So this was one spooky contest, but in the end, Sadako proved herself the Definitive Queen of the Onryō, she sent Ai Enma to the Rings of Hell.

The Winner is Sadako Yamamura.

I’d like to dedicate this blog to my good friend and fellow blogger, Imperator100. Imp is the greatest Vs Debater I know and the one who originally thought of this honestly Mind Bendingly awesome Horror match, but didn’t want to tackle it personally despite really wanting to see it. Seeing as today is a very special day for Imp I wanted to take it on myself and bring it to life in a way I think both of us could be proud of. Happy Birthday Imp!


  1. I am absolutely flattered Thor. I remember when I realized the idea for this matchup and how incredibly thematic it was, wondering why it wasn't the default matchup for both characters. Despite this you showed it was even more thematic then I thought. I am beyond happy with the results.

    I can't imagine anyone doing this blog better than you. Your talent for incredibly thorough work, imaginative ideas, perfect synchroncity of visuals and audio, and talent at capturing the horrific, sometimes oddly goofy, often painfully compelling, and occassionally bizarre out there world of horror all came perfectly together to pitch the two strongest Onryo I know off, two absolute hax legends against each other, capturing the tones of both. Despite this, it's also a relatively unique blog for you, which despite it's action is a quieter, more watery type blog, filled with brilliantly integrated psychological and spiritiual scene dips that truly made it feel like a Sadako vs AI VS movie. I loved the imagery of Sadako turning the Sanzu into one of her reflective surfaces, and the ending was beautifully evocative. It's as you said in the conclusion; Ai for her apparent coldness, is secretly suffering and truthfully wouldn't want to kill Sadako, while Sadako is relentless in her victimized psychology.

    Your conclusion was very well thought-out! If I had any suggestions for improvement, it's that a few points you used in your conclusion didn't feel introduced in the character analysis, such as Ai being unable to alter the past. Not that it really changed the post-fight. The post-fight has your characteristic talent for thoroughness, you really laid out how while Ai has a small advantage in power and speed, she wouldn't against true Sadako, Sadako has the advantage in every other stat if only by a small amount, and furthermore hax is more important for a fight like this then stats.

    Thank you very much for your wonderful birthday present and your compliment. I will continue to strive to be as impressive as you seem to find me, and I hope you know at the same time I find your blogs one of my chief inspirations, to try and have more spirit, to try and be more entertaining, to analyze from every angle rather then my usual conservative scaling. I hope you had at least a little fun watching Hell Girl, a character who's nostalgic for me.

  2. Amazing blog Thor! I’m so glad you decided to do a Death Battle prediction for Sadako, because she is arguably my favorite of your horror analysis blogs. It was pretty interesting learning about Ai Enma as well. It was kinda interesting to see the commonalities in their respective series, whether it’s their similar backstories of being unfairly demonized by people right down to similar feats such as a mountain related speed feats. One thing I really like about both characters is that both adapt Onryõ into how they would be in modern context, having powers related to control of technology for instance. But their mindset differences is one of things that really drive home what makes this matchup so good, pitting a being of vengeance with some inner pain vs a being who has a drive to have her suffering remembered. I think you showed that pretty well with the final confrontation in the battle where Sadako basically saw herself as more righteous in her philosophy.

    I think the set-up for the battle was really well done, having a basically doomed woman call upon Ai Enma for a last hurrah. It felt suitably creepy and set up the tone for the coming fight. The fight itself is crazy. You really took immersion powers to the extreme in that one scene in ways I hadn’t expected including attacking with desktop icons and bringing in Godzilla briefly. And in general I think you laid out all of their powers pretty well in the battle in ways that seemed organic, while at the same time feeling as scary as the characters they represent. The music choices are great as usual and set the tone and the pace of the battle well I feel. Also, it felt appropriate to mention both Danny Phantom and Yu yu Hakusho at some point which you did lol. The conclusion you came to seems pretty sound, and I particularly like your in depth explanation of how Ai could reach Sadako’s dimension and why each method might not work.

    So overall, very good write up and I look forward to your next blog.

  3. Ah, I'm late to the party but it's kinda cool that things worked out this way, because this blog is the perfect thing to get me in the mood for Halloween next month! As one horror fan to another, I tip my hat to you! No tricks, this was a pure Japanese horror treat! I've seen you blog on Sadako before and matching her against Ai was a grand idea, kudos to Imp (and happy belated birthday!). Two of the coolest onryou ever dreamt up, this crossover definitely needed to happen.

    While I was already pretty familiar with Sadako, hearing you tell her sad tale once more still hit me right in the chest. It was no surprise that Ai had a similarly tragic background given her nature, but it did surprise me how hopelessly alone she ended up along the way to her current occupation. I never thought I'd say this about such scary characters, but I really wanna just give 'em both a hug! You did a terrific job summarizing what they're all about, something that would shine through in your characterization of them during the fight itself, and man, I can only imagine how much you had to go over with a fine-toothed comb to be able to list each and every one of their abilities no matter how infrequently or frequently they were used. Take a bow dude! Excellent use of gifs and images too; having visuals really helped amp up the spooky factor! And speaking of that, listening to the songs you had accompanying each section in a dark room lit only by my monitor (reminiscent of how the fight starts out!) definitely gave me the creeps in a very good way.

    There's too many cool abilities for me to go over my thoughts on each, and you already did a great job listing them, so I'm just gonna say a little for each character. For Sadako, I thought her ability to absorb planes of existence and exude her own was the coolest and one of the strongest abilities. I also had a soft spot for her power to just make things explode at will and I'm glad that made it into a tiny part of the fight! For Ai, all this info was brand new to me and I could tell it would be a great clash of titans from how similar her kit was to Sadako's. Her differences, however, were what caught my eye most of all. The body horror enthusiast in me really liked her penchant for generating various horrific things inside people's bodies but it was her time manipulation and resurrection powers that made me go “whoa”.

    This one was a tough one for me to guess the winner of, as their stats seemed close enough and they both had multiple ways to one-shot the other. Let it be a lesson to me to pay very close attention to secondary stats when this scenario comes up again in the future! Oh, the gif of Sadako on the baseball field was hilarious btw xD Anyway, back to talking about strengths and weaknesses. I was thinking Ai would win because I could see a few things in her kit that could give her an advantage over Sadako, taking care of her specific weaknesses like sealing and being brought back to life. Spoilers for those who haven't read the blog, go back and read it now! I was totally satisfied guessing wrong here, this was one of your best post-fight analysis sections yet! You looked at it from every angle, figured out a bunch of potential arguments in favor of Ai (which were probably ones you argued with yourself while writing this) and covered all your bases nicely. Well done!

    cont in reply below

    1. Finally, I wanna talk about the fight itself, because it was wildly entertaining with a generous helping of brutality. The premise/set up of the fight was god tier, it was such a perfect way for these two to battle! Absolutely brilliant. I felt kinda bad for the girl caught in the crossfire, but this made the impact of her being spared later on thanks to time travel even better! That was honestly where I thought the fight was gonna end, I loved the continuing twists and turns! And I was also very happy to see a kaiju-style battle take place at one point, as that was the thing I most wanted to see happen in the fight once I learned they could both grow to the size of giants. Nice use of minions too! Though speaking of minions, it was mindblowing to think of how much of the fight wasn't even the real Sadako fighting (kinda reminds me of FF7). This really worked to your benefit though, as being able to have Ai tear through Sadako time after time made for some great cinematic action and gory kills without ending the fight early. I'm always a big fan of changing environments and what you did to the city, as well as taking it to Ai's home base after she thought she won, was very cool. Beautiful ending and kill shot too, it was poetic that Ai gets taken out during her iconic ferry ride where usually she holds all the cards. And it seems kinda like a happy ending, maybe? Feels like Sadako's sort of a force for good, or at least the world's improvement, in her own spooky way. At the very least, she gave a good take on vengeance. Great writing, I enjoyed it from start to finish! And a lovely tribute at the end too. Thanks for the blog!
